Cnblue - Tumblr Posts

A twitter thread that I found.
(Please don’t be offended by this, this is not my thread and it only displays other people’s opinions on this matter)
Cinderella(Jung Yonghwa-CNBlue)

Yonghwa was requested as an actor. I'm so glad I added actors to the list x'D
Requested by: Senpai Baka
~Hello my baby, I wanna be with you. Day and night, Together I wanna see this night end. The scent of your baby lotion lingers in my nose. All of my nerves and senses are alert, my god. When the clock strikes 12, you disappear like magic but I can't let you go today girl. When the clock strikes 12, turn off your phone I just wanna be with you~
"Well, this is just perfect." You muttered angrily to yourself as you squinted your eyes and tilted your head up, letting the rain slide down your cheeks. "Of course it would rain."
Getting your hair out from in front of your eyes you huffed and headed underneath a nearby building's awning, taking a seat on the steps in front. You looked out at the rain that was pouring down harder now and felt water fall down your cheeks, though this time they weren't rain drops. You didn't understand why your life had to be like this. Why did you have to be abandoned by everyone? Why did no one want you? You kept wiping away tears only for more to fill its place.
"Hmm? Why are you..sitting here in the rain?"
You sniffled and looked up, squinting to try to see the person who was talking, but it was no use. Your vision was getting blurry no matter how many times you blinked and you were starting to feel very faint. The last thing you remember was falling towards the ground only to be caught against something warm, then you blacked out.
His POV:
"Aish, jinja. That little-" Letting out a breath of frustration Yonghwa continued down the street, thanking everything that he had remembered to bring his umbrella today. "Ahh~ It's really pouring."
Casting his eyes off to the left slightly, he noticed a small shaking figure sitting on the steps of an old building. He tilted his head in confusion as he weighed his options, before finally sighing and walking over to them. Once he had reached them he noticed it was a girl, a small almost fragile girl.
"Hmm? Why are you...sitting here in the rain?" He asked carefully, not wanting to frighten her.
His breath got stuck in his throat when she looked up at him, her eyes captivating him yet his heart breaking from the distraught look on her face. She looked broken, completely broken, and it was hurting him to see her like this. He glanced down at her small hands and his eyes widened when he noticed not only the blueness but the bruises and scrapes.
"gwenchanayo?" He asked her frantically as he knelt down in front of her and reached for her hands, wanting to warm them quickly.
He watched with panic as she started to fall sideways towards the sidewalk and he came back to his sense just in time to slide his arm under her and pull her towards himself. His panic only risen more when he felt how cold she was, even through his thick jacket and sweater. "Yah, yah."
Quickly, he picked her up and hurried down the road forgetting about his umbrella and trying to get her inside and warm. "Please stay with me," he whispered as he kept running.
~Cinderella ooh ooh ooh. Don't leave me alone, baby drive me crazy (crazy). Cinderella ooh ooh ooh. Without you tonight, I'm a loner baby. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me yea yea. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me yea yea. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me~
Your POV:
"You're usless!"
"Why can't you ever do anything right?"
"You should just die!"
Your demons surrounded you each one kicking, hitting, biting, some even spit or pulled your hair. They were all torturing you and you couldn't stand it. You were screaming but no one heard you. No one came to help. Why can't anyone hear me? Please, help me! You yelled out, crying out as more came and tortured you. Why won't they leave me alone?
Gasping you opened your eyes and tried to sit up, only to fall back against the soft pillows underneath your head. You laid there under the warm covers and tried to catch your breath as you looked around in caution.
"Whe-" You winced, bringing a hand up to your throat and even found that to be difficult. Every limb on your body felt as if it had a 10 ton pound of sand on them.
"Oh? You're awake?!" You blinked up at the figure tiredly, feeling a warm hand press against your forehead. "Ah, you're fever's gone down. That's a relief."
You felt the bed dip and managed to finally open your eyes long enough to study the handsome man that now sat beside you, giving you a gentle smile.
"Annyeonghasaeyo. My name is Jung Yonghwa. You're in my house and you're safe so don't worry. Ah! I'll get you some water real quick, I bet your throat is sore."
Jung Yong-hwa..? You felt a small smile tug at the corner of your lips, not used to be treated so gently before. He treated you almost as if you were fine china on the verge of breaking and you actually liked it.
He came back with a smile and a small glass of water, "Here. Let me help you."
So with one around around your back and the other holding the cup to your lips, you were able to drink and let the water soothe your raw throat. "Gomawo," you said after he laid you back down and set the cup down.
"Anniyo, I'm just glad your up and able to talk. How are you feeling though?"
"Jinja? Well go ahead and get some more rest, I'll leave this here so when you wake up just call alright?"
You nodded and smiled as you watched him leave, blinking slowly as your tiredness hit you. As soon as his figure was out of your sight completely you let your eyes fall shut and felt yourself fall asleep, praying no demons would haunt you this time.
~I spread a red carpet for you in front of my house. Walk over here, I'll treat you like a princess. Don't worry, I'm different from all the other wolves, I don't mean anything else, don't worry worry. When the clock strikes 12, you disappear like magic but I can't let you go today girl. When the clock strikes 12, turn off your phone I just wanna be with you~
You opened your eyes and blinked against the light shining into the window, brightening up the entire room and warming you. A small smile was set on your face as you looked around and your gaze landed on a re-filled glass of water and some medicine along with a note.
Hey, I hope you're feeling better! I had to go to work for a little bit, but I'll be back before lunch. I went ahead and fixed you breakfast but I left it downstairs so go ahead and see if you can get up. You should have your strength back! c: Alright, there's clothes on the counter in the bathroom you can use and my friend brought over some stuff you can use. Be careful and make sure you eat!
You smiled and surprised yourself when you laughed, more like giggled though. You hadn't laughed in years and it seemed almost foreign when it slipped out that for a second you weren't even sure if you had been the one that laughed. Smiling, you set the note back down and took your medicine finishing the glass of water before standing and heading into the bathroom to freshen up.
Now dressed in clean clothes and washed clean you were sitting at the bar, eating the delicious meal that Yonghwa had made you. You were just getting new surprises every minute and if you were being completely honest, you loved it. You enjoyed the fact that for once someone was taking care of you, caring about you, and it definitely was new.
"Why, you little- How dare you speak back to her!"
You whipped around on your stool, eyes widened and breath coming out in pants. Looking around the room you swallowed nervously when you didn't see anyone, but you knew that voice and it terrified you. You jumped off your stool when you felt something touch you, repeatedly starting to shake your head. No no no, this isn't real. You thought to yourself, trying to convince yourself but the demons were just too real and too terrifying.
They started towards you and you couldn't help yourself anymore, feeling someone touch your arm you screamed and let the tears fall.
~Cinderella ooh ooh ooh. Don't leave me alone, baby drive me crazy (crazy) Cinderella ooh ooh ooh. Without you tonight, I'm a loner baby. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me yea yea. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me yea yea. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me~
"Shh, it's okay. It's me. Everything's okay."
You calmed down and looked back at Yonghwa who was now holding onto you and looking down at you with concern. "gwenchana?" He was talking softly, almost whispering, and rubbing your hair back which strangely calmed you down instantly.
You started to nod, then thought about what might happen if you stop pretending for once, so you shook your head and let your sobs out as he pulled you tightly to his chest.
"It's alright," he said still using that soft comforting voice, "I've got you. No one's going to hurt you, I promise."
You let your eyes fall closed and let yourself fall asleep yet again, comforted by the warmth of him and the gentle strokes of his hand. Though, before he had lost you to sleep you heard him whisper something almost as if he was promising himself.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you again, I promise."
*a few months later*
"Y/n-ah," a deep voice called out softly as it pulled you from your sleep.
You let out a groan and turned over, burying your face into your pillow and tuning the voice out.
"Yah~ Get up! We have to spend the whole day together remember? Awe~ jagi come on! I leave for tour in a couple days and you said you wanted to spend the time together!"
You sighed and turned over, rubbing your sleep weary eyes before blinking up at your handsome boyfriend tiredly. "Arraso~"
Yonghwa smiled widely, leaning down and kissing you sweetly then jumping from the bed and racing to the kitchen. "I'll make breakfast! You just go ahead and get ready!"
You smiled then got out of bed to get ready, excited for the day ahead yet sad that it meant that the day Yonghwa was leaving was getting closer. After you were finished you headed downstairs and chuckled when you saw Yonghwa sitting on the couch in the living room, eating the pancakes he had made.
"Mmm, they smell delicious." You took the seat beside him and leaned over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Gomawo, oppa."
"Anniyo. Go ahead and eat, they're your favorite."
"Oppa," you waited til he looked over to you and made a heart with your hands. "Saranghaeyo."
"Ooh? So cute~"
Yonghwa smiled as he pinched your cheek lightly making you let out a laugh and push his hand away. "Hajima."
He was silent for a moment before moving closer and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Jagiya, saranghae."
You smiled and closed your eyes when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against your cheek lightly. Saranghae, you thought to him as you settled beside him snuggling into his side, always.
~I'm so curious about the beautiful you. I wanna know you a little more. I'm so dangerous, You that I love, I wanna feel you all night long. Somebody help me. Cinderella ooh ooh ooh. Turn on the green light turn on baby ooh ooh. Cinderella ooh ooh ooh. Without you tonight, I'm a loner baby. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me yea yea. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me yea yea. Somebody help me ooh ooh. Somebody help me~
my first kdrama when i was 15🥺 i watched it on 2012, start liking kpop and never got out since💀💀
I wanna know??? What was the first ever Kpop song you listened to? The one that dragged you to the pits of kpop hell

Watch Junki’s cover on YouTube. 🌱
Link in Source—>

Watch Junki’s cover on YouTube. 🌱
Link in Source —>

Farewell C Martin Croker: Part Two
Moltar and Zorak were Space Ghost’s best buddies. He just can’t hold back those tears.. :’(
For Part 1, click Here.
A noona’s harsh reality:
When it suddenly dawns on you that all your idol group biases are at least 6 months mostly years younger than you.



CNBLUE - Young Forever [Sub Español + Lyrics]
CNBLUE - Only Beauty [ENG SUB + ROM + SUB ESP]
CNBLUE - Royal Rumble (Ver. Kor) [Roman + Sub Español]