Creeptober - Tumblr Posts
Creeptober but im late.

creeptober day 1
Cold breakfast as in meaning that mirror Kirk got poisoned but not by Mr. Sulu but by McCoy 😀 so yeah he didn’t live up to his promise LOL

day 2
Ok so I rushed this thing and I do t like it but got ya keep up.

day 3
Silence is the 3rd one so here is Jay silent judging you😀

day 5
Dark waters day 5 I think this might be my best picture yet!

day 8

day 9
Light in the distance. Spock with scopophobia was originally @m0rbs idea I really liked it so here we have this.

day 10
Scopophobia Spock meeting bones pov your bones 😂

day 11
Abandoned buildings since I can’t draw background or buildings for jack shit

day 17
POV one of your past pictures fits perfectly for one of the prompts and your too lazy to do another picture do over.