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4 years ago

Global Peace Meditation
The power that we will have at our disposal on APRIL 4th/5th is truly Astronomical in the most literal sense when the planets of Jupiter and

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4 years ago
Sunday, April 12, 2020 12:50 A.m.

Sunday, April 12, 2020 – 12:50 a.m.

How is The Awakening affecting those that are not spiritually prepared for it?

The Awakening is affecting many souls on multiple levels. All souls are ready to accept the awakening whether they realize it or not. However, in a conscious 3rd dimensional form some may not understand what is going on around them.

To them all they see is fear. Much like a light that is turned on when one is asleep and dreaming, they interpret it as a threat and place upon it a nightmare image. You have been commissioned to show these people the way out of darkness.

You are here to be the light for those that are not yet ready to see. You have been placed here at this time of Great Awakening in order to serve those that are frightened and have misinterpreted what is occurring here. Please treat these souls gently for they are in great pain at the moment.

You have been preparing for this, so you are on the front line with many others who are ready and eager to take this leap forward in consciousness. It is your job to bring your brothers and sisters along with you. None shall be left in darkness at this time.

Do not get frustrated with these souls though they may lash out. It is merely a call for help. You are here to be the light that they seek. They are searching for something now; whereas before they were fast asleep, now they awaken and are confused by what they are seeing.

You are here to gently remind them that nothing happens in the realm of Spirit by accident. They too are being changed, for nothing that resides in your realm will remain unaffected. Their darkness too is being brought to the surface to be dealt with.

This is a temporary thing that is occurring as the darkness is being ushered away. Every institution and place on this planet is being transformed. Look not into the darkness. Merely be aware of its illusory presence and heal it with the Light that you carry.

For those that have been preparing for this time the Light shines bright. It is a New Day and the beginning of a New Era. These are but the birthing pangs of Mother Earth as she gives life to the New Human that is emerging on your planet.

You have been preparing for this time for so long now. In fact, it is all of you who have done the work to increase the vibration that has allowed this New Energy to flow in. It is your time. No longer will you be considered a freak or an outsider for now the world will be looking to you for guidance.

You have been preparing for this time while others have not. They are scared of what is occurring because they realize not that this is a New Era that we are moving into. We have been here before in other places and have been eager to get this party kicked off.

Well, it’s here and with it brings about a revolution in consciousness. Those that have remained solely consumed with the material world are frightened of this New Dimension that is opening up and offering itself to the world. They view it as a threat when in fact it is the Greatest Gift ever given to humanity.

You have a term called ‘institutionalized’ for someone who has been locked up for so long they no longer know how to handle being on the outside. This is much of what is going on with the ones who have no clue as to what is occurring as the institutions around them are being dissolved and they are being returned to themselves. They have become dependent on a system that cares not for them and are afraid of what the New World will hold when this energy shakes the very foundation of their being.

They need to be shown that this occurrence is going to free them at last. The whole of the Universe is at hand here to behold the inhabitants of planet earth go through what has been termed as a ‘graduation ceremony’ of sorts.

There are those among you who have given little thought to what they want to be when they grow up and are confused and feeling lost. Treat your brothers and sisters very gently during this time of awakening.

They are coming to realize that nothing will ever be the same. There are those among you who have begun to accept this fact but have no idea where to go from here. It is your job to show them that there is a New Plan in place. There will be no need to seek them out for they will be looking for you and will seek you out.

Show them the way out. They will be known as the Second Wave. These beings are going to be very powerful once awakened because they are a little more entrenched in the old system and are in a position to bring about the Massive Change that will occur here.

They are going to change the very institutions around you from within. They hold high positions in your society and have the means to make the necessary changes. Up until this point they have had the means but not the desire to do so. However; EVERY BEING on this planet is being upgraded. Some just have no idea what is going on and what to do with this New Information that is pouring into them and onto the planet. It is frightening to them.

There are those among you who will begin to ‘get it’ further down the road. They sleep the deepest among you. They will begin to awaken once critical mass has been achieved. This will occur further down the road and will be discussed later. For now, just realize that all is going according to The Plan. The earth is being healed and living from the Heart and not the mind is becoming the new normal.

Do not be frightened by what is occurring here. We are simply making adjustments within your society so that all may live free at last. We are simply cleaning up the playground, so to speak, so you may go out and play in a New Field; one with expanded consciousness and unity.

We are so pleased that you have become, and are in the process of becoming, a mature species. We look forward to sharing many more gifts with you as the weeks and months ahead turn into years. You will look back on this time and see it for what it is and realize there was never any doubt about the outcome.

For now, enjoy your time together. Go and create. You may find that in this new energy structure that New Ideas will flow like wine. You have been given special gifts and talents and now is the time for you to share them with the world, for the world is ready to receive what you have to offer. We honor and love you very much and we are so happy to be able to share this very special time with you. We will talk again. That is all for now…

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"Then we raise the temperature, liquefying the inner concoction and solidifying the outer shell until.. HAHA! Critical mass! *Chomp* Mm! Grilled cheese!"

WordGirl Fandom I'm so funny I know (please laugh)

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