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Adam Barnes
OC of I tried doing a different set that I’m not normally accustomed to and failed miserably (;_;) oh well i still ended up enjoying making this after all the chaos from RL. I’m a gay uncle...again!!! lol Anyways, look for more versions of Adam Barnes on macroteans page. for more work by me or to creep on me elsewhere
go here:

✨ Featuring an OC of mine named Serena from Occupation: Grim Reaper. ✨
🎨 I'll be making more characters for it, especially model sheets. I thought that it was stupid of me to start making a comic without model sheets, so here I am, finishing a couple o' more.
🎨 I'm deciding to redraw chapter one as well since my art changed. The art is outdated, but here's the link to the first chapter if you still want to read: Chapter 1.
🎨 Follow for more art on @ Macaroll! 🎨
✨ Art Pages: Art Street | Pixiv | Deviant Art
✨ Blogs/Socials: Facebook | Youtube

💭 "My thoughts will follow you into your dreams." 🌠
🎨 Art Pages: Macaroll | Art Street | Pixiv | Deviant Art
💬 Blogs/Socials: Misskey | Facebook | Youtube
Pistin tässä hiljattain yrityksen pystyyn..
Teen samaa, mitä ennenkin; kirjotan, tutkin ja osallistun erilaisiin mediatuotantoihin, mutta lisäksi omistan antikvariaatin, jossa kirjojen ohella myydään & vaihdetaan mm. musiikkitallenteita, kortti- ja roolipelejä, koriste-esineitä, sekä paikallisten taiteilijoiden teoksia. Tiskiltä löytyy pientä naposteltavaa, sekä kylmiä ja kuumia juomia. Kalenteriin on suunniteltu workshoppausta, kirjailijavierailuja ja monenlaisia illanistujaisia.
Uutena yrittäjänä ja semi-tuoreena K<3kk<3lalaisena otan mielelläni vastaan vinkkejä tapahtumiin, tuotteita hyllyyn & toimijoita rinnalle. Monta hyvää ideaa on jo odottamassa pandemia-vapaampaa kevättä, mutta lisää mahtuu joukkoon!
Jos siis olet kiinnostunut kirjallisuudesta, gossauksesta/larppaamisesta, musiikista, seurapeleistä, tai vain yleisestä tunnelmoinnista & teen litkimisestä, suuntaa nokka kohti Coffin Storea!
Hypnowink: That Time I Got Tranced Accidentally
By @katesloan
As I’ve mentioned before, my Sir is into hypnokink. The first time he ever tranced me was an accident, and practically as soon as it happened, I thought, That’d make a great story to tell at Tell Me Something Good!
So I was excited when I got called up to close out the show at the Playground Conference edition of TMSG. I knew my story would be one of the weirder ones told that night, especially since it didn’t actually contain any sex, but I was excited to tell it to a room full of sex nerds anyhow.
Here’s an audio file of me telling the story, and a transcription of what I said. Enjoy!

A bird suddenly winked at ya…what do you do?

Caught by surprise.

I've fallen in love with the Sooslet ;-;