Cunning Folk Of The Crooked Path - Tumblr Posts

This spell is similar to the one given above and will cause your enemy to have extreme bad luck in all his/her endeavours. Again you will need to obtain a piece of clothing from your enemy, if you cannot acquire a piece of clothing, then try to get anything which belongs to him. On this piece of clothing write hisiher name in block capitals. Take a bowl and put in it some heavily salted water, to this add some pepper and tobacco from a used cigarette. Mix this substance well and over it say: "Demons and spirits of hell, Charge this with your venomous spit. Fill it with the negativity of your realm, Make him suffer slowly, no, not too quick. Take my hatred from whence it spawned, Bad luck is his from dusk to dawn. SO MOTE IT BE.'' Go to the garden and dig a hole, place the piece of clothing in the hole and over it pour the liquid substance. Say: "From this day and hour (name of enemy)'s life will change. Heishe will have no peace till he/she changes ways. Negativity engulfs you and it is what you deserve." Cover the hole. The spell is finished. Book: PRACTICAL MAGICKALEVOCATION M. McGrath

ZHEANI Sparkes

if there is no peace at a table there is no appetite and if there is no appetite there is no unit.

1: When going to a cemetery, ask the Psychopomp or death deity of your choice for permission.
2:If you visit a graveyard and it has doors, you must knock on the door three times. as a form of respect and to tell the deceased that you have just arrived and that you want to pass.
3: After step 2. You can leave offerings at the same door you knocked on for the dead
4:Offerings: coins, coffee, The alcohol: Whiskey, Rum, Brandy,legumbre .
5:If you are going to collect graveyard dirt or dust. it is important that you know how that person died that is, if he died of natural causes, by engermerdo if he died calmly or violently. for this you could use some divination method, such as: the pendulum. and ask “Is the filth of this tomb suitable for my purpose?” If you get a positive answer, then ask “Is (the spirit of the tomb) willing to sell me some of its filth?” Again, if you get a positive answer ask "Is the spirit willing to accept my offering of (offering) in exchange for some of its dirt?" If you get a positive answer, then make the offering and collect the dirt. negative answer, either 1) move to another grave or 2) return to the same grave at another time.
6:If you don't have a pendulum handy then you can simply walk towards the center of the graveyard. Mentally contact the spirits around you, explain your situation and ask if there are any spirits that would be willing to help you complete your goal. So you can feel a psychic pull towards a certain grave. Once a grave is chosen, strike the headstone three times and place your palm on it mentally declaring your goal again asking the spirit if it will help you. If the spirit grants permission, then you can go pick up the dirt. Next, you will cut a small section of grass and then remove the dirt about 4-6 inches down. Never take more than you need. When you're done, place a silver penny in the hole, then replace the grass. Put your dirt in a container like a plastic bag or glass jar. Remember to label the container with the name of the deceased, as well as the dates of their birth and death. Upon returning home, you may want to put the dirt on a plate or other flat surface to dry if it's wet. Then, too, through a sieve or strainer to remove any rocks, roots, or plant matter.
“As she spoke, vipers and toads fell from her open mouth.” – from “Diamonds and Toads (or, The Fairies)” (Illustration by Cory Thomas Hutcheson 2020)🐍🐸

Crab Shell Podwer🦀
Crab Shell Powder Is Used To Reverse Damaging Situations And Attacks. This is why Crabs Always Walk Backwards.
Theory without practice is dead and fruitless, and Practice without theory is impossible and harmful.

Watership Down : The Prince of Rabbits (The Prince of a Thousand Enemies)🐰☀️🌕 fan-comic by ~fiszike (

Study so that you don't call expressions of indigenous spirituality "witchcraft."

Round or oval stones symbolize the feminine as they represent the female reproductive system, and pointed stones symbolize the masculine as they represent the male phallic side.
Make a Wish: While you are in the river you can grab a stone and make a wish, while you do so focus on your wish and visualize how it has already materialized. After this, throw the stone with all your strength, go and don't look back.