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3 years ago

on "working" with animal bones

personalente I am not in favor of killing animals

since I think that they are living beings like usand they deserve to live like us and they also think and feel like us. if you want to "work" with animal bones it is best to use the bones of animals that died naturally. and collect the bones of the animals in specific places where they may raid the state and raid the dead such as: train tracks, on highways or even in natural places such as rivers or streams. "working" with animal bones helps you connect with the energy and spirit of said animal as well as also with the spiritual meaning of said animal. or if it is the bone of an animal it can also help you to connect more with your animal take the spirit guide depending on the bone of the animal you have chosen. Another very important thing is to know how to clean your bones after having it picked up. There are various forms and debates regarding this.

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3 years ago

💀Atropa Belladonna💀

Atropa Belladonna

Atropa means "cruel or inexorable"

in Greek, logically alluding to the deadly properties of the plant. It is also called "beautiful woman" because before women used to use parts of this plant to make a solution that they used to put in their eyes to dilate the pupils and make them "bigger" and "attractive" for men. this plant is associated with Saturn and Venus.

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3 years ago

I want to add one thing that may be a bit obvious

but it is necessary to remember.

They can substitute one candle for another in case they don't have it in hand when they need it.

for example: if you are going to do something related to love, you would normally use a pink candle but you can substitute a red candle.

Candle Colour Correspondences - Redo
Candle Colour Correspondences - Redo
Candle Colour Correspondences - Redo
Candle Colour Correspondences - Redo

Candle Colour Correspondences - Redo 

 Candle Magic & Candle Magic Omens

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3 years ago

"Chicken" or Rooster leg amulets

"Chicken" Or Rooster Leg Amulets

"Chicken" or Rooster leg amulets

It is an amulet used in southern and African American traditions

like the hooodoo, the vodoo, roootwoork and conjure

as a protection amulet and defensive "magic"

as the chicken itches, tears and scratches

so it helps to rip and scratch your enemies.

In other words, it helps you defend the attacks of your enemies and the spiritual attacks.

It is important to clean it as well as to feed it, that is to say, carry it.

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3 years ago

Uses of "powders"

Uses Of "powders"

What exactly is the "dust" made of? the powder is usually made from natural herbs and minerals. and is usually used in hoodoo and voodoo such as : *Salt, Sugar, Black pepper powder, Red pepper powder. *herbs, flowers and plants. *animal skin or bones such as: snake. *insects and insect nest . *Powdered Sulfur, Magnetic Sand, Saltpeter, graveyard dirt also "powders" can be "mixed" with "dirt" known "powders" : Polvo de Goofer. hot foot powder. Black cat sachet podwers. fast luck sachet podwers. among others. ways of use: in magic bags and mojo bags,spreading or blowing it in a certain or specific place, blowing it to a specific person. it is also important to take into account that is not just "spray" it and that's it,no, It would be a good idea to give it the command or intention for which it will be used. there are also certain ways to "spray" them for example: if you plan to do it to a specific person at the door of your home. the good thing would be if I did it from left to right or from right or left this is to make sure you don't fall for yourself. in case it is a "dust" with "negative" or malefic. if they are powder with "positive" intentions or for a beneficial use, there is no problem in using it on yourself or someone else who wants to help. if it is a powder for someone to move away as for example: hot foot powder. Ideally, you should "spray" it on the person you want to drive away. for example: at the door of your home. and not yourself.

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2 years ago

Hot Foot Podwer to ward off (hoodoo)

Hot Foot Podwer To Ward Off (hoodoo)

I want to clarify that this is the "recipe" that I use.

the "recipe" can vary depending on who makes it and what is at their disposal. Recipe: 1:red pepper or flying pepper 2:black pepper 3:red ant (Optional) 4:Sulfur For the base of the powder, that is, to make it more like a powder, use white flour, but you can also use chalk.

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2 years ago


In Norse mythology, Norðri, Suðri, Austri, and Vestri (North, South, East, and West) were four dwarves mentioned in Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda. Each of these dwarves held one of the four compass directions. Together, they held up the vault of heaven, created from the skull of the primeval jotun Ymir. They probably also represented the four winds, thus corresponding to the four deer of the cosmic tree Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór, which grazed under the branches of Yggdrasil. The myth is comparable to that of the four giants who personified the four winds in Greek mythology

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2 years ago

Hot Pepper Burning Curse Spells

Hot Pepper Burning Curse Spells

Have you ever had a spicy meal so hot that no amount of water could stop the burning in your mouth? The idea behind using Hot Peppers in spellcraft is to bring that level of suffering to someone who has done you wrong. Keep in mind when performing this kind of work that regardless of what your enemy did to deserve this there will be a severe negative karmic backlash down the road so before you even consider this kind of spell ask yourself "is it worth it?"

Cayenne Pepper is good for this sort of thing as it's very spicy and easy to find, however if you're looking to inflict way more pain it would be better to use a much hotter Pepper like the Ghost Pepper, Komodo Dragon Pepper or even the legendary Carolina Reaper.

Be sure to always use gloves and eye protection when handling Hot Peppers as they can burn the skin and Heaven help you if you get some of that juice in your eyes. Dried Hot Pepper can be sliced and added to oil recipes while fresh chopped up Hot Peppers can be sewn up inside a poppet designed to represent the enemy. Hot Peppers can also be placed around the base of a curse candle.

Cayenne Pepper has medicinal qualities as a circulation enhancer so if you have issues with blood flow or libido add a little Cayenne Pepper to a couple meals a day to help, just make sure not to eat it on an empty stomach as it will give you a massive case of heartburn.

Cayenne Pepper can also be used to make an ointment that helps with severe arthritis pain. Be warned that the other Hot Peppers mentioned in this segment are extremely dangerous to anyone who hasn't built up a resistance to spicy foods. Hot Peppers are associated with the element of fire, the astrological sign of Aries and the planet Mars. (Image from

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2 years ago



This spell is similar to the one given above and will cause your enemy to have extreme bad luck in all his/her endeavours. Again you will need to obtain a piece of clothing from your enemy, if you cannot acquire a piece of clothing, then try to get anything which belongs to him. On this piece of clothing write hisiher name in block capitals. Take a bowl and put in it some heavily salted water, to this add some pepper and tobacco from a used cigarette. Mix this substance well and over it say: "Demons and spirits of hell, Charge this with your venomous spit. Fill it with the negativity of your realm, Make him suffer slowly, no, not too quick. Take my hatred from whence it spawned, Bad luck is his from dusk to dawn. SO MOTE IT BE.'' Go to the garden and dig a hole, place the piece of clothing in the hole and over it pour the liquid substance. Say: "From this day and hour (name of enemy)'s life will change. Heishe will have no peace till he/she changes ways. Negativity engulfs you and it is what you deserve." Cover the hole. The spell is finished. Book: PRACTICAL MAGICKALEVOCATION M. McGrath

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