Cyberpunk Johnny - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Well I just found out johnny silverhand is Bi so I'm enjoying this now.
V: fuck you johnny
Johnny: come fuck me yourself you coward
V:... eat my ass
Johnny: jokes on you now I'm just horny.
Johnny: yea I fucked Kerry back in the day.
V just trying to enjoy a conversation with Kerry: wait really?
Johnny: yea I slept with everyone in the band. Guess I was just that good that everyone wanted me.
V: ..... Johnny that's called being a whore
Johnny looking really displeased at V:....
V: hey I never said that was. a bad thing, means I might have a chance.
Johnny: with Kerry, yea anyone could properly fuck him and he'd roll over like a dog.
V: I mean with you.
Kerry not knowing what is happening but just watching V talk to himself
Here the new base drawing of both Valcorian and Vex

Vexrin Vincent

Vex Vincent was my first character and I love him very much, he's my Corpo character. He's a very easy going character. He use to do alot of drugs and alcohol before he gets kicked. He's a trans man who just want to get his life in order and see his brother for family movie night.
Other info
Full name: Vexrin Malvern Vincent
Age: 27
Gender: trans male
Mother: deceased
Father: deceased
little brother: Dustin
Relationship: I ship him with Takemura I'm sad i cant romance him. Vex and Takemura originally didn't get along well at all to begin with but Vex trust Goro with his life now and is also willing to take a bullet for the man.
Valcorian Vale

Val was my second character who my brother plays. He help me design him. Valcorian is a Street kid who is raising his infant daughter Altira. He meets Jackie doing work to try and help his friend Pepe.
Other info
Full name: Valcorian Lith Vale
Age: 24
Gender: Trans Male
Ex boyfriend: deceased
Daughter: Altira
Relationships: Val originally had a boyfriend who he had his daughter with before he disappeared and never came home.
Johnny silverhand is the character I ship with Val. They have a very strange relationship. Val is petrified of disappearing and never being able to raise hsiblittle girl or watch her grow up. Johnny has a soft spot which he won't show much me he loves watching Val sing to Altira as he rocks her to sleep. Johnny isn't as much of an asshole to Valcorian but they both have alot of back and forth banter.
In the end he doesn't want to lost his life but he also doesn't want to lose Johnny either.
Hey cyberpunk peeps I got a treat for you I hope you all enjoy straight from my YouTube enjoy
Have fun peeps
I've listened to think on repeat for an hour now. I'm just vibing with Johnny right now
Johnny playing the guitar
Cyberpunk peeps please I really need more content of Oda Sandayu like holy shit. Please if you write or make fanfic for him please tag me! Same with any art. Becuase I'm a slut for all these men and the game.
Goro Takemura
Oda Sandayu
Johnny silverhand
Jackie welles
Kerry Eurodyne
So plz if you make anything for them tag me I will be a happy man.
Cyberpunk peeps quickly I need ideas to draw. Like anyone or any character. Like tell me what to draw. Takemura, Jackie, Kerry, Oda and so on. Or if you have an oc you want drawn with one dm me. Plez I'm begging you I need ideas to draw.
All ships are open I just need ideas to draw.
Having this closed for a moment but it will be back open as soon as I've caught up with all the art and have an update for both of my fanfics.
Guys since I'm thirsting over Oda in full uniform what's something your thirsting over in cyberpunk?
I hate having to fix a car only becuase today I was gonna binge write more chapters to mantis blades (Oda sandayu fic) and frozen heart (Johnny silverhand fic)
So now I'm sad :/
Why is it that I get art block but I can still draw Oda and Takemura yet as soon as I try and draw johnny I have to try nearly 7 times and he still doesn't look right ;-;
So now I'm doing some Takemura and Vishnu and then hopefully I can do Denny and V, misty and Jackie,Judy and Johnny, Fem V and Johnny.
Let's home my art improves after some V x Takemura.
I'm about half an hour I'm gonna attempt to drunk draw Johnny silverhand and the others and hope to the gods that I'm drunk enough not to care about my art style

Enjoy a johnny silverhand before I try and draw so I have the courage to draw
This little peice is for @inside-mychest I hope you like it it's the first piece I've done of Johnny ever and I'm pretty happy with it

How my different V's react to sparing Oda
Oda: why.. why haven't you killed me?
Vishnu: thank Takemura and the face fucking he is getting later for me to spare you.
Oda: what :/
Takemura: V I am still on the call.
Vishnu whispering: fuck I forgot to end the call
Oda: why haven't you killed me?
Vexrin: becuase I owe Takemura for my life. So this is my payment back to him. Otherwise I would have don't something that I would regret.
Oda: and what is that?
Vex: sit on that handsome face of yours and see how long it takes you to pass out.
Oda: ○_○
Oda: why haven't you killed?
Vesper: Honeslty I don't fucking know? Like shits a giggles, maybe so you have to live in shame the a Nomad kicked your sorry Arasaka ass
Kerry: fuck yea there goes my fucking boyfriend, break his back V!
Oda: why haven't you killed me?
Valcorian: becuase you most liekly have people waiting for you to come home safely same as I and it also pisses johnny off enough that he might rail me later
Oda: the fuck :/
Johnny: oh your getting a railing later I'll throw you over one V
Hope you all enjoy
Welcome to NC99 becuase I need to do a parody of B99. Hope you all enjoy.
Vexrin calling Takemura: well rememebr when you told me not to burn down the hideout.
Takemura closing his eye ready: you burnt down the hideout?
Vexrin shocked: no!, I had the fire put out almost immediately. This is a success story!
Vesper to Kerry: I wasn't hurt that badly the doctors said all my bleeding was internal. Th st where the blood is supposed to be.
Johnny: trust me, it's gonna be fine
Valcorian: really? Becuase you said that about 'just talking to Rogue' Johnny
Johnny: oh!, well its not gonna be fine
Vesper, Vexrin, Vishnu and Valcioran all about their significant other: I've only have them for a day and a half but if anything happens to (Kerry, Oda, Goro, Johnny) I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself
Vexrin: Vishnu I screwed up, big time.
Vishnu: Vexrin given your daily life experiences, you're gonna have to be more specific
Vesper: what are these?
Vexrin: these Vesper are STDs
Kerry: what are you talking about, buddy?
Vexrin: Save The Dates for Oda's and my wedding.
Everyone: .....
River: I'm not a thug, I'm police!!
Valcorian: okay, then name one law
River: don't kill people
Valcorian: that's on me, i set the bar too low
Vishnu: why is no one having a good time? I specifically requested it
Vishnu: and how exactly will you stop me.
Vexrin: we'll call your husband
Vishnu looking shocked and kinda proud of Vexrin
Oda being picked up by Vishnu: do I weigh anything to you?
Vishnu: no. it's like holding a couple of grapes
Panam: you need to man up
Vesper: sexist
Vesper: sorry but I don't see gender, Sir
Vexrin: anyways, I'm gonna go cry in the bathroom. Peace out chooms
Oda angry and crying: I'm sorry
Vishnu: oh... Sandayu. crying I don't know what to do.
Vishnu starts patting his head: this feels wrong
River: I need someone to fill line up. Will you be psycho Vishnu?
Vishnu: oh, I love being psycho Vishnu, he says what normal Vishnu's thinking.
I'll make some more but enjoy these
Cyberpunk shenanigans
Hope you all enjoy some of these are incorrect quotes, some is B99 others are things my family has said
Oda: why are you smiling?
Vexrin: what? can't I just smile
Takemura: Adam smasher tripped and fell while fighting Vexrin.
Vesper: what's a thot?
Johnny: it's a thoughtful person.
Kerry passing Vesper a coffee: here you go.
Vesper: thanks Ker, you're such a thot
Kerry spits out his coffee
Vishnu: are you in love with Oda?
Vexrin sweating:... No
Vishnu: oh is that so lad, then why do you draw O+V in hearts everywhere?
Vexrin: Its stands for Overcoming Violence.
Vesper: hi welcome to Applebees, would you like apples or bees?
Takemura: b-bees?
Takemura: no wait-
Vexrin walking our with a jar of bees
Johnny: I'm gonna lose my shit
Valcorian: ?!? At the old people?!?
Oda: why the fuck would you by that?
Vexrin: becuase Oda, it makes me look like I have a nice ass
Kerry asking about Vesper: Great, but what's his body like on a scale from Vexrin to Vishnu?
Vexrin looking to Vishnu: sorry, mate
Vishnu: what's that lad in the Ten.
Vexrin: sure you are mate, sure you are
Johnny: fuck I hate people
Vexrin: why don't you like Oda? I think he's great
Vishnu: he tried to kill us remember?
Vexrin stabbing Vishnu with a plastic spoon: I just tried to kill you, do you hate me now?
Vishnu sighing: Lad..
Takemura and Valcorian figuring out plans.
Valcorian: I'm pretty quick at maths
Takemura: okay, what's 38 times 76?
Valcorian: 69
Takemura: that wasn't even close
Valcorian: but it was fast
Vesper: two bros chilling in the hot tub five feet away becuase they're not gay
Kerry: your my boyfriend Vesp
Kerry: your sitting on my Lap.
Vesper: still..
Kerry: we were just making out
Vishnu: this food is too hot, I can't eat it.
Takemura without thinking: your too hot yet I still eat you out.
Vesper to Johnny: how much do I look like a fuck boy?
Johnny pointing gun at him: enough
Vishnu: I've never been more proud of you for anything in your life.
Vexrin on the verge of tears: really?!?
Valcorian: please don't shoot me for being an inconvenience
Vishnu: I just talked to Goro, We're waiting on the Op. Everything is cool
Vexrin: did you tell him we slept together twice?
Vexrin: Oda and I are friends, but if he asked me to fuck him I would.
Vexrin: what?
Vesper: he said if you asked him to fuck you He would
Vesper: it was like taking candy from a baby.
Takemura: why are you giving candy to a baby in the first place.
Vexrin frustrated: can't you guys at least try and see this from my point of view?
Johnny laying on the ground: oh the world's so big form down here.
Vishnu crouching down: ok let's try this.
Takemura bending his knees a bit: will this suffice?
Oda leaning doing a little: like this Vex?
Vexrin livid as he points at each do them: fuck you, fuck you, fuck you and fuck me
Welcome to my reactions to cyberpunk characters when I first got the game.
Johnny Silverhand
Me only every seeing the one cyberpunk trailer: I bet we are gonna have to fight Johnyn at the end of the game I bet he's the last boss.
My V getting threatened by Johnny: haha jokes on you now I'm horny.
Me meeting johnny in game: look at this sad Rockerboy who just wants to fuck.
Takemura Goro
Me hiding with Jackie: quite man we will get found!
Goro walking on screen wirh bright red terminator eyes.
Me: fuck he's just my type.
Goro slapping V across the face: Quite!
Me: yes sir, as daddy pleases.
Me: gods I just want to take you on a date and let you have some real food, do you like want to come and stay in my apartment goro? Cans I please give you a kiss.
Me at end game: fuck it sorry guys I'm goignwirh Arasaka to please my man.
Jackie welles
Me meeting Jackie: I love you so much you are my world.
Me: if anything happens to Jackie I'm going ape shit.
Me watch misty and Jackie: gods I love you both so much look at you go, I'm so proud of both of you.
Me softly crying about looking Jackie: I miss you man.
Kerry Eurodyne
Me meeting Kerry in Johnnys opening : look at this sweet rocker babe he's hot, rip I most likely can't romance him he's probably really old.
Me breaks into Kerry's house with Johnny: hahaha this so fun so who's house is this?
Me meeting older Kerry ○w○: oh pretty older man still bet I can't romance him just like all the others ;-;
Me helps Kerry with jobs and goes to his show: ;-; I'm so proud of this man like fuck I don't care if I can do anything else.
Me goes on boat with Kerry: Yoooo wait I can romance him?!?!?!?? FUCK YEA!!!! I LOVE YOU KERRY
Me at the end: I just want to see my husband ;-; ring ring. "Hey babe"
Viktor Vector
Me: Vik is my dad :)
Me now: Vik is daddy :)
Me: let me romance dilf doc man!!
Oda sandayu
Me: Who's this asshole, Goro don't let him talk to you like that beat his ass.
Me meeting him in full armor: fuck me please, like what do I have to do for you man?.
Me later: :) good to see you are still alive handsome.
Me now: if I don't get Oda content I will die
Hanako Arasaka
Me meeting her: 😍😍 please my lady do as you please I'm at your service.
Me: why do I have to fall for an Arasaka?
Bryce Mosley
Me: I'm gonna beat his ass senseless
Him give a me facts and helps me: oh well you could always fuck me instead.
Me now missing him: Bryce please call me back
Dum dum.
Me: you scare me man
Me now: :) hey want to hang out I think our cool and I wanna be friends!!
I'll make. A part two at some point

guess what i’ve been up to

another commission for @johnny-sillyhand! had a lotta fun with this one, loved drawing her character val and i would absolutely do it at gunpoint again <3

ever since phantom liberty ive been obsessed with the idea of johnny having knowledge of generationally-relevant things that v would not be able to comprehend. yes this includes understanding and regularly using the term "slay" you cannot tell me that he wouldnt say that just to confuse v