Dad Eren - Tumblr Posts
we love plug!dad eren 🤍
bear hug

pairings: plug dad eren x black fem reader
WARNINGS: fluff, drug mention, daughter has curly hair, pet names (baby, mama/ma), saying mommy & daddy but not sexually, jean & eren r cool

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daddy eren🫶🏽🥺😫🥹
ayooooo!!! 😭🥹🥹😭 listen, not only would the entire world have to stop when his child is born but that would one hundred percent, without a shadow of a his twinnem! First and foremost, this man would bawl his eyes out the second he finds out you’re pregnant. He’d be absolutely thrilled that he’s going to be a father..running to tell all his boys about it and literally happy as hell. Right away, he starts working on a nursery, getting things ready and of course, waiting on his darling wife hand and foot. Attends all the appointments, makes sure you’re superrr involved in the process. Once that little bundle of joy is here, Eren is a completely different man. That dumb boy you had to drag out of the studio some nights? No more. He’d got his little angel on his chest, swaddled up in a blanket in bed so you can get some rest. When he does have to work, he doesn’t want to be away from his baby too long so he’s ready to finish up and get back to them ASAP! Never misses an opportunity to remind everyone he’s a father now. You don’t have to ever worry about a thing. Some nights, when his child is crying and you’re too exhausted, he’ll sneak into the nursery and rock them back to sleep. You’ll hear his beautiful voice all the way down the hall, helping soothe the baby and you just want to tear up because he really is the greatest dad ever. When they get older, he’s taking them everywhere with him. The little mini me tugging at his pant leg and trailing behind wherever he goes. And yes, he definitely would have your child in the studio with him, sitting on his lap and learning to mix and master songs. “And see, that button makes it get louder.” (he can’t help himself, really.) Also, he’d sneak them things that you said they couldn’t have. “We’re not supposed to have candy for breakfast but don’t tell momma..” and pleaseee don’t get me started on the fits. If you thought you were spoiled, oh, y’all’s kid would be the flyest in the room at ALL times. Jordan’s, Rick Owens..I mean, DRESSED, just like mommy and daddy. His baby would never have to want for anything and neither would you. He would be so happy to have a family of his own and strive to be the best dad ever.
aww, baby sora!!🫶🏽😭
girll i need more of plug eren and his family. what would happen if his wife goes into labor while he’s out selling?
“ i cant do this without him “
pairings: plug eren x prego black reader
you were sweating, exposed and crying. it was too much at once. once you felt cramping and looked down to see that your water broke. your sister anastasia scooped you, and drove off fast to the hospital.
you didn’t like how much people were looking at your bare fucking vagina. your sister quiet and eyes wide. she was stuck, in awe and disgust a little. she was by your side. only looking at the doctor.
“where the fuck is eren?” anastasia mumbles to herself.
anastasia didn’t have eren’s number. frankly.. didn’t have anything of his. she was dating connie though, so she called him.
“i’ll be right back y/n, i promise.” ana says. you felt tears running down your face, “i can’t.” you say. your eyebrows furrowed. the doctor looks at you, “we’ll go slow. we don’t want to hurt you. you got this.” she says.
you shake your head, “no i.. i can’t. i can’t do this without him.” you cry. the doctor bites the inside of her cheek.
meanwhile, eren was at some ransom’s house. selling, like always. oblivious to what was happening at the moment.
he was rolling up when connie ran up to him. eren looks at him, mugging him.
“what?” he asks. connie’s face was red and his eyes were wide, “it’s y/n. she’s having the baby!” he says. eren drops the blunt, “what?!? fuck fuck fuck! come on.” he says.
he runs out of the house, connie close behind him.
“bring yo fatass on, connie!” he shouts. connie furrows his eyebrows, “you’re going no faster than me?!” connie says.
they both hop into the car, eren driving faster than light. once they reach the hospital, they both run in. eren looks at the desk lady, “y/n yeager, please what room?” he asks. the lady stares at him, “WHAT’S THE FUCKING ROOM NUMBER?!” connie shouts.
the lady jumps, “okay okay… room 330.” she says. they go to the room, seeing ana and your father standing outside of the door.
eren looks at both of them, connie walks up to ana.
“what are you guys doing out here?” eren asks. they both look at each other, “y/n needs you, eren. our mom and our grandma are in there. but she needs you eren.” ana answers.
eren nods, “thank you, eren.” y/n’s father says. eren softly smiles to him, “go in!” ana shouts. eren walks into the room. seeing your grandma with her hand over her masked mouth, and your mom almost crying.
you’re already crying. eren walks up to you, you looks up at him.
“i can’t.. i’m sorry ren. i can’t do it.” you cry out. eren shakes his head, “yes you can, mama. you got it, you survived 9 months. you got this.” he says.
he steps closer to you, grabbing your hand and your head laying on his lower stomach. your head was pounding, you felt like you were going to pass out any second.
it was about 30 minutes later when your baby girl was born. her crying made you feel relief. your hand still sweaty, and squeezing eren’s. eren look at the baby, “oh my god.. she’s beautiful.” he .
he looks back down at you, “baby?” he says. your head felt limp, like you were sleep. he looked at your chest, it was still rising up and down.
eren bends down to your level, his hand on your face. wiping away tears and sweat, “look at me,
y/n.” he says. you look at him slowly, still crying. he smiles at you, “you did it. i told you, i’m sorry i wasn’t there for the first half.” he says.
you shake your head, “you were here. i would’ve been grateful if you were here for 5 minutes.” you whisper. your voice basically gone. the doctor cleans you up, and fixes your position so you’re laying down regularly.
it was 2 hours later. eren, ana, and connie in the room. you were sleep, been sleep ever since you found out the baby was fully okay. they ran the tests on her, and everything.
she was prefect, your hair, lips and eyes. meanwhile, she had eren’s eyebrows, nose and face structure. her skin was a mix of both.
eren was staring at you, stroking you hair and face. he was so glad you and the baby were okay.
ana was holding your baby. her name was officially sora. she was 7 pounds. she was perfect.
the door to the room slightly opened, eren looked over to see nami. nami smiles at the sight of her parents.
“daddy!” she says. eren shushes her, “mommy’s sleeping.” he whispers. nami nods, “sorry daddy.” she says. eren kisses her forehead, “it’s okay, angel. go with uncle connie.” he says.
nami gasps, looking around the room. connie smiles at nami, opening his arms.
“uncle corny!” she says, running into his arms. connie looks at eren, “we’re gonna go get some food.” he says.
eren nods, “take your time.” they leave the room. ana looks at eren, “oh shit.. i have to go eren. i still have work tonight.” she says.
eren shrugs, “it’s okay.” he whispers. ana hands sora to him, “call me if she needs me.” she walks out of the room.
he looks at sora, “you’re one of the most beautiful things ever.” he mumbles. sora furrows her eyebrows softly, like she was mugging his words.
eren laughs, “you definitely got your mama’s personality.”
my heart🥺 🤍
i’d luv more Eren Dad fics 😭🫶🏾
wanna have this man’s kids so bad.
daddy’s sick princess, eren jaeger
eren and emiko would be literal twins. when his daughter was just 12 months old, they started to do everything together. eren would sit back against the living room sofa with emiko either laid against his chest while he scrolled through social media, silently watching his screen or she’d be right beside him, pacifier in mouth as she watched team umizoomi on the tv.
it was one of those slow days. you were stuck at school with night classes, so eren fortunately spent the day taking care of his baby girl. he could tell a small cold was dawning upon her, and when you heard the small wheezes in her breath as she slept this morning, you contemplated staying home to take care of her.
but, eren reassured you that he’d be with her every moment of the day and ‘a little lovin’ from her papa was bound to make her feel better’. you’d bit your lip in contemplation. you did have a final today, and you trusted eren with emiko more than anyone (she was literally his daughter). but when it came to your daughter being sick, your overbearing mom senses took over and you wanted nothing but to smother her in your maternal care.
eren wasn’t having it though. “babe, go! i helped create her too, ya know. i took care of mikasa and my mom whenever they got sick. ‘m pretty sure i can take care of my daughter even better. now you’re gonna miss your test, go!”
you gave eren a look from inside your car as he peered at you through the open window. with a sigh, you pecked his lips and frown. “give her a kiss for me.”
“i will. good luck on your test, mama.”
and that was how he’d gotten stuck in the position he was in now; with emiko mindlessly watching team umizoomi as she silently sucked on her blue pacifier, eren’s hanging pointer finger lodged in the tight grip of her small hand.
most of the times she was such a good baby; you never had any trouble with getting her to settle down. especially with eren around. but she couldn’t be too far away from her father; any time eren tried to rest her in her playpen to piss for a second—emiko started wailing. she always had to be touching her daddy.
at the sound of eren laughing at a funny video, emiko removed her beautiful brown-green eyes from the TV and looked up at her amused father with big orbs. “what?” he smiled down at her. “you wanna laugh too?”
emiko is taken aback when her father grabs onto her small body and begins tickling her. she’s fighting to keep the pacifier between her single tooth, but fails as the binky falls onto eren’s lap, followed by a long string of drool. emiko’s laugh floods the living room with happiness.
“gross, you little monster,” he teased, blowing raspberries into her tanned stomach. “you’re probbaly hungry. let’s see if mommy left any milk for you. cuz lord knows i’an got breast milk,” eren mutters, getting up from the couch with his baby in his arms.
he first heads to the kitchen sink to rinse off emiko’s pacifier. when it’s clean, he places the binky back in her mouth to which she gladly accepts. now gripping onto his shoulder, emiko sat upright as she watched her father search the fridge for one of her bottles.
“thank god,” eren mutters to himself as he sees four bottles completely filled with breast milk in the fridge door. “lunch time,” he sings, placing it in the bottle warmer. as the milk heated up, eren lightly bounced emiko on his hip, humming the tune to sesame street.
thick coughs left emiko’s mouth as she waited for her food. eren was just about to check if she was okay, but was taken aback when the pacifier was thrown out of her mouth from a mucus filled sneeze that covered the poor girl’s entire lower face. “daddy daddy,” was all she babbled.
“oh, princess,” eren frowns as two more small coughs leave emiko. despite her snotty nose and mouth, she still rested her head on her father’s chest, just wanting to be held. “come here babe, lemme wipe your nose.”
grabbing a wipe, eren cleaned up emiko’s face before taking out the bottle. strings of “daddy” left emiko’s congested throat as she watched eren shake her bottle cool.
“i know baby, i know,” eren sighed. “daddy’s gonna give you your bottle, give you a bath, then rub some vick’s on you and put you to sleep, m’kay?” he told her as if she was able to respond. emiko held her hand out for her now cool bottle and eren proudly gave it to her.
as the pair walked back to the living room, eren’s phone vibrated on the couch. he had set himself up with emiko sideways against his chest but still in view of the tv as he uncapped her bottle before finally answering the call.
“hey mama, you take the test yet?”
“i did, but i don’t think i did well. i kept thinking about emiko the whole time,” your face frowned as you came up in the camera. at the sound of her mother’s soft voice, emiko looked up at eren’s phonewith her bottle still shoved in her mouth. she knew how to differentiate the voices of her parents. “how’s my little tiana doing?”
eren smiled as he tilted the camera downward, putting emmy’s small face in view. “hi my baby!” you coo, excited to see your child. emiko gives you a single toothed smile. “her fever gone down?”
“little bit,” eren shrugged. “she kinda sneezed the shit out herself and her chest is still phlegmmy so i was gonna give her a vick’s rub later.”
you nod your head, unfortunately on your way to your next class. “she bathe yet?”
“nah, i was gonna do that after i gave her a bottle. she pretty much slept all day since you left so i wanted her to eat first.”
“okay ren, don’t forget to burp her and make sure that shit is loud. or else you’re gonna be bathing her in vom—“
“i know i know, baby,” eren playfully rolled his eyes, waving you off. “i’m a great dad, see?” he tilted the camera to show emiko now invested in spongebob.
you grin at him, so happy you chose the right person to have kids with. “yes you are.”
after emiko finished her food and had settled it with a burb, eren held her against his shoulder as he prepared a bath for her. he made sure to turn the heat on twice as high as you two usually would have it for a bath seeing that she had a cold.
just as he bought the already sleepy baby out the steamy bathroom, he rested her on the bed beside her cookie monster jammies that unironically matched with his and changed her into the warm suit. before zipping it up, eren grabbed a finger full of vick’s vapor rub and smoothed it against his hands, warming the cream up before calmly rubbing it against emiko chest.
“there you go baby,” he mumbles, giving her tummy small rubs. when be finished, he button her onesie back up and propped her already sleeping body to rest beside him on the bed. “hopefully this makes my little princess feels better. mommy swears by this shit.”
by the time you got home around ten, you weren’t suprirsed to see eren sleeping on the bed in his own cookie monster pajamas with a matching emiko cradled into jos chest, multiple pillows behind her for support against the edge of the bed.
daddy eren🥰
coming home
word count; 250-ish words, one min 10 second read | content warnings; none :) unless u don’t like babies.
dad!eren x mom!reader | [first post here i feel so official]
little blurb of coming home from work to your husband and eight-month-old.
“‘ren?” you drop your work bag and walk as softly as possible, not wanting the sound of your heels to ripple through your entire home.
you find him in the living room, shirtless with baby girl curled up on his chest. when leaving her with eren, she either didn’t sleep at all or slept the whole day. today she seemed engulfed in her fathers beauty, staring up at him with big brown eyes under the wad of blanket and his large hand holding her firmly despite the fact he’s probably well into his nap. his head is lolled back and he’s absolutely knocked, that is until your daughter, eleia, spots you and starts doing her cute little baby bounce in eren’s arms.
she’s only about eight months, chunky with rolls, but she’s knows who mama and dada are.
“mmmm..!! mmmm!!” is the closest to mama she gets, but communication is no problem as she sure can point.
“hi munchkin.” you greet her, glancing at eren who’s now sitting up with a hazy smile.
“hey mama. el missed you today,” he begins, “couldn’t sleep a wink. fussed so bad at nap time, we nearly came to visit you at work.”
you take eleia from him, but not before leaning down to give him a quick kiss.
“ellie belly, you can’t be giving daddy such a hard time.” you scold, despite blowing raspberry into ellie’s plump arm. she gives you the best little giggle.
“but you know who does give daddy a real hard-“
eleia’s fit of giggles indicates she finds her father getting molly wopped with a couch cushion way more entertaining then blowing raspberry.