Pregnant Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I have been binge watching Timothée Chalamet movies, and seeing him hold Baby Bess as Laurie at the end of Little Women inspired this piece of Wonka fluff.


Bun in the Oven

For most, it was just an ordinary Tuesday evening. But for you and Willy, it was your third wedding anniversary. You managed to get off work early so you could swing by the bakery to pick up a special surprise for Willy and beat him home to set up.

You pull one of the nice plates out of the cupboard from the set you save for special occasions - a wedding gift from Mr. Crunch and family. This was truly a special occasion for many reasons. You hold it to your chest for a brief moment of daydreaming about your wedding and what's to come. "Oh, I better not get too distracted. He'll be home soon," you mutter to yourself. You grab the box from the bakery and very carefully transfer a cinnamon bun to the plate. Taking a cue from your husband, you add some flair by drawing a chocolate heart next to it before setting the plate in the oven.

You barely got set up and bags put away when you hear the doorknob turn. Willy bursts into the kitchen, waltzing in with flowers and (of course) a box of chocolates. "Happy anniversary, my sweet!" He sets his gifts down on the counter in order to free up his hands to take you into his arms, dip you backwards, and plant an eager kiss on your lips.

Once you are upright again, you grab a vase for the flowers. You turn away from him to fill the vase in the sink, but really you needed a moment to regain your composure. You were so excited that you were about to vibrate right out of your skin. You bite your lip, take a breath, and turn back around to say: "I have something for you, too. Go look in the oven."

Willy cocks his head and furrows his brow in brief confusion before a grin makes its way across his face. He makes it to the oven in one giant step and pulls open the door. Feeling that it wasn't hot, he pulled the plate out. "Oh, this looks scrumptious. Aww, there's even a chocolate heart!"

"Most importantly, there's a bun. In the oven," you respond expectantly.

"Just one? You didn't get one for yourself? I'll split it with you," he says obliviously as he takes a huge bite.

"No, Willy." You huff a laugh because this is *not* going how you imagined. Sometimes you forget that before he founded his chocolate factory, he had not stayed in any one place long enough to pick up on common colloquialisms. "It's a saying. When someone says they have a bun in the oven, it means they are pregnant."

"Ah, okay." He smiles and brings up the bun to take another bite. Before it makes contact, though, he pauses and stares at you, mouth agape with a little bit of icing on his lip. "Oh..."

::Finally, he gets it:: you think to yourself.

"You...? We...?"

You nod excitedly as tears start forming in your eyes and his. As verbose and loquacious as he tends to be, your showman seems to be struggling to utter a coherent thought. "Yes, Willy, we are going to have a baby. Happy anniversary, my love!"

"Huh," he whispered, licking the icing off his lip. "Huh! Oh, [y/n]...this...this is great news!" He picked you up and spun you around. "Oh, I guess I shouldn't do that! I might make you both dizzy."

You giggle and wipe away happy tears as Willy leans his forehead against yours. He pulls you into a hug and buries his nose in your hair, stifling his own tears. You both stand in the embrace for quite a while before he loosens his grip to look you in the eyes, gently cup your cheeks in his hands, and pepper your face with kisses.

"How long? How do you feel?"

"Just six weeks. I've suspected for about a week and confirmed today. I feel okay, just a little nauseous in the mornings. It still feels unreal."

Willy smiled, but then his eyes quickly fell to the ground.

"How do *you* feel, my love?"

"Ecstatic. Hopeful. Scared. I didn't really have a father growing up. I mean, obviously I had a father, but for as long as I can remember it was just me and mamma. And then I was on my own at 15. So I don't really know what it takes to be a dad."

You ran your fingers through his unruly curls. "Just do what you already do best. Love big. Laugh often. Forgive much. And just be there for them like your mother was for you while she was earthside."

With that, Willy kneeled to eye level with your still-flat belly and leaned in. "Hello there, my little cocoa bean." Your heart fluttered as he glanced up at you through his wet eyelashes just briefly before continuing. "I can't wait to meet you. We are going to have so many adventures. But *you* are going to learn to read as soon as you are able so you don't get *almost* eaten by a tiger on these adventures like me, though. Your Aunt Noodle would agree," he giggled. "I'll also teach you magic tricks and how to make chocolate. My mamma, your grandmother, said it's not the chocolate that matters; it's who you share it with. And I can't wait to share it with you."


Part 2

I make no claim of ownership for these characters. I just love them to pieces and wanted to share this one-shot.

Side note: Willy would totally be the kind to bring home the fruit or vegetable corresponding to the size of the baby.

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1 year ago

Would you kindly write a sequel to the "Bun in the Oven" fic please? and thank you!!!!

You are my very first ask - like, ever! I hope you enjoy.

C/W: Pregnancy, labor

A/N: You'll need to read Part 1 for context

Bun in the Oven (Part 2)

Willy was so excited about the news that he practically ran to the library the next morning to tell Noodle. He rushed through the door, yelling, "Noodle, I..." before a patron shushed him. "Oops, sorry!" he cringed and whisper-yelled in response.

Noodle ran out from behind the desk to grab Willy's arm and pulled him to the office. "Willy, you know the library rules. You gotta be quiet. Wait...," she paused with furrowed brow. "Is everything okay? Why aren't you at the factory or store? And why are you out of breath? Did you run over here?"

"I did! I have the most stupendous news." He paused for a breath. "[Y/N] is going to have a baby! You're going to be an aunt!" Willy picked her up and spun her around. He looked like he had eaten a hover choc; he was so excited that he could barely keep his feet on the ground.

"Whoa!! How long do I have to wait?" she asked through her grin.

"About seven or eight months. It's very early yet. Which gives me time."

"Time for what?" Noodle questioned.

"To learn everything I can, of course! There weren't exactly many expectant mothers or babies on my voyages. I didn't have any siblings to care for, either. I know little to nothing about how to take care of [Y/N] or the baby. I need to know what to expect for...expecting."

"Well, Willy, you've come to the right place to learn things. Let's get started!" Noodle started thumbing through the catalog, and off they went on a scavenger hunt for facts.


It was nearly lunchtime by the time they finished. Willy decided he would pay you a visit at work before heading back to the factory. This was a common occurrence, so much so that he was on a first name basis with all your coworkers, and they him.

"Hey, Willy!" the secretary said warmly. "[Y/N] is in the back."

"Great! Thanks, Sarah!" Willy smiled back. He ventured to the back of the shop to find you in the breakroom contentedly humming to yourself while getting your lunch ready. You hadn't yet spotted him, so he took advantage of the moment to stop and stare. You were already glowing. Sensing someone behind you, you looked up and beamed at him. "Willy! What are you doing here?"

"Hello, my sweet." He leaned down to kiss the top of your head, then sat down next to you. "You know, I can't wait to hear you hum like that to the baby. Did you know he or she is about the size of a pea right now?"

"I did not. Where did you learn this? Let me guess, you've already paid dear Noodle a visit at the library?"

"Indeed. I haven't even been to the factory yet today. I want to learn everything I can so I can take good care of you and the baby." He held up a bag of books he had checked out.

Tears started welling up in your eyes at the evidence of how genuinely excited Willy was about the prospect of being a father. He was diving head first into this experience, even doing research despite his challenges with reading. Seeing your tears, his smile faltered. "Am I overwhelming you?" he asked in a small voice.

"No, my love. I'm just so happy that you are so happy that I just can't contain it," you replied.


The months that followed did little to quell his excitement. He took great pleasure in telling the news to anyone who would listen, even once it became obvious. The whole town knew very quickly that the famous chocolatier and his wife were expecting.

You could not have asked for a better partner than Willy. He was quick to track down the object of your cravings at any time of day. He doted on you and did everything he could to ease your discomfort as your belly grew. He was tempted to make a chocolate remedy for anything that ailed you, but he also didn't want you testing his recipes unless he knew for certain that every ingredient was safe for baby.

It became Willy's evening routine to sing softly to your belly when he came home from the factory. You had been feeling flutters and kicks for a couple of months before he could finally feel them, too. The first time was a moment you'll cherish forever. You played with his hair as he rested his head in your lap. He suddenly stopped singing mid-lullaby. You looked down in time to see the shock on his face. "Was that...did the baby just kick?!" You smiled and nodded. He sat up and rested his large hand against your belly in time to feel another kick. He had the biggest, goofiest grin you had ever seen. After that, it became a little game between the two of them. Willy would nudge, baby would nudge, and so on.


You kept working until the last month of pregnancy, and that was only because Willy begged you to take leave and rest. Since business had picked up at the factory and stores, you could afford to take some time off; however, you needed to stay busy to keep your sanity. You used the time to put finishing touches on the baby's room.

Noodle often came by to check on you during her breaks or after the library closed. You were grateful to her for satisfying your craving for social interaction that was no longer fulfilled by your coworkers at the shop. It was lonely at home during the day when Willy was at work.

Like Willy, Noodle had also taken an interest in feeling the baby move around. The little one would suddenly become very active when they heard her voice. "Seems like we both like it when you stop by for a visit, Noodle."

"Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?" she asked as she looked up from her hands on your belly.

"I think it's a girl. Willy guesses a boy. What do you think?"

"I think...," she froze as she felt your belly tighten and sees you clench your teeth. "Are you alright?"

You took a breath and waved her off. "Oh, I'm fine. I've been having some discomfort off and on today, but it doesn't last long. What were you going to say?"

She eyed you suspiciously, "Ok, if you say so. I think it's a girl. But I will love them regardless."

You smiled. "Me, too. Now would you like a snack? I made some chocolate chip cook...," you paused as another more intense wave of pain radiated across your midsection. "Cookies."

Noodle stared at you with one eyebrow raised. "You can deny it all you want, but I think you're in labor. That wasn't even five minutes since the last contraction."

"Sounds like you have been studying with Willy," you said with a smirk.

"Should I go get him?"

"No, I don't want to bother him right now. This my first baby so it will take a while, even if this really is the start of labor. How about we play a game to pass the time? Dealer's choice." You broke out a deck of cards to distract the girl, but you remained keenly aware of the frequency of your discomfort.

About an hour later, you were overcome with pain, not just discomfort, severe enough that you couldn't talk through it. Noodle grabbed your hand in concern. When the pain subsided, she announced, "Alright, I am going to get Willy."

"Good idea, because I think my water just broke."


Noodle ran to the factory as fast as her legs could take her. After asking three Oompa Loompas, she finally found Willy elbow deep in the mechanics of his taffy pulling machine.

"Hey, Streudel! How's it...wait, why are you out of breath? Did you run here? Is it [Y/N]? Is she in labor?" Noodle, out of breath, could only nod once before Willy took off running. There would be no catching up to his long legs, so she took a pause on a candy mushroom by the chocolate river to catch her breath.

Willy [barely] had the wherewithal to stop at his desk on the way out to call the midwife. Coat, hat, and cane in hand, he bolted out the factory gate and headed for home. He came in to find you leaning against the kitchen wall with one hand and holding your back with the other. You heard him enter, but you were in too much pain to acknowledge him. Without a word, he came up behind you and started applying pressure in just the right spot of your lower back to ease some discomfort, enough that you could speak again.

"You have magical hands, my love," you sighed as you leaned against him.

"I called the midwife. She should be here soon," Willy said calmly. By the time she arrived, he had already gotten you settled in the bedroom. He never left your side, helping you into whatever position felt best to labor in.

After what felt like a lifetime, your son was born into Willy's arms in the wee hours of the night. The midwife patted Willy's cheeks and commented that they didn't even need her. He had it all under control. A tired smile graced your face as you took in the scene. All that studying paid off after all, you thought.

The midwife checked the baby boy over, cleaned him up, and handed him back to the proud father. "Hello, my little cocoa bean," you heard him whisper in awe. "I'm your papa."


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11 months ago

Chart (+1)

Summary: Bonus chapter to "Chart" as requested by @croatianprincess. Timothée decompresses after you (female reader) are home from the hospital.

C/W: Mention of injury, car accident, pregnancy


Timothée lovingly gazed down at the bundle in his arms, bouncing and swaying. He hummed softly a French lullaby his father had sang to him.


He was a father now. The realization cycled through his brain every few minutes. It left him breathless. Speechless. Awed by the immensity of the emotions roiling inside. Love. Worry. Pride. All he could do in these moments was stare at his daughter and take in her tiny features. Timothée was mesmerized. She already looked so much like you.

Chart (+1)

His thoughts were interrupted when she started to squirm and fuss. "Shh, baby girl. Daddy's here. Let's try to let Mommy sleep a little longer." He looked over at your hospital bed where you slept, splayed out like a starfish now that you could finally sleep on your back again.


About eight months ago, Timothée brought you home from the same hospital. Despite the state of your car, you (and the baby you just found out about) were relatively unscathed. That didn't make Timothée fuss over you any less, though. He parked his car in the driveway of your home and ran around to your side to open your door. Your leg still hurt when you put all your weight on it, so helped you hobble inside.

Once you were seated on the couch, Timothée pilfered nearly every pillow from the guest bedroom and brought them to you. He fluffed them before placing them behind and around you so you could comfortably recline and prop up your injured leg.

"Comfy?" he asked.

"I feel like I am sitting on a cloud."

"Good, that was the goal." He kissed you on the forehead then went to the garage. You wondered what he was up to, but you were too tired to ask. He came back in a moment with the bucket you use to wash the car.

"Umm," he gestured sheepishly with the bucket before setting it beside you. "Just in case know, feel sick at some point."

You gave him a puzzled look before it registered what your husband was talking about. "Oh yeah...I'm pregnant!" It was the first time you had actually said it out loud since Timothée told you the news at the hospital.

"How do you feel?" he inquired as he sat on the edge of the couch cushion beside you. He took your hand in his and absent-mindedly rubbed your knuckles with his thumb.

"To be honest, except for the soreness, I don't feel any different. I think it would have been a while longer before I figured it out for myself."

"I'm sorry you had to find out that way," he muttered.

You chuckled. "I think *you* telling *me* instead of the other way around makes for an interesting story."

Timothée smiled briefly before his lip started trembling. Your hand went to his cheek, your thumb first tugging at his lip then catching the first of the fountain of tears that fell from his eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?"

He leaned into your touch and covered your hand with his. "[Y/N], I...I was so scared when I got that call from the hospital. I knew they said you were stable, but when I saw you unconscious, I-" His voice broke and he started to sob. The adrenaline had worn off and he was crashing hard. You pulled him down to you and cradled his head on your chest.

"...and th-then they said you were p-pregnant," Timothée continued, his speech stilted by his quick breaths. You ran your fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him. "I've never been s-so happy and so afraid at one time. What if you didn't wake up? What if the baby-" He couldn't finish before he started to spiral once again. He buried his face in your shoulder and fisted his hands in your shirt.

In an effort to ground him, you pulled one of his hands to your belly. "Timothée, I am fine. WE are fine." You felt him nod into your shoulder, but he still maintained his grip on your shirt with his other hand like he was afraid you would float away. You continued to play with his hair for a few minutes until his breathing evened out.

"I love you so much, [Y/N]," he mumbled into your neck. "And this baby already. The thought of losing either of you was just too much to bear."

"I am here, my love. I'm not planning on going anywhere."



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11 months ago

Sick Timothee with fem reader as caretaker plz ❤️

Thanks to You

Summary: Fem!reader takes care of feverish Laurie

A/N: Decided to write using Timothee's Laurie as the main character because the time period makes fevers much more scary.

Sick Timothee With Fem Reader As Caretaker Plz

Laure's restless stirring awakened you. You blinked, unable to focus since it was still dark out. You reached your hand out to place gentle, comforting pressure on his arm, as you often did if he was suffering a nightmare, but instantly drew it back in shock. He was putting off more heat than your fireplace.

You grabbed the oil lamp on your nightstand and raised the flame. There was a sheen of sweat blanketing his forehead and chest, though he was shivering like he had been out in the snow. "Fever," you breathed out worriedly.

You jumped out of bed and quickly set to work gathering supplies. You immersed a cloth in water and wrung it out to place on his forehead. You rubbed the herb poultice Mrs. March had shown you how to make onto the soles of his feet and covered them with socks. He shifted his head side to side, mumbling your name.

"[Y/N], [Y/N]," he muttered weakly.

You ran your fingers through his damp curls. "I'm here, my love. I'm here."

"[Y/N]?" Laurie's glazed eyes opened, but they never focused on you.

He's delirious, you thought to yourself. You looked out the window, countenance falling as you realized the blizzard meant you could not send for help. The whole town was snowed in. "You have to get better, Laurie," you stated as you cradled your slight baby bump with your free hand.

He became slightly more alert as the dawn arrived. You took the opportunity to get him to drink some water. He was shaking so much from the throes of fever that he could not hold the cup without spilling. You sat beside him to support his head and hold the cup to his lips. You were grateful to see that at least some water made it into his mouth. Exhausted, he flopped his head back onto the pillow and looked up at you.

"Y-you should k-keep your distance. You d-don't n-need to get sick, too," Laurie said through chattering teeth.

"Nonsense. Who else is going to take care of you, hmm?" You half-smiled, not quite enough to reach your eyes. You wet the cloth again and gently wiped his neck, chest, and arms. "Are you hungry?" you asked when you finished, but there was no response. He had already fallen asleep again. You surveyed the dark purple circles under his eyes and the pallor of his skin.

You rose from your perch by Laurie's side to start some soup for when he woke again. He came to about an hour later. You helped him sit up against the headboard so he could eat. He scowled when you attempted to spoon feed him. "Come on, now. You need to eat something to keep your strength, and I'm sure you don't want to spill hot soup in your lap," you chided. He rolled his eyes and acquiesced. You chuckled. At least he was feeling good enough to give you an attitude.

The food did him some good, because soon he wanted to get up and move around. You helped him to the front room to his armchair. While he read by the fire, you changed the damp sheets. It wasn't long before he was ready to lay down again. The two of you repeated this cycle throughout the day.

When night came once more, the fever ravaged again. You covered him with every blanket in the house and practically laid on top of him to warm him up. The shaking eventually relented, giving both of you a reprieve. You fell asleep sitting next to the bed, holding his hand while your head rested on your arm.

You woke to the feeling of a hand playing with your hair. You groggily raised your head and were greeted by Laurie's smile. "Good morning, my dove."

You smiled at the nickname and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Your fever broke," you said in relief. Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes. "I was so worried."

"I'm alright, thanks to you."



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8 months ago

Mates For Life - Alastor x Doe Reader (R18-NOT FOR MINORS)

Mates For Life - Alastor X Doe Reader (R18-NOT FOR MINORS)
Mates For Life - Alastor X Doe Reader (R18-NOT FOR MINORS)


❥Summary: Charlie's Deer Friend (literally) attends the hotel and helps charlie with her endeavors. Alastor seems quite interested in the little doe and remains close. What happens when she goes into a rut in the middle of pride ring? How will Alastor amend the situation?

❥Tags: Alastor x female reader, rut, doe reader, reader in heat, sex, pregnancy, Alastor develops feelings, vox is an asshole, protective alastor, happy ending

❥Notes: Requested by @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog . Enjoy!

"AHHH, MISSS CHARLIE SSSAVE ME PLEASSSSE!!!" Sir Pentious cried out, running away from a furious Vaggie with a spear in her hand. "GET OVER HERE, YOU SERPIENTE!" Fuming with rage, Vaggie raced towards the poor snake, ready to stab him. Charlie heard the commotion and rushed over, holding her girlfriend back with her arms, while Sir Pentious cowered behind the couch. "HAHAHA, nothing like a bit of chaotic entertainment to start the day!" Sipping on his coffee near the bar, Alastor observed the scene, highly entertained at Charlies attempts to calm down her girlfriend, and the whimpers of the snake. "Vaggie! Calm down please, He didn't mean it." Holding Vaggie tightly, she waited for her to settle. "HIS EGG BOIS BLEW THE CEILING UP AGAIN WITH HIS WEAPONS! I TOLD HIM BEFORE NO MORE WEAPONS!!" Vaggie spat out, as her spear pointed at Sir Pentious, ready to aim it at him. "VAGGIE! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! PLEASE CALM DOWN!!" After about a few minutes of holding her back, Vaggie's fury had subsided, dropping the spear to the ground. A knock at appeared at the door of the hotel, alerting everyone in the room. "Oh, I'll get that! The two of you continue make up please!" Charlie ran over to the door, while Sir Pentious slowly removed himself from behind the couch, appearing apologetic in front of Vaggie, while Vaggie continued to stare at Charlie before looking back at Sir Pentious, still a bit ticked, but uttered a sorry.

" dull. I so would have love to see some bloodshed." Alastor voiced out, as he continued to sip away at his coffee, eyes following Charlie heading to the door. Having opened the door widely, Charlie squealed, causing everyone to turn their heads to the entrance, and Alastor to raise an eyebrow. "Y/N!!!! YOU'RE HERE!!! ITS SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" There was a sweet giggle that could be heard, causing Al's ears to twitch. "It's great to see you to, Charlie!" Having released each other from the hug, Charlie grabbed your hand, allowing you to come inside. All eyes were drawn to you, given your resemblance to a certain deer demon. Small little antlers adorned the top of your head, along with the fluffy brown ears that were moving cutely. Your face resembled that of a humans, yet the little brown nose stood out, along with the small brown tail that was showing out of your little dress
Mates For Life - Alastor X Doe Reader (R18-NOT FOR MINORS)

(Credit to pinterest)

"Everyone! This is Y/N, my good friend!" Charlie gestured to you, as you shyly smiled back at everyone, giving them a small wave. At this point, everyone had gathered inside the hotel lobby, including Angel dust and Niffty. Angel dust, knowing his ways, was the first one to mention your look, "Woah! This gal looks a lot like Smiles over here!" His eyes scanned at both you and Alastor before turning back to you with a semi smirk. Vaggie had made her way over, a bit of uncertainty on her face, as she has never come across you before. "How do the both of you know each other?" Crossing her arms, she gave you a bit of a glare. "Oh! Me and Charlie met a few years ago when we were both children. I often times would be brought to the palace with my parents as they would attend meetings with the King and Queen. Since there wasn't much for me to do as a child, I explored the castle and ran into Charlie. We had been friends ever since." Vaggie glare had softened and she was looking at you with kind eyes, glad that you weren't another demon, planning to possibly sabotage the hotel, and happy that Charlie had a very strong bond with you. Feeling your shoulders getting grabbed, Charlie had asked why had you come to the hotel. Smiling, you told Charlie you wanted to help out with her rehabilitation program, since you as well believed that people could be redeemed, which earned you a huge bear hug from Charlie.

"OHHHHH! I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE TO HELP! Oh before I forget, let me introduce you to everyone!" Charlie had introduced everyone to you one by one, making a note of everyones names. Vaggie, Charlies girlfriend, Sir Pentious, the kind looking snake, Angel dust, the tall pink spider, Niffty, the adorable one eyed demon, Husk, the grumpy cat, and last by not least, Alastor, the radio demon. Having poofed his coffee away, Alastor made his way over to you, smiling widely, microphone cane in hand. "Why, aren't you an adorable doe, my dear!" His glowing eyes held a bit of wickedness, as he bent down at the waist, giving you a polite bow. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance!" His hand arched out for a handshake, which you followed by putting your hand in his, giving it a polite shake. "Nice to meet you as well. I have heard much about you from your radio show." Perking up with interest, Alastor smile had grown almost twice the size. "Ahh, I take it you are a fan?" His face had gotten closer, earning a small blush from you. "Well, not so much the screams of the demons, but I do enjoy the music you play. I do love me some Cab Calloway and Duke Ellington." Oh, Al's smile grew to the point it almost broke his face, as he stood back to his regular height. "HAHAHA! Charlie, I have taken quite a liking to your little friend here!" His hand had placed on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze, no trace of animosity whatsoever in that little gesture. "Oh I'm happy to here that Al. If you want, do you want to give them a tour of the hotel?" Giving Al her best puppy dog eyes, Alastor could not refuse, besides he was planning on showing you around anyway. "I be delighted to! Come along, my dear!

Hooking his arm with yours, Alastor took it upon himself to show you certain areas of the hotel, the kitchen, the rooms of the other denizens, and the lounge room. Walking through the hallways, he looked at one of the windows and motioned to you at the small building attached to the hotel. "That my dear is where I do my broadcasts! I could have you attend one of them, if you would like!" Your eyebrow rose at that, "As a guest or victim?" Turning back to look at you, Alastor shook his head, flicking his hand at you "Heavens no! I would never harm a doll like you, plus I have grown quite fond of you! He had bent down again to lean closer to your face, smiling genuinely for once. "I feel the same." Offering him a soft smile, Alastor perked up at that, causing his tail to start wagging under his coat. He grabbed your arm again, and continued his tour, with you following next to him.

**2 Months Later**

"Lets see, got the chicken, tomatoes, taco seasoning...." You were shopping around a grocery store, getting ingredients for tonight's dinner plans. You had adapted well at the hotel and was able to help out Charlie to the best of your abilities. Vaggie did tell you that it was going to be difficult to bring demons to the hotel, but you were still going to try. Relationships with the others began to form left and right the longer you stayed at the hotel. Everyone adored you, even Husk was in a more cheery mood at the hotel. The closest bond you had was the one with Alastor, which started the day you had arrived at the hotel. He was not lying when he said that he grew fond of you, as his actions around you always made your heart skip a beat. Hand holding, leaving little gifts for you in your room, and showing his true side to you made you fall more and more in love with him. The path to a forming a romantic relationship was in front of you with Alastor, but there were many roadblocks ahead of you, one of them being if he was entirely comfortable and okay with the idea, since he has said to you before he wasn't keen on romance and all that nonsense, but based on his actions around you, maybe? possibly? Shaking away your thoughts, you went to check out at the register and started to head out.

Paper bag of groceries concealed in your arms, your eyes scanned the area, group of demons fighting each other, broken glass all over the place, and the air heavy with filth and smoke, yep just another day in hell. Wanting to avoid some of the chaos, you took a shortcut that allowed you to make it home safely. Venturing further down the path, you noticed the air felt very warm lately, which was strange since it wasn't so hot before. It felt almost hard to breathe, making you sweat profusely. The heat became unbearable, causing you to stop and lean against the wall. Your tail kept fidgeting behind you, like it had a mind of its own. A feel of dread hit you once you felt the heatness intensify in your core. Oh no no no, You were in heat! This was not good, as the times when you went into heat, you were by yourself, alone in a secluded area, as your heat released pheromones that attracted everyone to you. Now that you were outside, you made for a VERY easy target. Trying to bare through the heat, you slowly made your way down the path, holding the groceries tighter to prevent from dropping them, hoping you would reach the hotel first, before you fell victim to the heinous actions of other demons if they caught you like this.

As you rounded a corner, your face connected with someones chest, causing the contents of the paper bag to fly out, spilling onto the ground and the persons chest and shoes, staining them. "Oh I'm sorry!" As you looked up, you felt your heart hit your stomach. In front of you was none other then one of the Vees known as Vox. He was a TV demon, with a head resembling that of a TV. You heard about him a lot from Alastor and listening to his show that Vox was Al's mortal enemy. This was not good, you need to get away from him NOW! His screen face illuminated your back at you, as his red eyes scanned down to look at you, filled with disgust. "Ugh great, I just washed this suit too and now its dirtied." Inching closer to you, his hand had gripped your shirt, pulling you closer towards him, making you gasp, "Hey bitch, how are going to compensate for ruining my....." His eyes widen for a second, before returning back to normal. He wasn't glaring at you, he seemed...almost in a trance. His face continued to glitch in front of you, until his red static eyes had turned into hearts and he was smirking at you. "Wow you smell amazing, deer girl. Why don't I take you to my room in the Vee tower?" His hands had wrapped around you, preventing you from escaping. "N-o Le-t go of m-e!" Your attempts were futile as your heat had rendered you to weak to fight back, only able to struggle in his embrace. Chin risen up to face the tv, he held it up as he slowly began to inch closer, his screen mouth aiming closer for your lips. "Come on, little lady. Lets have some fun."


Vox's body was sent flying, as a large tentacle had punched his face, shattering his screen. Your body still weak, began to slump and fall to the ground. Moving your head up, you widen your eyes to see Alastor, smile stretched to show his gums, eyes pinpointing straight at Vox, who was slumped against the alley wall, groaning in pain. Turning his head quickly towards you, Al's glare has lessen, showing you a look of concern, making sure you were alright. Looking back towards Vox, he slowly walked towards Vox, the sounds of his steps echoing and static piercing the air. "Now Vox, my old friend. It is quite rude to touch a fair lady like that......especially when s̑҉̝h̡̲ͥė̶̳ ̑͏͎̤͘b̛͖̪̆̓̕e̛͕̦̿̏͡ĺ͊͠҉̙͙õ͈͒̕͢ͅn̶͔͇ͧ̐̀g̫̯̿́̚͠s̞̼͒͆͘͜ ̫͗̔͜͞ͅt̄͒͏̪̠̀ǫ̤̻͒̋̕ ̥̪̿͟͡m̷͎͋ẹ̌͠ !" Demonic symbols began to appear around Alastor, glowing an ominous red as Alastor antlers began to grow. ""̝ͮĬ̮Ḟ̻ ̝͒Y̙͗O͉͂Ŭ͙ ̱̄E̫͒V̤̐E̥̋R̞ͬ ̫ͤT͍̐O̫̔U͙̚C͍̆H̗͑ ̖͑H̝͌É̦R̙̚ ̝̋A͉̽G̫ͦA̰ͦI̤ͪŃ̞.̜͌ ̺͉͗I̳̳͌'͇͇͆̂L̜̥͐́L̫̱̓̋ ̘̗ͩ̈R̺ͫ̅ͅI̦̬ͩͪP͔͙̓͂ ̙̫͛̿Ò̟̩͛F̦̺̈ͫF̗̟͛͂ ̟͕̌̔Y̯͚ͩ̇O̖̣͒͌U̬͎͑͊R͍̭ͦ̄ ̰͓ͭ͌A̻̯̋͒L̝̭ͫ̋L͕͎̉̄ ̯̻̑̽O̥̼ͥ̃F͇̤̒̂ ̘̝̊̄Ẏ̦̜̌O̳̲͊ͭU̹̱ͩ̉R͚̳ͭͦ ̰̥ͪ̑P̭̩̉ͭA̱̯̾͒T̥͓ͦ͆Ḫ̏̉ͅE͍͉͊͐T̙̹͒ͯI͓̠͑̐C̳͖̾̚ ̯̙͊ͥL͈̖ͫ̓I͇̦͌̉T̩͇̂̀T̩̦ͨ͂L̝̖ͥ̂Ě͎͈ͯ ̜̱̂ͮL̠̫ͥͧI̪̬͗̓M͔̰̾̚B̫̣̏́S̺̯̆ͣ,̗̰̆̆ ̼̘̀͋D̻̗̉̋E͇̘ͬV̟ͭͅO̬͉ͦṲ̗̂R̦̹̒͌ ̠̲͌̀T͎̻̋́H̻̟̾̊E̦̮͆̎M̫̭ͤ͊ ͓͕̇ͭA̬͇̓̔N̫͇ͣͦĎ͙̗͆ ̝̰̄̇B̙͇̋̇R̭̹͊̋Ổ͓̯Ḁ͍̆̏D̜̩ͭͦC͇͈ͥ̌A̗͉ͬ̒S͍̲͌ͭT͚̻͗͂ ̺͚͒ͮṪ͉̝̓H̬̻͗ͤE̬͉ͪͤ ̭͍̐̃S͕̣̐ͬO̰͉͑͊Ủ̼̹̎N̠̖̿̄Ḓ͚̓̉S͙̼̓̅ ͚ͪ̈ͅO͖̼ͫ̔F̭̞͑ͦ ̜̫ͬ̓Y͕̮ͥ̏O̙̬͌̑Ṵ̙̒̎R̦͎̊̚ ̭̅ͬͅS̬̤͂͆C͈͚̈ͤR͉̦͒̂E̩̻ͭ̆A͔̫̓̂M̪͎ͣ̋S̟̗ͨ̊ ͍̪̊ͧṮ̣ͬ̂O̪̗ͫ͋ ͇̳ͣ̉Ǎ̗̩ͪL͈͎̋̊L̥̓ͅ ̳̺̑Ȏ͕F̺̐ ͇́T̩̾H̙ͪĚ̯ ̤ͪS͕͊E͍͐V̼̾Ẻ̦N̜͐ ̰̔R̗͆I̜̒N̙͆G̳͑S͕̀ ̪ͮO͇͗F͎͋ ̥͒H̬̐Ė̥Ḻ͗Ḻͮ!̙͊!͚ͭ"

Mates For Life - Alastor X Doe Reader (R18-NOT FOR MINORS)

His form had grown into a monstrous height, black tendrils appearing from his back, and you can assume his red eyes had become radio dials. His whole form bent over, big enough to hover over Vox, as he was whimpering in fear on the ground. Face glitching from the broken screen, tongue stuck in his throat due to fear, he wasn't able to even utter a word, resorting to nodding his head rapidly, letting Alastor know he understood. In a flash, Alastor had turned back into his less demonic form, static dimming down as if nothing had happen. "Good man!" His cheery tone returned, before turning back towards you, leaving Vox cowering behind him. Walking closer to your position on the ground, Alastor bent down to pick you up, holding you like a princess. "Come along, my deer. Let us return back to the hotel!

With a snap of his fingers, Alastor teleported the both of you away from your location, appearing in the middle of your room at the hotel. Alastor had moved closer to your bed, setting you down. Your eyes looked up at him and you can tell he was upset, given how strained his smile was. "What on earth were you thinking, my dear?! I have told you countless times that area of pride is quite notorious for wayward scum to pop up, especially my old pal, Vox. I made it abundantly clear that either me or Husk should go with you, and yet you disregarded my warning. What have you to say for...." Midway through his rant, Alastor took note of your reactions. Your body was trembling, eyes a bit glossy and sweat was evident on your face. The sweet scent soon reached his nose, causing him to step back a bit. Ohhh he knows what is happening, you had gotten into your rut season. No wonder Vox had gotten touchy with you, the aroma emitting from your body was irresistible. He felt his lower regions come to life, painfully pushing against his trousers. Bearing through his desire to take you right here and now, Alastor moved closer towards you, placing his hands on both sides of the bed next to you, caging you in. Through your feverish daze, your were able to notice Alastor actions, looking up at him, eyes filled with both confusion and passion.

"Your in mating season aren't you. I can help you with your predicament, darling, but there are going to be some minor things that must be brought up if we are to do this. One, If we perform this, we will be mates for life, you will be tied down to me for the rest of our lives, and two, you will have my offspring as you are extremely fertile. It is once again your decision if you would like to be my mate." His words were soft, eyes filled with adoration as he explained all of this to you. Mates for life? Yes, YES! Placing your hands against his cheek, you drew him closer to kiss him, soft lips molding against yours, making the both of you moan. Smiling in the kiss, Alastor was glad your answer was Yes, as he continued to kiss you, pushing forward as both of your bodies fell on to the bed. Your eears twitch as you heard the sound of a snap, as the both of you pulled away, seeing that Alastor had snapped both of his and your clothes away, leaving the both of you bare. His glowing eyes scanned over your whole body, hands moving to your pussy, inserting his fingers slowly inside of you, earning a moan from you. "My my, your insides are so hot and moist, darling. It's becoming very difficult not to take you right now!" Licking his lips, he continued to finger your insides, moans spewing your lips.

He only put his fingers inside and you felt like you could burst at any moment. "Please do it. I can't take it anymore. Breed me!" You begged for him, earning a chuckle from him. "Brace yourself, darling." His whole length inserted itself inside of you, earning a groan from both you and him. There was no pain, only immense pleasure when he entered inside of you. Your walls were squeezing him tightly, keeping him locked in. "Groan~, so tight...." His voice was driving you crazy, as you never heard him without his static. The both of you stayed in that position, until Alastor grabbed your legs, raising them up in the air, and began to plow you, making you scream. "Ahhhhhhhh...Al...AL!" Grasping the bed with your hands, you felt your eyes roll back, mind going blank from the ecstasy you were feeling. He was so deep inside of you he could almost hit your womb. Speeding up faster and faster, he was making you see stars from how much he was pleasuring you. Something was coming, it was coming quickly, causing your back to arch of the bed, "Al.....I'm gonn-I'm gonna come!" Alastor smiled at you, bending down to give a kiss on your lips, before moving his head closer to your ear. "Then come" He bit down on your neck, creating the mating mark that would bind the both of you together. A sudden rush hit you, and you screamed out, feeling something exploded out of you, clenching his length tighter, making him moan. He continued to pound you rapidly, as he soon let out a groan, cumming inside of you, seed hitting your womb.

**4 months later**

"My dear~, I'm home~!" Alastor sang out, as he entered inside his bedroom, where you were staying. You were laid out on the bed, book in one hand, and another on your now round belly. After that mating session, the both of you had become a deer couple for life. Al wasn't kidding when he said you were very fertile cause a few weeks after that you realized you were pregnant, with twins in fact. Alastor was over the moon when he found out, picking you up and spinning you around in joy. He had decided that the both of you would stay in his hotel room together , making sure you were comfortable and also providing you protection. You told him there was no need for that, but he had grown quite possessive and protective of you, rather you staying with him then by yourself in your hotel room. "Hi my love! Did you enjoy your stroll?" Smiling sweetly, your eyes watched Alastor make his way over to you, throwing his arms around you in a tender hug. "It would have been better if your presence was with me!" Rubbing his head against yours like a cat, he whined his frustrations out, earning a laugh from you. "Who was the one that said I should stay here and rest?" Quirking an eyebrow at him, you wrapped an arm around his back , giving it a pat. Slowly, Al removed himself from the hug, but placed his forehead against yours. "I am aware, my doe. I just still want you by my side." He spoke sweetly, hearts appearing in his eyes. Who knew the radio demon was such an affectionate cuddlebug? Drawing his eyes towards your stomach, he placed a gentle hand on it, giving it a rub. A sudden movement came from your stomach, surprising the both of you. "Such exuburent behavior! One of my fawns is going to be an excellent dancer like me!" Alastor smiled warmly, hand still caressing your belly. "or a successful radio host." You said, smiling up at Al, as you placed your hand on top of his. Alastor hummed in joy, nuzzling your forehead again, and placing a tender kiss on it. "Je t'aime, my doe!



@alastorsgoldie @91062854-ka , @delectableworm , @iiotic

@cookiekyo , @demoarah , @danveration , @beebsbea ,

@veethewriter , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @luujjvi ,

@unholycheesesnack , @saturnhas82moons , @jyoongim ,

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, @sweet06tart , @blakedbeanss , @ihyperfixatedagain , @ktssstuff ,

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@sadnessiscoldtea , @alastorssimp , @imacollasaltitan ,

@dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @batmanmonstarr , @felice-jaganshi ,

@justchillaine , @crazed-flower , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog ,

@akiooshizuka , @lokis-imaginary-friend ,

@themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @futureittomainn ,

@christinaatyourservice92 , , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it ,

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@mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow ,

@madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel ,

@artemisandhunters , @thereeallink , @ask-theradio-demon ,

@lousypotatoes @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco

@lillylovesalastorsm1 , @alastorthirsty , @yukiinee ,

@daydream-the-demon , @cosmiccoralz @aconstructofamind

@pumppkinlynn @erikaafernns , @silverpaw2 ,


Tags :
5 months ago

the beautifulest.

The Beautifulest.
The Beautifulest.
The Beautifulest.

Scenario: After telling Johnny Depp that you were feeling insecure about your appearance, he showers you with praises.

Warnings: Pregnancy (about 4-5 months), female reader.

Word count: 654

a/n: I hope you're satisfied, miss Jupiter. English is not my first language.

The Beautifulest.

You throw your last dress on the bed, frustrated. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you can't help but feel like a covered gas cylinder, nothing looks good on you. Johnny, your husband, had invited you on a date, he told you to wear something nice… But what? There are no nice, only too-tight dresses, from before your pregnancy, and oversized dresses, that make you feel even bigger.

And it's not that you're hating your pregnancy, ever! Your pregnancy was the best thing that ever happened, you always dreamed about being a mother, especially having Johnny as the father. But before being a mother, you’re a woman, a woman who worries about her appearance.

You place a hand on your swollen belly, sighing. You’re wearing a long navy blue dress, but you don’t even feel like going out anymore and you don’t know how to tell your husband. And speaking of which… “My dear, are you ready?” Johnny asks, entering the bedroom without waiting for an answer. He has that usual warm smile on his face as he looks at you through the mirror. “Blue? stunning, honey. I’ll change my shirt to match you.” He wraps his arms above your pregnant stomach, resting his chin on your shoulder.

You give him a small smile and he instantly notices that something is wrong. “Talk to me, dearest, what’s the matter?” He says softly, pressing a kiss on your cheek. You sigh, looking down, searching for words to explain as if they were scattered on your feet. He gently turns you to face him, his eyes painted in worry. “I don’t feel so beautiful, hubby, not like I was before.” You shake your head, still facing down.

He immediately holds your chin up again, looking into your eyes, his own narrowing as he notices you’re serious. “Oh, my. Why on Earth would you say that?” He scolds you gently, his hand now cupping your cheek. “You’re breathtaking, both before and now.” He caresses your cheeks, still concerned. You smile on one side, weakly, without much effort to mask what you still feel. “Please, don’t doubt your beauty just because your body is changing, my love.” He frowns his eyebrows softly, pulling you into a hug, you lay your head on his shoulder while he strokes your back.

Johnny keeps you there for a while, savoring the feeling of having you close, until he disentangles himself from your arms and turns you to face the mirror once again, holding your hips. “Listen to me, my dear, and look at yourself while I speak.” He says firmly yet gently, he wants you to see how he sees you, to understand why you’re his muse.

“You’re radiant” He moves your hair, brushing it away from your face. “Every new curve, every feature from your pregnancy… They all remind me of how much happiness you’re bringing into my world.” His hands slide to stroke your belly, his fingers reverent, worshiping. “You’re carrying our first child, for God’s sake. You’re glowing, you’re divine!” He kisses your cheek loudly, making you giggle, the glow finally returning to your face, all thanks to your beloved.

You turn to him, smiling. “You’re the best, my dear” You kiss him, still smiling. “Say you’re beautiful, my dear.” He asks, softly. “I am beautiful, Mr. Depp” You nod, hands going to stroke his shaved cheeks. “Good.” He places his hands on your waist. “I don’t want to hear you say the otherwise ever again, Mrs. Depp” He playfully rebukes you, pinching your waist lightly, but you can see a hint of seriousness, he means what he said.

“I’m in awe of you carrying our child.” He glances down at your stomach. “You’re the beautifulest.” He says with a fond smile. “My love, that word doesn’t even exist.” You laugh, the genuine sound making his eyes sparkle with love. 

“Of course it exists, and it means you.”

The Beautifulest.

a/n: thank you for the idea, you're welcome to suggest anything, I'll always hear you.

taglist: @drugs-and-daddyissues

-- If you want to be tagged, just dm me!

Tags :
4 years ago

The one with the one night stand (3)

Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader

Summery: one night, while being out with your friends, you meet non other than Henry Cavill. You two have an amazing one night stand but that’s all it is, you’ll never meet him again. Right?

Warnings: angst

(The first part is on Henry’s POV whilst it’s Y/n POV after the cut)

The One With The One Night Stand (3)

Henry couldn’t stop walking back and forth: how did he got himself into this situation... well he knew how but just... HOW?!

Kal was looking at him, probably thinking his owner had gone insane and he wouldn’t be that wrong.

Almost three months ago, he had gone out to decompress: his work was very important to him, but it didn’t mean that sometime he didn’t think to give up on everything and change life. He loved his job and his life but it wasn’t easy; everyone saw his fame and his money and forgot to really look at him, like the rest of him didn’t matter.

So that night he had been looking for a break after yet another interviewer had been extra rude to him. He had gone to a bar with some friends trying to take a break.

His friends had just found out about this bar, it wasn’t really well known yet, so he had hoped people wouldn’t recognize him.

He had been having a lot of fun and when he had gone for a refill, he had bumped into you.

You had started talking with your cute accent without even looking at him and he couldn’t had helped but smile. And when you had finally looked at him, he had seen the recognition in your eyes but you had been so normal with him that he hadn’t been able to stop talking to you. You were so captivating that he could have kept listening to you for days.

Kissing you hadn’t been in his program but you had been laughing so hard at one of his joke that he couldn’t help it. His brothers always told him he wasn’t a funny guy.... guess they were wrong.

And now... you were pregnant and he wanted to believe he was his, he really wanted to... you didn’t seem like a bad person, he didn’t think you were trying to con him but...

Yeah “but”...

But what if he was wrong? What if you were trying to foul him? What if he started to love this baby and then he found out it wasn’t his?

But what if that baby was his and he let his fears stopping him from knowing them?

So what to do then? The only think he thought about was calling the person who knew him better than anyone

“Hey honey”

“Hi ma”

“Are you ok? You seems off”- even on the phone his mother could read him without any problem.

“I need your advice”

And Henry told her everything: about meeting you at the bar, about feeling so taken by you, about being careful but still... yeah but still

“Oh henry”- his mother said

“What should I do?”- he asked

“I can’t tell you what to do hun, you know that. You have to do what you think is right, but just remember to be careful. I know if this child is yours you’d want to be part of his life, just make sure you’re not the one hurt in the end”

“So you don’t believe her?”

“I didn’t say that Henry, beside I don’t know her”

“Yeah well me neither mom”- he huffed

“But?”- she could sense he wanted to add something else

“But she sounded sincere, she said I could take a paternity test once the baby was born. So why telling me that, if she didn’t think the baby was mine?”- he added

“So what are you going to do?”- his mom asked

“I don’t know... I need some more time to think about it”

“That’s ok. I’m here if you need me honey ok? Whatever you need”

“Thank you mom, I’ll call you later ok? I love you”

“Love you too”

Henry turned off the phone and looked at Kal

“What are we going to do bud?”- he asked hoping that his loyal friend could be of any help.

Kal barked at him before looking at the door and, like always, he was right: they both needed to go out, take some time to think.

Henry put his running shoes on, took Kal’s leash and went for a run hoping that the fresh air and the nature could give him some peace and clear mind.

The run was exhausting but in the end he knew what he had to do. He was almost 100% sure it was the right choice, and if it wasn’t... well he’ll figure it out later.

He took a shower and, once dressed, he made the call.

The One With The One Night Stand (3)

You were on the couch, your dog Cap was laying next to you with his head over your lap and you were reading... well at least you were trying to, but you weren’t really succeeding.

You were just so excited: you had been scrolling through internet the other day ,when you had just bumped on some onesies. And you had decided to buy one, you knew it was soon and that you didn’t even know the gender of the baby yet, but it was good to knowledge that the baby was there.

So you had chosen a gender neutral one and you had bought it and you had received earlier the advice of delivering. So you were waiting.

The One With The One Night Stand (3)

Therefore you were a little bit distracted from your book... who cared.

You were so taken by your thoughts you almost didn’t hear your phone ringing

“Hello? Y/n speaking”

“Hi, I’m Lauren, I’m calling from the hospital I wanted to conferm your appointment for the ultrasound for the next week.”

“Oh yeah yeah of course. Wednesday at 10 am right?”- you asked just to be sure

“Yes, that’s right”

“Perfect, thank you for calling me”

You turned off the phone with a smile on your face: you couldn’t wait to see your baby again

You saw Cap sit up suddenly

“Hey Cap is everything ok?”- you barely had time to ask your dog before someone knocked on the door.

“Ok calm down, it’s just the delivery guy. Don’t worry”- you scoffed at the dog

You opened the door and just stood there shocked

“Hi”- the man on your doorstep said

“Henry?”- why was he here....

English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry if there are mistakes (I’m pretty sure I messed up some tenses 🙈)


Taglist: @coldmuffinpartycloud @stephartrave @regalbadass @lharrietg @helenaellie @vivien-1211

Permanent taglist: @jwspiter

Henry Cavill’s permanent taglist: @xxxkatxo


Tags :
4 years ago

The one with the one night stand (4)

Summery: one night, while being out with your friends, you meet non other than Henry Cavill. You two have an amazing one night stand but that’s all it is, you’ll never meet him again. Right?

Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader

Warnings: angst, pregnancy

The One With The One Night Stand (4)

You opened the door and you just stood there staring at the man in front of you

“Henry”- what was he doing here

“Hi... I’m sorry if I came here, I know I probably should have called but... ehm can I come in?”- he asked and if you weren’t shocked you would have laughed at the situation. Just a week ago you were the one on Henry’s doorstep asking to going into his house.

“Hm yeah sure”- you said opening the door a little bit more and taking a step back

Henry hadn’t even taken a step inside your house that your dog started growling at him.

You knew Henry was good with dog, I mean he had an akita that wasn’t even small, but you knew that your German shepherd could be really scaring at time. Beside since your pregnancy he had become even more protective of you... let’s just say his walk had become even weirder: no one could come close to you.

“Cap down!”- you told your friend -“He’s a good dog, don’t worry, he’s just very protective and doesn’t know you. “- you closed the door after signaling Henry to come fully in and then you were sitting on your floor. -“come on, sit with me. If you want to talk, Cap needs to get to know you first”

He sat down not too closed to you since your dog had started growling again

“Ok Cap, this is Henry... Henry this is Captain Rogers but he like to be called just Cap right?”- you said while petting him

“Captain Rogers?”- Henry said smirking - “I’m kinda offended”

“Well he and Kal can save the world together”- you said before growing hot -“not that they’ll never meet each other”

Ok maybe you had dreamed a romatic end for you and Henry: you’d grow to love each other, race your baby together with your two loyal furry friends and live happily even after. But it was at night when you were alone and still a little bit scared.

Anyway he surely didn’t need to know.

You saw Cap tentatively smelling Henry, before he let himself being pet.

You stood up and went to the kitchen

“Do you want something to drink? Tea? Coffee?”- you asked trying to delay your conversation.

You really didn’t have any idea why he was there , but you weren’t sure you were ready to know.

“Oh”- henry started -“I met the delivery guy while I was coming in, he had this package for you”

You were suddenly smiling, you took and opened the package and there it was the onesie you had bought. Your baby was going to be the cutest and happiest child in the world, you’d make sure of that.

You were looking at the onesie while caressing your stomach, when you felt Henry snorting behind you.

He was taller than you so you could practically see what you were holding

“Come on, that’s not fair. Between Cap and this onesie, there is no way I’m going to be the baby’s favorite superhero”- he said snorting -“what?”- he asked when he noticed you were staring.

“Nothing”- he said while starting to make some tea.

Did this mean he believed you? Did he want to be part of your baby’s life? You took a deep breath you couldn’t think about this now, you couldn’t get your hopes up and then being crushed again when he’d leave you alone.

Henry was silent while you were busy in the kitchen, he probably could feel you needed some time alone.

“Ok, sorry but I have to ask, why are you here? The other day you didn’t really seem to want to be a part of this”- you asked once you both had sit on the couch with your tea.

Cap sit at your feet, probably feeling your unease

“Yeah... I’m- im sorry for how I reacted”- he started

“Well it mustn’t be easy to hear your one night stand is pregnant with your child”- you shrugged

“No, it wasn’t easy. But this doesn’t excuse my behavior. I... listen I’m prone to believe you about the baby being mine; you seem like a nice person and if the baby is actually mine I want to be part of their life. I wanna be their father if they are mine, you just need to promise me you’ll actually let me take a paternity test when they’re born”- he said

You took a deep breath trying to stop your tears: you knew he wasn’t trying to offend you but every time he said “if the baby is mine” you felt a little stab in your heart; you knew it wasn’t right for you to get mad at him for it but you were and your hormones weren’t helping. You just needed to calm down.

“Like I told you the other day you can take the test once it’s safe for the baby”

“Thank you”- he smiled at you - “I was thinking, if it’s alright with you, we could trying to know each other. It’d be easier to raise the baby together if we’re comfortable with one another”

“Ok”- you said while petting Cap - “you have my number”

“Actually I was thinking, we could know each other in person”

“Well I mean I know it’s not a really long distance but I can’t really come to your house every other day. I have to work”- you said

“I know, I took an hotel near your house. I was thinking about staying close for a couple of days while we think about another solution. I would stay more but I can’t leave Kal for long” - he could see you weren’t convinced- “Listen I know it’s not gonna be easy, but we’ll find a solution that’s right for you and the baby. I promise”

“Ok”- you couldn’t believe you were actually thinking about it but you had to take a leap of faith for your baby right? - “you don’t have to stay at the hotel if you don’t want to. I have another bedroom, I mean it’ll become the nursery but there is time and I have a bed there. I don’t know if it can be the right solution but we could try, for a couple of day and if we don’t kill each other will decide what to do next”

“That would be great, if you’re sure about that”

“I’m not sure about anything Henry, but I know that the best thing for my baby would be to know their father so”- you shrugged.

“I’m gonna go and take my stuff from the hotel then”


Why did you always made your life even more complicated?

You huffed and sit on your couch once Henry had left

“Oh baby”- you said to your barely there bump- “your daddy is really something, isn’t he? But he seems nice and, if he’ll love you, that’s the only thing that matter. What do you think? You’re going to be daddy little boy or girl? Something is sure though, you’re mummy little treasure already. And Cap’s little sibling”- you said the last part laughing because your dog had started to lick your stomach as soon as you had lift your shirt in order to caress you bump

“Yeah we’re gonna love you hun”- you said.

The One With The One Night Stand (4)

The couple of days with Henry had been weird: nothing bad had happened but you were two people that didn’t know each other and fate had decided to force you together.

He basically tiptoed around you like he didn’t want to scare you away and, even if you were trying to make him feel comfortable, taking care of a stranger while still working and being pregnant wasn’t easy.

It was the last evening you were going to spend together before he went back home and you two hadn’t still decided what to do after.

“Thank you for making dinner, you didn’t have to”- you had come home to Henry cooking and that alone had been a sight.

“It was my pleasure. How was work?”- he asked

“Everything is okay”

“Listen I know things are a little bit weird, but we have to talk about what we’re gonna do Y/n”

“I know, I know... I- Henry I can’t and actually don’t want to leave my home. I work here, my life is here and leaving withought even knowing if-“ you stopped yourself

“If what?”- he prompted you

“Listen I’m sure this is your baby, but I’m not gonna change all my life for someone that could choose not to want this baby after all. I don’t mean to be rude but I want to be clear”- you almost felt bad but you had to put your foot down. You could see he wasn’t expecting it and suddenly you felt like you had to fix it -“but you’re welcome here whenever you want and Kal is too. I know you have your home and your job too, I know that; but that’s all I can offer for now”

He looked at you and you weren’t sure you could read him, he seemed stunned maybe because he thought you’d have tried to take advantage of his money during your pregnancy. But you couldn’t care less about his money, you had a job that payed well and some savings.

“Ok, ok. If you’re sure, Kal and I could stay here for a while. I’m free for a while, I’ll have to promote my new show in a couple of months but until then I’d like to spend more time with you”- he said

“Alright then”- you nodded. It was good... it was good, right?

“But I’m gonna pay the rent”- he added after a while

“Absolutely not.”- you were firmed on that

“You can’t say no”

“Of course I can, my house my rules buddy”- you almost laughed at his face, he look outraged

“I’ll pay for utilities and grocery shopping then”- he argued back

“Half the utilities and whoever goes grocery shopping can pay”

“You can’t be serious”- he snorted

“Of course I am”

“You really are something Y/n”

“You don’t know the half of it buddy”- you looked at him smirking and he laughed.

You weren’t sure why but it felt like the beginning of something so, even if you knew it was a risk, you tried to take another step towards him

“I know it’s Sunday already and it’s short notice and you have to leave tomorrow but-“ you stopped for a second... maybe it wasn’t a great idea after all

“What is it?”- he asked

“I have a doctor appointment on Wednesday for the baby, you know just to check everything is alright. If you want to come, you’re welcome to. You don’t have to of course, I’m just letting you know”

“I’ll try to be there”

“Ok”- you smiled.

You tried not to think about your heart missing a beat, it wasn’t the time.

I wasn’t supposed to post this soon but I was feeling inspired and I felt a little bit bad for the cliffhanger on the previous part.

I promise things will move a little bit faster between “the reader” and Henry once they live together.

Forgive me for any mistakes but English is not my first language.


taglist: @coldmuffinpartycloud @stephartrave @regalbadass @lharrietg @helenaellie @vivien-1211 @sassy-pelican @marantha @cavillsim @blueberrychanel

Henry Cavill’s permanent taglist: @xxxkatxo

Permanent taglist: @jwspiter

If you want to be added or removed from the taglist just let me know. I hope I didn’t forget anyone


Tags :
3 years ago

The one with the one night stand (5)

pairing: Henry Cavill x reader

Summery: one night, while being out with your friends, you meet non other than Henry Cavill. You two have an amazing one night stand but that’s all it is, you’ll never meet him again. Right?

Warnings: pregnancy, angst

The One With The One Night Stand (5)

Wednesday arrived sooner than expected

Your day started with a text message from Henry asking the time of your doctor appointment and telling you he was going to do his best to be there. You weren’t letting yourself hope too much though.

And now you were waiting for your appointment and even if you were trying not to, you couldn’t stop yourself from watching the door, hoping Henry would arrive in time.

“ Miss Y/L/N, the doctor will see you now”- the receptionist said; you had just the time to stand up that you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder.

“Sorry I’m late”- you heard Henry saying behind you and you looked at him. He was wearing a hat and sunglasses probably to avoid people recognizing him.

“It’s ok, you’re on time. I was just about to go in”

“Let’s go then”- you and Henry went into the office where your Ob-gyn was waiting for you

“Here’s my favorite patient”- she said

“Hey Jen, how are you?”- you hugged her before taking a seat.

“I’m ok. I see you’re not alone today?”- asked Jen

“Oh ehm, yeah he’s a friend”- you really didn’t know what to say. You knew Jen was a trusted person and even if you told her about Henry, she wouldn’t tell anybody, but you didn’t want to be the one to say it. You wanted him to knowledge that he was the father but he didn’t say anything.

“Ok, well let’s see how’s the little peanut doing”- Jen said - “you’re starting your second trimester, are you waiting to find out what you’re having?”- she asked while putting the gel on your belly.

“Yes I do, I don’t care what I’m having, boy or girl, it’s all the same for me but it’d be good to be prepared”

“Well it seems you’re going to be the mom of what I’m sure will be a beautiful girl”- she smiled

“A girl”- you whispered while looking at Henry but he wasn’t looking at you, instead his eyes were on the monitor and you couldn’t read him. - “can we hear the heartbeat?”- you asked Jen while still looking at Henry.

“Of course”- she said and you heard that woush sound that always wormed your heart. Henry looked at you smiling then and you couldn’t keep the tears in anymore

“Damn hormones”- you chuckled

“Well everything looked good”- Jen gave you some paper towels to clean the gel -“I think we can see each other at our next appointment but if you need anything you can call me anytime or stop by during your shift”

“Thank you so much Jen”- you hugged her

“It was nice to meet you”- Henry said while shaking Jen’s hand

“Me too, I hope I’ll see you again”- she smiled before opening the door of her office.

The One With The One Night Stand (5)

“Are you ready to go home?”- asked Henry while you were getting out of the clinic.

“Yes, it’s my day off so I was hoping to run some errands but I have to take Cap on his walk first. Oh how is Kal?”

“He’s good, he wasn’t so happy I left him alone for a couple of days. He’s not used to it”- he smiled

“Where is he now?”

“My brother is with him now. They’re actually here, I was hoping to arrive here yesterday but I got hold back. So today Charlie, my brother, came with me, he’s keeping company to Kal right now”

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. You didn’t have to come if it was so much trouble”- you were feeling so guilty

“Don’t worry, beside my brother wanted to meet you. There he is”- he said and you looked up.

A man, Charlie, was sitting on a bench while Kal was at his feet. Kal was the first of the two noticing you, because he stood up and started to run toward his dad as soon as he saw Henry. Charlie looked up from his phone then and started coming towards you.

“Hey”- he said

“Charlie, this is Y/n. Y/n this is my brother Charlie”- Henry introduced you two.

“Nice to meet you”- you said smiling trying your best not to show your anxiety. You really wanted to make a good impression

“You too”- he wasn’t smiling but he wasn’t glaring at you either, so it was a start at least -“everything ok?”- Charlie asked

“Yes, she is growing as it’s supposed to”- you smiled and caressed your belly. You couldn’t wait for her to start kicking.

“Oh so it’s a girl?”- he asked frowning

“Yes, it’s something wrong?”- you asked

“Nah, we’re a bunch of guys in our family, only one niece.”- he shrugged

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing! Stop it Charlie”- Henry said

“Well my car is the other way so...” - you said awkwardly- “oh I made you a key so you can be independent. Here it is”- you gave him le key -“I’m gonna go home. It was nice meeting you Charlie”- you said before turning around and leaving.

“You’re an idiot”- you heard Henry saying to his brother.

“Come on man. It was a joke, beside I’m not the only one doubting that’s really your kid”- Charlie answered

You weren’t smiling anymore.

It’s been so long and I’m sorry, I wanted to post a longer part but I’m not happy with anything I write so I’ll try to make the next parts longer (not that I’m happy with this part either).

Remember this is fiction so don’t bring hate here if you don’t like how portrait something of someone.

Also English is not my first language so please forgive him if there are any mistakes.

Hopefully it won’t be months before the next part.


Taglist: @coldmuffinpartycloud @stephartrave @regalbadass @lharrietg @helenaellie @vivien-1211 @sassy-pelican @marantha @cavillsim @blueberrychanel @maan24 @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @persony-pepper

Henry Cavill’s permanent taglist: @xxxkatxo

Permanent taglist: @jwspiter


Tags :
3 years ago

“Happy birthday Mr Evans”

Pairings: Chris Evans x reader

Summery: Chris thought that the best gift you ever gave him was saying yes to marrying him during Christmas three years ago. He never thought you could top that


Chris had always thought that the best gift you ever could have given him was saying yes to marrying him during Christmas three years ago. I mean how could you top that, right?


You had been able to top that last year during your anniversary when you had gifted him with a beautiful Patriots baby onesie with “Baby Evans” written on the back. Chris had been ecstatic: knowing you were pregnant with his child was the best gift ever. So yeah he was sure now: you couldn’t top that.


He had begged you not to get anything for his birthday: you were eight months long and he didn’t want you to exhaust yourself by looking for a birthday gift for him. Beside he didn’t need anything, he had everything he had always wanted: you had made sure of it.

Chris woke up the morning of his birthday and immediately looked for you, but you weren’t laying beside him: why were you not in bed? Why were you not in bed cuddling him the day of his birthday? You knew how much he liked smothering you and your bump as soon as he woke up.

Since you had told him you were pregnant, the first thing he did, right after kissing you good morning, was talking and showing his love to your baby bump. So why weren’t you there?

Chris lightly raised his head from his pillow and he noticed Dodger on his bed. Well that was even weirder: since you had been pregnant (even before you knew it) Dodger had been your personal bodyguard, he left your side only for his walks and even then Chris had to practically begged him to go out. Let’s say the dog would prefer when you decided to accompany them too. Chris was very proud of his buddy, it was clear he had taken his new big brother status very seriously.

So how come you had left the bed and Dodger hadn’t followed you?

“Dodge? Where is your mom?”- he asked the dog that looked at him whining a little, showing his evident displeasure about not knowing.

Chris was just about to get up and come looking for you when the bedroom door opened and he was left speechless.

You were in a new set of lingerie that not only flaunted your beautiful breast but also framed your beautiful baby bump.

Chris knew you were wearing it only for him and not only because it was his birthday but most of all because you had been very unsure about your body lately, even if he had never stopped telling and showing you how much he loved your body every day.

You had always been stunning and Chris had never been able to resist you, not even when Scott introduced you for the very first time (you two had ended up in bed together that day to Scott’s displeasure and Chris’ smugness) But since you were pregnant and in particular since you had started showing, Chris had almost gone insane with his need to have you.

Did it make him a caveman that rejoice in his efficiency in getting his woman pregnant? Maybe.

Did he care? Hell to the fuck not!

Anyway… you were stunning and Chris knew he was the luckiest man in the world.

You stood on the door just for another moment looking at him.

“Don’t you dare laugh at me, ok?”- you warned him

“Of all the things I’m thinking about doing, laughing isn’t one of them, baby. I promise you”- he licked his lips. He wanted to devour you… well carefully devour you of course.

He wasn’t sure why you were so nervous, it couldn’t be only because of the lingerie, you should have noticed how positively affected he was by you right now. And by positive affected he meant he was painfully hard.

“Baby, are you-” you shushed him before he could finish and cleared your throat and before he knew it you were singing to him and he was smiling like a crazy man. God… he loved you so much.

“Happy birthday Mr Evans… happy birthday to you”- you sensually sang while gently getting on the bed with him.

“You’re so beautiful baby”- he said once you had finished and were laying beside him.

“I’m ridiculous, I don’t even know why I thought it was a good idea. Who would want a whale to sing them happy birthday?”- you whined

“A sexy whale”- he laughed when you playfully smack him

“Come here. Let me show you how much I love you, you birthday man”- you said


You were so caught in Chris’s kisses and hands roaming all over your body that you almost didn’t notice.

“Chris”- you moaned while he was playing with your clit. And suddenly he stopped, his hand was no longer on you.

“Well I’m getting better and better it seems”- he smiled smug while looking at his wet hand

“Oh my god! Chris I didn’t come”- you didn’t know if you should laugh at him or smack him behind the head

“What?”- he was so confuse and so adorable

“Those were my waters, they broke”- you smiled


“My waters just broke, baby”- you raised your eyebrow at him

“Oh my god, oh my god… your waters broke. Dodge mommy waters just broke… I’m becoming a daddy. Let’s go let’s go let’s go”- he said while jumping around the room. Dodger started barking and you couldn’t help yourself but laugh.

“You’re behaving like a four year old baby, not a forty years old man”

“Who cares! I’m going to be a daddy”- he said while helping you up.

The road to the hospital was mostly calm, your contractions weren’t fun but you couldn’t wait to meet your baby.

Only when you were on a wheelchair in the hospital you remember

“Oh my god baby, I totally forgot. There is a surprise birthday party for you tonight. I’m so sorry”- you were so crushed , you had spent so much time organizing the party for him and now he couldn’t even enjoy it

“Don’t worry once you’re set in your room, I’m gonna call Ma and Scott to tell them you’re having the baby and I’ll tell Scott to tell everybody else, ok?”- he gently caressed your cheek

“I’m so… uhhh… so sorry baby”- you scream while having another contraction.

Chris really didn’t know how you did it, you were so strong: it had almost been 8 hours of labor but at the end your baby was here and Chris couldn’t stop smiling.

“He’s so beautiful”- he said while looking at his son… he had a son

“Happy birthday Mr Evans… and happy birthday baby Evans”- you smiled while singing again…

And Chris almost cried.

He had always thought the best gift you had ever given him was saying yes to marrying him during Christmas three years ago, but you had proved him wrong two years later when you told him you were pregnant during your anniversary. He had been sure then you could never top that gift.

You proved him wrong once again during his 40th birthday when you gave him his son, with whom he now shared his birthday. It was perfect.


Author note: I wanted to write something for Chris’ birthday and I don’t know why I thought about my cousin’s son who last year was born the day of his dad’s birthday… I think it’s so cute they share a birthday now

Anyway… English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes… I’m pretty sure there is a part that’s not super clear but I don’t know how to fix it 😂



Tags :
2 years ago

Social media Au- Part 20

It’s been so long I don’t even know if there is someone still interested in this

Social Media Au- Part 20
Social Media Au- Part 20
Social Media Au- Part 20
Social Media Au- Part 20
Social Media Au- Part 20
Social Media Au- Part 20
Social Media Au- Part 20
Social Media Au- Part 20

Taglist: @sesamepancakes @slytherinambitious @little-smurf @tanyaherondale @mytbel0st @freyathehuntress @high-on-darren-criss @wanniiieeee @winterberryfox @cucciolafaerie @sluttylesbian4you

I hope I don’t forget to tag anyone

Tags :
9 months ago

Imagine Alpha BootHill....

Warnings: gender neutral reader, pregnant reader. Fluff with small angst.

He meets you, a single unmated pregnant omega working like a dog at a saloon in the middle of nowhere, on a dusty abandoned old mining planet.

He is very interested in you right on the bat, I mean, you can say the same thing about him. It's not every day you see a cyborg.

He comes in everyday for the past month, from noon to closing. Always asking for you to serve him.

One night he asked you out for a date.

"Oh, come on, it will be fun! Just us two- three, I mean. " He smiles down at your stomach.

You hummed, "I mean if it meets your fancy... but where? Boothill, we are in the middle of a desert.....".

He smirks, "I know a good spot."

You raise an eyebrow at him, "you know a spot but you been here almost everyday?".

"Can't I be a gentleman?"

"Can't you do your job?".

Before Boothill could reply, a blonde hair man came storming in; blabbering about Boothill taking too long and dragging the cyborg out of the Saloon.

For the next week, Boothill didn't show up to the saloon, making your omega whine at the fact. One night after closing, you noticed him waiting for you at the door.

"Let me walk you home".

You nodded, taking his hand.

Thanks to the planet's atmosphere, the sky shined bright of stars and cosmos. It was so beautiful. What was more beautiful is how the three moons reflected off Boothill's metal body, the soft white glow, it brought out the white streaks in his hair.

"Here" you say in a trance.

Silence between you too, it was kinda awkward, I mean, here you are in the presence of an alpha.

"I wanna court you-"

"But, I'm-".

"I don't care about that, I wanna give you what you deserve".

You bit your lip, your scent filled with anxiety, "what about your job with the Galaxy Rangers?".

"I want you to come with".

"Space is no place for a pup to live in, it's too dangerous and unstructured".

"I still want you, that will never change love". Boothill sighed before taking off his hat, "I may be... a quarter of the alpha I used to be. I'm reckless, pin-headed, hell I don't even got a scent anymore, I can't even feel anything anymore. But I do damn know that you... your scent... it's making me feel something I haven't felt in a hot minute... so please... let me court you... we can make this work". Boothill grabs your hands, putting them on his face, wanting to finally feel ya, "please just think about it".

You nodded your head, allowing him inside of your small home. He wrapped his arms around you hugging you, almost crushing. "Thank you, thank you thank you". He mumbled. You rubbed his head, noticing a faint smell, you laugh.


You smile, before taking a deeper whiff os the small and faint scent, "You say you don't have a scent, but right behind ya ear.... I smell you..... your scent is... comforting... stuipd cyborg".

Boothill went stiff before letting small tears poke the corner of his eye. He laughs too, joining your fit of laughter.

This was rushed, I had the idea had to write it down fast lol and I'm now getting into honkai 😭

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1 year ago

Pairing(s):bucky Barnes x f reader

Summary:you and bucky were together for two years now and on your anniversary you decided to tell him you're pregnant.

Warning(s):fluff,some strong language.

You were in your friends bathroom staring at the positive pregnancy test in your hands in shock . Your period was late for almost a week and you felt odd the last couple days so when your friend suggested you take a test it kinda made sense . The only hard thing now was telling bucky the news now. You didn't exactly know what his reaction will be to the news but you hoped he would be happy about it,but deciding to tell him on your Two year anniversary when he returns back from his mission.

"time skip to anniversary"

Bucky was supposed to be back by six so you went shopping made him a little basket that had the positive test and a onesie saying exited to meet you daddy on top of a lot of other stuff. Then you made his favorite dishes for diner and decorated the house all romantically so he'll just think you did this for y'alls anniversary.

You were currently finishing getting ready putting on a black dress that shows of your curves and he absolutely loves on you ,when you heard his car pull up in the drive way so you ran down stairs and waited for him by the door . Almost knocking him over when he opened the door by jumping in his arms giving him a passionate kiss as a welcome home. he held you in his arms with out hesitation only puting you down so he could get rid of his shoes and coat.

Then you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen ,and turning around to find him awe struck at the sight of the dinner and candles plus only now realizing what dress you're wearing and giving you another kiss almost as a thank you .

"happy anniversary buck"you mumble against his lips ,once you broke apart he said"happy anniversary babydoll"and then you ushered him to the table saying"let's eat before it gets cold" and he just laughed but complied.

After you ate and put the dishes away you told him to sit in the living room that you have on e more surprise for him."doll you didn't have to get me anything"he tried to argue against you once you came back with the basket and told him to close his eyes. You placed the basket in his lap ,took a step back and told him to open his eyes.

And the moment he did his eyes got wide and he gasped you got teary thinking he didn't want it but then he saw you look down with tears in your eyes figeting with the hem of your (his) shirt.

Immediately he stood up hugging you saying"doll don't cry ,I'm sorry I didn't want to upset you " followed by a whisper"are you for real" and when he feels you lightly nod against his chest he picks you up and spins you around whilst shouting "I'm gonna be a dad"and making you laugh.

He didn't let you out of his arms after that night ,not allowing you to do anything he thought was to "hard" for a pregnant woman,you didn't complain you actually liked this side of bucky and it made you even more excited to see him with your little bean when they're born.

(I'm sorry if it's bad or if there's any grammar mistakes English is not my first language)

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2 years ago

aww, baby sora!!🫶🏽😭

girll i need more of plug eren and his family. what would happen if his wife goes into labor while he’s out selling?

“ i cant do this without him “

pairings: plug eren x prego black reader

you were sweating, exposed and crying. it was too much at once. once you felt cramping and looked down to see that your water broke. your sister anastasia scooped you, and drove off fast to the hospital.

you didn’t like how much people were looking at your bare fucking vagina. your sister quiet and eyes wide. she was stuck, in awe and disgust a little. she was by your side. only looking at the doctor.

“where the fuck is eren?” anastasia mumbles to herself.

anastasia didn’t have eren’s number. frankly.. didn’t have anything of his. she was dating connie though, so she called him.

“i’ll be right back y/n, i promise.” ana says. you felt tears running down your face, “i can’t.” you say. your eyebrows furrowed. the doctor looks at you, “we’ll go slow. we don’t want to hurt you. you got this.” she says.

you shake your head, “no i.. i can’t. i can’t do this without him.” you cry. the doctor bites the inside of her cheek.

meanwhile, eren was at some ransom’s house. selling, like always. oblivious to what was happening at the moment.

he was rolling up when connie ran up to him. eren looks at him, mugging him.

“what?” he asks. connie’s face was red and his eyes were wide, “it’s y/n. she’s having the baby!” he says. eren drops the blunt, “what?!? fuck fuck fuck! come on.” he says.

he runs out of the house, connie close behind him.

“bring yo fatass on, connie!” he shouts. connie furrows his eyebrows, “you’re going no faster than me?!” connie says.

they both hop into the car, eren driving faster than light. once they reach the hospital, they both run in. eren looks at the desk lady, “y/n yeager, please what room?” he asks. the lady stares at him, “WHAT’S THE FUCKING ROOM NUMBER?!” connie shouts.

the lady jumps, “okay okay… room 330.” she says. they go to the room, seeing ana and your father standing outside of the door.

eren looks at both of them, connie walks up to ana.

“what are you guys doing out here?” eren asks. they both look at each other, “y/n needs you, eren. our mom and our grandma are in there. but she needs you eren.” ana answers.

eren nods, “thank you, eren.” y/n’s father says. eren softly smiles to him, “go in!” ana shouts. eren walks into the room. seeing your grandma with her hand over her masked mouth, and your mom almost crying.

you’re already crying. eren walks up to you, you looks up at him.

“i can’t.. i’m sorry ren. i can’t do it.” you cry out. eren shakes his head, “yes you can, mama. you got it, you survived 9 months. you got this.” he says.

he steps closer to you, grabbing your hand and your head laying on his lower stomach. your head was pounding, you felt like you were going to pass out any second.

it was about 30 minutes later when your baby girl was born. her crying made you feel relief. your hand still sweaty, and squeezing eren’s. eren look at the baby, “oh my god.. she’s beautiful.” he .

he looks back down at you, “baby?” he says. your head felt limp, like you were sleep. he looked at your chest, it was still rising up and down.

eren bends down to your level, his hand on your face. wiping away tears and sweat, “look at me,

y/n.” he says. you look at him slowly, still crying. he smiles at you, “you did it. i told you, i’m sorry i wasn’t there for the first half.” he says.

you shake your head, “you were here. i would’ve been grateful if you were here for 5 minutes.” you whisper. your voice basically gone. the doctor cleans you up, and fixes your position so you’re laying down regularly.

it was 2 hours later. eren, ana, and connie in the room. you were sleep, been sleep ever since you found out the baby was fully okay. they ran the tests on her, and everything.

she was prefect, your hair, lips and eyes. meanwhile, she had eren’s eyebrows, nose and face structure. her skin was a mix of both.

eren was staring at you, stroking you hair and face. he was so glad you and the baby were okay.

ana was holding your baby. her name was officially sora. she was 7 pounds. she was perfect.

the door to the room slightly opened, eren looked over to see nami. nami smiles at the sight of her parents.

“daddy!” she says. eren shushes her, “mommy’s sleeping.” he whispers. nami nods, “sorry daddy.” she says. eren kisses her forehead, “it’s okay, angel. go with uncle connie.” he says.

nami gasps, looking around the room. connie smiles at nami, opening his arms.

“uncle corny!” she says, running into his arms. connie looks at eren, “we’re gonna go get some food.” he says.

eren nods, “take your time.” they leave the room. ana looks at eren, “oh shit.. i have to go eren. i still have work tonight.” she says.

eren shrugs, “it’s okay.” he whispers. ana hands sora to him, “call me if she needs me.” she walks out of the room.

he looks at sora, “you’re one of the most beautiful things ever.” he mumbles. sora furrows her eyebrows softly, like she was mugging his words.

eren laughs, “you definitely got your mama’s personality.”

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6 months ago



Summary: Y/n has been keeping a secret from Emily and hasn’t had the opportunity to tell her wife. The secret is revealed not in the way you had hoped but sometimes the unexpected can be perfect.

Warnings: Talks about miscarriages, fertility struggles and pregnancy in general. Small allusion to smut but no actual smut.

A/N: Hello again, it’s been a bit since I’ve posted anything but this is my first Emily Prentiss x reader. This is set when Emily is Unit Chief and won’t follow any specific episode. I hope you all enjoy it :))


You loved your wife. More than anything else in the world. But since becoming the BAU’s Unit Chief a couple months ago she was a lot busier. Whether it was paperwork or meetings, she had a lot on her plate.

You weren’t mad or upset, if anything you were incredibly proud. But you still missed your wife, even though you worked with her everyday.

You had both adjusted pretty quickly to her new workload and always made sure to spend time with one another as much as possible. But this week had been particularly bad. She would mostly be out of the house before you even woke up or leaving as you started to get ready. Then she’d be in her office hours after the team went home.

You knew it was just going to be one of those weeks and you just had be there to support you wife if she needed anything.

You’d been feeling sick all week and at first you had put it down to something you’d ate. But as the week went on, so did the nausea and the body aches.

If it had been a normal week Emily would have noticed immediately. But with how busy she was, she really only saw you when you were in bed or in passing at work.

You hadn’t thought much else about the sickness you had been feeling until yesterday morning. Emily had just left the house when you got up. As you walked towards the kitchen the smell of coffee had set you off and caused you to sprint into the bathroom and empty the contents of your stomach.

That’s when it hit you. You had wrapped a case the week before in Idaho and hadn’t even noticed that your period was late. And not just a little, by almost 2 months. It all started to make sense.

You and Emily have been married for four years and decided that you were both ready to expand your family. You’d both picked out a sperm donor that had similar looks to Emily and had been trying for a baby for months now.

You were lucky to have a positive test come back fairly fast and Emily was ecstatic. The idea of you growing her child inside you made her so happy.

So when you had a doctors appointment to confirm everything, you were both heartbroken to find out that it was a false positive.

That night you had sobbed in Emily’s arms while she too cried and held you tightly to her chest, whispering reassuring words into your ear. You knew that it was only the first try and that it was unlikely to happen anyway. But it still hurt, you were so close.

Since then you had tried multiple times but the test kept coming back negative. It was soul destroying to both of you. You had blamed yourself and thought that there was something wrong with your body. Emily made sure to reassure you that it wasn’t but it was still hard.

So you tried not to get too excited while waiting for the pregnancy tests that sat on the counter. The happiness that flooded your body when all three came up positive was overwhelming and the tears started running.

But there’s was still something in the back of your mind that told you that it wasn’t real and it was just more false positives.

Luckily you didn’t start until 10am and had plenty of time to book a last minute blood test. The joy you felt when it confirmed what you and Emily had been hoping for was one of the greatest feelings.

Now you just had to figure out the best way to tell your wife. As it was now Friday and finally the end of the week, you thought that it was the perfect night to tell her. And frankly you didn’t know how much longer you could keep it in.

You had sneaked out and bought a cute little onesie and planned on leaving it on your bed with the positive pregnancy tests. It was a simple idea but that’s all you wanted.

You were barely able to focus on your work all day and swore the day couldn’t have gone any slower. As the team slowly started filtering out and wishing you a good weekend you started to get anxious.

Emily was still in her office doing paperwork and was so focused she didn’t even realise the team had left.

Making your way up to her office you knocked and slipped in without waiting for an answer. Emily’s head shot up ready to reprimand someone for entering her office without permission. But the moment her eyes me yours her entire face softened.

“Hey baby” she said as you made your way around her desk to stand in front of her. “Everything okay?”

“Yea, I just miss my wife” you smiled leaning down to peck her lips.

Emily smiled into the kiss and you could feel tension start to leave her body at the small contact.

“Well I miss you more” she pulled you down to straddle her lap. Her arms snake around your waist pulling you closer and her hands start to rub soothing circles on your lower back. Instinctively your arms found there way around her neck and your fingers gently play with the hair at the back of her neck.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been home much this week"

“It’s okay” you reassure her. “I get it, you’ve got a job to do and not every week is like this week. It will get better. Plus I know you’ll make it up to me later”

She sees the smirk on your face and her hands move to squeeze your hips.

“Oh I promise I will, you can count on it” she smirks back with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I’m pretty much done here if you’re ready to head home? Maybe I can start making it up to you when we get there?”

“That sounds amazing” you smile tightly getting a rush of nerves at the thought of the onesie laying on your bed at home.

“Hey, you okay baby?” Emily of course notices your body language change immediately. Concern laces her face and her brows furrow. “Did something happen?”

“No of course not” your too quick to reassure her. “Well, sort of but nothing for you to worry about”

You really should have just left the last part off but you’re practically bursting wanting to tell her.

“What do you mean? Did someone say something to you? Because you know i'm unit chief now, if anyone-”

“Babe, no one said anything”

“Well something happened, I’m not gonna stop worrying until you tell me what it is” her hand moves to caress your cheek and you can’t help but lean into her touch. God she was your weakness. “Talk to me baby”


“Is this about my workload, cause I meant what I said. I’m sorry about this week, I just-”

“Emily, it’s not about this week. I told you I get it”

“Well then what is it? I can tell somethings off”

“Em it’s about us”

“The two of us?” Her face is full of confusion which quickly turns to concern for your relationship.

“The three of us” you place her hand on top of your stomach and cover it with your own. “I’m pregnant baby”

“You’re pregnant?” You swear you can feel her heart stop for a brief moment.

“I’m pregnant” you confirm tears forming in your eyes.

For a moment you’re unsure of her reaction, she just sits there stunned. It definitely wasn’t the news she was expecting.

Before you can think much more about it here lips are on yours as she gives you a loving and passionate kiss. She pulls your body impossibly closer as tears start to stream down both your faces.

She pulls back to look at you, her hand and yours still resting against your stomach.

“I love you so much” she kisses you again.

“I love you too”

“When did you find out? Please tell me you haven’t been holding out on me for too long because of work”

“I only found out yesterday morning, I was feeling sick all week but I didn’t think much of it” her eyes never leave yours as you talk. “I didn’t even realise I was late until yesterday too. So I took a bunch of tests and they all came back positive”

“And they’re not-”

“No” you interrupt her before any more doubt can flood her mind. “I got a last minute blood test yesterday too. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you first but I didn’t want to get your hopes up if it was another false positive”

“Oh honey, you could have told me anyway” her face softens. “We’re in this together, remember?”

“I know, I just wanted it to be perfect when I told you” you gesture with your hand “this is not the way I planned on telling you. There’s a onesie sitting on our bed at home”

“This was perfect” she reassures you leaning in to place a kiss on your lips.

“I’m almost seven weeks” you see her smile grow. “You know I’m surprised you haven’t noticed yet, my boobs are already getting bigger.”

Her eyes flick down to your breasts and her lips twitch into a smirk.

“You know considering how much you love to touch them” you giggle.

“Well they are magnificent” she defends reaching to give them a gentle squeeze making you moan lightly. “God I love you, thank you for carrying our child and making us moms”

“I’d do it twenty times if it made you happy” you smile. “Okay maybe not twenty but you know what I mean”

“I know baby” she laughs. “You wanna head home now? Show me that onesie you bought?”

“That sounds perfect” you hop off her lap and intertwine your hand with hers as she stands. “You know I’m a little sore, I could do with a bubble bath with my wife. Seeing as the unit chief needs to make it up to me”

“I think that can be arranged” she smirks leaning in to captures your lips.


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Henry: *leans in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead* How are you feeling, my love? Our little ones are growing stronger each day.

[Reader]: *smiles warmly, resting a hand on your baby bump* I'm feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation, Henry. It's incredible to think that soon we'll have our sons in our arms.

Henry: *grinning with adoration* Yes, it truly is a miracle, isn't it? I can already imagine their tiny fingers gripping mine, their eyes filled with wonder as they discover the world around them.

[Reader]: *nestling closer to Henry, finding comfort in his presence* I can't wait to see you as a father, Henry. I know you'll be amazing. Your love and nurturing nature are a gift that our sons will cherish.

Henry: *stroking your hair gently* And I can't wait to see you as a mother, [Reader]. Your kindness and strength will guide them, and your love will be a guiding light in their lives. We'll navigate this journey of parenthood together, hand in hand.

[Reader]: *teary-eyed, overwhelmed by emotion* I'm so grateful to have you by my side, Henry. Your unwavering support and love have made this experience even more beautiful. I know our sons will be lucky to have you as their father.

Henry: *cupping your face, wiping away a tear* My love, I am the lucky one. You've given me the greatest gift—the gift of a family. I promise to cherish and protect both you and our sons with all that I am. We're in this together, forever.

[Reader]: *smiling through tears, placing a hand on Henry's heart* Together, forever. Our love will guide us through this journey, and our family will be filled with joy, laughter, and an abundance of love.

Henry: *leaning in, pressing a tender kiss against your lips* I love you, [Reader]. And I already love our sons more than words can express. Let's embrace this adventure and create a lifetime of beautiful memories together.

[Reader]: *whispering against Henry's lips* I love you too, Henry. Our journey as parents begins now, and I couldn't be happier to share it with you. Our love will only grow stronger as we watch our sons flourish in the world we create for them.

In this intimate conversation, Henry and [Reader] express their deep love and anticipation for their twin sons. Their words reflect their commitment to supporting and cherishing each other as they embark on the journey of parenthood together. With love as their foundation, they are ready to embrace the challenges and joys that lie ahead, united in their shared vision of creating a loving and nurturing environment for their family.

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Sweet Cravings

Sweet cravings

The sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the air as you stepped into the cozy kitchen, your baby bump prominent beneath your shirt. Henry Cavill, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, stood by the counter, a plate of delectable cookies in his hand. He looked up at you, mischief dancing in his eyes.

"Y/N, I've made a discovery," he announced, his voice tinged with excitement.

Curiosity piqued, you walked over to him, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. "Oh, really? What have you discovered, Henry?"

Henry's grin widened as he reached for his phone, swiftly navigating to his Instagram profile. With a flourish, he unveiled a picture he had posted—an image of you, radiant and glowing, cradling your baby bump with an expression of pure joy on your face.

"There you are, my love," Henry declared, his voice filled with adoration. "The world needs to see this beauty and the little one we're eagerly awaiting."

Your heart swelled with warmth as you looked at the image. Henry's caption read, "Just a proud papa-to-be indulging in some delicious cookies while marveling at the wonder growing inside @Y/N. Life's sweetest cravings!"

Laughter spilled from your lips, a mix of surprise and delight. "Henry, you didn't have to do this!"

"But I wanted to," he replied, his eyes softening with affection. "You and our baby deserve to be celebrated, and what better way than with cookies?"

In that moment, you realized the profound love and joy Henry felt for you and your growing family. His playful gesture, shared with the world, was a testament to his excitement and unwavering support.

As the day progressed, the picture gained traction on social media, eliciting an outpouring of warm wishes and congratulations. Messages of love and well-wishes flooded in, creating a virtual community of support that embraced you during this special time.

In the midst of it all, you and Henry reveled in the simple pleasures—baking cookies together, savoring each bite, and cherishing the excitement that swirled around you. The picture became a cherished memory, encapsulating the love and anticipation that filled your hearts.

And as your due date drew nearer, you knew that the journey ahead would be filled with more joy, challenges, and precious moments. With Henry by your side, you felt confident, knowing that his playful nature and unwavering love would continue to bring light to your lives.

In the years to come, that Instagram post would serve as a reminder—a snapshot frozen in time—of the sweet cravings, laughter, and love that defined this chapter of your lives. Together, you would create a tapestry of cherished memories, with every cookie and every smile etched within your hearts forever.

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ᴀ ʙᴏxɪɴɢ ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ.

 X .

Henry stood in a corner of the gym, his 13-year-old son, Ajax, by his side. The air was filled with the rhythmic thud of gloves hitting the punching bag. Ajax watched in awe as his father demonstrated the art of boxing, his movements precise and powerful.

On the sidelines, Y/N, pregnant with their second child, watched with a mix of excitement and concern. Her mama bear instincts kicked in, as she observed every move, ready to step in if necessary.

Henry, sensing Y/N's protective gaze, turned to her with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, love," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "We'll take it slow and make sure Ajax stays safe."

Y/N nodded, her eyes never leaving their son. She trusted Henry's expertise and knew he would prioritize their son's well-being.

Henry started with the basics, demonstrating the proper stance and footwork. Ajax listened attentively, mimicking his father's movements as best he could.

Y/N's heart swelled with pride as she watched Ajax's determination. She knew he had inherited Henry's passion for fitness and wanted to encourage his growth while keeping him safe.

As the lesson progressed, Henry guided Ajax through various boxing techniques, emphasizing the importance of control and discipline. Ajax absorbed his father's teachings like a sponge, eager to learn and improve.

Y/N, unable to contain her protective instincts any longer, stepped closer to the action. She watched every move, ready to intervene if Ajax showed any signs of distress.

Henry noticed Y/N's heightened concern and approached her, his voice calm and reassuring.

"Y/N, I've got this," he said, his eyes filled with reassurance. "Ajax is doing great, and I'm keeping a close eye on him."

Y/N took a deep breath, reminding herself to trust in Henry's expertise. She relaxed slightly, her focus shifting from worry to pride in their son's progress.

Ajax, fueled by his father's guidance and his own determination, grew more confident with each punch. His movements became sharper, his control more refined.

As the training session neared its end, Ajax's energy started to wane. Henry recognized the signs of fatigue and called for a break.

Y/N rushed to Ajax's side, offering him water and a reassuring smile.

"You're doing amazing, Ajax," she said, her voice brimming with pride. "Just remember to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them."

Ajax nodded, grateful for his mother's support. He took a moment to catch his breath, the sense of accomplishment evident on his face.

Henry approached them, a mix of pride and love shining in his eyes.

"You're becoming quite the boxer, Ajax," Henry said, his voice filled with admiration. "I'm proud of you."

Ajax beamed, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. He looked up at his father, a newfound confidence radiating from within.

"Thanks, Dad," Ajax replied, his voice filled with excitement. "I'm gonna keep training and get even better!"

Y/N wrapped her arms around Ajax, her own excitement mingling with her protective instincts.

"We'll be right here, supporting you every step of the way," she said, her voice filled with love.

Together, as a family, they celebrated Ajax's progress and the bond they shared.

 X .

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Expecting Miracles
Expecting Miracles
Expecting Miracles

Expecting Miracles

As the full moon bathed the streets of New Orleans in its ethereal glow, Klaus, paced anxiously in his opulent mansion. His mind was consumed with worry and anticipation as he awaited the return of his beloved, y/n, who was carrying their child.

Klaus had always been a complicated man, burdened by his past and the weight of his family's legacy. But the prospect of becoming a father awakened a softer side of him, a desire to protect and cherish his growing family.

Finally, the front door swung open, and there she was, a radiant glow enveloping her, accentuated by her blossoming belly. Klaus's eyes widened with awe and adoration as he rushed to her side, gently placing his hand on her abdomen to feel the life within.

"My love," Klaus murmured, his voice filled with tenderness and reverence. "You're carrying our child, a miracle born from our love."

Y/n smiled, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Yes, Klaus. Our love created something beautiful."

From that moment on, Klaus vowed to be the best partner and father he could be. He showered y/n with affection, ensuring her every need was met during her pregnancy. He learned about prenatal care, attended doctor's appointments, and even transformed a room in their mansion into a cozy nursery.

Klaus would often place his hand on y/n's belly, feeling the gentle kicks and movements of their unborn child. He would whisper words of love and encouragement, promising to protect and guide their little one through the challenges of life.

As the due date approached, Klaus's anxiety heightened. He wanted everything to be perfect for y/n and their child. On the day of the birth, Klaus stood by y/n's side, holding her hand and offering words of comfort.

With every push and every breath, y/n brought new life into the world. And when the cries of their newborn baby girl filled the room, Klaus felt tears welling in his eyes. He witnessed a miracle, a tangible symbol of the love he and the reader shared.

In that moment, Klaus knew he had been blessed with a new purpose. He would protect his family at all costs, ensure their happiness, and strive to be the father he had always longed to have.

As Klaus held their newborn Daughter Hope in his arms, he whispered a promise. "I will love and protect you always, my little one. You are the greatest gift life has given me."

And so, the Mikaelson family grew, with Klaus, y/n, and Hope at the center.

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With Fire And With Blood.

With Fire And With Blood.

Warning: violence, killing, blood, gore, Daemon being possessive.


With Fire And With Blood.

Y/N stood frozen in fear as she watched her husband, Daemon Targaryen, approach her. He was covered in blood, his blond hair matted and his face splattered with the crimson liquid. His eyes were wild and filled with madness as he reached out to touch her face with his bloody hands.

“Lo nyke emagon naejot ossēnagon lī qilōni hog aōha undying jorrāelagon se attention syt issa pār sīr sagon ziry issa dāria,” he spoke in High Valyrian, his voice deep and almost inhuman.

Y/N didn't understand the words he spoke, but she could sense the intensity and desperation in his tone. She was afraid, not just for herself but for their unborn child as well. She had never seen her husband like this before, and it scared her.

She tried to back away, but he grabbed her gently, his touch surprisingly gentle despite being covered in blood. His dark eyes locked with hers, and she could see a glimmer of love and obsession in them.

Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to make sense of the situation. Daemon had always been possessive and protective of her, but this level of violence was something she never expected from him.

Looking down at her swollen stomach, she knew that she couldn't let anything happen to their baby. She wrapped her trembling hands around her belly and whispered words of protection, hoping that her husband would come back to his senses.

But instead, he leaned in closer to her, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke again.

“I will do anything to keep your attention and love. I have killed thousands for you, and I am not afraid to kill more. You are mine, and no one else's. You belong to me,” he said, his voice low and almost begging.

Y/N could feel his hot breath against her skin, and her mind was racing with fear and confusion. She never thought that her husband could be capable of such violence and obsession.

But deep down, she knew that his love for her was genuine, even if it came with a darker side. She couldn't help but feel a strange sense of gratitude for his protectiveness and possessiveness, even if it had led to bloodshed.

“Daemon, please,” she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. “I love you too, but this is not the way. Killing for my attention and love will only push me away.”

Daemon's grip on her tightened, and for a moment, Y/N was afraid that he might harm her. But instead, he leaned in and pressed his bloody forehead against hers, his eyes closing.

“I will do better,” he whispered. “I will show you that my love for you is greater than my need for your attention. Just please, don't leave me.”

Y/N could see the genuine sincerity in his eyes, and she felt her heart soften. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to work things out with her husband.

As he pulled away, she saw the remorse and regret in his eyes as he looked at his blood-stained hands. He knew that he had crossed a line, and he was willing to make it right.

Y/N reached out and took his hand, pulling him towards her and leading him towards their bedroom. As they stepped inside, she could see the destruction and chaos that her husband had caused in his desperate attempt to win her love.

Instead of being angry, she felt a deep sense of sadness and fear. She knew that she needed to help him overcome his need for violence and obsession in the name of love.

As she lay down on their bed, Daemon joined her, his eyes never leaving hers. They lay there in silence, his hand gently resting on her stomach. For the first time in a long time, Y/N felt at peace, knowing that her husband truly loved her and was willing to make amends for his mistakes.

In the days and weeks that followed, Y/N worked tirelessly to help Daemon overcome his dark desires. She showed him love and affection, and slowly but surely, he began to let go of his need for violence and bloodshed.

Their love grew stronger, and as their child was born, Daemon promised to be a better husband and father. With Y/N's love and support, he was able to become the man that she had always believed he could be.

From then on, their love was stronger than ever before, and Y/N knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always overcome them together.


Lo nyke emagon naejot ossēnagon lī qilōni hog aōha undying jorrāelagon se attention syt issa pār sīr sagon ziry issa dāria - If I have to kill those who hog your undying love and attention from me then so be it my queen.

With Fire And With Blood.

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