Darania Aquabulla - Tumblr Posts

Darania Aquabulla
I ran out of time today so info and finished pic will be tomorrow hopefully. For now, enjoy this sketch. The Aquabullas are some of my favorites. I was a little worried starting out with them since the first tends to be my weakest, but I wasn't disappointed by my progress on it. Stay tuned for more flowers.

Wooo, caught up today! Second one's a bit impressionistic... Not sure if leveling it helped or made it worse. Welp! Onto the info.
Darania Aquabulla
Found in the shallower areas of the Great Buddy Lake and areas of equal depth in the calmer parts of the Great Buddy River. Like its relatives, the Darania Aquabulla grow rather fast from seed and begin growing their fruit. They tend to grow in units of four, but may often grow more or less. Their aquabulla fruits detach easily from their stem and float to the surface. Taste-wise, Darania Aquabulla fruits are known for their floral overtone and are a beloved medium for tea.
Busha Blosomas with Vina Heartias
A bushy, low-growing flower that tends to grow in groves with Vina Heartia vines on Furheart Iiah. So far not much is known about them, but they make quite nice decorations. They are often associated with the sea, as they must be imported from Furheart Iiah if one wants to see them in Wing Alayna. They are said to carry the memories of the sailors they've been with and the journeys they've been on.
Despite being native to a warm environment, Busha Blosomas adapt fairly well to cooler weather. That said, they don't take well to northern Wing Alayna soil, but there has been some success growing them on the south side of the Great Buddy Mountains where they can receive some shelter from the rain.
Vina Heartias are one of Furheart Iiah's signature plants, along with the Furheartia plant. It is unclear what their relationship with Busha Blosomas are or why they are found to be growing near or around them. It is thought they have something of a symbiotic relationship, but the details are unclear. They do, however, have similar preferences, with the caveat that Vina Heartias are much more finicky about their environment. With effort they can be grown in Wing Alayna, but due to various environmental factors, Vina Heartias grown there will be green.