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Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla
a.k.a. Yura Waterbubble Plants, Yurayura Aquabulla
Found particularly in the Great Buddy Lake and River, though they can also be found in the lesser lakes and rivers of Laykia Layna.
Yura Aquabullas are popular commodities among Buddys. They make for quick, portable sources of water, and when stored with caution, can last a long time.
Korana Alnia
The larger, solitary relative of Korana Minia. Similar to the Minia, the Alnia stores a heavy, syrupy liquid like that of cough syrup. It has a sweet, medicinal taste that tends not to mesh well with other flavors. While it's culinary use is not yet fully understood, it is generally appreciated more for its aesthetics.
Alnias are always found on flat corals, and for a while it was thought that the plant itself was a hybrid of coral and plant. However, it is now understood that the plant is merely epiphytic and has a symbiotic relationship with the corals it grows on.
Alnias prefer to grow in warm, shallow water, with plenty of access to sunlight. It is thought that the taste of its nectar is stronger the deeper the plant grows. It is definitely known, however, that ones that grow deeper tend to be smaller than those that grow in shallower water.
They are found near Koraln Sing and in some of its interior basins.
Winfiddle Lilyhead
A hybrid between the Lar and Lilyhead families, Winfiddle Lilyheads can be found in bodies of water near and on the continent of Fuline Ah as well as in and around Laykia Layna. They have been known to wander out to sea much like Seafaring Mamolias, though they are not thought to be too closely related. They are much closer to Lifi Kleeflowers as they both share the lilypad trait, even though Winfiddle Lilyheads lack the clear petals and purple stem that Kleeflowers are known for.
There is not much to be said for their taste, but as they tend to stay close to land, they're often a good signal for sailors that they are close to land.
Stipa Grangania
The Grangania is an underwater plant that grows on nutrient-rich Gangan rocks. Its fruit is a delicacy beloved by Aqua Buddys, though land Buddys say it has a rather salty taste to it. It has a sweetness to it unparalleled by other aquatic plants according to the Aqua Buddys though. Though some Granganias have more a savory taste, they say. After its discovery, it quickly became a staple food in the aquatic community. Due to its ubiquitousness in Aqua Buddy culture, it is often known as the Spotil of the sea. Despite this, it is actually quite rare in the wild, having only become a staple once it could be reliably farmed.
Darania Aquabulla
I ran out of time today so info and finished pic will be tomorrow hopefully. For now, enjoy this sketch. The Aquabullas are some of my favorites. I was a little worried starting out with them since the first tends to be my weakest, but I wasn't disappointed by my progress on it. Stay tuned for more flowers.
Perloa Alnia
A relative of the Alnia family, Perloa Alnias tend to form a hardened ball in their centers as opposed to the more syrupy 'fruits' of the Korana Alnia and Korana Minia. The outside of it is much sweeter especially, and the inside of it is much more mild-tasting than the somewhat bitter taste of Korana Alnia syrup. Either way, it is less common than its relatives and thus a celebrated find when discovered.
Like other Alnias, the Perloa Alnia may be found typically off the coast of Koraln Sing in semi-shallow waters. Like its larger relative, the Korana Alnia, it also prefers growing on toadstool coral.
There have also been occasional sightings of it in the Girinia Warmsea off the south coast of Furheart Iiah towards Warminia Songlianne, which could explain the pink coloration of many of the specimens. In addition, there have also been sightings further out into the Buddy Ocean between Wing Alayna and Koraln Sing.
Seaberry Tamamo
The berries produced by the Seaberry Tamamo are sometimes used for paint and dye in Aqua Buddy society, as the pigment doesn't wash away so easily.
As the berries absorb a lot of salt in their native habitat, they aren't much for taste. They have a slightly sour note underneath the salty layer, but are not very sweet.
The seas of JI hold many secrets, and its residents are not always so quick to report their findings to the land dwellers. Though an uncommon type of seaweed, the Seaberry Tamamo was not completely unknown to Aqua Buddys. Though it was likely discovered by them long before it caught any land dweller's eye, an official study and documentation of the Seaberry Tamamo is still ongoing.
Magna Submariana
There is currently only one known specimen of the Magna Submariana, and it exists in the Great Buddy Lake. It is thought to be as old as the lake itself and to hold some great significance to it. Though its role is not fully understood, its other name is Magna Cortiana, and historical records refer to it as "The Heart of the Great Buddy Lake." Locals revere it and dare not touch it, believing calamity may befall the lake were anything to happen to the Magna Submariana deep within it.