Darby Allin - Tumblr Posts
Things I have found out about Wrestling tumblr during my stay
There is no one we can simp for
You either love MJF or hate him
Everyone loves Eddie Kingston
Eddie and Mox are a couple
Darby Allen has muliple dads
Yes he's a big scary edgy emo skater boy but he also plays catch with sting on the weekends
The dog collar match awoke something inside of us that some are more confitible to share then outhers
Rea Ripley can step on us and we'll thank her
And ask her to do it again
We all stayed up the see if Cody was going to turn up at wrestlemania, got excited then complained about it on tumber 20 secs later
Name a straight wrestler
Oh wait you can't
Wrestledream has only just started, but I'm already crying with happiness. 💜💜😅🥲
𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚋𝚢 𝙰𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗 - 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚜

Warnings - None
Word count - 820
Genre - Angst, Fluff
Summary - Darby comes home to find you curled up in the corner.
A/n - my neurodivergent ass hates storms so I'm basing this off of what I would want.
Darby had been gone for a couple of weeks by now. It was understandable. It was Sting's last match, so the situation was understandable. Sure, you had been missing him, but you both still called every day and spent the early hours of the morning texting each other, so the pain of Darby's absence wasn't quite as harsh.
However, the night he was due to return home, which was supposed to be much more dream like, ended up being far more nightmarish. It was starting to get late, and Darby was still not home. He sent you a text saying that there was a traffic jam and he would only be about 20 minutes longer. On the surface, that didn't seem too bad. Until it wasn't.
About 25 minutes after Darby had sent the message, he finally stepped through the front door and into the warm house. His facepaint was almost completely gone , and the remains of it smudged and running down his neck as a result of the pouring rain and storm outside. He called your name out as he put his stuff down by the door, yet no reponse. All the lighst were turned off, but that was most likely due to the storm cutting the power. Darby started looking throughout the house, calling you name, becoming increasingly worried when he couldn't find you.
Eventually darby made it to the main bedroom. He slowly pushed the door open hearing a faint frightened whimper coming from the corner of the room. He slowly walked over to the corner where there was something covered by a blanket. Slowly and carefully he lifted the blanket to see your little face. You had tears streaming down your face, you entire body shivering and your breathing shaky and unsteady. Your arms clutched a black cat toy to your chest. Worst of all, you had your eyes squeezed shut and you didn't seem to notice Darby, too frightened to pay attention to your surrondings.
Darby put his hand on your shoulder, giving you a gentle shake. You gave a pettrified yelp before looking up and hugging him tightly. "Shhhhh, I've got you, princess. What's got you so upset, hmm?" Before you could mumble out an answer, a loud crash of thunder outside made you jump ,yelp, and hide your face in his chest. Darby stroked your hair, realising your cause of fear. He was used to this, having a little sister that hated storms as well.
He sighed and rubbed your back before picking you up and carrying you downstairs. Without saying a word, he set you down on the counter ,grabbed some headphones, and placed them on you. Darby connected his phone to the headphones and passed it to you ,not wanting to startle you with the music. You wrapped yourself around him again as Darby carried you back upstairs. The whole time, he rubbed your back soothingly.
Soon enough, you were both laid in the warmth of your bed. You had curled up in Darby's arms, trying your best to stay awake. Soon enough, you fell asleep, your cat toy falling into Darby's lap. He smiled and tucked it under your arm. Darby was gonna fight off that fear of storms. He was gonna protect you from them. He'd protect you from anything, in fact, just like he'd promised when you started dating.
The next morning, Darby got out of the bed ,cautious not to disturb you. He glanced out the window and saw the storm had caused the fences to rip apart ,as well as a small tree being ripped out the ground, now laying sidways. He glanced back at you and sighed. "No wonder you got that worked up." You soon started to stir from your sleep, glancing up at Darby, who now had you in his lap, stroking your hair gently. "Morning beautiful, you feel better after last night?" You nodded before mumbling an embarrassed apology. Darby looked at you confused. "Well, aren't adults supposed to ot be afraid of storms?" Darby narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly, still puzzled by the outrageous statement. You soon realised that what you were saying was infanct nonsense.
After that day, you always had a pair of headphones within reach when the wether took a turn, and of course, if he was there, Darby would help you take your mind off of it. Giving you reassuring words and rubbing your back. He always stuck to his word.
nigel mcguinness, darby allin, mjf
im trying to figure out how on earth people's eyes work so,, reblog this with three wrestlers you find godly, otherworldly, insanely attractive (no personality or anything just purely looks) (include sexuality if u want/feel comfortable)
I love darby sm but he has no self preservation 😭
Darby Allin by the end of Blood & Guts

darby allin cum on my face