musicals, wrestling, and ducks
82 posts
Meltedgouda - Themarvelousduck - Tumblr Blog
is THIS your man? [shows an image of a malnourished injured exhausted man with big sad eyes looking up at the camera with blood smeared all over his face and mouth. and he is visibly trembling]
When are we gonna see Willow vs Stokely?

He deserves to get his ass beat.

No funny line from the graphics team. Man, this is serious.
tumblr users love reading. you literally stopped for this post just because it has words in it
TIL that Billy Crystal’s character, Miracle Max, in the Princess Bride was so funny that it nearly stopped the production of the movie. One actor bruised a rib from clenching to try not to laugh.
via reddit.com
nigel mcguinness, darby allin, mjf
im trying to figure out how on earth people's eyes work so,, reblog this with three wrestlers you find godly, otherworldly, insanely attractive (no personality or anything just purely looks) (include sexuality if u want/feel comfortable)

The many reactions of Kyle O’Reilly | Dynamite (6.19.24)
Are you fucking kidding me, the smartass twink and hot werewolf aren't even the main characters of the show?
Who the fuck is Scott?
Me reading fanfics when i should be asleep 💀

esther finch gives me such cruella de vil vibes. the canes. the smoking. the bad driving. the fur coats. the kidnappings for personal use.
if anyone ever made this for me i would fall in love and propose on the spot

Steak (via Instagram)
Everyone's like what is in the water at Bridgerton that makes them hot for their season. The answer was nothing they are all hot just in unflattering clothes and hair. They just have a hard time hiding Benedict for some reason.
Did the author watch the show 💀

wait i'm sorry what? did i miss something? i thought we never got confirmation of charles's sexuality? like we don't know if he's straight, queer, etc...? all we really know is he's into crystal, yeah?
edit: to be clear i'm not saying charles isn't queer (bc i mean, your honor, come on), just that we didn't get a stated sexuality

I think that S+E broke something inside of me..
my dad wanted to marry a rich women and just play the piano all day

I just finished binge watching dead boy detectives…
Now I’m waiting for the wave of fanfics on AO3.
my brain every three minutes

Chimney: Isn't it funny that your baby daddy and your sugar daddy started dating each other? Eddie: I didn't need reminding but thank you
reblog if the first musical you listened to was not Hamilton

Oh...This HURTS um ;_;