Dbh Ralph - Tumblr Posts
Man these spot the difference games just keep getting harder

What your favorite Detroit: Become Human ship says about you
D:BH Ship AU Idea
A Deviant Connor that let most of the deviants go back when he was a machine but still feels regret over pursuing them so he goes around trying to apologize to everyone but they think he's trying to flirt because he's an awkward mess when it comes to emotions so he ends up with a bunch of android boyfriends. (Carlos Ortiz's HK400, Rupert, Ralph, and yes even Daniel and Simon.) (Everyone lives au I guess.) (Bonus : They all also fall for each other too. One big gay robot pile okay.)
D:BH Ship AU Idea 2
Ralph x Carlos Ortiz's HK400 - Both are scarred and both killed for self preservation. They'd be downright sweet together okay. They can help heal each other’s wounds. (Emotionally, I mean.)
Match up
Hello! Can I have a male marvel and Detroit match up please? Im 5'2 dark blonde wvy hair blue/gray eyes bit chubby just stomach green hoodie tight jeans white run shoes. I love to draw, paint, watch anime, creative write and listen to music. I have social anxiety nd depression i hve a hard time expressing myself nd i still try to hide how i really feel I lve to be there for others I love to laugh nd smile even throw around some jokes Im quiet but do like to make people laugh I express myself better on paper and in my drawings. I have a hard time making friends. I always put a strong smile on my face until i burn out. I am very hard on myself but I try to encourage others even though I’m not good at socializing, I’ve been told that I have a big heart, very caring and funny. I am very empathetic. I can be distant and shy. I’m is known for being quiet. I tend to scare people by accident. Even my movements can be very quiet. I don’t stand out I seem to blend in and people won’t even notice me. Im better at explaining how i feel through actions than words. I dont mind PDA, i would love to hold my partners hand. I am a softy i couldnt hurt a fly unless someone really pissed me off, i dont get angered easily. INFP, Cancer Sun sign.
No worries fellow cancer sign! I match you with:
Steve Rogers

I believe you're just Steve's type tbh.
He loves your creativity! He himself used to draw a bit, back in the 40's, but now he doesn't really have time for it anymore, though he'd still love to relive some of those times with you!
He'd be your no.1 fan when it comes to writing. You wrote a story? He's gonna want to read it. You wrote a poem? He's amazed and will sit down with you and ask a million questions about all the verses.
But I feel like anime might not be his thing. He doesn't hate it, but he can't get it through his head why it's animated. He can appreciate all the good qualities of it, the story, the voice acting, but why is it animated though?? But show him one live action and he'll understand why.
Steve is really understanding when it comes to topics like mental issues. He won't stand for you hiding away though. He'll gently encourage you to express yourself through your works, if you can do that. And if you do, you're going to be showered in praise <3
He loooooooves that you want to make people laugh. He thinks it's one of your best qualities. It's really selfless when you yourself are feeling under the weather, but still try to make others feel good.
He definitely is one of the people who gets scared by your quietness. I can vividly imagine him just doing something in the kitchen and suddenly you hug him from behind and he nearly attacks you, because he didn't hear you come in XD
Steve just loves everything about you <3

Ralph feels about you the same way Steve does in many cases.
Whenever you visit him, he feels a strange sense of peace, so he grew to like you a lot.
He loves watching you draw and write, he is amazed by the sheer concept of creativity.
This one would love anime. It's easy on the eyes and easy to understand. He would probably like the simpler ones, not heavy themed ones, like The disastrous life of Saiki K. ;)
He doesn't know much about depression and because of his injuries, he can't research them. But he hates seeing you sad. It just feels wrong. So he tries anything and everything to make you not sad :)
No really, if you need anything, just tell him and he'll try to arrange it for you.
He loves when you try to make him laugh. Often times you succeed! He is quite bubbly and just loves you so much that even the corniest jokes seem funny to him when they come from you.
Please don't sneak up on him intentionally. He's been hurt in the past and is now very wary of people, you being so damn quiet does not help his case.
I think he wouldn't be into PDA, but only into DA if you understand what I'm trying to say. He doesn't go out much, but he loves being connected with you on a physical level. So holding hands or cuddling in his hideout is the best for him!


Android appreciation month day 15 ralph
Look it’s a good boy.

Android appreciation month day your favourite android It’s the best boi Ralph and one of his plants. It was so hard to choose a favourite.

Ralph is okay, i like him

Ralph is such a cinnamon roll I swear
I would die for Ralph
RB if you agree
I would die for Ralph
RB if you agree

Detroit:Become Human stickers!! :D