D&d: Honor Among Thieves - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

dunno if I've posted this rant before but I must say it because it Must Be Said. In the movie D&D Honor Among Thieves, I have powerful beef with how they portrayed the druid character Doric. She isn't a druid, they say she is in the movie but I guarantee if she had a character sheet it would show a level or two in druid and everything else was into fighter. I say this because the one Unforgivable Sin this movie committed that I will never get over is Doric being "The Druid" but never casting spells literally ever. Doric spends the entire movie handling combat with the same strategy - one that distinctly fails to hold up the higher level a campaign goes to in actual D&D tabletop, and that strategy is Wild Shape and throw hands. Wild Shape and throw hands can only get you so far as a druid when the stuff you can Wild Shape into stops having a challenge rating on-level or higher than that of whatever the party is fighting pretty quickly as you level up and stuff gets harder. I also fear greatly that people who never played D&D and watched that movie would go on to think "Wow Doric fighting with wild shape is so cool I should play a druid and do that" and have genuinely no idea that druids are primarily a SPELLCASTING CLASS. We don't see her cast a single spell the entire movie and potential new players might never realize going into their first try at the game that casting spells is, in fact, the MAIN thing that druids do well! Frankly, the druid's potential is maximized and they are at their most badass as support casters. How Bad. There's my rant, though. Enjoy. Or don't. Rest of the movie was fine.

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