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I like Vasquez she makes this case so much more interesting
Okay dump time:
So obviously, as in my previous post miles is an Oread and Phoenix is a fire spirit/elemental. Here’s what I would assign the rest of the cast:
The fey family: quite conflicted here, I don’t think their speciation is all the same because you know, different fathers n stuff. But the bottom line is: if they could channel in the games, or were actively a part of the clan, they are at least part witch/magic users. They occupy a role as heralds and enforcers between the spirits of the dead and the living. I decided that in this AU;
-Mia and Maya are half-elves because of course.
-I think Pearl is half nereid, because to me that makes sense for her.
-Dahlia and Iris were half-kitsunes, both with very different outlooks on life and definitions of “mischief”. Iris’ magic wasn’t nearly as strong as Dalia’s though.
-Morgan and Misty were regular human magic users. (The fey clan only recently started to approve of interspecies marriages as human population in their village was steadily declining)
The Fey clan was frequently sought out to treat magic-related ailments until recent modern medicine came about.
Everyone else:
-Gumshoe is absolutely a werewolf. He big. He clumsy. He goofy. He an awkward big dog man.
- Larry, because he’s always chasing after a pretty face, is a satyr.
-Kay: She is so a Fae. The fae mischief energy is strong with this one.
-the Von Karmas: they’re both demons, but demons of different cardinal sins. Manfred was a demon of pride, Franziska is a demon of wrath. Miles doesn’t care for his title as demon prosecutor because a: the press just assumed he was a demon by association and while he likes to feel connected to the Von karmas early in his career, he feels like he’s also lost that connection to his dad. That makes him feel guilty. Because B: when Franziska comes on to the legal scene it just makes shit confusing. What would they call them both? “The demon prosecutor” and “the ACTUAL demon prosecutor”? Moreover, when people found out she used a whip and immediately started calling her a “succubus dominatrix” (considered insulting to female demons who aren’t actually succubi) in the news? Miles bout near lost his shit that’s his little sister bro. Also being a demon doesn’t make someone inherently evil, and the press demonized Miles through that nickname. Imagine. You’re hated and called mean things for something you’re literally not. This is why Miles prefers his more “standard” form these days. He looks less like a weird demon and more like an oread, which he is.
-Trucy and Apollo: Aurorae, or wind nymphs. They take after their mom in that regard. Wind nymphs can fly and turn themselves into wind and reappear elsewhere. They’re extremely light beings. They do have wings to reflect birds and other sky dwelling creatures. Apollo I chose to be one because of the myth of Echo, I just imagine he’s like the wind of a hurricane, just so fucking loud and forceful without realizing it. Trucy more because her ability to disappear and reappear makes her excellent at magic tricks and deception. Also they’re hypersensitive to air movements and slight electrical charges, which is how perceive works for them.
-Athena: I wanted to make her a Raiju at first (lighting yokai) but those usually take the forms of dogs, so I figure maybe she’s a venti (Roman storm spirit). She’s sensitive to electrical fields, even more so than Apollo and Trucy, and as a result can not only hear peoples emotions with a heightened sense of hearing (she hears the charge and nature of the electrical fields) , she can sense them quite accurately too. Venti in some myths can take the shape of horses or storm clouds, but I think she’s just very electrically charged, and can summon or control small storms or electricity. (On top of the aforementioned powers). She’s also quite loud too, but not as consistently loud as Apollo is.
-Blackquill: this motherfucker is an Oni. What else do you want from me? He acts like a samurai haunted by some terrible misdeeds even after he’s proven innocent. He’s an Oni. 100% an Oni.
-Maggie Byrde: she’s a harpy. She has the lower half of a bird and wings. She’s a very clumsy flier.
-Will powers: Giant/jotunn. He’s a big lad. Gentle giant, anyone?
-Dee Vasquez: oh she’s SO a Gorgon. The headscarf thing? The femme fatale allure? Dark and mysterious? Gorgon. Absolutely a gorgon. She’d rock a pair of black aviators too.
-Lana and Emma skye: sphinxes. Lana being the kind to dish out riddles and justice, Emma being a bubbly cub until later when she becomes bitter and sardonic.
-The Judge: he’s a centaur. An old ass centaur. Some of them are supposedly wise, he’s just bad at his job.
-The Gavin brothers: Sirens. They have gills, claws, webbed hands, scales, etc. they also can shift into an aquatic form with a tail, and have alluring voices they can use for charm magic. Klavier uses his for musical talent, Kristoph uses his for manipulation. (So surprising, that.)
-Sebby: he’s a water elemental. He’s so turbulent, it reminds me of swirling water. He’s made of water, can control water, has an elemental core like Phoenix does, and hydration is extremely important for him or he will dry out and that’s no bueno. Overheating is also a serious problem because he could boil himself alive, or freeze himself solid if he’s too upset. His dad hates him for his delicate chemistry. (I still want to ring Blaise’s neck, can’t you tell?)
-Damon Gant and Tigre furrio are both malicious imps.
-Cody hackins is a kappa (mischievous Japanese water spirit with a turtle shell).
-Matt engarde is so a bitchy asshole vampire. Get staked through the heart, loser.
I’ll probably add more as I think of them.
But this is what I’ve got for now!
(Sorry this took so damn long, I fell asleep the first round of writing and then of course got busy with other things in between.)
Gimme fantasy au info in exchange for my fantasy/siren au infodump
The big baddies in ace attorney are probably living it up in prison before their death sentence with all that (former) power and connections