Deku Imagine - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



Characters ~ Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Kaminari

Summary ~ You’re just so damn curvy that you’re literally BUSTIN out of your UA uniform 😭 (double cheeked up, on a TUESDAY!), they have a crush on you btws!

Cw ~ Suggestive, Crack, Curvy Foreigner Fem! Reader, 3rd Year! Boys, Fluff, Strong Language, Booty & Booby, Copious Amouts Of The Word Literally, Boys Are Simps, Mineta Mentioned, (let me know if I missed any!)

A/n ~ I’m watching season 5 rn and this popped into my head so I’m sharin with the class 😪



⭒ Lawd have mercy 😭😭

⭒ The epitome of looking respectfully

⭒ If you read my other headcanon about 3rd year Deku then you know that he isn’t as squirmy and nervous as he was during his first year

⭒ If you catch him staring he’ll just give you a genuine smile with a lil wave then go back to whatever conversation he was having

⭒ His mind is going haywire tho! He’s bouncing his leg impatiently because damn how are you allowed to look like THAT at school?? It’s a crime to his heart 💚

⭒ Still occasionally gives side glances

⭒ Like how could he not appreciate what was sitting across the room from him

⭒ You couldn’t even button the top two buttons of your uniform because your breasts were THAT immaculate

⭒ It would be a shame to not admire you in all your glory, respectably of course

⭒ Might cunningly ask to spar just to get a closer look, lowkey though (some of your uniform might rip off oop-)

⭒ Because he’s a gentleman he’ll offer his hoodie and would secretly watch over you during the school day just to make sure nobody harasses you

⭒ Asks you out on a date by the end of the day because mans was at his LIMIT

⭒ “Hey Y/n! A new ramen shop opened up down town, let’s check it out together!” (Ur not fooling anyone Mr. 🤨)



⭒ Literally has to take a DOUBLE TAKE when you walk in the classroom lmaoo

⭒ He was sitting on his desk talking to the Baku Squad and he literally BIT HIS TONGUE when he caught sight of you ✨

⭒ You were putting grown ass TEACHERS to shame with all that damn body (how do ur hips flare like that-DAMN)

⭒ Before you could even sit down he’d snatch your arm and lead you out the room startling everyone


⭒ You’re just standing there like 😐😑😐

⭒ “All I did was breathe-“

⭒ He cannot wrap his head around how you seem so clueless to the fact that you literally look like sex on legs rn

⭒ Lowkey is yelling at you like he’s your dad, twas a funny spectacle in the hallway

⭒ Who let you out the house looking like that

⭒ Throws his jacket on you for you to wear

⭒ “I’m not cold-“


⭒ Yells this while looking away with his ears slightly red like the lil tsundere he is

⭒ The next day you find a package in front of your room, it’s a new uniform perfectly tailored to your robust shape

⭒ You have no idea where it came from but you’re very greatful, it fits like a glove! (U dumb bitch it was bakugo)

⭒ Now when he sees you in class all he has to worry about his heart beat racing, not completely EXPLODING 💀



⭒ Another looking respectfully type…kinda 👀

⭒ He does that thing where he’s looking at you but Iida is talking to him so he’s slowly turning his face to look at him but his eyes are still on you the WHOLE time lmaoo (and he’s just nodding mindlessly at Iida)

⭒ Iida obviously notices and says some smart shit like “I believe if you were to take a picture, Todoroki-Kun, it would last longer!” 👓

⭒ FINALLY he snaps his head away and kinda blushes but doesn’t say anything

⭒ He’s just not use to seeing your body type in Japan you know, his curiosity wants him to look even more (he’s never seen ass like THAT ✨)

⭒ He thinks he’s being sneaky with the blatant staring but you can feel it and you’re staring forward because it’s too intense lmaooo (he’s staring like in the pic above 😭😭😭 subtle my ass)

⭒ YOU’RE SWEATIN BULLETS 💀💀(he means well but damn)

⭒ You think he’s glaring at you for something but little did you know his heart is doing back flips and he’s trying to understand why

⭒ After class he approaches and innocently asks, “Did your uniform shrink in the laundry, Y/n?”

⭒ 😭😭✋🏽 You gotta just tell him that, “Japan’s clothing runs kinda smaller than what I’m use to…”

⭒ Please forgive him and his shameless staring and questions, he’s really not aware how intense he can be

⭒ Would honestly ask you on a sweet date and take you shopping on his dime (get the bag gworl 🏃‍♀️)



⭒ Denki, Denki, Denki 😔

⭒ The textbook definition of young, dumb, and full of cum!

⭒ HE NOSEBLEEDS WHEN YOU WALK INTO CLASS (spends too much time with mineta smh)

⭒ “WOAH Y/n, looking good!” He exclaims while clutching his nose

⭒ Sero has to slap him in the back of the head multiple times during class because he was straight up drooling

⭒ He comes up to you during breaks literally jumping through hoops to get your attention and laughs

⭒ Tries really hard to not just stare at your boobs in your face and stuff but he’s having a hard time

⭒ He didn’t want you to think that he was some disrespectful asshole but dammit you look amazing

⭒ If Mineta whispered anything overly pervy in his ear he’d probably get into an argument over your honor

⭒ “You’re not allowed to look at Y/n like that!” (but sir u was jus doin-)

⭒ He daydreams about your wedding day

⭒ Still couldn’t get the courage to ask you out though, you’d most likely have to take the hints and do it yourself

⭒ He’ll show you all his favorite inclusive international clothing spots and on the flip side you guys can match outfits together as well!

A/n ~ Oml I have no idea what the heck this was I’m so tired lmao 😭

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3 years ago

okay but what about ✨gamer!izuku✨

This is Kinda short sorry :I

Okay But What About Gamer!izuku

tell me this cupcake wouldn’t be the sweetest ^🥺❤️

Warnings: none :)

Okay But What About Gamer!izuku

if izuku was a gamer he would most definitely be one of those soft gamers

izuku would be the type to not curse a lot

he will curse when he gets scared but other than that he tries not to

he has a nice aesthetic as well! he would have a simple background that isn’t too busy

he loves playing adventure games like Genshin Impact and Minecraft.

he also liked playing games about a fictional character named All Might

he loves playing multiplayer games with his friends

I don’t see Izuku as the type to play solo gory games. if you catch him playing gory games it will only be multi-player

He isn't into hardcore games either. He likes playing simulator-type games!

Simulator being Slime Rancher

When he streams “ he likes to have periods of time where he likes to pause the game (if it is possible) and mingle with his chat!

The only gory game he would probably stream on occasion is Dead By Daylight

He plays Dead By Daylight with Bakugo when he streams and has competitions on who can get to Rank 1 first and who can get more blood points for each match

Other than that he plays it by himself as well as his All Might games. lol

If Izu had a S/O he would fall absolutely in love if you were a gamer girl as well!

If you aren't he wouldn't be too sad he would ask if you would be down to stream with him sometimes

He LOVES playing Animal Crossing with you

His heart always leaps when you both just hit each other with butterfly nets

Sometimes he likes to stream horror games while you are sitting in the room with him

that way you both get scared together and laugh about it

Sometimes you bring Izuku dinner while he's streaming and he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky

He is a total simp for you

He always tweets about you two and new two-player games you two would be trying out

If you game/stream he's your #1 supporter

Hes always giving you tips and boosting your confidence

you two are known as the cutest twitch couple because of his devotion to you

these are all over and kinda bad but thanks for reading :)

don't forget to reblog and like! :) it only takes 2 seconds!

Okay But What About Gamer!izuku

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5 years ago

Headcanon: Twerking

This idea was brought to you by the lovely people from discord @namelessthirst​, @royaltywritesstuff​, @n-1rvana​. This is about rump shaker reader shaking that boohoooooty on their fave boi. Really calling the term THROW THAT ASS BACK but trying to keep it cute. Crackhead hours are literally the best hours for content lmao.


Never knew what that meant nor what Twerking was but when he saw you do it in front of him he was mesmerized

He knew that the booty was a muscle but never saw it flex the way you made it.

Since you both have had sex before, he puts two together and realized it’s the same thing just with clothes on

His grip is tight at your hips as he watches your ass jiggle in amazement

He never thought he would love your ass so much than he already did

Best believe you’re not just going to do it without his dick out and in you


He’s heard of the term before thanks to Mina but never saw it happen

It’s not until you’re cleaning your room with the door wide open that he knows why he’s an ass man now and forever

Your ass jiggling gives him the courage to stand behind you and experience the ass throwing up close and personal

You grind too close to his groin and his quirk instantly goes off

He apologizes but you still want to dance with him. He’s so embarrassed though that he rather run from you than stand there and tell you what you’re doing to him at the moment. He needs to cool down first.


He knows what it is and loves when you do it to him.

Your hips are like butter when grinding and shaking your ass on him that he just needs you to do it without the extra cloth

He gives you the ultimatum of throwing that ass back on his dick or not to shake it on him at all

He’s very wishy-washy with this ultimatum though because he loves the view, and tapping your ass

He’s literally wrapped around your finger and you can’t tell me that he doesn’t love it


He knows what the term means and wishes it happened to him, he was jealous knowing that you were just doing it with your friends and not him

He felt like he deserved the curve of your ass on him.

It was great for imaging the soft and plumpness of your booty.

You’re also at the club when you throw it back on him and he’s prepared to lean down into the ground to keep you stable.


Knows the term doesn’t care… AT FIRST

You’re cooking one day, living your best domestic lives

While cooking as a nervous twitch to keep your body moving, you shake your ass

Katsuki isn’t necessarily surprised because you literally CAN’T KEEP STILL

But also recommends that you make your way to him before he gets pissed off

He likes the friction on his junk and purposefully grabs the back of your neck to push you down. When you do, he smacks your ass until you loudly moan.

His dick is finally awake and now you have to deal with it


Never heard of the term at all

It naturally happens when you’re cleaning together and your favorite song come on, the one that gets your booty bouncin’

You ease your way onto him and at first, he’s nervous and wants you to stop.

BUT THEN, He grabs you by your waist and holds you steady!

It catches you completely off guard as you look back at him, he bursts into an over flustered bubble

The way you look back at him sets him OFF as he dances back learning your movements in no time and adding his own touch. YOU GUYS END UP WINNING A TOURNAMENT IN GROUP DANCING BECAUSE HE’S SUCH A FAST LEARNER.

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