Deku Fluff - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I just said out loud that I want a fic where Izuku almost kms’s but gets stopped right when he’s falling by hawks or eraserhead. And wow did that put my own issues into prospective. It’s hard being a Izuku kinnie with parental issues.

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3 years ago



Characters ~ Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Kaminari

Summary ~ You’re just so damn curvy that you’re literally BUSTIN out of your UA uniform 😭 (double cheeked up, on a TUESDAY!), they have a crush on you btws!

Cw ~ Suggestive, Crack, Curvy Foreigner Fem! Reader, 3rd Year! Boys, Fluff, Strong Language, Booty & Booby, Copious Amouts Of The Word Literally, Boys Are Simps, Mineta Mentioned, (let me know if I missed any!)

A/n ~ I’m watching season 5 rn and this popped into my head so I’m sharin with the class 😪



⭒ Lawd have mercy 😭😭

⭒ The epitome of looking respectfully

⭒ If you read my other headcanon about 3rd year Deku then you know that he isn’t as squirmy and nervous as he was during his first year

⭒ If you catch him staring he’ll just give you a genuine smile with a lil wave then go back to whatever conversation he was having

⭒ His mind is going haywire tho! He’s bouncing his leg impatiently because damn how are you allowed to look like THAT at school?? It’s a crime to his heart 💚

⭒ Still occasionally gives side glances

⭒ Like how could he not appreciate what was sitting across the room from him

⭒ You couldn’t even button the top two buttons of your uniform because your breasts were THAT immaculate

⭒ It would be a shame to not admire you in all your glory, respectably of course

⭒ Might cunningly ask to spar just to get a closer look, lowkey though (some of your uniform might rip off oop-)

⭒ Because he’s a gentleman he’ll offer his hoodie and would secretly watch over you during the school day just to make sure nobody harasses you

⭒ Asks you out on a date by the end of the day because mans was at his LIMIT

⭒ “Hey Y/n! A new ramen shop opened up down town, let’s check it out together!” (Ur not fooling anyone Mr. 🤨)



⭒ Literally has to take a DOUBLE TAKE when you walk in the classroom lmaoo

⭒ He was sitting on his desk talking to the Baku Squad and he literally BIT HIS TONGUE when he caught sight of you ✨

⭒ You were putting grown ass TEACHERS to shame with all that damn body (how do ur hips flare like that-DAMN)

⭒ Before you could even sit down he’d snatch your arm and lead you out the room startling everyone


⭒ You’re just standing there like 😐😑😐

⭒ “All I did was breathe-“

⭒ He cannot wrap his head around how you seem so clueless to the fact that you literally look like sex on legs rn

⭒ Lowkey is yelling at you like he’s your dad, twas a funny spectacle in the hallway

⭒ Who let you out the house looking like that

⭒ Throws his jacket on you for you to wear

⭒ “I’m not cold-“


⭒ Yells this while looking away with his ears slightly red like the lil tsundere he is

⭒ The next day you find a package in front of your room, it’s a new uniform perfectly tailored to your robust shape

⭒ You have no idea where it came from but you’re very greatful, it fits like a glove! (U dumb bitch it was bakugo)

⭒ Now when he sees you in class all he has to worry about his heart beat racing, not completely EXPLODING 💀



⭒ Another looking respectfully type…kinda 👀

⭒ He does that thing where he’s looking at you but Iida is talking to him so he’s slowly turning his face to look at him but his eyes are still on you the WHOLE time lmaoo (and he’s just nodding mindlessly at Iida)

⭒ Iida obviously notices and says some smart shit like “I believe if you were to take a picture, Todoroki-Kun, it would last longer!” 👓

⭒ FINALLY he snaps his head away and kinda blushes but doesn’t say anything

⭒ He’s just not use to seeing your body type in Japan you know, his curiosity wants him to look even more (he’s never seen ass like THAT ✨)

⭒ He thinks he’s being sneaky with the blatant staring but you can feel it and you’re staring forward because it’s too intense lmaooo (he’s staring like in the pic above 😭😭😭 subtle my ass)

⭒ YOU’RE SWEATIN BULLETS 💀💀(he means well but damn)

⭒ You think he’s glaring at you for something but little did you know his heart is doing back flips and he’s trying to understand why

⭒ After class he approaches and innocently asks, “Did your uniform shrink in the laundry, Y/n?”

⭒ 😭😭✋🏽 You gotta just tell him that, “Japan’s clothing runs kinda smaller than what I’m use to…”

⭒ Please forgive him and his shameless staring and questions, he’s really not aware how intense he can be

⭒ Would honestly ask you on a sweet date and take you shopping on his dime (get the bag gworl 🏃‍♀️)



⭒ Denki, Denki, Denki 😔

⭒ The textbook definition of young, dumb, and full of cum!

⭒ HE NOSEBLEEDS WHEN YOU WALK INTO CLASS (spends too much time with mineta smh)

⭒ “WOAH Y/n, looking good!” He exclaims while clutching his nose

⭒ Sero has to slap him in the back of the head multiple times during class because he was straight up drooling

⭒ He comes up to you during breaks literally jumping through hoops to get your attention and laughs

⭒ Tries really hard to not just stare at your boobs in your face and stuff but he’s having a hard time

⭒ He didn’t want you to think that he was some disrespectful asshole but dammit you look amazing

⭒ If Mineta whispered anything overly pervy in his ear he’d probably get into an argument over your honor

⭒ “You’re not allowed to look at Y/n like that!” (but sir u was jus doin-)

⭒ He daydreams about your wedding day

⭒ Still couldn’t get the courage to ask you out though, you’d most likely have to take the hints and do it yourself

⭒ He’ll show you all his favorite inclusive international clothing spots and on the flip side you guys can match outfits together as well!

A/n ~ Oml I have no idea what the heck this was I’m so tired lmao 😭

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3 years ago

okay but what about ✨gamer!izuku✨

This is Kinda short sorry :I

Okay But What About Gamer!izuku

tell me this cupcake wouldn’t be the sweetest ^🥺❤️

Warnings: none :)

Okay But What About Gamer!izuku

if izuku was a gamer he would most definitely be one of those soft gamers

izuku would be the type to not curse a lot

he will curse when he gets scared but other than that he tries not to

he has a nice aesthetic as well! he would have a simple background that isn’t too busy

he loves playing adventure games like Genshin Impact and Minecraft.

he also liked playing games about a fictional character named All Might

he loves playing multiplayer games with his friends

I don’t see Izuku as the type to play solo gory games. if you catch him playing gory games it will only be multi-player

He isn't into hardcore games either. He likes playing simulator-type games!

Simulator being Slime Rancher

When he streams “ he likes to have periods of time where he likes to pause the game (if it is possible) and mingle with his chat!

The only gory game he would probably stream on occasion is Dead By Daylight

He plays Dead By Daylight with Bakugo when he streams and has competitions on who can get to Rank 1 first and who can get more blood points for each match

Other than that he plays it by himself as well as his All Might games. lol

If Izu had a S/O he would fall absolutely in love if you were a gamer girl as well!

If you aren't he wouldn't be too sad he would ask if you would be down to stream with him sometimes

He LOVES playing Animal Crossing with you

His heart always leaps when you both just hit each other with butterfly nets

Sometimes he likes to stream horror games while you are sitting in the room with him

that way you both get scared together and laugh about it

Sometimes you bring Izuku dinner while he's streaming and he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky

He is a total simp for you

He always tweets about you two and new two-player games you two would be trying out

If you game/stream he's your #1 supporter

Hes always giving you tips and boosting your confidence

you two are known as the cutest twitch couple because of his devotion to you

these are all over and kinda bad but thanks for reading :)

don't forget to reblog and like! :) it only takes 2 seconds!

Okay But What About Gamer!izuku

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1 year ago

it’s an older deku with softer arms that welcomes his first child to the world. the same who grunts when rolling out of bed and chuckles when his belt fits a little more snuggly. whose started getting mail for retirement plans and scowls playfully at you when you tease him. who is enamored with the baby’s curls and freckles and the way they fit into the corner of his elbow, like they were always meant to be there.

deku who has a strained relationship with his very first child, a kid he wasn’t prepared for when he was young. that feels guilty experiencing these new things with his new baby. who talks to you about his fears and upsets while bottle feeding your baby as you eat.

deku sees himself in his first kid: the notes, the why their fingers tangle together, the bouncing on their toes. he gets closer to them. talks to you about their day out while you’re changing your baby for rest. how they have the same smile as his mother, the way they can wiggle his ears like him. stiltedly whispers about the way they hesitated when asking him a question, a simple question. tells you how it broke his heart a little. he didn’t leave because of them, but because. . . he doesn’t know how to explain. . .

a deku that listens when you give advice from a different view, takes it and puts it in motion. . . thanks you for being there with him: truly doesn’t believe he would have the beginnings of the relationship he was with them without you in his corner.

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"Damn! This Guy's Literally The Most Handsome Man Alive!"

"Damn! This guy's literally the most handsome man alive!"

Your loud gasp and snarky comment catches MIDORIYA's attention, causing him to look at you with curious eyes. Of course his love toward you makes him feel a little irritated, he's never thought of himself as someone with amazing looks and you fonding over other men isn't really helping; but now that you've caught him starring, he's got no other choice but to show interest in the matter.

"Who? Let me see"

When you smile and ask him to come have a look, he's both reluctant and eager to see this "most handsome guy of all time"; so he gets very confused as he sits next to you and looks at the screen, only to see himself starring back at him in the camera.

"Huh? That's not the-"

Then he's met with your cheeky grin.


"And he's mine"

Even god can't stop the blush spreading over his cheeks and his big smile.

"Babe stop!"

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7 months ago

we are made of stardust

contents ౨ৎ ⋆ i. midoriya x fem reader. 0.8k words — childhood friends to lovers. fluff. astronomy references.

We Are Made Of Stardust
We Are Made Of Stardust
We Are Made Of Stardust
We Are Made Of Stardust

It's hard for someone to pinpoint their earliest memories. Maybe it was the moment they blew their candles out on their first birthday, or when they scraped their knee while learning to ride a bike.

For you, it’s the smell of lavender fabric softener.

You think your earliest memory is of the sight of his freckled cheeks, with nothing but the green light of the glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling illuminating them.

Of sleepovers, reading the most recent copies of your favorite manga that you picked out from the library together under the blanket, holding the coolest pages up for the other to see, and hurriedly tucking the books under his pillows when Inko came in to check if you two were sleeping.

You remember his giggles as he tugs at the blanket to cover the both of you, big deep forest eyes dancing with glee. ‘To protect you from monsters,’ he whispers, only five years old, yet saying it with the unwavering confidence of All Might in those videos he loved to play to death on TV over and over again.

Inko chuckles, noticing you two once again rewinding the video for the third time, entranced by all might as he saves cats from a tree while rescuing civilians from an explosive villain, “faster than the speed of sound!” the title reads, while placing a plate of sliced fruit on the coffee table. He was starting to grow out of his favorite All Might onesie now.

Would he ever outgrow you?

Just as the moon orbits the sun, you can’t remember a time when you weren’t stuck to his side.

You’re the one holding his hands in the pool when he ditches his floaties for the first time, slowly guiding him as he kicks and kicks, holding him tight and not letting him sink.

You’re the one jumping and stomping on his bullies' sandcastles at the beach, when they try to ruin his first.

Accidentally, you’re the first one he tells when he passes the entrance exam for UA. He was calling his mother on the phone when you overheard him saying not to tell you yet, because he wanted to surprise you in person. His mother and you prepare a cute little party for him before he gets home, and upon opening the door to the apartment he’s greeted with a rain of confetti and a table full of his favorite dishes.

Streamers fall around him, and his eyes light up like shooting stars as he hugs his mother and you in his arms. ‘Proud of you, crybaby,’ is what you fondly whisper in his ear and between tears he gives a choked up little laugh.

Just as the earth needs rain, he waters your gardens and tends to your flowers.

He frowns when you frown, cries when you cry. It’s been over a decade but you’ll never forget the big fat tears that ran down his face when you jumped off the swings a little too early and fell on your face. The fourth grade teachers thought he was the one that got hurt.

When he places a bandaid on your knee with a worried pout on his lips, he lends you his light, and you shine it back.

Only five years old and in your mind, he was already a hero.

“What are you thinking about?”

Your eyes flutter open at the sound of Izuku’s soft voice. His firm thighs support your head from underneath and you wonder if he’s been working out even more than usual. He grins at your dazed face.

“Were you sleeping on me?” He teases. “For free?”

You roll your eyes as a yawn hits you, stretching in his lap. “Sorry I actually forgot to bring my card with me for this nap, sir.”

“My services aren’t cheap, you know.” He fakes a huff like he’s being scammed big time, and you have to laugh. He was so cute when he was dramatic. “I guess I can start a tab for you.”

“Aw, thanks.” You deadpan, and he snorts in response.

Taking his hand in yours, you trace the scars along his skin, addicted to the feeling of where rough scars meet his soft, baby skin.

He can’t help but blush.

He still gets it, this look in his eyes, like when he makes an observation he’s never realized before amongst his mutterings. Whenever he sees All Might merch on display in store windows, despite already owning most of it already.

But even more so, when he looks at you.

His gaze softens as he admires you in his lap, the slope of your nose and the shape of your mouth that his lips must have traced over hundreds of times by now. When he received that fateful golden strand of hair months ago, and after his mother the first person he thought of protecting was you. Though he knows you’re more than capable of doing it yourself, he wants to. He wonders if you realize it, the reason he saves. If not, he’s willing to remind you, over and over again until it’s woven into the beautiful constellation of your brain.

You’re the one that’s always been his hero.

We Are Made Of Stardust

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1 year ago
 The Mixtape Series: Keshi Edition (masterlist)

✩࿐ the mixtape series: keshi edition (masterlist)

about. we turn to music during our most intimate moments, listen to three minutes of perfectly strung together words to best convey emotion. in this universe you turn to a playlist searching for love. OR. a collection of songs by the artist keshi following your relationships with six of your favourite bnha characters.

warnings. minors and ageless blogs do not interact. sfw, suggestive, fluff, angst, hurt-comfort, happy endings, toxic relationships/dynamics, fwb relationships break ups, engagements, alcohol mentions - each fic has its own warnings.

things to note. proud to introduce my new mini project that i’ve been working on while i was away! i wanted to try writing a mini series to practice my short form writing. i hope you enjoy!

 The Mixtape Series: Keshi Edition (masterlist)

track list. to be updated every saturday at 6pm - 10pm gmt. each contains its own set of warnings and ratings. reader discretion is advised - find the playlist here !

 The Mixtape Series: Keshi Edition (masterlist)

01. right here - katsuki bakugou (22:07)

about. “if you need me, i’ll be here.” - exes to lovers!au, ex!bakugou, hurt comfort + happy ending.

02. onoffonoff - eijirou kirishima (29:07)

about. “when we start, we never stop.” - toxic relationship!au, miscommunication, pro hero!kirishima suggestive, angst + open ending.

03. war with heaven - izuku midoriya (5:08)

about. “damn, i’m missin’ my baby.” - fwb!au, friends to lovers, long-distance relationship, pro hero!deku, suggestive, fluff + happy ending.

04. understand - shoto todoroki (12:08)

about. “maybe we could try it, if you let me.” - established relationship!au, engagements, lazy sundays, pro hero!todoroki, fluff-comfort + happy ending.

05. summer - sero hanta (19:08)

about. “fuck around, feel my heartbeat.” - fwb!au, mutual pining, confessions, pro hero!sero, suggestive, fluff + happy ending.

06. beside you - denki kaminari (26:08)

about. “say i’m not your type but i know what’s on your mind.” - friends to lovers!au, reunions, rebounds, pro hero!denki, suggestive, fluff + happy ending.

 The Mixtape Series: Keshi Edition (masterlist)
 The Mixtape Series: Keshi Edition (masterlist)

— all rights reserved © TTEOKDOROKI 2020-2023. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here

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2 years ago


─✦𝔠𝔴. nothing, deku going fishing with his son and it turns out to be a disaster </3

Thinking about how you propose and idea to Midoriya about taking his son fishing as a father-son bonding activity.

Thinking about Midoriya hesitantly agreeing, wanting to restore a sense of normality between them since it has been stolen from their lives as soon as Midoriya decided he wanted to be the number one hero.

Thinking about how Midoriya hesitates because he had no father figure in his life to enjoy fishing with and therefore, has no idea what to do.

Thinking about Midoriya in his cute bucket hat and vest, sitting on a dock in a camping chair. His son, who's wearing similar clothes, but sports a life vest instead of a traditional vest, is cheerfully conversing with him. The wiggly bait is not yet seducing for fish to bite.

Thinking about how his son's hook gets caught on a log or maybe entangled in a plastic bag so Midoriya hands him his so he can get it unstuck.

Thinking about how his son tries to warn his father that he feels like something, something rather heavy, is nibbling on the bait, but Midoriya's mind is on how to untangle the hook.

Thinking about how midoriya jumps at the sound of a large splash and a cut-off shout. How quickly he realizes that the massive fish had pulled his son into the water.

Thinking about how quickly the over-protective father and hero clash inside of him as he reacts, diving headfirst into the water to rescue his son (despite he's wearing a life vest).

Thinking about how Midoriya pulls him from the water, the fishing rod as well in his hand and the fish still intact, later revealing to be a 95-pound catfish.

Thinking about how his son is laughing at the frightening moment, wanting to fish again next weekend.

Just thinking about Midoriya being in father and son things </3

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9 months ago

Hello!! I know it's late and it's okay if no but can you please write a scenario of Deku finding out that the reader's foster parents abuse her? It's okay if no i'm just seeking comfort rn.

A/n:omg omg nonnie I'm so so sorry if you have abusive foster parents:((( sending you a lot of love rn and i hope everything is okay

Warnings:abuzive parents

Hello!! I Know It's Late And It's Okay If No But Can You Please Write A Scenario Of Deku Finding Out
Hello!! I Know It's Late And It's Okay If No But Can You Please Write A Scenario Of Deku Finding Out
Hello!! I Know It's Late And It's Okay If No But Can You Please Write A Scenario Of Deku Finding Out


Deku is a person that you can tell everything to, even if you're not dating, but especially when you are

So when you tell him that yours foster parents are abusive, he would feel so bad for you and would literally want to take you with him in order for you to not go back there

If he tells him mom (if you are okay with that) she would want you spending most of the time with her and would literally raise you like you are her child

Honestly Deku would see your parents like some kind of villains that just aren't trying to destroy the world, but they are destroying you and you are his world, so yes, they are villains if you ask him

He always tells you that if something happens you can immediately call him. He would be on his way right away

Suggested telling some people like Aizawa, but if you think it's gonna make it worse to do anything he wouldn't

If Aizawa knows tho. He's like a dad to the whole 1A soo, he'll be there for you

In general Deku would always suggest going to his place, helping you with school works, etc.

All in all he's one of the best boyfriend in general and especially when you have abusive parents

Hello!! I Know It's Late And It's Okay If No But Can You Please Write A Scenario Of Deku Finding Out

© mariaace 2024 pls do not copy translate steal or claim any of my works!

@dazailoveschuuya <3

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2 years ago

A Bumpy Ride

PAIRING: Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader

WC: 2742

SYNOPSIS: First, your dinner plans get cancelled, then a villain attacks your train ride home. God, today kinda sucks.

WARNINGS: Villain attack, violence, swearing (bakugo is there so i feel like that’s a given, but i’ll put it anyways), Mentions of injury/slight gore, simp midoriya (what’s new).

A Bumpy Ride


You stood on the 6 o’clock train with your left hand clutching the handle that hung from the ceiling. As it was the evening train, there were only about 8 people in your vicinity. The floor rattled under your feet with the turns, and each body shifted with its strong movements. You pulled your phone out, and read the messages with a smitten smile. (you’re such a sucker for him.)


Izuku <3

Sorry I can’t make it to dinner tonight, but I’ll be home as soon as possible! Wait up for me, I’ll grab takeout on the way home from patrol. :)

Thanks izu <3, I'm on the train home from work right now, and I’m gonna stop for cat food. Do you want me to grab anything for you from the market?

Stop distracting him, you shithead extra

heyyy katsuki :))


no u

Sorry N/N!! Kacchan got my phone again. I have to go, but stay up, I will make it worth your while ;) !! I love you!

haha I love you too, stay safe izu.

Stay safe yourself, N/N :)


Things between you and Izuku have been going strong for about two years now. It was honestly wonderful. He always made sure to make extra time for you, especially when plans got canceled because of emergencies like this one. Dating as a hero can be difficult, but he makes sure that you’re aware how much of a priority you are to him.

He had gotten called in as extra force on patrol due to recent rumors of a large villain attack. So, he had to begrudgingly cancel your dinner plans.

You and Izuku met waaayy back when you both attended UA. You were not really cut out for hero work, but your affinity for technology allowed you to make top of the line gadgets for them! The support course was where Midoriya spoke to you for the first time. He stuttered over himself to ask if you could repair a piece of his suit. It was all uphill from there. Now, you help build tools, gadgets and suits working as a mechanic for a hero agency in downtown Tokyo.

Both of you working at nearby hero agencies definitely has its perks. Oftentimes, you see each other on the job, you almost always have a ride to work, and can sympathize with each other's work problems. Izuku values you like the Earth values the sun. fan behavior tbh. He couldn’t imagine a world without you in it, and each day he strives to treat you right. Such a softie.

So here you stood, adjusting your grip on the train handle and on your way to the market. You had a single earbud in and you were blasting music, tapping your finger to the beat. You scrolled through social media trying to pass the time, when the train suddenly jostled and the lights flickered. Your head snapped up and your grip tightened onto the handle. People began to frantically murmur and the emergency lights flashed on.

Uh. what the hell?

The train heavily shook once more.

Shit! What is that? An Earthquake?!

Unfortunately, your question was answered. On the outside of the train was a large tentacle that wrapped itself around the train car you were inside of. People began screaming, shaking and crying as the car of your train was disconnected from the track. You pulled up Izuku’s contact as the train was jostled around.

Calling Izuku <3….. Call Declined.

You know keeps his phone off whenever he’s on patrol, but hell it’s worth a shot.

Calling Izuku <3….. Call Declined.

‘Shit. Come on Izuku. I need you right now.’

Calling Katsuki…..

‘Come on Come on Come on.’


“What the hell are-”

“Katsuki! There’s a villain on th- AH SHIT”

The villain turned the car on its side, and people began to grip their seats, handles or poles in order to stop themselves from sliding down to the bottom. You held dangling from the handle and propped your legs against the car’s ceiling in order to become steady. You heard one of the children on the train begin to cry.

“What? Hell, hang on Y/N. We will get you out of there. DEKU!”

“Katsuki, I need- AH!”

The handle couldn’t hold the weight of your suspended body and tore from the ceiling. You dropped your phone somewhere and fell to the bottom of the car. You spun around midair so it was your back that slammed against the metal door, taking the brute of the fall. However, that didn’t stop you from hitting your head against the small window at the top, shattering it, but not breaking through.

With vertigo clouding your senses, you tried to sit up, but the shaking of the train car made it near impossible. Your eyes shook and your head pounded. You felt a stickiness cover your fingers and clump your hair together.

Damn. I was having a good hair day too. What a bummer. Oh also the fact the train is IN THE FUCKING AIR RIGHT NOW.

The villain peered inside of the window. He observed each of his victims meticulously, and with a curl of his lip, he began to shake the train once more, causing you to smack against the ceiling and land on your forearms with a groan. Tomorrow is going to hurt.

This was the first good look you got at the villain. He was someone you’d never seen before, skinny, very tall, a mess of dirty red hair sat on his head and eyes that pierced red and induced fear in whoever fell under their gaze. He was scarred up and he had a sadistic smile on his face. Oh, he also had eight MASSIVE black tentacles sprouted from his sides.

The other members of the train lay strewn about on the seats. Two teenage boys were flopped over the seats, the metal arm resting uncomfortably under one’s torso. The younger girl who was with them was clutching her knees as tears streamed down her face. C’mon man. They’re just kids.Two middle aged women held onto each other on the floor of the train. An older gentleman who sat next to his wife reached his arm out to help you. He opened his mouth but before he could speak, the villain began his monologue. ugh.

“Each of you represents something more than what you are.”

Oh brother.

“Today you symbolize the faults of the beloved, pathetic heroes in our city.”

Your head throbbed and you sat up, pressing yourself against the wall. You closed your eyes as you involuntarily listened to this asshole rant.

“The heroes failed me time and again. And today, they will fail you.”

“Please sir, I-I have grandchildren at home.” The elderly man quivered.

“I don’t believe I care. You have the ability to be much more significant to me.”

His tentacles moved so he was right outside the door you were leaning on. You tried to ignore your probably concussed pounding head and swiftly slid away from the door as he ripped it off of the car.

“Hello, dear,” The villain said to the little girl as she quivered. She looked up at him. Her brother stepped in front of her. “You know, I always wanted children. However, I was unable to after your pathetic heroes failed to save me, leaving me mutilated and ugly.” He motioned to a scar on his face.

“Maybe you can’t get a girlfriend because you trap innocent people on trains. Leave my sister alone. She’s just a kid.” The aforementioned teenager only looked about 14. However, he shakily stood in front of her and put his arm out. “She didn’t do anything wrong!”

Awe. He’s kinda like young Izuku.

The villain glared daggers as his face morphed into a look of disgust. One of his tentacles moved to violently grab at the boy.

“Oy!” You yelled. “Pick on someone your own size you Ursula knock off.” His head snapped in your direction.

“Tch.” He reached towards you and grabbed your lanyard around your neck that held your keys. “Of course.” He motioned to the logo of your hero agency. “The mouthy ones always work for scum.”

One of his slimy black tentacles slid towards you and wrapped itself around your neck, lifting you off the ground. You choked out a gasp and your hands clawed at the appendage in a futile attempt to get free.

Black spotted around your vision.

“Awe. Not so mouthy now, are you sweetheart?”

You felt the pressure from the tentacle stopping air from flowing through and your arms slowly began to give up, falling as you lost consciousness.

Fuck, help.

“OY!” Katsuki said, jogging to catch up with the green themed hero. He looked at his phone and saw the call with Y/N.

L/N Y/N……. Call Disconnected.



“No time, Y/N’s in danger.”

Their earpieces went off simultaneously.

bzz. “Villain with an octopus quirk currently attacking the 6:00 PM Train in Tokyo.” bzz.

‘No.’ Midoriya thought. He immediately began running towards the scene, Bakugo following close behind.


Green lightning surrounded Deku as he pounced from building to building, begging time to slow down enough for him to catch up to you.

He continued on his way, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios about your state. Landing on the rooftop across from the train tracks, he was about to jump right in, when a thick glove grabbed his shoulder.

“Keep your head on straight, or you will be taken off this, Deku.” Bakugo said.

Izuku didn’t say anything.

“We will get her out of there, but you need to stay level headed or more people will get hurt, including her. Don’t be an idiot.”

He reluctantly nods in response. He knows Bakugo is right, he just can’t seem to push down the anxiety that this situation is causing. He took a breath, pushed back his hair, and assessed the situation in front of him.

The villain stood in the middle of the train car with a few of his long tentacles harshly grasping onto the outside of the train and pressed against a nearby building to hold it steady above the tracks. The man was inside, bending over to speak to a quivering little girl, and you! You were sitting on the ground with your head back against a wall.

“We have to get that train car stabilized. If we go in and take him down it will fall with the civilians still inside.” Bakugo said, crossing his arms.

The young boy stepped in front of the little girl and held out a protective arm in front of her and said something that the heroes couldn’t make out.

“I’m not sure how we’re supposed to do that, we are already so short handed.” Izuku said. “I think our best bet is to get the civilians out first. They’re the priority.”

Bakugo glares in Deku’s direction.

“If we screw up, the train falls and kills those people and potentially hurts more. Wait for backup.” He says.

Midoriya clenches his fists, but agrees. That is, until the villain wraps his tentacle around your throat.

“Y/N!” Izuku watches as the color slips from your cheeks and your arms go limp. Bakugo’s eyes go wide, and he doesn’t stop Deku from jumping in your direction. But Midoriya would never risk your life. So his eyes dart around the scene and he shifts his direction to the ground directly underneath the train car. He calculates his timing, and pulls back his fist. He directs his arm at the large slimy tentacle that was propping the car up from the ground, and with green lightning and a resolved “SMASH!”, he hit the tentacle.

Immediately after the stabilization of the train car had been tampered with, Deku shot up in the air to meet it. He flattened his palms against the bottom, and albeit shakily, he softened the collision of the car enough for everyone inside to only be shaken.

After he set the car back onto the tracks, Katsuki jumped to the car.

“Well that was dangerous.” Katsuki muttered.

In retaliation to the two heroes approach, the villain wrapped two of his tentacles around the teenage passengers.

“Let the kids go, asshole.” Katsuki said, eyeing the inside of the train car for any advantage he could take over this guy.

“Ah, Pro-Hero Dynamite! What a pleasure.” Katsuki quirked (haha get it) an eyebrow, and made eye contact with him.

“Cut the bullshit. What do you want?”

He narrowed his eyes.

“Ever the conversationalist, Dynamite. I want the world to stop their baseless devotion to pathetic heroes. like you.” He spat out his words with venom. He tightened his tentacle around the torsos of the boys.

Deku slid in behind Bakugo, and tried to keep a calm, strong glare at the villain, but his eyes kept shifting to your figure. You were still unconscious on the ground. That is not good for someone who is possibly concussed.

“Tch. What do you think this will do? Villains do worse than this every day, and lose. This is baseless.”

“I will be the outlier.”

“Put the kids down.” Midoriya said.

“Ah, the number one hero. The day has come in which I will ruin the high ground that allows- why do you keep looking at her?” this villain is such an attention whore. Midoriya’s breath caught in his throat. He swallowed.

‘Dammit. My attention was split. C’mon Deku! Rookie mistake.’

“She’s the most injured. She takes precedence.”

The villain looked at Deku with a glare that shot down all of Midoriya’s efforts. He’s not buying it. In order to direct his thinking, Deku stepped forward.

“Let the civilians go, your problem is with us, not them.” He put his hands out.

The villain let out a low, psychotic laugh, invoking fear.

“The virtuous hero makes a valiant effort to sacrifice himself for their precious civilians. Tch.”

“It’s our job. Protecting them because they haven’t done anything wrong.” Dynamite said.

“I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG EITHER! I had a good life. A stable job, a fiancé I made the mistake of idolizing the likes of you. But all that went away once you heroes failed to do your job.”

His grip tightened around the boys.

“Put them down now!” Katsuki reeled back, ready to throw a punch at the villain.

“No.” He pulled his tentacles tighter. “Look at this. We have an audience!” He smiled at the media outlets that were recording from a safe distance outside the train. “This will be perf-”

While he had his head turned, Katsuki jumped at the villain, taking him off guard. He hit him with a solid right hook, used his foot to launch himself off the ground, swung his leg around the villains head and kicked downward. The villain’s head hit the metal with a resounding ‘donk!’ and was reduced to unconsciousness.

That was so anticlimactic. What the hell.

You groaned as Midoriya lifted you onto his back in a piggy-back style encouraging the young girl to follow, as she luckily didn’t have any immediate injuries. Bakugo took the two boys and assisted the women off. Midoriya stood at the bottom and helped the remaining car members off the track first, and then ran you over to a paramedic.


The next morning, you finally got dismissed by the paramedics with strict instructions of bed rest. Izuku insisted on taking care of you, and the coddling this man can do.

Since your apartment was only a couple blocks away, you had permission to walk. Izuku was not a fan of you moving in any way that can result in injury. Therefore, he held all of your belongings, from your backpack to your wallet, he didn’t want an ounce of weight for you to carry.

“How are you feeling?” He said with a tinge of pity.

“Izu, I already told you! I am just a bit sore. You heard what the doctor said, bed rest is just a precaution. I will be okay my love.” You put a hand against his face.

When you arrived at your shared apartment, he hurried to the stairs in order to help you each step of the way. He opened the door for you and help you up past the final step. You smiled and laughed a bit him.

“Oh my god! Wait Izuku.” Alarms rang off in his head and he began frantically searching you for injuries.

“What? Did I hurt you when I helped you up? I’m so sorry Y/-”

“No! Izuku nothing like that.” You grabbed his hands. “But yesterday I never got to go to the market, we still need cat food. Don’t take the train.” You lightly hit him on the chest. “Have fun!”


A/N: Yeah, I rewatched Bullet Train again which inspired the train crash, and I feel like there’s not enough Midoriya stuff out there. I’m getting back into my bnha phase with this one but that’s okay- also guys keep your eyes peeled for a new Katsuki Bakugo x Reader series! Cant wait for this, thanks for reading! <3

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3 years ago

ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛɪᴇꜱᴛ ɢɪʀʟ⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧

Words: 132

Summery: just a cute confession.

"It... it was.." He struggles to find the right words "it was as if there was a voice telling me to like you" he laughed nervously as he rubbed his nape. "It's weird... I know" he gave her awkward closed eyed smile.

"But.." Suddenly he turned serious. "You were just like a dream" he bit his lips as he swallowed the lump on his throat that was keeping him from speaking.

"The prettiest girl I had seen" his cheeks started to become more red as the time went by. "And without even me noticing, I had fallen head over heels for you" He finally confessed.

His heart was beating so loud it felt like it would jump right out of his chest, his hands were cold and shaking waiting for her response.

✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧

The guys I feel like would confess like this-

Midoriya izuku, Kirishma ejiro, kenma kozume, hinata shoyo, kageyama tobio, akaahi keiji, sugawara kouhi, oiwaka tooru, matsuno chifuyu, mitsuya takashi, angry and Itadori yuji,

Those are who came to my mind rn but pretty sure there are more.

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