Dengo - Tumblr Posts

OMFG ROBOT JANITOR DENGO NO WTF DID YOU JUST--HOLY FUCKING SHIT SON YOU JUST SLAYED PRINCE ROBOT'S PRINCESS WIFE. "Saga" just went full-on "Game Of Thrones" with their character death count! #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #dengo #shitjustgotreal #ohmyfuckinggod

And here I thought Prince Robot IV was the only freakin' Robot badass who stole my fanboy heart. In comes Dengo, a vengeful lower-class janitor, who just killed Princess Robot, kidnapped the royal robot baby as his hostage, and completely MASSACRED an entire ship full of armed Landfallian soldiers and high-ranking Robot officers. FUCK YEAH DENGO! #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #dengo #robotjanitor #shitjustgotreal #fuckyeah #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney #allmyfanboyfeels

Fucking betrayal of the most cowardly order, is what this is! Looks like Dengo is about to cross paths with the fugitive family of "Saga" now that this hunchbacked alien bitch Yuma is gonna spill all the deets on Alana and her family. #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #dengo #robotjanitor #yuma #shitjustgotreal #betrayal #nopenopenopenope
![SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]](
![SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]](
![SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]](
![SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]](
![SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]](
![SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]](
![SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]](
SAGA Fan Casting [3/3]
Jamie Clayton as PETRICHOR Abbey Lee as THE STALK Ben Kingsley as BARR Tilda Swinton as THE BRAND Morgan Freeman as D. OSWALD HEIST Viola Davis as YUMA Idris Elba as DENGO