Idris Elba - Tumblr Posts
Which The Suicide Squad Members Do You Think Will Live or Die?
I made the same post a year ago and thought about updating it since new info has been released since the movie was announced.
Here’s my list:
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
King Shark
Polka-Dot Man
Ratcatcher 2
Captain Boomerang
Sol Soria
What do you guys think?
On the eighth day of Christmas...

ℑ𝔱’𝔰 𝔄 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Husband!Idris Elba x Black!Wife Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛ 2.3K
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It’s Christmas morning and your kids are more excited than ever for it. So excited, in fact, they decide to make you and your husband, Idris, a Christmas breakfast. However, you don’t let this minor hiccup ruin the day. You’re reminded just how much your family means to you.
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Guys, someone please snap me outta my delusions, cuz this story had me imaginan my whole life with him. He’s such Daddy material😋 I really hope y’all like this one!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist

It's early Christmas morning and the house is silent. I’m sleeping soundly, stealing most of the covers from Idris as he is sprawled across the majority of the bed. I begin to stir once I hear tiny footsteps approaching my room. I shift, hiding my head under the blanket when I hear the door burst open.
“IT’S CHRISTMAS! IT’S CHRISTMAS!” Our 5-year-old daughter, Heaven, shouts as she jumps on the bed, stepping on her father.
"Ah! Heaven, darling, please!" He grimaces as he's suddenly awoken from his slumber, shifting under the blanket and sitting up. He reaches out and grabs her mid-jump, pulling her into his lap. "Do you know what time it is, princess?" He questions groggily and Heaven beams brightly.
"It's Christmas time, Daddy!" She says excitedly and jumps on his lap. I hear footsteps approaching me and then the blanket is pulled away from my face. I squint as the light hits my eyes and bury my face in the pillow.
"Mommy, get up! We made you guys breakfast." Our oldest son Jason tells me, before pulling the rest of the blankets off, causing me to shiver.
"JJ, please just give us five minutes, okay?" I ask, but he shakes his head.
"The food will be cold by then, Mommy!" My heart drops at the realization and Idris and I make eye contact. He sees the stressed look forming on my face and gives me a reassuring one back, turning to the kids.
"Right, Heaven, Jason, it's still early. Why don't you give your mum and me a few more minutes to get ready and then we will be down." He offers, but they don't relent. Heaven continues to bounce up and down and Jason can't seem to contain his excitement.
"We can't, Daddy! It's Christmas! We shouldn't have to wait." His smile is wider as he can't wait to go downstairs and show us what they made. Idris groans and I bury my face again.
"Alright, alright, you monsters. Calm down for a minute." He starts as he stands up and tosses Heaven over his shoulder, making her giggle. "What exactly have you three been up to, huh? Don't tell me you've been cookin' on the stove." He peers at Jason, who smiles and shakes his head again.
"We didn't use the stove, we used the microwave! We made our own special cookies and even decorated them! Come on!" He grabs my hands, pulling me out of bed and leading us both out of the room. We exchange a horrified look, imagining the mess in the kitchen. And we've still not seen our youngest yet. Hopefully, he's asleep.
Upon entering the kitchen, the smell of burnt cookies hits us. I sigh nervously as we round the corner. The kitchen is a mess, with flour and butter everywhere! There's frosting and sprinkles smeared on the counter and an incriminating stepping stool beneath the area. Behind the island, I see two little feet sticking out. I walk over, careful to avoid any mess on the floor and see our youngest son, Luke, on the floor eating frosting from the tube. He smiles as he looks up at me.
"Mommy! Mommy!" He shouts as he stands up and hugs my legs. I begin to regret wearing shorts as his sticky fingers come in contact with my skin.
"Oh, sweetie..." I say, groaning a bit as I take everything in.
"We made a little mess... But aren't the cookies pretty?" Heaven asks, presenting a plate of holiday mush. It seems as if they'd mixed up flour, sugar, and water, and threw it in the microwave, topping it off with green and red frosting and snowflake sprinkles. Heaven and Luke look so proud of their creation and Jason is giggling to himself, obviously the ringleader and brains behind this whole operation. I try to control my temper, after all, it's too early and it's Christmas. Idris chuckles and lifts Luke up into his arms, careful not to get any icing on himself. He turns to Heaven and takes the plate from her, placing it on the counter.
"Those cookies are incredible, princess!" He says, causing all of the kids to smile. I shake my head gently and put on a smile. This was bound to happen at some point. They're kids and it's Christmas. And I can't be mad at them, they all look so proud of themselves.
"They're absolutely amazing, you guys. But..." I bend down to look Jason and Heaven in the eye. "Remember, you need to ask Mommy and Daddy if you can use the kitchen. It's not safe to do it by yourself. Okay?" They both smile and nod.
"Okay, Mommy, we'll make sure to ask next time," Jason says with a happy smile. I give them both a kiss and pat their backs.
"Now," Idris starts, "why don't you two clean up in here while I clean up your brother?" He says to our older kids. They frown a bit, groaning.
"Hey, none of that. You guys did a nice thing for Mommy and Daddy by making these pretty cookies, but you need to clean up after yourselves as well." I explain to them.
"Yes ma'am." They reply in unison. Jason grabs a broom from the closet and Heaven goes under the sink to find a sponge to clean the counters with, using her stepping stool to reach the mess. Before wiping the mess away, she drags her finger through the frosting and licks it, causing me to grimace as I watch her enjoy her work. I turn to Idris and he chuckles, before kissing my cheek.
"Be right back, love." He says, giving me a charming smile, before propping Luke up on his side. "Come here, buddy. We gotta get you cleaned off." He says as he walks up the stairs with our youngest.
I walk over to Heaven and help her wipe the counter, helping her put away the baking tray. She still tries to sneak some frosting, licking it off her fingers before wiping her hands on the kitchen towel. I shake my head at her and she giggles. Jason catches everything that was wiped off of the counter with the broom, sweeping it into the dustpan and trashing it.
"Okay, you two. You're doing such a great job at cleaning up, thank you." I say to them both, smiling down at them. "Once we're done here, how about we open some presents?" I suggest and they both cheer at the mention of presents.
"Let's open them now! Pleaseeee!" Heaven begs and I laugh to myself.
"No, we gotta wait until Dad's done cleaning up Luke, duh!" Jason says back to her, causing her to pout. She crosses her arms and frowns. I shake my head at them.
"Let's just finish cleaning up. I'm sure Daddy will be done by then and then we can start, okay?" I offer them a warm smile.
"Okay, Mommy," Heaven says, going back to cleaning. Idris soon returns with Luke following after him, in a new set of pajamas and looking squeaky clean.
"Yay! Daddy's here! Can we start now, Mommy?" She asks as she turns to me. I laugh a bit and nod.
"Yes, sweetie, we can start," I say and all three of the kids rush to the living room and sit on the floor around the tree. Idris grabs my hand and I smile at him as we both take our seats on the couch, his arm wrapping around my shoulder. Heaven spots a present with her name on it and squeals happily, turning to us with bright eyes.
"You ready to open, princess?" He asks and she nods rapidly, tearing the paper away. She gasps as underneath the wrapping paper is a black Barbie doll with a beautiful pink dress and sparkling shoes. She looks up at us with a grin, thrilled with her gift. Heaven jumps up and kisses me and her dad on the cheeks.
"Thank you, Mommy! Thank you, Daddy!" She says, hugging the gift close.
"You're welcome, baby," I say with a content smile.
"Take good care of her," Idris adds, smiling as well. Jason and Luke look at us with hopeful eyes, waiting for their turn. "Well, what are you guys waiting for? Jump in!" He says and the boys excitedly grab gifts of their own, ripping them open. Luke squeals happily as he gets a fire engine with colorful blocks that snap together and Jason gets a brand new Lego set.
The room is filled with the childish sounds of laughter and excitement as the kids open more Christmas gifts. Idris and I exchange glances, basking in the warmth of the joyous moment unfolding before us. The chaotic morning, filled with mishaps and messes, now seems like a distant memory, replaced by the pure happiness on our children's faces.
As the Christmas frenzy dies down, Idris turns to me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He reaches under the tree and pulls out a beautifully wrapped box that was hidden at the back, topped off with a bow that sparkles like freshly fallen snow.
"For my beautiful wife," He says with a warm smile, handing me the gift. I look at him with surprise, not expecting this, but accepting the gift anyway. I grin as I carefully unwrap the present. Inside, I find a stunning necklace, a beautiful chain accompanied by a pendant shaped like a snowflake, glistening with tiny diamonds. I gasp, overwhelmed by the thoughtful gesture.
"Idris!" I cover my mouth in shock and his smile grows wider as he sees my reaction. "It's so beautiful!" I exclaim, my fingers gently tracing the intricate details of the pendant. Idris beams with satisfaction, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I saw it and I thought it would be perfect for you. Like each snowflake is unique, so is my love for you." Touched by his words, I lean in and press a tender kiss to his lips. The kids all collectively cringe at us.
"Ewwww!" They shout at our display of affection, but we don't let it stop us. He puts the necklace around my neck and I move my hair out of the way to show it better.
"How does it look?" I ask, doing a little pose. Idris chuckles and takes my hand, kissing it lightly.
"Perfect, just like you." He says, causing me to blush at his words. However, not being one to be outdone, I reach under the tree and hand Idris a carefully wrapped gift of his own.
"Darling, you shouldn't have." He winks playfully. He grins like a child, tearing the paper away with eagerness. Inside, he sees a brand new watch, something he's been eyeing for a while now. He inspects the watch closely, looking both pleased and surprised. "This is incredible, Y/N. I love it."
"And I made sure the band was in your exact size, so no need to get it fitted either," I add and he looks at me adoringly. He puts the watch on, giving it a thorough look over.
"Just in the nick of time." He smiles cheekily and I roll my eyes.
"You're so cheesy sometimes, you know that?" I laugh.
"Guilty as charged, my love." He grins sheepishly. He wraps his arm back around my shoulder and gives me a kiss. After taking a break from toys and getting some breakfast, everyone does their own thing. The kids are now playing, occupied with their own little world. The only sounds that fill the room are the laughter and joy of the kids, along with the quiet murmur of Idris and my voice as we chat and relax. It's a content and cozy day.
Idris and I are still on the couch, cuddled up and watching a Christmas movie under a blanket. Eventually, Jason comes and sits next to us and Luke climbs up on Idris's lap, leaning against him. Heaven sits on the other couch, still playing with the new accessories she got with her new doll.
Luke starts to yawn adorably and Idris kisses him playfully on the head, before yawning himself. He looks at me and I stretch, yawning as well. We look over at Jason, who's fast asleep with the TV remote in his hand. I yawn again and then glance over at Heaven, who is also asleep, her head resting against the back of the couch. I smile and lean my head on Idris's shoulder, wrapping the blanket around us. The house is filled with silence, except for the soft sound of the movie on the TV.
I close my eyes, letting the sounds of the movie fill my ears. Idris's arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and with his other hand, he cradles Luke gently as he sleeps. With all the children peacefully snoozing, it's just me and him for this moment. It's calm, soothing and comfortable.
"I love you," Idris whispers, kissing my head softly. I smile and nuzzle into his neck.
"I love you too, sweetheart," I whisper back, before letting my eyes fall shut. I take in the warm and comfortable silence, not thinking about anything else besides the peaceful ambiance we seem to bask in right now. I know we should probably get up and put the kids in their rooms, but I don't want to disturb the peace. We've had a wonderful Christmas and I'm reminded, once again, how much I love my family.

I know this isn’t new, but it makes me chuckle every time I read it.

Graham Norton, Lena Dunham, and Idris Elba help an audience member reply to a text message.
I swear to god, British men are either incredibly mid or solid 10/10s
It happens. But the 10/10s...

(and more) Amen!
#Mira-Marathon | MCU
Film Name: Thor: Ragnarok (2017); Production Studios: Walt Disney Pictures, Marvel Studios; Director by: Taika Waititi; Screenwriter: Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle, Christopher L. Yost, Walter Simonson; Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Jeff Goldblum; Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure; Running Time: 2 hours 10 minutes;
"Thor: Ragnarok" is a Marvel superhero film where Chris Hemsworth plays Thor, who after losing his powers ends up on the planet Sakaar and is forced to fight the Hulk in an arena. They must escape and stop Hela, the goddess of death, who plans to destroy Asgard. Pros: Incredible visual effects, Exciting and dynamic plot, Lots of humor, Excellent performance by Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo, Introduction to the cosmic side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Cons: Some characters like Hela and Valkyrie are not very well written, Some plot twists are predictable. Overall, this is a visually impressive, dynamic and fun film with an interesting plot and charismatic characters.
My rating:

THE DARK TOWER (Dir: Nicolaj Arcel, 2017).
A kind of sci-fi/western/fantasy mashup based on Stephen King’s popular series of novels.
In alternate universe Mid-World, Gunslinger Roland (Idris Elba) battles bad guy Walter (Matthew McConaughey) for dominance over the Dark Tower, which Walter plans to use for evil means. After stumbling through a portal in abandoned house, troubled New York teenager Jake (Tom Tyler) teams up with the Gunslinger to assist him in his quest.
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

Male Celebrities of Color
*Please don’t reblog if you condone whitewashing, racial slurs, race face or otherwise post white people and celebrities who have done these things. This post is meant to celebrate people of color’s diversity not be a token splash of color in an otherwise white archive. Thank you in advance!*

*Please don’t reblog if you condone whitewashing, racial slurs, BLACKFACE or otherwise post white people and celebrities who have done these things. This post is meant to celebrate black men, specifically dark-skinned black men, not be a token splash of color in an otherwise white archive. Thank you in advance!*
One more time, if you can overlook racism towards black people, period, but especially by your white faves only objectify (condone the objectification off) black men then move the fuck on I will not be polite if I have to check you for ignoring this caption.
![Get To Know Me: Current Celebrity Crushes [1/10]](
![Get To Know Me: Current Celebrity Crushes [1/10]](
![Get To Know Me: Current Celebrity Crushes [1/10]](
get to know me: current celebrity crushes [1/10]
↪ Idris Elba (b. September 6, 1972)
“I'm an ambitious person. I never consider myself in competition with anyone, and I'm not saying that from an arrogant standpoint, it's just that my journey started so, so long ago, and I'm still on it and I won't stand still.”

Male Celebrities of Color
*Please don’t reblog if you condone whitewashing, racial slurs, race face or otherwise post white people and celebrities who have done these things. This post is meant to celebrate people of color’s diversity not be a token splash of color in an otherwise white archive. Thank you in advance!*

*Please don’t reblog if you condone whitewashing, racial slurs, BLACKFACE or otherwise post white people and celebrities who have done these things. This post is meant to celebrate black men, specifically dark-skinned black men, not be a token splash of color in an otherwise white archive. Thank you in advance!*
One more time, if you can overlook racism towards black people, period, but especially by your white faves only objectify (condone the objectification off) black men then move the fuck on I will not be polite if I have to check you for ignoring this caption.
do u guys ever look back at a piece of half-done writing and think ‘this could be brilliant. this could be my mona lisa. my starry night. my idris elba’ but you have absolutely no drive to finish it despite an unfaltering desire to see it finished

Box artwork for the Knuckles’ Guardian Mech Playset released by LEGO in 2023. Support us on Patreon
DC FanDome: Gal Gadot, Idris Elba, Margot Robbie, Dwayne Johnson, Zack Snyder y más Estrellas para un Encuentro Emocionante....
DC FanDome: Gal Gadot, Idris Elba, Margot Robbie, Dwayne Johnson, Zack Snyder y más Estrellas para un Encuentro Emocionante….
Si la Comic-Con virtual de este año no fue suficiente para alimentar a tu alma fanboy/fangirl, entonces DC FanDome llenará ese vacío de superhéroes y cómics. El confab 24 horas se llevará a cabo en línea el 22 de agosto y han anunciado la lista de estrellas que prácticamente incluye a casi todos en el universo extendido de DC.

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