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not to say that misha cant also just genuinely be out of touch and/or a spineless liberal about this but its 100% intentional damage control by the cw to have him be the one to address the situation. they know that A) lgbt fans like and trust him and B) he openly called cas’ death bury your gays two weeks ago, so having HIM be the one to sell the company line is definitely a strategic move
make sure to leave suppressed bisexuality and self-worth issues out for castiel tonight

i love when it's so clear that there's been a category 4 destiel event
Supernatural is not a good show. In fact, it is pretty objectively terrible. It has moments of brilliance and potential, but it squanders it most of the time.
But there will never be another show like this one.
Supernatural was a show where pretty much anything could happen, and it went on long enough that pretty much everything did. It went from a straightforward, procedural monster-hunting show to a weird, meta parody of itself where the main characters beg for freedom from a cruel and all-powerful writer controlling their fate.
Supernatural was a show made for cishet white men that gained an audience of anything but, and spent years struggling with that dissonance. It became multiple shows at once to appeal to its vastly varied fanbase and, when faced with the need to choose an ending and decide its identity once and for all, ended up angering everyone.
Supernatural was a show that the writers completely and utterly lost control of. I don't think the writers of 04x01 Lazarus Rising could have ever in a million years imagined the events of 15x18 Despair. It became a monster bigger than itself because of the energy of its fanbase. The show itself briefly became a mirror of this dissonance in its final season, before the show finally tried to regain control and ended the way that it did.
Supernatural has had an impossibly impactful mark on internet and fandom culture. It has changed this website in tangible ways that won't be forgotten anytime soon. It was the 12-year-long queerbait, the one that would serve as the scale against which to compare all queer ships before and after. It spawned the only ship to date with over 100,000 fanfics on ao3. It was the homosexual homophobic show. The world's longest, most drawn-out hate crime. And it ended it all with superhell, tetanus, and party city wigs.
Supernatural is not a good show. But it is undoubtedly fascinating and influential. I want to study this show endlessly. It is just so fully insane to me.
Anyways, I'll be posting about this show A LOT tomorrow as well so sorry to my non-supernatural mutuals. I'm jealous that you are not cursed with the burden of knowledge that is this show.