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2 years ago

“Is this truly love?”

REMINDER: This is part four of the Dion series! I suggest reading the first three parts before reading this.

first three parts:

001 . 002 . 003

Is This Truly Love?

Now she was truly understanding the meaning of being only his pet.

Dion had stopped showing any of his old actions towards her.

At this point she should just leave. Dion was no longer going to be welcoming towards her, and that was her only hope.

She huffed in annoyance as she skimmed through the papers that the male had left on his desk. His room was a whole mess which annoyed her.

Looking through the papers, there was none that could give her an idea.

Sleep slowly crept in the back of her mind. God... Suddenly a sound made her turn. At least try to.

A hand covered her mouth from screaming which nearly stopped her breathing. Slowly, but surely her eyesight was getting blurry.

A groggy Name awoke later on, in a room different from the room she had been in before.

"huh?" Thirsty, she felt so thirsty. Something was tipped to her lips as cold liquid filled her mouth. A maid was standing there, there to aid her of her needs. "Where am I..?" The maid seemed frightened of her question and shook her head, running to the door and slamming it behind her.

Where was she and what was she doing here? A voice answered her thoughts as if reading her mind. "You're here because your parents still haven't paid the debts I've continuously been patient on receiving." Lant Agriche said, smoking a cigarette while a hooded male stood behind him. Dion seemed to look at her with a look as if he didn't know who she was. "I've decided that it's about time I change your living conditions a knot." His tone was laced with venomous hatred for her family's treacherous attitude towards him.

'That's because they don't give a damn if I live or not.' She thought. The truth was her parents could care less if she lived or not in the hands of the Agriches. To them she was just a toy for their reputation. Her being captured was nothing, but a mere miracle for them. She has and never had been loved by her parents, and siblings.

"You will being staying here in the meantime, whilst we deal with your ungrateful parents." Lant continued on with his speech on the matter. "You, on the other hand, might as well make yourself comfortable. The probability of you leaving has turned slimmer than you think. One wrong mistake from you and you shall be transferred to a worse habitat to live on, is that understood?" He didn't bother waiting for an answer as he already turned his heel and left.

Dion, on the other hand, stayed for a few minutes, analyzing her reaction to the whole ordeal before abruptly leaving without so much as a sound to her or anyone outside the door.

The next few days were a pain. Not that she had not expected it the moment she had been told she was going to stay here. The Agriches were at least considerate enough to give her food and drinkable water as well as water to wash the dirt of the floor off of her body.

There was no word from the Agriches, nor even a squeak from the maids who brought in her daily needs. There was a wall of silence bestowed in between her and the outside world. Eventually, she heard one of the maids chattering to the guard about recent incidents involving her family members getting bankrupt over the incident between the Agriches and their own, but other than that there was no word of whether or not they lived through the Agriches' rampage. She had hoped they did otherwise she'd be the only Last Name's descendant, and that would be difficult seeing that she was nowhere near getting out of this damned void that was driving her crazy.

One afternoon or perhaps morning, she was unaware of the time anymore, someone interesting had come into her dirty room. "Oh?" Turning to see the tall frame of none other than Jeremy Agriche. "Is there something you need?" She asked, hoping that her fright over the male Agriche was not noticeable. The Agriche's azure eyes analyzed her with a hint of amusement towards her reaction.

"Father has called for you." Jeremy said clearly annoyed that he was placed in fetching duty. Without another word he swung the door open, bringing in the bright beam of afternoon light. "Let's go." He said without so much as a glance nor a good emotion to his voice.

Making the walk there was probably the hardest part. Not only did they have to go through hallways and twist and turns, they also had to go to another building. Seems the Agriches' quarters were of different houses per category. Whereas Lant was not with his children so it seemed. It seemed the mothers of his children were also located somewhere else.

Finally they made it to the place where Lant had called for her to attend to. Jeremy spoke with the guards for a while. Pissed off that they were 'slacking' during their duties. But, the guards, who were still fresh from Jeremy's scolding, opened the door with haste revealing Lant, Dion, and Roxana who sat awaiting their presence as well as another person Name could not seem to recognize.

"So, you're the Last Name's only daughter, hm?" The unknown male said, looking at her up and down. "Don't see what's so special. Sure it's a female, but the talks about you do you no justice. You're quite normal compared to how the talk of the nobles say you look like." The male continued on, enjoying the cold look on the female's face. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Before she could answer, Roxana barked back. "Fontaine I would advice that you stay quiet. There is a matter to be solved after all."

"What matter?" 'Stupid tongue! Must you always speak before thinking.' The female scolded herself. If she died it would be because of her dumb mouth who couldn't even keep still for once.

"Your family." Roxana answers, eyeing her father as if for permission on saying what she was to say.

"What about them?" Name asked curiously. The other female seemed to tense at her reply. Perhaps she was getting too bold?.

It didn't matter though for it never made a difference. No one bothered to speak after a few minutes before Dion Agriche himself spoke up.

"Your family has gone missing, Last Name." Her eyes widen. "It seems they have had the idea of 'running away'." This made her knees buckle. So they finally ran from their debts and sorrow. Leaving their poor daughter to fight for her life in this wretched hole of hell.

"Now we have to decide on what to do with you." Lant declared with a sudden interest on joining the conversation.

Before anyone else could speak someone spoke up. "I could marry her."

Everyone looked towards Dion shocked.

"Then she'd be useful now wouldn't she?"

Well this was going to be more hell than she thought.

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1 year ago

☆ the moments after

dion lesage x male reader [he / him]

sypnosis: [name] comforts dion with his worries after an intimate night. (meant to be viewed as romantic)

- brief mentions of sex but no nsfw.

the lowercase is intentional !

 The Moments After

the air was thick and heavy, the moments of your intimacy with dion lingering in the air as the two of you pant heavily. dion holds you close, even though the two of you are sweaty and extremely warm. he just confides in you.

"thank you for that, [name]." the prince whispers, kissing your forehead as he snakes his arms around your waist to drag you in even closer. you chuckle hearing how thankful he is. "you don't have to thank me, we are lovers after all. this is normal, dion." you whisper back, resting your head on his chest. "even though we are lovers, i feel like i need to thank you. you've helped me relieve my stress today, and i'm glad." dion sighed, placing a kiss to your cheek this time. "plus, me thanking you just shows you how much i care for you, does it not?" the prince ruffles your hair with a small smile on his face.

the dim lights in the tent reflect off of your bodies and you see dion's smile. so naturally, you smile back. you absolutely love how caring dion was in private and off of the battle field. he truly made you weak in the knees, and he always made you feel butterflies in your stomach.

you lean in even closer to dion and kiss his lips, sweetly and tenderly. it wasn't filled with the same intense passion and heat as it was a few minutes prior. it was just filled with an innocent love that the two men shared for eachother.

once the kiss ends, the two men pull away and stay close to eachother on the bed still. their naked bodies touching, and their gazes on eachother. you look at dion with so much love, and he looks at you the same. yet, it was almost as if the two of you always competed to see who loved who the most.

"i love you." you speak softly, not wanting anyone else to hear this exchange, even though nobody would dare step into the prince's private tent this late. "as do i. i love you too, [name]." dion responds, sharing the same soft tone that you spoke with.

"i am truly glad we could spend tonight together." the prince starts, and you listen. you always listened to him, because your ears never wanted to listen to anything else. "life has just been so stressful, all of my duties as prince and bahamut.. it piles up and takes a toll on me, even if i do not show it." he sighs, a frown tugging at his lips, but he's still glad you're listening.

you stroke dion's blonde hair gently, humming along to what he has to say. "well, you have put up with a lot. you are very strong, my prince." you say, trying to reassure the man who was laying next to you. dion sighs again, still feeling affected by all of his duties. you understand, being in his position must be tough - your own family using you for your powers in war. it's cruel, and dion knew it all too well.

"i guess i am strong, but that's all people value me for." dion mumbles, leaning in to your touch, your warmth. "they don't chose to think about what the prince feels.. ever since that traitor walked into my father's life, everything has gone downhill." he shook his head, acting as if that would help him get his mind off of things. it wouldn't. of course it wouldn't.

for a few moments, you lay in the bed with dion in silence. it's not a bad, awkward silence. it's a comforting one that lets dion know you're listening. "dion..." you start, not knowing how to finish your sentence. instead, you just press a kiss to dion's lips yet again, wanting him to know that you care. luckily, he understood the message like he always did.

"i'll always be here for you, dion." you whisper against the prince's lips as you part from the kiss. he nods in response, his frown ripped away from his face, returning to a smile. "no matter what you do, or what happens, i'll always be here for you. i love you." you reassure dion, and he nods again, still pressing your bare body against his. "i love you too. i know i can count on you no matter what." he replies back, not wanting to let go of you. he was always going to stick by you, no matter what. he wasn't going to go back on his words now.

and then the two of you layed together for the rest of the night, whispering sweet nothings into eachother's ears and stealing kisses. oh how you both loved the moments after..

☆ requests ▪︎ masterlist

☆ author's note: me and dion are actually married ?? i am terence.

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