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Writing a princess crossover tangled fic is so much fun when you don't have a little bitch in your ear telling you princesses are for babies.
Tell Her (Asha x Simon)
It is a beautiful day after defeating the evil King Magnifico bringing the wishes back to others and making them come true... Simon starts to feel the happiness inside out. Simon waters the plants with a smile on his face.
"Hey Simon, what are you doing?" asked Gabo. "Just watering the new plants when they need some water," said Simon. "Hey, we see you smiling. What are you smiling about? You're in a good mood today?" said Gabo. "Yeah," said Simon. "It looks like you're swooning," said Hal. "Swooning? Nah," said Simon. "Are you in love with someone?" asked Gabo. "Well..." said Simon. "Tell us who," said Bazeema. "Oh, come on, it's just that I'm smiling that everything's all clear since Asha and us defeated King Magnifico. I'm pretty sure about that," said Simon. "Come on, tell us who are you having feelings for?" said Dario. "OK, you got me. I'm swooning and smiling, OK?" Said Simon, admitting that he was swooning happily. "Tell us, who's the girl you're in love with?" said Hal. "Hey, guys," said Asha who is walking by with Dahlia.
"Hey," said the others, saying hi to Asha. "Hi, Asha..." said Simon, who was blushing and now swooning over Asha. "Whoa, why do you sound like that?" said Safi. "Wait, it was Asha you're in love with," said Hal, shocked. "I knew it!" said Gabo. "Alright, you got me again. It was Asha, I've been starting to have feelings for her," said Simon. "When you didn't tell us you have a crush on her?" said Gabo. "Oh, come on, I just admitted it right now, I was just too nervous to tell her," said Simon. "Hey dude, don't be nervous. All you gotta do is to tell her how you feel like you gotta tell her that you love her," said Dario. "Geez, I don't know," said Simon.
"Loving her, it's easy to tell her how you feel..." sang Gabo, in a tone of Loving You by Minnie Riperton. "OK, I'll do it," said Simon, giggled. "Just be calm, be very heartwarming, and talk to her. Don't be nervous, Simon. Just tell her how you feel, take your time to cool or calm down before saying anything, OK?" Said Bazeema. "OK, I'll do my best to tell her that I love her more than a best friend," said Simon.
Meanwhile, Simon picked out the red roses and the pink roses from the rose bushes, harvesting them. Simon placed them together into the bouquet and put them in the vase of water, to make it look beautiful as a gift for Asha. He hears the books falling, he goes to what's going on. He sees the bookshelf in a room, fell off. "What's that sound? (gasps), your books! May I help you with them?" said Asha. "Sure, uh... Of course, you may," said Simon, in a nervous tone, but then calmly. Asha helped Simon pick up the books and then placed them on the shelf. Unaware that Simon was checking her out with him biting his lip, by looking at her chest. Asha placed the books back on the shelf. "Are you OK?" asked Asha.
"Oh... Yes, I'm OK. I'm just zoned out, that's all," said Simon, snapping himself out of it. "I see," said Asha. "There's something I should tell you, Asha. Something very... important and... something that you don't know about that I've been wanting to tell you," said Simon. "Yes?" said Asha. "Well, there's... Umm..." said Simon. "Tell me," said Asha, putting her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Remember that I apologized to you and the others about betraying you to become King Magnifico's knight?" said Simon. "Yes, is there something you're missing?" said Asha. "Yes, it's just that I... I..." said Simon.
Asha looked at him with a "Say something" grin expression on her face, and she went closer to his face. "There's something you should know that... I love you... More than a friend," said Simon. "Really?" said Asha, shocked with her eyes open. "Am I getting you angry? I don't want you to be upset when I'm telling you how I really feel, please don't get mad," said Simon.
Asha kissed him on the lips for the first time, having their beautiful, first kiss. "I'm not mad, Simon. Not at all, I do admit that I love you more than a friend, too. There's nothing to worry about, I love you, Simon." said Asha. "You're really beautiful, Asha," said Simon, grinning calmly. "Thanks," said Asha, responded with a smile. "Oh, and I got a gift for you," said Simon as he gave the bouquet of roses to Asha. Asha becomes love-amazed by the beautiful gift, she accepts the gift as she carries it.
They kissed passionately and then hugged. "Yes! Way to go, Simon!" whispered Gabo. The teens cheered quietly. "You the man, Simon!" said Safi. "That's so romantic, such a lovely couple in the world!" said Bazeema, happily. "I think I'm gonna cry seeing them together," said Dario, preparing to cry with joy. "Aww," said Bazeema, comforting Dario. "Way to go, Asha! Finally, they're in love," said Dahlia. They watched Simon and Asha becoming a couple, it was the best day of Simon's life.
The End
4 town x reader headcanon where the reader is terribly clumsy please? 😍🙏

He just thinks its so cute when you act clumsy
He doesnt even mind when you act awkward infront of him
Whenever you trip on your own foot, hes always there to rescue you
he quickly catches you
He will always ask you if your okay
"Are you okay, mon Amour?" he asks, in a Soft, romantic voice
You just stare at him, your pupils getting bigger and bigger cause of how hot he looks looking down at you, holding your body
"Y/n?", "y/nnn???" no responce
"Y/N!" he asks a bit Louder this time which catches your attention
"Wha- what??"
He starts to chuckle
He loves the way you stare into space
"Bébé, i was asking you if you were okay."
You quickly apologize cause you thought you Were being weird
But he shushes you and saya "dont apologize, i like it."
Tae young🕊

Like Robaire, he thinks its cute when you are clumsy
he giggles when you poke him on the cheek
Or when you stroke his cheeks like a grandma
He loves it so much
or even when you give him so many kisses and praise him likes he's a little baby
"Oh my gwoodness you are just so cyuuteee!"
He is always there for you whenever your about to drop or break something
You both we're gonna have cereal and you shakingly hold your bowl full of cereal
Tae young, afraid that you will drop it, came behind you and holded your arms steady
"Careful dove, dont want you to drop your bowl." he say with the most CUTEST SMILE ON HIS FACE🥺🥺
"Awww thanks tae, your my hero." you say in a silly baby voice.
You stroke and kiss his cheek and walk off
His face turns super red after that
Aaron T

Aaron just loves you to much
Like you guys love being clumsy together
Like when you guys spin around to much and you fall on top of him from all the dizziness and you both die of laughter
You are so clumsy around T's friends and he acts like its nothing
Sometimes he might get nervous if his friends might find you awkward
But luckly, they all love you and find you funny
His friends love watching you both being clumsy to eachother
Like both of you poking your cheeks And shaking his head with your Hands
Your distracted from your phone when Aaron T comes suprises you by coming behind you and hugging your waist
That scares you that you almost dropped your phone
But Aaron has "spider sences" and he quickly grabs your phone from falling out of your hand
"I'm sorry baby!" he says, laughing hystericly at your reaction
You start play fully hitting him and chasing him around the house
Aaron Z🏀

He just thinks your absolutely adorable
He is just so lucky to have you
Poor baby can get super worried about you getting hurt cause of how clumsy you can be
Like one time you Were dancing like crazy, listening to music on full volume
Z relaxed on the Sofa almost about to sleep. But then he heard a loud thud
Which immedietly wakes him up and go run up to the sound he heard
He sees you on the ground and immedietly goes up to you and carries you, bridal style (hes super strong dont worry)
"Babe! Are you okay?" , "does it hurt when i touch you here?", "did you break your leg?"
He just keeps asking multiple questions
You laugh at him and say that your totally fine
He sighs in relief and holds you tight
"You almost gave me a scare there, please dont scare me like that again."
You promise him and gave him a kiss on the forehead which he returned to you

He cant help but have a big smile on his face when he sees you acting clumsy with his 2 kids
His kids LOVE you so much
Which they starter to call you "mommy" which almost made Jesse cry of happiness
When you accidently drop something, he would always be there to help you
He's always watching you, making sure you dont axt to clumsy and fall, or gwt hurt
He loves seeing his lover being clumsy with him
Like you poking him alot or pinching his teasingly
He doesnt mind cause his kids do it too
He is such a good catcher
Like when you are shakingly holding your coffee, almost about to skill it
Jesse helps you drink it for you (what a gentleman🥰)
"Oh, thanks Jesse!" you say akwardly
You both dont realize that the kids are watching you both having a moment
"No problem baby, im always here for you." he says, stroking your cheek
Hes gets close to you for a kiss buat the laughter of his kids scare him
"Daddy's gonna kiss mommyyyyy!" they sing songed
You couldnt help but giggle cause of how cute they are, teasing they're daddy
"Alright alright time for bed now, go on." he tells the kids.
While the kids we're in theyre rooms, he turns to look at you
"Now, where we're we?"
thx so much for the request! I enjoyed writing this😭🖤

I’m going to expose a little gem I’ve been selfishly hoarding all to myself. 👇🏼 you are a lucky duck
For those of you who are as obsessed with Aladdin as I am, you MUST read this FanFiction!!! It’s so beautiful. This drawing was inspired by the story, and honestly I consider it canon. I like to call it Aladdin 4 lol. As you can see from the drawing, there is quite a predicament with Jasmine, and as you can see from their expressions, something is weighing heavily on their minds. Please read it, that’s already tons of spoilers haha. 😉
It’s called Revelations in the Sand, by FoxCort24 on FanFiction.Net
Here!!!!! READ IT YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!! They are an amazing author!!!!
You’re in for a treat.