Does This Count As Gay Panic - Tumblr Posts
guys i swear to god i almost fucking died
i got a notification from my instagram saying someone had requested to follow me and i was like ‘cool, i dont post anything but let’s look ‘em up’
but when i actually registered the name my heart dropped and i stopped breathing
my celebrity crush had requested to follow me
someone who had a shit ton of followers, but wasn’t following anyone had requested to follow me
literally my first thought was ‘my life is not a fanfiction. this isnt happening, it’s not real, this isnt real, fuck it better not be real’
but then i thought ‘what if this is real? what am i gonna do? im not pretty enough for this, shit what if they expect an actual conversation?! i’m not good at those! fuck it, im ignoring it. shit maybe i should block them?’
i didnt know what to do, i had to call in an expert
cue in my best friend who had as much experience in this as myself, meaning none
she was no help, i never mentioned my celebrity crush by name, i only gushed about them
during my talk with her i came to a decision
i had to delete instragram
i had to say goodbye to my cat memes, my dog memes, my funny comics and my 9 followers
it was time to say goodbye old friend
so as my last farewell i went to their page to reflect on my decision one more time
and lo and behold
it was a motherfucking fan page or something dedicated to the group
i had never felt so goddamn relieved in my entire life