Dog Mask - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



Materials used: cat mask, foam, brown felt, paint, clay, cardboard


Bonus 0.5 photo

(Also the shine is from my glasses because they fit in this!)

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1 year ago

My sibling just told me that my grandparents think I’m possessed by a demon… how fun!

Also asked my sibling if I was talking about an evil spirit (he forgot the name) gosh this is so funny

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1 year ago

Mask tutorial part one!

Step 1: get scissors and card

Mask Tutorial Part One!

Step 2: cut this shape, the rough size of the top half of your face

Mask Tutorial Part One!

The width is how wide the mask will be, the cut out triangle in the middle is where your nose will go

Step 3: Cut out this shape for the muzzle

Mask Tutorial Part One!

Step 4: construct the muzzle. You can use either tape or hot glue here.

Mask Tutorial Part One!

It should end up looking like this:

Mask Tutorial Part One!

Now we are going to go back to the flat bit and cut some eyes.

Step 5: get a felt tip pen. Take glasses and stuff off your face. Put the card on your face and use the felt tips to trace around your eyes while feeling like an idiot

Mask Tutorial Part One!
Mask Tutorial Part One!

Step 6: cut out the eyes around the bad guidelines you drew

Mask Tutorial Part One!

Step 7: attaching the muzzle. You can use hot glue or tape, and depending on how much you squish it, you can make the muzzle wide or thin. Anyway glue/ tape the muzzle around the nose hole but preferably not over the eyes.

Mask Tutorial Part One!

That's it for the base! I'll make another tutorial on how to fur it and put the strings on, but that's it for now!

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1 year ago

Mask tutorial part 2

Equipment: glue gun, scissors, mask base, fur or another material you want to use.

Mask Tutorial Part 2

Step 1: cut a piece of your fabric slightly bigger than the muzzle and cut a small square out of the end, like we did when making the muzzle for the mask base

Mask Tutorial Part 2

Step 2: start glueing the fur to the muzzle. Start where the muzzle meets the flat bit, then work along the edges, folding the fur under the edges

Mask Tutorial Part 2
Mask Tutorial Part 2

(sorry for the bad pictures)

Mask Tutorial Part 2

You may have extra flaps you need to cut off like the one above that I ended up with

Mask Tutorial Part 2

Muzzle finished! You can see I left a gap, that's because I'm going to attach a plastic nose later and this just makes it easier to stick on.

Step 3: attach the ties / elastic. Poke it through the base, tie it, you can glue the tied end down if you want. Do this on both sides. Please don't be an idiot like me and forget until you've glued half the face fur down... 🤦

Mask Tutorial Part 2

Step 4: cut the fur for the rest of the base. Cut/ trace around the base, leaving some overlap. Make sure to cut around the triangle for the nose too, or it won't fit around the muzzle properly.

Mask Tutorial Part 2

Lay it on top of the mask and cut the nose bit to fit around the muzzle nicely.

Step 5: glue the fabric to the base! (Yes we will cut the eyes out but that comes later) Start at the muzzle and glue around the edges, folding the edges over to the inside of the mask.

Mask Tutorial Part 2

Step 6: cut out the eyes. Make sure there is no fur going in your eyes, and if there is, trim that fur. Then if you haven't already, glue around the eyes but DO NOT FOLD THE EDGES INSIDE THE MASK. It puts fur in your eyes. Not comfy.

Mask Tutorial Part 2

I'll do another post with the finished thing, but I can't add any more images

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