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5 months ago

I finally did it. I finally drew Portia in Riffraff with their "disguises" now the gang is all complete...

I Finally Did It. I Finally Drew Portia In Riffraff With Their "disguises"now The Gang Is All Complete...

uh extra doodle + actual avatars below

I Finally Did It. I Finally Drew Portia In Riffraff With Their "disguises"now The Gang Is All Complete...
I Finally Did It. I Finally Drew Portia In Riffraff With Their "disguises"now The Gang Is All Complete...
I Finally Did It. I Finally Drew Portia In Riffraff With Their "disguises"now The Gang Is All Complete...

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5 months ago

Icyridge Part 2 spoilers from wish_z on Discord

Icyridge Part 2 Spoilers From Wish_z On Discord

The fact that Anna has her hood down in this scene makes it feel like she's standing up to Captain Silvier. And also because she has a fucking DoodleBoy. I said in one of my hc that Player has a DoodleBoy, and its fucking canon that those exist in universe. I feel like Desmond gave her that, just a hunch. Imagine Player and Anna playing... Doodle Red and Blue would be funny. They just trade each other misprints. She mad that Player ain't the one protecting her, now she can't have a gaming buddy /j Anna definitely being girlboss here. Like with how this is framed, this is definitely Anna saying smth to Capt. Silvier to get him to do something. Oh and TJ's there too. He's just wondering what the fuck is going on between these two.

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5 months ago

I have some Food for Mind. Y'know when Suzie mentioned someone promising her tastebuds back and that's the reason why she's in the Key Hunt in the first place? I have a sneaking suspicion that it's Joseph Bright. I mean who else makes such outlandish promises that sound too good to be true and relates to the Key Hunt. TJ says, "Me, the pathetic one? You are the pathetic one. Why are you even following us around? You aren't participating in the key hunt, you aren't even a tamer." And Suzie says, "...I was promised a cure to my broken tastebuds by someone." And while we don't know who that could be. I'm pretty sure it was Joseph. I mean Suzie is following us because we're collecting keys, who else wants keys? Joseph. And we've seen him promise stuff to characters like Julius about giving them an escape from reality. Things that are too good to be true. And I've already discussed here how I believe Joseph is making Charles believe he can bring back Rebeccca. A promise too good to be true. I believe Joseph is doing the same with Suzie. Just some Food for Mind. Also he's likely been to Von Sweetsvillie before the story takes place, there is some graffiti with the saying 'Return to Blank' or smth like that. And he goes there to visit Number Three.

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5 months ago

I like to imagine that Charles had long hair before he decided to go bald, much to the dismay of Riffraff and Rebecca 😔

I Like To Imagine That Charles Had Long Hair Before He Decided To Go Bald, Much To The Dismay Of Riffraff

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5 months ago

what happens when Player isn't around

When someone else brushes your hair for you and it hurts way more than when you do it yourself.

(A random DW Skit idea I had to write down because it's hilarious in my opinion)

Suzie: Hey, Quincy?

Quincy: What is it?

Suzie: Can you brush my hair? I've been trying to get into the habit recently, but I can't seem to get the brush through.

*Proceeds to show her knotted hair to Quincy*


Suzie: My hair, why?


Suzie: Okay, rude much- WOAH!

A few minutes later...

TJ: I'm back and I got us some snacks from-

Suzie: AHH!!


Quincy: SUZIE! Hold still, I'm trying to untangle this RIFFRATS NEST that is your hair at the moment.

TJ: What did I just walk in on?

Suzie: I asked Quincy if he could- ow... help me brush my hair- OW! Now I'm not so sure if I want him to be the one to do it anymore.

Quincy: Well it's too late for you to change your mind now, because I shall not cease until every last knot and tangle has been purged!

TJ: Dude, you look like you're ripping her hair out.


TJ: Doesn't mean you should yank on it full force, man.

Quincy: How else am I going to brush between the strands?

TJ: Brush between the- That is literally the same thing!

Quincy: What do you mean?

TJ: Like... why would you be worried about not brushing between the strands... when a brush already does that by default??

Quincy: I don't follow.


Quincy: If you don't want it to hurt, then STOP MOVING!

*TJ takes a deep breath, listening to the two of them argue as he suddenly gets an idea*

TJ: You got a comb?

Quincy: There's one on the dresser, why?

TJ: Can I borrow it?

Quincy: I don't suppose why not...

TJ: Cool.

*He goes to grab a comb off the dresser before walking back towards Quincy*

TJ: You don't mind if I comb your hair, do you?

Quincy: What would possess you to wish to comb my hair?

TJ: No other reason than to help a homie out.

*Quincy considers for a moment*

Quincy: Fine, I'll allow it. But if I look into a mirror afterwards and find out you made a mess of my hair-

TJ: Cool it rich boy, nothing bad's gonna happen to your oh-so-luscious locks. Now keep your head still.

*TJ starts to comb Quincy's hair while Quincy is still brushing Suzie's with the same force as he did earlier, causing her to shout another 'OW!' in the process*

Quincy: Wow, this actually feels a lot nicer than I thought it would- OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!

*TJ puts his hands up in mock surrender*

TJ: Sorry man, there's nothing I can do. Besides... how else am I gonna brush between the strands?

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5 months ago

I hope this isn't Player-- Fun Fact! Player has an option of showing just straight up dislike towards Mister Riffraff.

I Hope This Isn't Player--Fun Fact!Player Has An Option Of Showing Just Straight Up Dislike Towards Mister

While we might all love him, Player certainly does not.

Lil Freak Has A Crush And All His Friends Are Judging Him Hardcore
Lil Freak Has A Crush And All His Friends Are Judging Him Hardcore

Lil freak has a crush and all his friends are judging him hardcore

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4 months ago
Have You Heard The Good News? The Louis Fanclub Is Accepting New Members!

Have you heard the good news? The Louis Fanclub is accepting new members!

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4 months ago

shit's serious when even your oc ain't smiling

Finding Out Your Whole Life Might Be A Bit More Fucked Up Then Originally Thought

Finding out your whole life might be a bit more fucked up then originally thought

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4 months ago

ooo very nice

Zavier And No That Neck Scar Is Not A Thing In Canon In Any Way Shape Or Form
Zavier And No That Neck Scar Is Not A Thing In Canon In Any Way Shape Or Form
Zavier And No That Neck Scar Is Not A Thing In Canon In Any Way Shape Or Form

Zavier and no that neck scar is not a thing in canon in any way shape or form

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4 months ago

Thanks for answerin' my question and clearin' the air pardner. Much appreciated 🤠 Sorry for assumin' things before and if I hurt yer feelin's I didn't mean to if I did I hope I can keep seein' yer work here cause its real swell seein' such clean art :DD

To quickly disperse any confusion I'm having at the moment, Is your Roblox Oc in DW your age or around the main cast's age? As I am struggling to decipher whether or not they follow your age Sorry if I am assuming that your Player is also a minor

To Quickly Disperse Any Confusion I'm Having At The Moment,Is Your Roblox Oc In DW Your Age Or Around

Heyo! Sorry for taking my time with my reply. I have been very busy and also have been slowly posting my doodle world art that I have been doing while playing the game!

Sorry if there has been a misunderstanding, saw all the reposts going on with my art.

My character/oc/player is pretty much a self insert. Based off of me. Who is 23 yes. They are pretty much a mix of me. And my roblox avatar. And just things I think are cute haha.

I draw them with mr. Riffraff/shipped with mr. Riffraff cause I like him. I take some of the more neutral dialog as very positive just because of my avatars expression. So to me the story felt very much like he likes Mr. Riffraff and Mr. Riffraff likes him. It's fine if other people don't that's chill. Player is a bit of a self insert imo so that's what it is for me!!

As for the rest of the 'main' cast being teenagers i thought/think/draw them as adults, not minors. I wasn't aware there was Canon ages for the characters. I'm very new to the game and have just gotten into it and been enjoying it a lot!

Hopefully the reference for "Vampyr" helps. He is mostly drawn short because he's a bat. And he's based off of more so big eared bats. Which tend to be smaller!!! [Mega bats tend to have smaller bat ears]

I hope you enjoy my content though still! I have more to post I'm just slow haha. Thanks for reading everything if you did!!

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4 months ago

Skimming through the entirety of the Archives. I see a distinct lack of Negative Karma! Player in the fics and that surprises me. With nearly 200 fics, you'd think there'd be one with Player acting like a total asshole. Acting like Cortés. But there isn't... Now there is a question some of y'all might be asking... 'What or who is Negative Karma! Player?' you ask. It's simply the version of Player that chooses the 'wrong' or 'bad' karma option. Being a bad person such as... >Destroying someone's family heirloom >Kicking them and laughing at that same person for no reason >Or just blatantly being an asshole towards other people, even towards people that are supposed to be their friends Negative Karma! Player is the complete opposite of Positive Karma! Player or what I call as the normal Player, the one you often see in fics. Understandable, this shows that a lot of the authors in the Archives choose the good option rather than be a blatant asshole. Since they depict their version of Player as more in line with the Positive Karma Route.

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