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3 years ago


DTH 2021: Kabedon! The ex-arch-enemy becomes the husband! (FIC)

Title: Kabedon! The ex-arch-enemy becomes the husband! Author: @bafflinghaze Prompt: # 45 - soft, smol, cute, delicate Harry and tall, strong, protective Draco. Summary: Harry was a little hermit, contentedly living his life. But everything changed when Draco re-entered his life and kabedon’ed him against the wall. From then on, his life changed into a fluffy, sweet and sometimes spicy love story. Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Warning(s): None Word Count: 17.2k Author's Notes:Thanks for the prompt, anon! I had heaps of fun writing this dramatic plot XD there’s definitely fluff that there’s also mayyyybe a tiny bit of crack 🙈🙈🙈 Beta'ed by Uphorie/Adybou!! Thank you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 And as always, thank you to the mods for running the Draco Tops Harry fest! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

(Kabedon! The ex-arch-enemy becomes the husband!)

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3 years ago

harry: can you at least try to see this from my perspective?

draco: *bends down*

harry: die

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3 years ago

heyo, it's me again. I made this one thinking 'bout my au drarry, it's muggle, and harry is a trans guy, anyways, i love the concept of draco being very manly and tall, and top, you guys like draco top or bottom? i mean, i love drarry switch, but draco top is my religion

Heyo, It's Me Again. I Made This One Thinking 'bout My Au Drarry, It's Muggle, And Harry Is A Trans Guy,

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3 years ago

harry: I will not hesitate to strangle you. draco: Can you even reach my neck?

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