Pokemon Melli - Tumblr Posts
The one driving force pushing me to finish this writing assignment is the fact I get to draw Melli being the superstar he deserves to be afterward.
Ingo is not the type of man Lucian likes, lol

Isn't he's*
I need more Melli and Lucian's interactions
me being bored at school means i get to draw the funky men

yes i was too lazy to actually draw Volo's outfit
i am finally drawing Melli. please send help, i hate his hair and beanie-hoodie thing
so uh,,, here's the Melli i was working on!!
went insane for this man,,

The witness of times primality

You make me angry….. yet I can never remember why….
I had a random thought about the wardens so let’s just think about it. The wardens are almost always in seperate areas that are ways away from their settlements and have limited human contact. The wardens I feel are more independent as many of them can’t go to their settlement to get food or communicate with their community they probably talk to their Lords about their issues then other people(besides Palina she probably talks with Iscan instead of the young lord of the Isles).
They’re probably more likely to feel overwhelmed by large groups of people in an area for let’s say a celebration. Large crowds, loud noises, accidentally coming into contact with other people, etc. I personally headcanon that the wardens would much rather stay with their lords and take care of their duties than be around so many people.
Who probably don’t know why: let’s say Melli is staying far away from the rest of his clan cause he usually has his the great Melli mask on and everything and now he’s just shying away from his own clan cause he’s overwhelmed by everything.
Along with the knowledge that Melli was a shy kid which I understand as I was shy myself. Making people communicate and stay nearby people they don’t know does not help them become more social. It just overwhelms them which does not help them overcome that social anxiety nor make up for a lack of social interaction that comes from their duty. If I had the chance I would rather stay up a mountain with Lord Voltorb and talk to him about things and take care of the little electrodes rather than going to a largely crowded area with loud noises and other things.
I lied. Normal update time.
Chapter three (Pickles and Prey) of Everyone Goes Feral in Hisui is up now!
Summary: Melli gets to know his neighbor. Zorua tries to prove herself.
Chapter seven (Candy and Whistles) of Everyone Goes Feral in Hisui is out now!
Summary: Zorua teaches a lesson. Ingo teaches a skill