Drv3 Imagines - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Can you do Werewolf!Gonta x Werebat!Kirumi moments/headcanons? Fluff and romances and how they interact as werebeast couples. :3

Good ship good ship! This is actually my OTP! Happy to see others ship this :D

Although I am not that experienced in fantasy, I tried my best! Also would you believe me if I say this is the first time I’ve done anything fantasy and posted it anywhere? 

Sorry about it taking so long, if you need me to change anything please tell me. Thanks for requesting! Enough rambling, onto the stuff!

- Mod Kirumi 


They met in human form

Honestly suspecting nothing of each other

Quick friends :D

They honestly found out about each other’s quirks(?) quickly

They sometimes just hang out while in the forms

(I may be wrong about this but I think that its only on a full moon?-)

About like, 6 months into the friendship they got together

They were quite an adorable couple, even without all the PDA, since Kirumi doesn’t like that all that much

When they do change forms, Kirumi usually flies onto Gonta’s shoulder 

They hang out in the woods commonly, knowing if they went anywhere in public they’d likely be hunted down….

Gonta’s is a bit naive, so Kirumi has to make sure he doesn’t get lured into some sort of trap.

At one point, they both found an abandoned house and just hung out there everytime they turned.

Literally the moment Kirumi turned back she began cleaning it, Gonta helped here and there but Kirumi made sure to do most-

Kirumi also sometime flies onto his snout and it's adorabllleeee

Gonta, either in human form or werebeast form is the bigger one so he carries her a lot

Idk if they want a short fanfic but I’m giving one, I can’t write fantasy well but bear with me

   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Kirumi flapped her wings as she landed on Gonta’s shoulder, glancing around the house to see if any new placed traps had been set. Gonta on the other hand was walking through the house carefree, his fur flowing through the wind from the broken window to the right. Gonta smiled as he looked to Kirumi, then cocked his head to the side confusedly. They couldn’t exactly speak in these forms so they had to show these things through gestures. Kirumi glanced over to him then layed her gaze onto him, she seemed to untense herself and she slowly sat. Gonta seemed to be a little confused on why she was so alert but brushed it over and found the place they usually sat. Gonta sat down as Kirumi flied down onto the hard floor, she peered outside of the closet momentarily before turning back. They kept a notebook so they could somewhat communicate (it was difficult on both sides, since Gonta found it difficult to write in general and Kirumi is a bat), Gonta pulled out said notebook and began writing messily. Kirumi had basically learned to read his writing, but that didn’t make it any less painful to read, she found it frankly adorable although. Slowly he attempted to gently shove it over to her but it ended up colliding with the closet door beside her, making both of them jump. Kirumi looked over at the notepad and jumped onto it so she could see the writing better, it read “Kirumi looks a bit scared, what wrong?” with many spelling errors along the way. She peered up towards him before picking up the pen that had come with the notepad and began attempting to write, it was more than difficult for her knowing she was so small but she somewhat managed. After she had finished she began trying to push over the notebook towards him, but it just ended up not budging. Gonta although had realised that it was done and picked it up, reading it over to the best of his abilities “It’s nothing dear, I just feel as if we should attempt to be more safer, agreed?” Gonta deciphered from the writing. He looked towards her and nodded slightly in understanding then began writing “Yeah we should, but Gonta thinks we should also have some fun! ^^” he put the happy face at the end, then passed it over to her with a small smile. She once again read it over, this put her in a bit of a better mood as she flew up towards him and onto his snout, she leaned over and gave him a small peck on the forehead, it was basically literally a peck. Gonta still seemed gleeful though as he gently pet the top of her head, being especially careful as to not hurt her. Slowly he leaned over and picked up the notebook once again, he seemed to be intentionally hiding it from her “Gonta loves you so much Kirumi! Kirumi means so much to Gonta!!” he slowly showed it to her with a smile. She read it over a few times, each time getting even more happy (and possibly flustered) as she turned back to face him and gave him a bunch of pecks on the face. After she was finished, she flew down to the notebook and picked up the pen and began also writing “Gonta I would move the entire world if it’d make you happy, I’d do anything to see that beautiful smile on your face, anything and everything. I love you more than words can express, you’re the light of my life, my dear.” and when she showed it to Gonta, he was… probably tearing up…

They spent the rest of the evening writing back and forth to each other, until they eventually fell asleep. Kirumi lying on top of Gonta’s chest as they softly slept.

(Hope you enjoy! Again, if you need me to change anything certainly tell me! :D)

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4 years ago

Hi! Could I maybe get some headcanons of Mondo and Ryoma (If you only take 1 character requests just do whichever) finding their crush walking home in the rain without an umbrella ( ͡°³ ͡°)

(Y'all are all so cool and such good writers! 💖💜💙 seriously, just *chefs kiss* wonderful)

Thank you so much!! :D  And yes I do more than one character requests!! I don’t write Mondo much but I’ll try my hardest!!!



- He was just taking a peaceful stroll to clear his head.

- He held one of his hands in his jacket pocket, and the other held his umbrella.

- He was about to cross the road, when he saw you coming down another sidewalk.

- Shivering, soaked.

- He immediately walked over, disregarding the road.

- “What the hell ya doing out here without an umbrella?! You’ll freeze”

- He quickly shoved the umbrella between you both.

- “O-Oh!-  Thank you Mondo!”

- Maybe it was the way you smiled, possibly the way you looked so adorable as you said it? Either way it made just a little bit of pink find its way to Mondo’s face.

- “Tch.. Don’t mention it...”


- He stayed a little longer at school, and what I mean by that is he fell asleep in the library and the janitor woke him up.

- He rushed out, luckily having brang his umbrella since the weather forecast said it would be pouring out.

- While walking down the path to get to the gate, he noticed you.

- It seemed you had been out for a while, you were shivering, drenched with rain.

- With a little hesitation, Ryoma picked up his feet and walked over, holding up the umbrella in his hand to you.

- He was too small to hold it over the both of you anyways.

- Ryoma had figured maybe you would just go off with the umbrella, maybe a small thank you? But he found himself a bit surprised when he still felt no rain falling onto him.

- “So... D-Do you want to walk with me??” You suddenly asked.

- “Wha?-  Hm... Sure..” 

- He acted as if it was nothing, but honestly he really enjoyed walking with you ^^

(hope you enjoy this!! Please tell me if you need me to change anything!!”

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4 years ago

Kirumi x Gonta

This was an ask by @master2kboogaloo​ ! I genuinely finished this at like, 4 AM so it could either be good, or terrible. Anyways hope y’all enjoy!! 

- Mod Kirumi 

Kirumi X Gonta

⛤ The recently married couple had decided to have a little date! Kind of?

⛤ A grocery store, it was a grocery store, whyever did I call this a date

⛤ Anyhow, as Kirumi got out the cart, Gonta stayed close to her, the store was a tad bit crowded after all.

⛤ They held hands as they searched through the first isle, picking up random things

⛤ At first it was somewhat in budget… buuuttt then they got to a specific isle

⛤ Next thing Kirumi knows Gonta is excitedly putting random things in the cart, squealing excitedly like a little girl

⛤ Kirumi had no idea if they would need it, and she knew they couldn’t afford this much stuff…

⛤ “Gonta?? My apologies, but I don’t think we can afford all this-..”

⛤ “Hm??? Oh-  Gonta sorry!-”

⛤ “it’s alright dear, maybe we should put back around half of these? I believe around that much would be in our price budget”

⛤ “okay!”

⛤ Honestly it wasn’t all that hard for Kirumi, since it’s Kirumi-

⛤ The thing is, they were in the tea isle. She didn’t exactly know he loved tea that much??

⛤ Weirdly enough, it was her favourite brand of tea, she didn’t even know he liked that!

⛤ She must’ve made a grave mistake when figuring out his likes and dislikes….

⛤ (In reality he just got excited because he wants Kirumi to be happy, and he sees she likes tea owo)

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4 years ago

Keebo, M/kan, Gonta and Celeste reacting to ✨Christmas✨with their (gender neutral) S/O


Mnnnnnhghghghghgb not a request, just something I decided to do since I couldn’t sleep on Christmas day!! I have a head ache :sob:

- Mod Kirumi who is just waiting out the entire rest of the night

Keebo, M/kan, Gonta And Celeste Reacting To Christmaswith Their (gender Neutral) S/O



- He.... didn’t really understand what it was at first

- ‘Why is there weird lights everywhere??? Who’s that random man I see everywhere each year???’

- You had to explain (to the best of your ability) briefly what its about

- Once he understands, he immediately loves it, but this happens with every holiday

- You were honestly surprised he didn’t know about it beforehand??? This boy is wonders

- And you love him for it <3

- Anyhow, he begins to look up Christmas traditions and such!! He wanted to make this the best Christmas both of you have ever had!!

- (Honestly, just being with him would make it the best Christmas, but you appreciate what he’s doing either way!!)


- She doesn’t really go all out like Keebo does, but she defiantly tries to decorate the house with you!!

- ...

- She... ended up tripping a lot .m.”

- At some point you began getting worried she may get a concussion- 

- You ended up doing a lot of the decorating

- Mikan was a bit upset, but you reassured her it was alright!!

- At the end of the day, you guys just watched some Christmas movies


- Gonta had a few Christmas’s with his family before, so he isn’t clueless about it

- He wants to be a gentleman for his S/O!! Soo while you’re doing something else he tries to bake cookies!

- ...

- It ended up being one big cookie and he added too much sugar-

- But A for effort!!

- At some point you two go outside!!

- You guys made a snow fort together, he was the king and you were the ruler!! (idk what king or queen is in gender neutral so)

- Overall, even with the pure sugar cookies, it was a good Christmas for the both of you!!!!


- My girl wants to have a fancy Christmas <3

- Like, the house is decorated absolutely WONDERFULLY

- You wonder how she did it, then you remember its Celestia Ludenburg

- Am I being too much of a simp??

- She threw a Christmas party! Invited almost everyone she knew!!

- You guys decided to *not* host it at the house though, we don’t want the wonderful decorations to get ruined .m.”

- So instead you guys threw it at a generous friends house!! 

- The party went amazingly! And after you guys made gingerbread cookies so :D

- Honestly, good Christmas

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4 years ago

Hi, if it isn't too much to ask, could you write the v3 guys finding out their s/o is asexual? Like they tried to hide the fact their ace in fear of it negatively impacting their relationship but the boys find out anyways through some means. If that's too much, then just write for kiibo, ouma and saihara please. Thank you!

Ooo! So I’m taking this as they like people romantically but not sexually!! And I don’t really do the whole cast but those three are fine!! Thanks for the request anon!! Also to all you Asexual or Aromantics out thre, you are so valid and I love you! /p

- Mod Kirumi 



- He never really bothered trying to figure out, he just happened to hear it from one of your friends.

- (personal hc) he’s Asexual himself, so he wasn’t bothered by it.

- He was confused on why you were trying to hide it though..

- That made him... worried.. 

- What if you didn’t trust him?! Or maybe he did something wrong?!

- THAT’S why he confronted you.

- He saw the fear in your eyes as he asked about it, and heard as you went quiet.

- “(S/O)? Are you alright?”

- “I-I’m sorry, Kiibo”

- “Wh??? Why???”

- You had to explain that you were afraid it may impact your relationship, then he explained he was ace too.

- Asexualbuddies


- He didn’t really care about your sexuality, but he sure as hell was searching through your stuff.

- When he came across an Asexual pride flag, he was confused.

- But then it dawned on him.

- And then he shrugged it away.

- He didn’t mind it, but looked at it a while more.

- “Hey Kichi! Whatcha do-”

- You paused in your tracks as you watched him stare at the flag.

- “Hi (S/O)!!!!”

- He greeted you like he normally did, smiling as he rushed over to give you a hug.

- Kokichi knew you were scared, he could see it in your eyes.

- He never would bring it up, and he was just like his normal self.

- It gave you a mix of anxiety and relief.


- How he found out was similar to Kiibo’s, except it was someone telling him out of spite.

- Shuichi didn’t care about it all that much, he knows you still love him the same! 

- He also wasn’t planning any sexual encounters either, so its all fine.

- He shows it in... subtle ways that he knows and supports you!!

- Like he bought a few pride flags, but only put two up. One being the bi flag and the other the ace flag!

- (yeahIheadcannonhimasbi)

- He also researches a bit more into your sexuality!! He wants to make sure he understands it fully!!

- He a supportive bf love him..

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4 years ago

Hello :D Hope your doing okay. May I request a Shuichi or Kokichi (maybe both) with a Male! S/O who doesn't like being looked at or being touched in anyway due being anxiety?

II am doing quite good!! Thank you!! Also of course!!

- Mod Kirumi



- At first, wayyyy before you guys were dating, he found it funny how you looked fearful when he would touch or stare at you.

- You were just another play toy for him.

- But once he grew to understand your struggles and what you faced, he stopped.

- It barely took anything from him to stop, he actually let out an *actual* apology (it sucked, by the way)

- He would defiantly send his group after anyone who triggers you on purpose.

- Basically after a while he supportive, protective boyfriend


- He understands completely, and never purposely triggers you.

- He learned about it rather quickly-

- Shuichi never shows any signs of being upset that you don’t like being touched or have him look at you,

- Instead, he shows love to you with words!

- He really wants to show you he loves you even without physical affection!!


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4 years ago

:00 Kokichi with a s/o that is a better liar than himself :D p.s love your writing


- Mod Kirumi who literally had to take a breather I love you guys so mucccchhh and he wishes that he had a sprite to show the excitement he was literally feeling sorry I’ll shut up-


- W h a t ?

- Honestly, he was a bit offended.

- But like, so amazed at the same time.

- What amazed him even more was the fact you almost never used it for malice!

- like  H o w ? 

- You normally just use it for jokes! Which he doesn’t mind but... h o w ?

- You can detect *every* lie he tells, as “liars are basically lie detectors” orwhateverthequotewas-

- W H A T ? ? ?

- That being said, you were basically made for each other!

- lol you sometimes trick even him, and its fucking adorable.

- “Hey (N/N)??? You know this place better than I do!! Wheres the nearest shop?? I’m DYING for some candy!!”

- “To the left the straight ahead”

- He really spent an hour just walking before he called you asking if you had lied.

- Prepare yourself for a hissy fit.

- Annnnddd him never asking you for directions again.

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4 years ago

Ryoma, Kirumi, Gonta and Yasuhiro with their (S/O) on New Years Eve for the first time!

not a request but, like, yes?? Happy New Years Eve y’all!! Hope 2021 treats us a lot better!!!


- Mod Kirumi 



- Wow..

- Its been a while since he’s spent time with someone on New Years Eve...

- Kind of nervous to be completely honest, but he would never tell you..

- He doesn’t care about New Years all that much, but saw how much you cared so he contributed.

- He made you toast and eggs because that shit tastes good.

- You guys started your 2021 with cuddles <3 

- Mostly because he doesn’t like fireworks that much-


- She will full on serve you the entire day.

- But thats per usual.

- You guys had a little picnic in a fucking field.

- It was less of a “Little Picnic” than a dinner over a blanket.

- Of course, no one was around because <3 the unspoken virus <3

- Hand holding the entire time auhdeuchdushuauhadhs 


- Sorry


- He wants to be a gentleman for you! So he’d do anything you want to do!

- Buuuutttt when you said you wanted to go bug catching he more than willingly agreed.

- So you guys went bug catching together, and right after you guys just stared at the stars together!

- Later in the night, fireworks began going off!

- How romantic!


- You guys defiantly stayed home!!

- He also read you for free! “Perks” of being Yasuhiro’s lover!!

- He said this will be the best year of your life!!

- Hopefullllyyy thats true-

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