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H : HEART. › annnnd for sayori!
Valentine Alphabet! // Always Accepting! (even if its not valentines day anymore)

H : HEART. is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?

Any surprise if I said both? ━ Sayori's definitely the type of character you'd expect to be very quick at giving her heart away, honestly. She falls into all the ❛ goofy, hopelessly romantic, 'bound to get her heart broken' ❜ cliche typing, and that is almost true, but its still only half of it.
Sayori is definitely someone who half-believes in love at first sight, or rather is just particularly prone to infatuation ( and especially vulnerable to the slip-up of mistaking adrenaline for love which in spite of she's never quite gotten the memo to stop going on dates to things like horror movies or haunted houses. an unfortunate interest to have paired with the aforementioned reoccurring problem ) but its somewhat surface-deep, and if nothing else she's at least distantly aware of that more often than not so while she may be heart-eyed, a little too eager, and clumsier than ever ( she, unintentionally, really plays into the trope of a lovesick girl ) she understands its inevitable when the infatuation dovetails into care, sure, but not love. which actually leads her to having much more dating experience than you'd expect with how many people she can fall for and how many she's still friends with.
Though, when it comes to the genuine, vulnerable, fleshy love that comes with long-term relationships, it's like night and day. she often will refuse to truly give her heart away like that when the relationship deepens and will often try to revert to a lighthearted puppy-love or the status quo in efforts to avoid such confrontations of that. To put it in some kind of direct perspective, this was what she was doing when in reference to her crush on the MC. She was reverting to the status quo despite harboring those deeper-than-surface-level feelings for a damn long time and their status quo in a relationship was simple childhood friends. So, while it was at least somewhat painful, it was still how Sayori would innately cope with genuine love ━ or the potential of a deeper romantic relationship ━ while being afraid of it for a lot of different overlapping reasons, including how she sees herself, her mental health, and so on.
She's also very aware that she can't ask someone she loves to take the responsibility of 'fixing' her or tolerate her issues when it's on her to work on as a person since its her mental illness and no fairytale romance can or will change that, which adds to everything. she understands even if its so inherent to her it goes without saying that relationships are built upon individuals and the two together, and as such each individual has to take responsibility, and she doesn't want to be someone elses responsibility : she wants to be someone they love, and someone the other person works with to build up a functioning dynamic with without needing to repair her as well.
it's not just about seeing herself as a burden even if she does undersell her importance to those around her, it's about being okay enough to be loved in a way that lasts, and letting herself be okay with being loved like that. Accepting it. It scares her, and she worries about it, so she reverts to the same lighter tricks, but with enough time and the right person or people, she'll be the one to come closer. ━ Sayori's got a big heart, you just have to trust her when waiting for her to give it to you.
T : TRUE LOVE. › for ghostface!
Valentine Alphabet! // Always Accepting! (even if its not valentines day anymore)

T : TRUE LOVE. does your muse believe in true love?

Billy does not. True love to him is simply, violently implausible. its what you tell someone when you don't believe them, or more specifically, don't believe that their relationship will survive much if any further. It's what you say when you've put in the effort, but it's just not working, and you're tired of trying. it's what he's been told. ( Billy...? Don't you love me? ━ of course I love you ━ you don't act like it. ) It's the excusive little jingle that Valentines Day-themed companies come out of the woodwork to, and that people will simultaneously flock to and avoid. It's every single romance show, plotline or book's hidden thesis underneath even if that show, plotline or book is entirely unaware of what's underneath it, inherently connected to the concept of love itself. The idea that love can be something pure, and inherent, and true. That you don't need to work for it. Especially that someone like him could be loved in this way. Even as a very young child, Billy's never believed in true love, and I don't think anything could change that in him. He knows his genre, and he doesn't care to change it, especially not for you. ━ but maybe some things aren't set in stone, right? Maybe Billy's just always been a difficult kid.

Danny believes in it the way you believe in running gags or cryptids, the fact you do not inherently believe in it but God ; its just so fun to laugh about, isn't it? ( it's just so fun to mock. ) It's less lofty than the cost of religion but he understands that, to some, this is the closest notion the individual will reach to finding God, and while Danny does not believe in this, true love, many people would say you should still respect the opinion, even if it seems naïve. Danny does not respect anyone.
True love is a joke taken half seriously. He laughs on it with the same seriousness as he does cheesy, poorly done gore or shots in horror movies where they had the tools of the era to do it right, but just didn't care enough to. He laughs on it in the way a cryptozoologist might mock the existence of the creatures they are fascinated by, but the belief lies heavy and serious in the ridges of their brain. He laughs on it in the way you can't tell what he believes because Danny believes anything so long as it gets him somewhere or you believe it too, and Danny has always been a very good liar.