Eight Of Swords - Tumblr Posts

The VIII of Swords is a card of limitations which can usually be traced back to the mental sphere. It describes situations in which one feels restricted or suffers from paralyzing fear or another sort of limiting attitude/behavior that keeps one stuck in the same place. These situations can be purely self-imposed or caused by outside circumstances. Either way, most of the time, they can be resolved by working on changing one’s mindset or behavioral pattern(s) that are keeping one stuck or causing the feeling of entrapment. Combining the VIII of Swords with other Tarot cards VIII of Swords & Ace of Swords This combination can suggest that one could be motivated to escape the limiting factors by looking out for thought-provoking impulses. For example, one might find a relevant piece of information in a book or look at how other people deal with similar situations. Additionally, communication can be a key in overcoming one’s limitations.