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Chapter 42
While riding on a horse, Belca begins to wonder if he can trust Kiliko's right-hand man, that Crow guy whose name I can't remember. He killed a bunch of Hokulea and he put Belca's life in mortal danger more than once. But he wants to see his brother...and Linna has his back. And so do the Hokulea. So it's over the bridge. The bridge that breaks, leaving the group sitting ducks for the defending army. They look screwed until the King's Sword shows up as back up, attacking the guards to let them pass. Eco watches from afar, guessing they lost...but stating he kept an eye on Tenko the whole time.
At Neue Favrille's Intermediate Servants' Dormitory, the guard from the last two chapters is spooked by a guy putting his hand on him, thinking one of Lagen's men is about to jump him...only to see a priest behind him. The priest (Peter) calms the guard (Hans) and says he and his men are only there to confirm information. They say there was something strange in the results of the medical examination while introducing himself. Apparently, Orcelito's condition is worsening so Hans holds off on going to see him. Then Peter has something to tell Hans...
But fuck that, Orcelito is coughing up blood!

He's disturbingly chill about it though, cleaning himself up and saying he still has time. Kiliko walks in to tell him that Duke Mefuraru has a funeral coming up and his son will inherit the position. Ain't gonna be that big of a ceremony, what with The Plague and all. Back to Mefuraru, the report says he died in an accident...caused by his weakness because of The Plague. That's a dead Elder...which means he needs to be replaced with a successor. This whole Plague problem has made the citizens lose faith in the Elders since they couldn't take care of it. Orcelito makes a note to rebuild the citizens' trust when he revamps the system...but everyone's dying too soon. If the succession happens, he'll have to start from square one again. He'll send a representative to the funeral...and leave the picking of the successor to Kiliko. He then asks him if he gave the maids who cleaned the room a day off. Kiliko says he gave them a vacation...

Kiliko leaves, ignoring Orcelito's cry to stay...but he does tell him that he sent someone to welcome Belca. He'll leave that matter to Orcelito to clean up.
Musca wakes up and is greeted by her lady-in-waiting. She was going to read the maid's letter...and passed out from exertion. But she couldn't have read it anyway because the lady-in-waiting identified it as being in a different language. Specifically, a code designed between two people for only them to understand. The lady-in-waiting doesn't understand it and Musca wants Orcelito to get better. The lady-in-waiting comforts her while wondering why the maids are being given so many vacations...before a knock on the door interrupts her train of thought. The maid gives her a letter from Duchess Rushutaru...
The chapter ends with Hans leading the guards down to apprehend the old man who was deciphering Rovisco's records.
The gangbang is here.