Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Tumblr Posts

That’s a fine ass worm if you ask me
the fact that daedra had to stop opening gates in black marsh because the argonians kept reverse-invading them is so funny to me it was just like
daedra: we’re invading
argonians: no, we’re invading
i really cannot stress enough to yall just how good oblivion is
Lucien Doesn’t like apple watch.
(made with oblivion’s voice files, imperial male lines, Wes Johnson)
Lucien Lachance in google translate
AND it makes super sense. Lol.

Lucien Lachance: We will watch your career with great interest.
And then somehow he becomes a force ghost. Maybe because his colleagues killed him.
Maybe Martin was sort of a ‘‘Robin Hood’’ supporter? I think the Gray Fox was also helping the beggars and the poor?

I've been reading Martin's UESP page while working on headcanons and my backstory for him, but I love how casual/nonchalant he is while meeting the Gray Fox.

(This struck me as silly after today's news.)
Jobe Iden:
"I can go no further. You alone must stand against the Prince of Destruction and his mortal servants. He must not have the Amulet of Kings!"
You fools! It’s all lies! Fucking blood grass straight out of the planes of Oblivion!