honestscribe - HonestScribe

Fanfic writer and all around nerd. I post writing prompts, screenshots, and fandom thoughts. You can read my fics on AO3, DeviantArt & FFN.

347 posts

Somehow, Erik The Slayer Followed Me To Apocrypha. (Teldryn And Erandur Stayed Behind, Big Babies!) You

Somehow, Erik The Slayer Followed Me To Apocrypha. (Teldryn And Erandur Stayed Behind, Big Babies!) You

Somehow, Erik the Slayer followed me to Apocrypha. (Teldryn and Erandur stayed behind, big babies!) You could chalk this up to a glitch, but I like to think Erik is just that dedicated as a fighter. (Though, in all fairness, Teldryn followed me to Apocrypha on my last PC save, so maybe he just doesn’t want to smell like rotten seafood again.)

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    isamajor liked this · 3 years ago
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More Posts from Honestscribe

3 years ago

Exactly how I feel about Hermaeus Mora.

Writing Prompt #1677

"I am a god. Bow at my feet!"

"Take a nap, man. I'm so over you."

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3 years ago
Explore Fushimi Inari, A Free Walking Simulator On Steam.

Explore Fushimi Inari, a free walking simulator on Steam.

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3 years ago

Hermaeus Mora Headcanons

-Hermaeus Mora has a distinct scent, as if someone left a rotten fish on a musty old book for several hours before removing it. Incidentally, this is also the smell of Apocrypha.

-One way to instantly get on his bad side is to call him Hermie. Sheogorath does this on occasion just to watch his reaction.

-Most of the books used to build the library itself are in some stage of decay. On occasion, the Seekers will become desperate enough to find a certain piece of knowledge that they’ll attempt pulling newer additions out of the columns, bringing entire swathes of library down around them.

-Each of Hermaeus Mora’s eyes sees differently. Some are far-sighted, some are near-sighted, and some see in other light spectrums entirely. He can create new eyes at will, which is handy if attempting to peer into tight spaces.

-As powerful as the daedric princes are, there’s a reason they keep to their own universe. If you’re feeling especially brave, ask Hermaeus about the time another eldritch horror thought he was seafood. (Or, ask Sheogorath. He’ll tell you all about it.)

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3 years ago

OTP Writing Prompt #1

Your OTP goes somewhere with a culture which one of them is super unfamiliar with. The less experienced partner makes a major faux pas, and the other has to remedy the situation.

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