Elliot X Olivia - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
I Bet I Know What Youre Thinking. Bet You Dont.
I Bet I Know What Youre Thinking. Bet You Dont.
I Bet I Know What Youre Thinking. Bet You Dont.
I Bet I Know What Youre Thinking. Bet You Dont.
I Bet I Know What Youre Thinking. Bet You Dont.

I bet I know what you’re thinking. Bet you don’t.

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson in Law & Order: SVU – Season One.

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6 months ago
Look, I'm Not A Big Fan Of This Ship...

Look, I'm not a big fan of this ship...

BUT if these two do not get together in the newest season WTF. It's been how many years?????

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3 years ago
katefaith18 - K
katefaith18 - K

how old is noah? do kids at that age know what being bi is? I don't think it's progressive, I think it's weird a kid less than 10 is so sure 'bout his sexuality, in fact... should a kid so young know 'bout sexuality at all?

he said he wasn't interested in having boyfriends or girlfriends... and my question is does a kid that age really know what that hell means?

I know little kids hug and kiss, but I'm sure it's innocent and they don't really know what it really means. I'd be ok with a teen coming out, but a 8/9 kid being so sure like he did understand is...

svu writers are forced, it doesn't seem honest, it's like they only want to follow the current trend with no real meaning or understanding.

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3 years ago


A moment between Elliot and Olivia. This is my first time sharing anything I've written so please be kind!

“What do you want from me, Liv?”

He stood from his place on the couch in her office and took a step towards her. She pushed herself up from where she was leaning on her desk.

“I need you to talk to me!”

She matched his tone and volume and didn’t break eye contact. The door was closed and the blinds drawn but that wouldn’t keep the rest of the squad from hearing.

“I need you to talk to me,” she repeated, barely above a whisper.

He broke eye contact first and started pacing around her office, hand on his head. She watched him thinking, processing.

“Elliot, please talk to me. It’s me.”

“That’s why I can’t talk to you. Because it’s you.”

He stopped and their eyes met once again. Those eyes she knew so well and yet she didn’t recognize them at all.


She reached out and placed her hands on his shoulders. He seemed to relax under her touch and soften at the familiar nickname. She saw a glimpse of the man she knew and cared about for so long.

He raised a hand and rested it on her arm.


Her breath caught in her chest, he only used her full name when he was angry. Or scared.

“I’m so tired. I don’t know what to do or where to turn.”

“I’m right here, El. I’m not going anywhere no matter how much you try and shut me out and push me away.”

His grip tightened on her arm and he hung his head for a moment.

“I can’t lose you again, Liv,” his voice broke when he said her name.

This man standing in front of her shattered her heart. She wanted nothing more than to hug him so tight she could hold all his broken pieces together. He took a step forward and all but collapsed into her arms. She felt him shake as she held him close.

She knew everything wouldn’t be solved tonight but his walls were coming down and it was a start.

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3 years ago

Spent all afternoon reading EO fics. Don’t mind me just sitting here with my feelings.

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3 years ago

😭😭😭 I love them

Hey My Friend Olivia
Hey My Friend Olivia
Hey My Friend Olivia
Hey My Friend Olivia
Hey My Friend Olivia

Hey my friend Olivia…

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6 months ago

In the earlier seasons and when I was young and dumb I kinda wanted them together but now I wish stabler stayed gone and the break in the timeline where he stayed married after having such a long storyline about his separation was really weird imo

Hello? This Is Rita Lasku. I'm Looking For A Detective Stabler? I Hope This Is You, My Count Of Monte
Hello? This Is Rita Lasku. I'm Looking For A Detective Stabler? I Hope This Is You, My Count Of Monte
Hello? This Is Rita Lasku. I'm Looking For A Detective Stabler? I Hope This Is You, My Count Of Monte
Hello? This Is Rita Lasku. I'm Looking For A Detective Stabler? I Hope This Is You, My Count Of Monte
Hello? This Is Rita Lasku. I'm Looking For A Detective Stabler? I Hope This Is You, My Count Of Monte
Hello? This Is Rita Lasku. I'm Looking For A Detective Stabler? I Hope This Is You, My Count Of Monte

Hello? This is Rita Lasku. I'm looking for a Detective Stabler? I hope this is you, my Count of Monte Cristo. Call me back if you can.

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