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5 months ago

As an afghan watching SVU season 2 Honor, I really don’t know how to feel

The court scene is making me soo angry

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Chapter 4 - The Pre-date

“ younger siblings are all rather accustomed to being provided for. I think that’s why they felt more free to pursue their creative passions.” Larissa explained.

She and Sonny were about 40 minutes in to what was seemingly the most comfortable and charming first date ever. They talked about their neighborhoods, their families, and most importantly, food. There were no awkward silences, the 2 only pausing to order a second round of coffees.

“And you don’t feel passionately about practicing medicine?” Sonny inquired, desperate to know more about what made this beautiful woman tick.

Larissa smiled. “We don’t have to talk about my work, it’ll put you to sleep.” setting up a joke, unbeknownst to Sonny.

He looked a little surprised. How could someone so impressive also be so modest. “I want to though. I mean, I want to know more about what you do.”

“Sonny,” she said quietly, this time grinning from ear to ear. “I’m an anesthesiologist. It will literally put you to sleep.”

Sonny’s eyes widened and he let out a chuckle. “Ok, that was So. Bad. Did you get that joke from your dad?”

“No, my dad is funnier than me!” she exclaimed.

Now it was Sonny’s turn to poke fun. “Well,” he said, face changing to mock serious. “Not hard to be.”

Larissa shook her head and giggled. “You lawyers. So quick. I don’t know why I spend time with so many of you.”

Over the course of the coffee date, Sonny had learned that, in addition to her father, Larissa’s older sister, and childhood friend were also attorneys.

“Well, I’m not practicing -

“Yet.” She interjected for him.

“So I guess you can keep me around for a bit.”

“I guess so.” She uttered, leading to the first silence of the meet. Not bad, just the obvious silence of 2 people contemplating who will move in for the kiss first.

As if on cue, Sonny’s cell phone rang, interrupting the trance. He fumbled, apologizing as he answered, hand combing nervously through his graying, coiffed hair.

It was obvious this call meant their time together would be cut short. Larissa didn’t take it personally when Sonny hung up and apologetically broke the news, but couldn’t help but be disappointed. She remained seated with her unfinished coffee as Sonny slapped cash on the table, and before he had time to think too much about it, leaned down to plant a chaste kiss on the side of her face, and disappeared into the street.

Hours later, Larissa had long returned home when she received a text:

“When can I see you again?”

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Hoping to post the next chapter of my OC x Sonny fic this weekend

Hoping To Post The Next Chapter Of My OC X Sonny Fic This Weekend

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3 years ago
katefaith18 - K
katefaith18 - K

how old is noah? do kids at that age know what being bi is? I don't think it's progressive, I think it's weird a kid less than 10 is so sure 'bout his sexuality, in fact... should a kid so young know 'bout sexuality at all?

he said he wasn't interested in having boyfriends or girlfriends... and my question is does a kid that age really know what that hell means?

I know little kids hug and kiss, but I'm sure it's innocent and they don't really know what it really means. I'd be ok with a teen coming out, but a 8/9 kid being so sure like he did understand is...

svu writers are forced, it doesn't seem honest, it's like they only want to follow the current trend with no real meaning or understanding.

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11 months ago

Tank Girl doesn't get enough love imo, it was made in 1995 and adapted from a comic book series, it has Lori Petty, Naomi Watts, Ice-T (who also did some of the music), Malcom McDowell, and Iggy Pop. The soundtrack is phenomenal, it has music from Joan Jett, Devo (their cover of their own song, Girl U Want is incredible), the magnificent bastards, Bush, Hole, and Veruca Salt. It's zainey, funny, semi-erotic, and the animated segments are phenomenal and hold up to this day. Everything about it is great. It's exactly what the MCU is trying to be these days.

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