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5 years ago

And there were Alternatives

Hi, Ben Ten Fan squad. I read a post about it, and I realised; we have closly no information about alternative Bens, so I used my galvanic brain, to create them one. Enjoy 😉


Some simple facts;

I come up with stories about their life BEFORE Ben Prime meets them.... No Ben 10K predictions

Let's say -becaus they're all Ben- for some point they timeline is similar to Ben Prime (name speaking for itself 😁)

Because seemingly there's no difference, let's say they have the same Omnitrix (of course personal settings and costumises) without Mastercontrol


-1. Albedo

And There Were Alternatives


Got an Omnitrix

Revenge on Ben

He technicly not an alternative Ben, but a notable nemesis with Ben's body and DNA

He was originally a galvan, the assistant of Azmusth while created the Omnitrix

He asked for an Omnitrix himself too, but when he doesn't get it, he tried to create his own one; after fail he tryed to steal it

He created the Ultimate function to the wach

His Ultimatrix could evolve an alien, makeing it stronger but despite of this, it was an incomplate, prototype watch

0. No watch Ben

And There Were Alternatives


Be an average human

In his universe does not exist the Omnitrix. Not at all. Azmusth? Maybe

However, aliens and the Plummers do. Ben thinking about to joines them (Plummers)

In this universe, Max has one robotic arm (right one)

He helped Dr. Paradox collect alternatives and start Ben prime's timeline

Temporary he got an Omnitrix and proved to a talented user. For example, he never mistransformed (despite he never used the watch and doesn't know the aliens

He never got the Omnitrix, so he never becomes famous. Also, as a consecuense, never got a chanse to becomes friend with Gwen or Kevin. But he is close to grandpa Max. Possibly he will be most successful in his social life. He playes soccer and thanks to his human skils he possibly one of the best students.

1. Gwen 10

And There Were Alternatives


Study how to use the watch

Mock Ben with her powers

She is the only female Omnitrix wearer (#strongestfourarms)

It's unkown if this version posess the Anodites' heritage or it's now Ben's power

He is the newest alternative Omnitrix user, so she hasn't too much backstory. In the classical seria she was more talented in the useing of alien forms, but seemingly posessed less fighting skills and she wasn't as good alien selector as Ben.

2. Ben 23

And There Were Alternatives


Learn how to be a hero

He has no counterpart of Molestache. But if he had, maybe he would call to Fuzzy wuzzy

He is younger than Ben prime

He has earings, but his aliens haven't

In his Universe no Vilgax. Maybe Max could eliminate him or Xylene kill him with her shoot. Or simply never existed

It's just my theory, but insted of " It's Hero time! " battlecry he would use " Her o'clock! "

He was ten years old when he got the Omnitrix. At the begining, he was guided by grandpa Max, but after his early death (wich one was maybe caused by an alien) he lost his fate in the secound chanses. So started a crimefighting carier and -when Jimmy relevaled his secret identity- he became a celebrated hero. Despite the fact he sometimes hurt good guys..... Until an other Ben didn't show up....

3. Mad Ben

And There Were Alternatives


Be in control

He is mad....

Reference: Mad Max

His Diamondhead has two Omnitrix symbol; one on his chest and one on his back. Probably the front one is the real, but it's disturbing (maybe just for me)

Despite Skrud never was attach to him, his Rath has clothes, even if it doesn't cover too much (the slimebiot corrected the Omnitrix's error what made Rath nake)

After the Anihilaarg's explosion Selena and Bellicus took over Alien X insted of help Ben recreate the Universe. Alien X spent thousends of years, acting as a selestialsapiens, while Ben could only think about the destroyed universe. Slowly it drived him mad, but being a selestialsapiens so long boosted his mental powers. One day he decided himself and when the two entity were in a midle of an arguement he tricked them and took the full control over Alien X. But he wasn't correct enought and tought to "create an Universe what a bomb destroyed....." -he did not remembered to it's name. He got it; returned to Earth where post apolcaliptic chaos ruled. Useing the Omnitrix, he took over power by power and became a warlord -with a help of Vilgax and Maltruant.

When Eon appeared he was crazy for the idea to revenge the Bens who defeated them.

4. Bad Ben

And There Were Alternatives


Be bad

Torture others

He resemble the most to Ben Prime, possibly their timeline is the closest to each other's

He is friend of Kevin, but both are bad guys

Seemingly he was the leader of alternative Bens' but it doesn't mean too much

In this Universe everything was the same, exept the ball what contained the Omnitrix found Max's DNA, but insted of landing, hit and killed the grandfather. Ben also merged with the device, but without his grandparent he was unable to save the campers AND Gwen, and the poor girl was killed by a falling tree (original seria/ S1 E1). Ben thought the one who created the watch was the same who sent the drones, so when Vilgax apeared he accepted his help, because seemingly the space-squid knew something about the transformator and it's creator. The squid offered a bargain: he will take the young lad to Azmusth, for the Omnitrix. Ben accepted it and took revenge on the firt thinker for the two Tenysons. He was about to took of the Omnitrix when Albedo, the galvan scientist appeard and told him the truth. Ben turned into Way Big and crushed Vilgax with the whole planet.....After that he was marked as a galaxtic villain and had to be on run.

Until Eon showed up. He doesn't want to join to a team with an alternative Vilgax in it. But Eon offered him something; if they win, he can took over one of alternative Ben's place, and get back his family

5. Nega Ben

And There Were Alternatives



He only used Goutrot, but in the main time of the fight he just stood and watched

Because he rarely uses the watch and mainly chooses the same aliens, he sometimes realises with surprise there are other aliens in there, like Cannonbolt or Heatblast.....

He found the Omnitrix in the forest, but didn't even try it out. Not even showed to grandpa or Gwen. Only got to know it's function when one of Max's scans recognised it and project to the screen everything about the schears result : "Omnitrix"

Altought Ben knows about the power of him, he use it only for smaller crimes or when it's nesecary to escape from cops

When Eon asked for his help, he thought; Why not?

6. Benzarro

And There Were Alternatives



Reference; DC's Bizarro

His aliend are zombified versions, except his Anur-aliens

Despite his animalistic behaviors - like smash the watch with his head or the promlem with speaking- his fighting skills are not bad with aliens

Because his Omnitrix is on his camisol, possibly he got it later than others, as a non-liveing

He is an undead human, who was used to experiences. He escaped durring an outbreak

After the outbreak Experienc 10 went on a rampage just like others. But one day a strange ball hit him, and the Omnitrix attached to him. He hit it. Nothing. So, he hit it harder and more, until sudenly he turned into a zombie pyronite and burned down the forest around him. He smashed the watch rarely, unwillingly and random until his Ghostfreak doesn't broke out. Zs'skayr tried to took over Ben's body, but ectonurites can't posess brainless bodyes.... So he teamed up with Benzarro and taught him how he can use the Zombitrix. Wasn't an effective team, but they could bring back Vladats from extinction and things like this. Because of his powers, Benzarro is the main reason of many problems on his Earth, because over his powers he doesn't bothered by sunligth and his zombie biology makes him more durable

Eon simply took him

7. Rat 10

And There Were Alternatives




I will speak about Argit and the Argitrix, not about Race against timeline

As I mentioned in earlyer posts; possibly he has Human DNA in the watch (still not counting Albedo)

In this universe he isn't a frend of Kevin, simply because they never met in the Null void

This mole rat was only in right place in right time. While he was about to do some dirty business or steal some food from the camp he found a shiney thing in a box. Finders keepers. He accidentaly discovered the power of the watch while he tried to escape from Vilgax's drones. Used Upgrade, merged with the robots and programed them to be his body guards. Later he started use the Argitrix to get protection money from a bounc of people (like the Prime Argit did with Forever knights). Build a good relationship with some serious..... Businesmen and women. He even convinced Vilgax not to hurt him but found a way to get another Omnitrix

8. Eon

And There Were Alternatives



He technicly not a Ben but an alternative Ben's chronian transformation

We doesn't know his motivations, only tips

So, he was a young chronian who traveled to one of the alternative Ben's timeline. He figured out he can implante himself into Bens' Omnitrixes; refreashing his body. It came handy because he dammaged each time when used his powers. So he traveled, is traveling or will travel from timeline to timeline and enslaveing Bens while he is trieing to set free his species. He collected evil Bens to destroy other good Bens' timelines, ears every Ben who possibly would stop him. He failed. To reach his aim he even teamed up with an other timetravel supervillian, Maltruant, but the chronosapiens sent him back to his original timeline, possibly lock him in a timeloop


So, there are all the ten alternative counterparts. I hope you enjoyed. 🙂

Wait, ten.......?😱

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