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Ocean Eyes
Pairings: Druig x reader x Makkari

Notes: english isn’t my first language so pls don’t be to harsh at my mistakes. And this is just the second ff I have written. So I hope my writing isn’t to bad. Every like or comment will make my day.
Warnings: druig is kinda mean, fluff, angst
Summary: Reader works in a bookstore and is very in love with her girlfriend. Things get complicated when a group of friends visit out of nowhere.
The morning was cold and rainy as y/n ran through the streets to the next Train station. She had been working at her dream job for 2 months now. But that didn't stop her from oversleeping every morning and arriving at work at the last second. In the subway tunnel it smelled of dust and dirt and Y/ n had often had the pleasure of slipping on something no longer recognizable. Somehow she had a talent for it. The cold air moved through her legs and she was annoyed not to have worn anything warmer. Y/N thought her black knee socks were perfect for any season.
Already she was daydreaming about how she would arrive at her warm workplace in about twenty minutes.
Y/ n worked in the little book store on the corner, which she had always been fascinated by as a child. She loved the books. The warm air that smelled like tea and cookies. The bookstore had always been the place where she felt like home. "Being cozy, reading in silence and enjoying the homemade treats, the store owner apparently makes in her spare time, judging by the little sign next to the almond cookies. Just her and the thousands of stories. She loved to read about the past, about strong heroines, mysterious wizards and especially about outer space. She loved fairy tales and folklore. And even the little corner with handwritten cookbooks made her heart beat faster. Therefore, there was probably nothing better than the moment when she was offered a job there. The pretty owner of the store was just a plus. Her name was makkari. Y n had had a crush on her for ages. She used to tell her best friend that the owner was the Most beautiful wise Woman who also didn't seem to age. Y/ n had often wondered if she had a girlfriend, a family, or even children.
At some point she had asked about it. Slowly the two became familiar with each other, at first Makkari was very shy. She did not like to talk about her past. But she loved to talk about history and the beautiful books in her little store. Y/ n started learning sign language right after they got to know each other. She told her best friend that she was doing it just randomly for general education, although her Friend knew immediately that the reason was clearly Makkari.
After a few months, y/ n finally dared to ask Makkari out. Both were overjoyed and fell in love incredibly fast. Y/ n loved the way her lover expressed herself, she loved her laugh that spread all over her face, and how her eyes started to shine as soon as she looked at y/ n. Makkari was never late.Most of the time she was way to early. Y n sometimes joked that she could do magic or run like the former avenger quicksilver. Makkari just laughed at that.
When y/ n opened the door and got out of the rain and wind, she was immediately greeted by the wonderful smell. But before she could do anything else, someone covered her eyes, pressed her against the door and kissed her. Makkari took her hand from y/n eyes and grinned at them contentedly. She gestured " good morning love, I can't believe you are late again, we open in less than five minutes".
She held a large plate of cookies in her hand.
"Go ahead and try" Makkari gestured with a grin.
Y/n had to laugh when she thought about how impatient the woman in front of her always was. Everything always had to go a little faster.
Y/ n gave her a kiss on the cheek and grabbed one of the cookies.
The morning went on as usual. A few customers came in and out, and the two of them were busy putting away the latest book inventories and talking about last night.
Often, y/ n would digress while working and think about how perfect her life was right now. Nothing could throw her off track right now. Or Could it?
Y/ n had just come out of the small storage area next to the cookbooks with a stack of books in her arms when the door opened. A young man stepped in. He had short dark hair, a big nose and a mischievous grin. Makkari ran up to him without noticing that she almost caught Y/N with her stack of books. The two greeted each other and the man told her that an even bigger surprise was waiting for her outside.
Y/N began to pick up the books she had dropped from the floor. The man looked down at her with a teasing grin. "Well, you don't really seem to have yourself under control," he said, and disappeared out of the store following makkari.
Flustered, y/n looked after the two of them.
Ocean eyes
Chapter 2
Pairing: Makkari x Reader x Druig
Warning: Confused reader, jealousy, angst, bad grammar (not proofread)
Notes: hehe. Part 2 is here my friends!
I hope to finish chapter 3 in the next days. Lovee💗for everyone who reads this, likes or comments. You make my day 😚

Even at the end of the evening, when y/n lay down in her bed, she could not quite grasp what had happened that day. Half an hour after arriving at her small apartment, with a cup of tea in her hand, she was still thinking about what had happened after the pile of books had fallen out of her arms.
The surprise that had been waiting for makkari at the door of the small store was a group of friends from her collage days. That’s how people had introduced themselves to her, but Y/N didn't quite want to believe that. First, Makkari had never told her that she had been to collage, and second, one person in the group was a young girl who looked no older than 15. Everyone had introduced themselves kindly to y/n, except the man from the book store. He was standing a few feet away from the others and just gave her a nod and his name. Y/N was visibly confused as to how a group of such different study friends were so attractive. Thena a tall angelic woman with long blonde hair looked more like she was a runway model or maybe an angel. the man named Ikaris had more of a Clark Kent look than a simple fellow student. And even though she didn’t really wanted it to be true, y/n thought the dark haired man with his mysterious expression was really handsome too.
Y/N had a strange feeling the whole time the group was walking through the streets and also after they had gathered in Makkari's apartment. But she had felt least comfortable when makkari and the young man with blue eyes embraced. Y/N sensed the familiarity between the two. And although she tried everything to prevent it, a feeling spread through her whole body. Jealousy.
"Is everything okay, Honey?," Makkari signed to Y/N, and all the attention in the room was on her. Y/N looked around the faces starring at her. She felt quite uncomfortable. Her gaze lingered on the young man who had previously introduced himself (somewhat annoyed) as Druig. He was licking his upper lip and staring back at her. His blue eyes were almost hypnotizing. Y/N had the feeling that if he kept looking at her like that, he might be able to read her mind. Before anything like that could happen, he spoke up.
"Makkari we need to talk to you. There is a reason why we are all here. And well it would be good if we discussed this alone. Do you think your little girlfriend can wait for us outside?" he turned to Makkari and didn't look towards Y/N anymore. Not even when she stood up to say goodbye.
Somewhat apologetically, Makkari looked to her lover.
Y/N tried to leave the room as quickly as possible. Druig's words were running through her head. She just had the feeling of not being wanted. The others had at least been friendly. But this arrogant guy wanted nothing more than to make Y/N feel small. And then he also was so close to Makkari. Y/N felt the feeling of jealousy boiling up inside her again. She knew she was probably red-faced by now as she paced up and down in front of Makkari's apartment building. She also knew that her thoughts were irrational and overdramatic. It started raining and Y/N started getting more frustrated. The wind was still as cold as it had been in the morning, and Y/N was glad she had at least remembered to take an umbrella with her when they closed up the store at noon to walk with the group toward Makkari's home. Druig had not even glanced at Y/N as he walked arm in arm with her girlfriend, laughing and reminiscing of old adventures. Something bothered Y/N about Druig. Maybe it was his leather jacket hanging a little too big over his shoulders and the mischievous smile, or the ocean blue eyes that winked at her after she almost slipped on the sidewalk. Y/N knew she had a talent for getting into awkward situations and always walking through the world particularly clumsily. But one thing in particular struck her about the way he acted. She bet that he had never fallen down a staircase or tripped over anything. And why was he so weird towards her ? „ he just wants to make me feel uncomfortable.“ Y/N looked back at the front door. There he stood, looking at her mischievously. "Maybe he really could read minds" She thought as she walked towards the door. Makkari stood next to him and took Y/N in her arms as she reached the entrance. She pressed a kiss to her forehead and stood next to Druig again to give Y/N room.
"That's a real pretty little girlfriend you got there Makkari" he said and walked with big steps past Y/N and her partner. He joined Thena and the young girl named Sprite who had taken a seat on Makkari's sofa. Ikaris and Sersi, meanwhile, browsed the book collection that took up more than half of the living room. For the first time in years, life had come to the house. Often Y/N and Makkai had been alone. But now the big room with its orange walls, historical artifacts, and the smell of homemade vanilla cookies felt almost like a home with a big family.
"They are staying here for a while. I hope that's okay. We all haven't seen each other in decades, Makkari signed with a smile. Y/N immediately felt how much this small group meant to her. „they are my family. I missed them a lot."
Y/N merely nodded and smiled at her partner. As long as Druig wouldn't be there all the time, Y/N was content.
As if he had read her mind again the young man walked up to the two. " we decided to celebrate tonight, we haven't seen each other in so long, that should be reason enough." he looked to Y/n. He leaned way down to close the height difference of the two somewhat. Y/n felt his warm breath on her skin and similarly as before couldn't turn away from his eyes." And as for you, I really hope we get to know each other a little better." He grinned, leaving a smiling Makkari and a blushing Y/N behind as he joined the others in the kitchen.
Ocean Eyes
Chapter 3
Pairing: Druig x Reader x Makkari
Warning: explicit language, not proofread
Notes: hey friends. Here is part 3. hope you like it lol. I hope I can finish writing part 4 this weekend. Keep up your nice comments. And if you have a story request feel free to send it. Love, Mai🍄

Y/N looked at her girlfriend with a blushed face, but she just took her by the hand and ran after the others. They decided to go to a bar near the bookstore.
Makkari had recommended it, she had been there several times and loved the atmosphere. Y/N had always admired the small bar, but only ever from the outside. It was an old brick building. The windows were darkened and only the candlelight from inside could still be seen through them. If she had known at that moment how the evening would end, Y/N would have turned around immediately and gone home. But even though she was exhausted, tired, and a bit overwhelmed with the whole situation, she had still gratefully agreed when Makkari tickled her to convince her to stay.
Makkari's hand was in hers as the two stepped through the small entrance into the bar. Phastos was visibly having trouble stepping through the small entrance behind the two. Y/N could still hear him complaining. The big man was the last of the group. He was late because he had been on the phone with his husband, so he was the last to make his way to the bar. Makkari held her hand tightly and looked around the room searching for the rest of her family. The Eternals were seated at a large table in the back room of the bar. All but Sprite already had drinks in hand and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Especially Ikaris and Sersei were in a good mood and looked longingly into each other's eyes the whole time. Sprite sat annoyed at the other end of the table, building a tower of beer coasters with Kingo. Karun was cheering for the two of them and at the same time trying to keep his camera straight, which he visibly failed at. Makkari and Y/N went to join the others at the table, Thena slid a bit on the sofa to make room for them. Phastos joined Druig and Ajak and immediately began to talk about his family. "Can you believe that next week is my son's birthday again?"
Ajak looked proudly at Phastos. "Of course, of course, as if we could forget. We'll pay you and your family a visit if that's okay?"
Y/N listened intently to the conversation. Phastos had been the most kind so far. He had proudly told her about his husband and child and how difficult it was for him to be openly queer at first. Y/N loved listening to him. She hadn't often met other queer people and especially hardly any who could actually live a happy life. Too many still faced hate and ignorance on a daily basis. Even though she and Makkari hadn't been together long, she had caught herself thinking what it would be like to marry her one day. And maybe to live in a small family home with her, children and a pet.
Makkari unexpectedly snapped her out of her thoughts with a kiss. " isn't she cute?" she signed to Druig and Gilgamesh who were just talking on the other side of the table, enjoying a shot of tequila. Confused, Y/N looked back and forth between the two. She would have loved to know what they were talking about. "Everything's fine? you look like you're worried" Makkari signed.
Y/n couldn't really answer this question. But she didn't want to lie, she couldn't think of anything better than to flee from the situation. "I'll get us something to drink at the bar" she said instead and went outside the room without waiting for an answer.
She felt horrible as she waited at the bar for her drinks. She had been acting terribly out of line since druig showed up. Makkari was just being friendly and Y/n was ruining everything. Someone behind her tapped her shoulder.
"Hey you, Makkari's friend !, sorry forgot your name. Will you order me one too? I know I look young but I'm old enough. Honestly. I'm not lying, I promise. But I really can't stay sober with those two back there." Sprite pointed to the couple cuddled up on the sofa. Ikaris and sersei were now sitting in the same spot she and makkari had been a few minutes ago.
"I don't know if this is such a good idea Sprite."
"oh come on, please, I really thought you were cool. I really don't feel like seeing Ikaris like this all night."
Y/n briefly wondered if she should ask why Sprite was so Stressed out about the two. But without knowing her, she still kinda knew. Sprite felt much the same way she did.
"Alright, but just one beer! If you want another one you'll have to beg someone else." Sprite looked annoyed, but was still satisfied that she got what she wanted.
"I'd ask Kingo if I were you" Y/N pointed in the direction of the movie star. He and Karun had already emptied a few beer glasses and were now singing a birthday song for Phastos son for their somewhat strange documentary. Phastos just tried to get them from climbing on one of the tables. Even though this situation was funny and somewhat absurd, Y/N preferred to look past the two very drunk men. On one of the other sofas, Druig and makkari were now sitting and talking excitedly. The two of them looked so happy, she thought. Druig had put his hand on Makkari's arm while he was laughing. Y/N thought they looked beautiful together. They were the perfect couple. She felt a different feeling slowly spreading through her. Quite different from the angry jealousy of the afternoon,now she felt only anxious. What if Makkari would leave her. What if Makkari would rather have him? Druig was handsome and strong. And apparently he even was funny and friendly, even if he was only that way to Makkari. Fuck he was perfect for her. Even Y/N had caught herself thinking about his fucking ocean eyes over and over again throughout the day. And when he had taken off his leather jacket, she had to force herself not to look too long at his trained bizeps. The two of them would be better together than Y/N could ever be with anyone. Her hands began to shake and tears formed in her eye. "Excuse me, I'm going to step outside for some fresh air. Y/N picked up her glass and left the building as quickly as possible for the second time that day.
Y/N stood there for quite a while. She already finished her drink and also the one she had ordered for makkari. The alcohol helped, she told herself, while she thought about going back to the bar and getting another drink. But she also knew that she wouldn't be able to drink very much. She had hardly eaten and had been a bit overtired all day, all these factors were not a good basis for drinking away your sorrow. The wind was blowing through the streets again and she was annoyed not to have taken at least her jacket from the sofa, where sersei, Ikaris and Thena were sitting. But she refused to go inside like that. She had been gone from the table for half an hour already and makkari probably hadn't even noticed. She couldn't imagine her pretty girlfriend wandering around the bar looking for her. She was probably still sitting in Druig's arm laughing. Why did he have to look so good? Why didn't Makkari have any ugly, annoying or boring college friends?
"Well, Y/N, are you thinking about me?" said the voice with the thick Irish accent.
"What? Me? No, why should I?" she said, perplexed. She hadn't noticed how the man had opened the door and stood next to her.
"I was just kidding beautiful beautiful Y/N" he said as he lit a cigarette. He held the pack out to her, but Y/N just shook her head.
"Makkari likes you very much. She told me a lot about you before our visit. She even said that your book taste was better than mine." He laughed softly. "And to be honest, she's really right about that." Y/N had to smile. She turned her head and looked Druig in the face. His smile was beautiful. Why couldn't she stop staring at him.
"Makkari always said you were as loving as Sersei, as caring as Ajak, as stubborn as Sprite, and as beautiful as Thena."
Makkari had said something like that about her? Y/N hardly believed what Druig was listing. Did her girlfriend really think so well of her? Perhaps the doubts from before had not been necessary.
"Of course, I didn't believe her at first, how could a human being ever fulfill exactly that? But to be honest, I changed my mind. She forgot to mention how clumsy you are, but I think she was right about everything else."
Y/N's face began to glow. He was just being friendly after all. But then why was this warm feeling spreading through her stomach.
"Wow, you seem to be really cold, you are probably too stubborn to get your jacket.“ he winked“ Well wait, here put mine on." he held his jacket in front of her face.
"No, no, it's okay, it's not that cold."
"Don't talk such bullshit, take my jacket before you freeze to death. Or are you afraid that if you smell my good scent you'll fall in love with me right away?" teasingly he leaned a bit towards her. She was still looking into his blue eyes when he put the jacket around her. The two were now standing very close to each other. All the anger she had felt all day was gone. Maybe she wasn't mad at Druig at all. Maybe she was just mad at herself, how could she dream about this man all day long even though she was in a happy, loving relationship. A man who was a complete stranger. Y/N felt like Druig was a magnet that attracted her, and as she lowered her eyes and they caught at his lips, she couldn't help but imagine kissing him.
"Is that okay?" he asked. Without knowing what exactly he was getting at, she agreed by nodding.
He kissed her like it was all he ever wanted. Y/N had no idea what was happening to her, she just knew she wanted more. Their lips touched gently at first and then with more and more pressure and passion. His lips were warm and soft. They felt so similar to Makkaris. Makkari…
"Fuckkkk. What the hell did we just do." Y/N broke away from Druig aprubtly. She cursed over and over. And paced back and forth in front of the bar.
"I thought that was okay? I'm sorry I definitely didn't mean to pressure you, I thought we felt the same." Apologetically he took another step towards her. Y/N just pushed the jacket into his hand.
" I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I love Makkari. We are really happy. I can't just ruin my relationship like that. I..."
Y/N gestured wildly. What the hell was she thinking. She really had to destroy everything. She hardly realized how drunk she was after all when she tripped over the sidewalk the second time that day.
Before she could fall onto the street, Druig held her by the wrist. "I got you, love. Please stay. Let's talk about this…“
But Y/N didn't want to talk. "Sorry I...I better go home." she said. He let go of her wrist and she ran across the street between the parked cars. Past the bookstore towards the Train station. Tears flushed her face and blocked her view.
An hour later, she sat in her kitchen, somewhat calm. She had just thought about todays events. It was like an awful nightmare.
Y/N made her favorite tea and sat on her bed. When she got up early in the morning, she definitely didn't think that the day would end like this. She took another sip. And her thoughts went from the beginning through the whole day again.
Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred,
then another thousand, then a second hundred,
then yet another thousand, then a hundred,
then, when we’ve made many thousands,
we’ll mix them up, so that we lose count,
or no bad person can envy us,
when he learns how many kisses there are.
Catullus 5, Translated by Jane Mason.
The way my girlfriend asks if I want more kisses after she’s already given a bunch and I giggle and say “yes”. I’m a kiss stealer and will kiss her any chance I get
casually scrolling through tumblr does not help the yearning for a gf.
all i want is to live with my gf and have a cozy and domestic life. is that too much to ask for?
Not to be a lesbian but lingering eye contact
Fem!OC X Fem!OC
Hii, this is just a short first chapter of something that I’ve been meaning to write for some time now, I just haven’t gotten to it because idk if anyone will actually read it . So this is kinda just a tester to see if anyone actually cares lmao😭
just some background info, both main characters are princesses, and this is set in the 1800’s
"Sit up straight" the older woman hissed thumping her daughter on the head. "I didn't raise you to act like an animal." A wave of nausea fell over the princess, she never wanted to marry. Especially not to some random prince whom she had never even met. She wanted to be a writer. She'd write poems, songs and fantasy stories. Clementine loved romance poems. Every night she would imagine what it would be like to loved, fall asleep to the thought of being held and appreciated. But the girl knew she would never be able to feel that type of love, at-least not with him.
Him: The prince of Vermont, soon to be King. The Prince searched far and wide for the perfect wife and potential queen. All of Europe, America, Asia and Africa. Every Princess around the world was taken into account and considered. But eventually, Clementine was chosen. So now here she was, in a carriage on her way to Vermont Palace. Ready to meet her prince, her future husband. Everybody had heard about him and his family. The most famous and influential family in the entire world; The Vermont's. And possibly in a few short months, if everything goes as planned, she will be apart of that family.
She was nervous. So, so nervous. In the distance she could see the grand Palace. Hundreds of people crowding, staring into the carriage trying to get a glimpse of the soon-to-be Princess of Vermont. Her nerves only grew as she heard the murmurs and whispers of the people passing by.
"Clementine, if you screw this up for us I promise you, I will never let you see the light of day again. This could be so good for us, for the family. Do NOT mess this up." Her mother said angrily, staring daggers into her daughters eyes. Clementine could only nod.
"Good. Now stop slouching, and get out."
For a second Clementine was confused. Then the carriage door swung open and the sound of people cheering was heard from the outside.
Her mother stared at her, as if waiting for something. "Go." She demanded. The princess nodded and slowly pulled herself up and out of the carriage.
The scene before her was something she had never seen before. Crowds of people gathered in 2 rows, either side of her, held back by guards holding swords. At the far end of the street was 4 people. Now, Clementine had never met these people, but she could immediately tell who they were. The silk gowns and dazzling jewels were a dead giveaway, The Vermonts.
A older woman, with dusky wavy hair held back by a bejewelled hair clip. A golden silk gown, covered with various patterns sewed into the sleeves. And on top of her head, a gorgeous crown sat glistening in the sunlight. It was clear she was the queen, not because of the crown but from the way she demanded attention, dominance oozed from her.
Then standing next to her side, a man, slightly taller than the queen. Brown hair the fell just above his shoulders and a blue silk suit adorned with a silver crown. Not as extravagant as the Queens crown, but just as beautiful.
Then she saw him. Her future husband. There he stood measuring just over six feet, the blonde prince wearing head to toe white silk. A milky shirt covered by a snowy waistcoat. White trousers and some calf high boots.
The soon to be couple made eye contact, Clementines breathe hitched and she swallowed audibly. She couldn't tell if it was out of dread or excitement (or possibly both, she didn't know). She watched the man carefully as he nodded his head at her, a way of greeting her with actually saying anything. Before she could do anything back though, the princess' eyes were ripped away from the princes'. Her breathe was caught in her throat and she stopped in her tracks. There, coming into view from behind the prince, was who she can only assume was an angel.
A woman: around 5'6, brown curly hair pulled up into a high bun, a few strands pulled from the front to frame her face. Cat-like eyes looking around in curiosity. She was nothing short of a goddess. Clementine could not deny she was undoubtedly the most angelic creature she had ever had the privilege to lay her eyes on. Clementine couldn't help but feel...funny. She didn't know what it was but she had never felt this way before. It reminded her of something she had read in a book. "Hear my soul speak: the very instant that I saw you. My heart fly to your service"
Clementine didn't know who this woman was, but in that moment she knew. She knew, she would do anything that woman asked of her.
also if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes please tell me so I can fix them, thank you💕💕💕