Exo Byun Baekhyun - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



Pairing: Baekhyun x f! reader

Genre: Angst, Yandere, Dark Fantasy

Warnings: Stalking, possessiveness, restraining acts with chains, knife and blood, obsessive behaviors.

W.C: 3.1k

Note: Thanks for joining the event. thanks to the ones enjoying my works and your reviews are always appreciated and feel free to interact with me.

Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity

Request from @anyamaris

Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @yeoobin


*under the cut*

“I will be home soon.” Walking through the streets late at night is a relief to you to get some peace and air of comfort. The bell sounds brings your attention towards a house and suddenly a train moves past through the tracks alongside the road. You got startled and your wide eyes looks around to see if anybody noticed you in that situation.

No one is around you, you sigh in relief and went towards your home, putting the phone in your pocket.

A smile appears in shadows.  A gloved hand adjusted the hat on top of head to hide the face properly. The shadowed figure whispered,

“My Bambi.”



Waking up in a dark room filled with the scents of different flowers; all of your favourite. The essence of these variety flowers is making your drowsy state more helpless. You can’t remember what happened to you before being in such a state.

“Help me…”

Rubbing your eyes, you realized that the room has dim light sources from the only candles placed on various light stands all around the room. You tried to sit up when you found yourself on a floor which is so shiny as if you are laying on a mirror because it can perfectly reflect your presence on it. Leaning sideways and balancing your weight on two hands, your attempt to sit on the floor is a success. Lifting up one of your hands to remove the hairs falling over your face to tug them behind your ears earned a groan of pain from you. Your hands feeling so heavy that caused your wrist to ache and then you found the cause for the happening. Hands are tied up in chains connected to the chains tying up your leg, the other end of the chain is getting dispersed into the dark corner of the room.

“Why am I tied with chains? Who even tied me up?”

Thinking hard to remember what happened to you in last moments.

Several memories popped up starting from morning when you found a letter and a bouquet at the front door like everyday. You were giggling to the sweet words and the praises written all over the letter, the sender ended the letter with a signature which can be read as BAMBI. You were sure it is from your boyfriend, the boy you are dating for last six months. Oh! He is such a sweetheart, his love for you is more than you have ever wanted from someone.

The memories flash forward to the evening when you were returning from a long day of work to your apartment to finally take rest. You were on a call with someone maybe your boyfriend when a figure with all in black came up to you suddenly. You didn’t hear anyone coming in that lonely road then how come this person is suddenly standing before you. Face was hidden due to the black panama hat and the extended hand towards you was covered with tight black leather gloves. The person was in all black attire maybe that was only possible for you to recognise because in that dark street with insufficient light to distinguish colors that was only how you could recognise it.


your head is aching with all these memories flashing on. Now the worst part is that you can’t remember what happen after that scene. You are trying hard to think, the headache causing you to close your eyes in pain. Your breathing is heavy and your whole body is paining. Your hands are not enough strong to keep your balance for any longer. No. You have to be strong, you need to figure out how to escape this place wherever you are and then you can think later about what could have possibly happened to you.

After three times of breathing practices, your panic settles down. Being in somewhat a little bit stable state, you looked around the place. The room is really dark, only the places where the candle lights can reach to is lit and visible, where the rest are mysteriously dark. You can feel that you are situated in the middle of a room, to your front there is a black curtain hanging from the ceiling covering the whole wall only leaving the sides for two very old vintage closets on either side to be palced. On your two sides, the walls have different kinds of hanging candle holders and various shelves and tables with things decorated on top of them which are barely visible. Turning your head to take a look of your back, its too dark that side and your chains are ending to that side.

You pulled the chains to see if the other end is fixed or not and to your dismay the action made loud jiggling sounds of the chains which echoed in the dark room.

“Haha…ha ha ha…” a laugh followed the sound of chains. Your eyes flash fear and a shiver run down your body on realizing that there is one more presence inside the room. So, all your actions till now were observed by someone and you didn’t know of it. This made you feel cautious and your hands automatically braced yourself and you pulled your knees inwards to your chest, sitting now facing the direction of the voice. The chains moving in a rhythm as if someone on the other side is playing with them. Heavy footsteps approaching you which made you close your eyes for not having the courage to face what is coming next.

Again, the person laughed, totally mocking your current state. You can hear a lot of chain sounds and ‘click’, something gets locked. The person’s voice is now much closer than before and so in the effect, your heart is racing too fast that it might burst out and cause an explosion then and there.

“Open your eyes my love.”

He is near you. Wait. He is totally in front of you, you can hear the footsteps stopped near you. The voice belongs to a man and your ears are blessed to hear such a smooth and honey like voice, even calling out for you. Slowly you parted your eyelids, revealing your glossy eyes to the man.

Is this real? Is this man real? The smile is so heavenly, no doubt that voice came out from these pretty lips. Oh no wait. This attire and the hat, your eyes scanning all over the figure in front of you and on realization you tried to scoot back. The chains didn’t help your attempt.

“Who are you?”

The man chuckled. Why is everything funny to this man? He has now sitter himself on his folded knees and one hand checking whether the chains are tied tightly or not, your eyes followed the chain and there is the other end locked in a hook on the wall. The other hand on his side seems like he is holding something.

“Why am I here?”

You are getting impatient to hear his explanation to keep you here like this even in this condition. He scoots near to you when his other hand revealed holding a shiny object. No no no. That’s a knife. Is he going to kill you?

“Are you going to kill me?” your voice is cracking in fear.

“My baby is so impatient.” He chuckled. The voice is so sweet and it can really hipnotis someone including you.

“I’m not your baby.”

He is literally keeping you like an animal who needs to be tamed and then also calling you with nicknames.

“You are being a bad girl again love.” Your eyes falling where he is playing with the knife, candle lights falling on the knife reflecting your fear in the room of mysterious dark.

“Stop with your names. Tell me who are you. Why am I here even tied up like this?” You are literally shouting at this point. Tears coming out in a flow and you are jerking your hands and legs to atleast get rid of those restraints.

“Oh.  We can go slowly. One question at a time.”

He stands up in his position and now you are getting his overall look. He is wearing a black fedora coat with matching pant and a white shirt inside with a black tie visible perfectly in middle. His face is still hidden, if only it was not hidden then you could have tried to recognize this person.

Suddenly, the chandelier above you lit up and now the room is a bit more visible to you except the man’s face.

“Can you guess my name love?” He is smiling at you. Walking over to his previous place near you.

Glancing at the knife in his hand, you gulped and replied “……no”.

“Oh!” he pouts at you. “I am Baekhyun but you can call me candy.” He laughed at his own words.

“Baek-baekhyun?” you are trying to think if you have heard this name before or even have encountered someone who goes by this name.

“Thanks love. I like the short name. Call me Baek if you want.” You glared at him. In one of the corners situated a small brown couch, he walked with quiet footsteps over there and sat down with cross legs.

“What am I doing here?”

“You are safe here.”

“I don’t need any safety when I was already safe in first place.”

“No. Bad people are all out there. They will take you away from me.”

“What are you even saying?”

He suddenly stood up. Slow steps nearing your weak frame on the floor. Looking around for any object to throw at him which can at least hurt him and prevent him to approach you. In his way, he took off his hat and placed it on top of the table at the side of the couch. Revealing his beautiful face with jet black hairs and flawless baby face. His look is ethereal to belong to a criminal like him. His eyes seem like holding two diamonds in each hole with his precious smile resting on his face.

“You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

“You are keeping me tied up here without any particular reason and you are telling me not to fear you. Also, holding a damn knife in your hand.” Your teary eyes looking up at his face.

You pleaded, “Please let me go.”

“Bambi……my only Bambi…… my love.” He is getting lost in your eyes, in your glossy eyes which seems like the brightest star to him right now. Always.

Bambi? This. You have heard this before. Oh wait! Those flowers. Those letters. Those Candies.

“You…you…he…letters….” He grins widely when you mentioned about letters.

“Did you like them? Oh yes of course. The way you always giggle when reading them and one hand busy eating those candies. Thanks for always decorating those flowers at the places I like them the most.”

You are shocked to know this truth. All this time you thought that those are all given by your boyfriend and he didn’t ever mention it because maybe he wants to keep it like that. But you were totally wrong, that was him, the man standing before you.

“How do you know?”

“I can’t miss to see you even when you are home.”

“What the……”

“Hell? I am from there. Thank you. Fuck? Well maybe we can but later.” He is scooting near to you to come face to face with you.

“Go away. Let me go. Don’t come near to me.”

“I can’t do that when you are my favorite person.” His hands tracing your face, eyes admiring your face. Brushing your hairs away to take a better look at your beauty. His other hand brings up the knife and traced over your cheeks which cuts you a bit.

“I don’t want to be your favorite person. You are a psycho.” You shouted at him.

“You are so precious baby even your shouts sound like a melody to me.”

Jerking your body so much causing pain to shoot over to your hands and legs, this effects to cause deep purple marks over the skin near the tied-up places.

Blood flowing down your cheek and the cold knife placed on your other cheek cutting similarly as before. He is still smiling while looking at you. You are silently sobbing with eyes shut tightly and hoping someone to rescue you from here.

“The day I locked my eyes with you at the café. I knew, I have to keep this bambi eyes all to myself. The owner of these starry eyes should be kept in a safe place.” Blood oozing out of the cut is getting mixed with the tears falling from your eyes. Wiping the blood with one finger, he brings it near his eyes and admires it. 

 “Doesn’t this look like a melted Ruby. The stars falling from your eyes and the red velvety liquid from your skin mixing together to form this ruby.” Your eyes slowly open to respond him. Your cheeks are burning and your nails are digging on the shiny floor.

“Please, it hurts.”

“It hurts me too.” He stopped smiling and put the knife aside. “It hurts me too when I see you smiling without me, when I am not the cause of your precious smile. It hurts when you are laughing at something when I can give more things which can be funnier. It hurts me when you are holding hands with someone and that’s not me. IT HURTS EVERYTIME WHEN THE THINGS WHICH ARE KEEPING YOU HAPPY IS NOT ME.” He shouts in the end of the sentence.

Your sobs become audible on the impact of the shout and noticing it, he pulls you in a hug and caressing your back and hairs. The smell of his cologne is so soothing and it’s giving you comfort but this is literally wrong, it should not be so comforting when coming from a criminal, moreover a psycho.

“it’s okay love. I will not shout at you. It’s okay, don’t cry.” These words causing you to cry more because you are missing your boyfriend.

“I want to go home. Please……”

“But this is your home.” He said softly, placing a kiss on your head.

“No……. I want to go back to my own life where I can be all by myself and with him.”

“Him?” He holds you tighter before releasing to grip your forearms to make you face him.

“There is no him. You are my Bambi, my one and only precious Bambi and you love candies the most so I am your Candy.” He is having an evil glint in his eyes but quickly returns back to his soft appearance.

“No, I’m Y/N. I’m not your Bambi.”

“You are so funny my love.” He puts a hand inside the pocket of his coat to bring out a handkerchief and wipes your tears and blood. He gives you his little smile and put away the hanky aside. Again, repeating the previous action but now took out some different kinds of your favorite candies and chocolates. Your lost eyes and confused mind staring at him as to why out of so many other girls, he chose you when you just look like an ordinary girl beside other girls who are way more beautiful.

“Why me? I’m not that special.”

He chuckles at you while looking down at the candies. Bringing up the hand to pat your cheeks, he leans forward to kiss your forehead. He sits on the floor before you facing the curtained wall and pulls you on his lap with your back leaning to his chest. Held in an unknown man’s embrace, who is also the one keeping you captive makes you stiff in your place.

“You know, why have I kept the room dark?” silently and slowly you move your head side to side.

“Look at your reflection on the floor because of the candle lights. Its looking so nice. The bright lights will not allow me to admire your beauty like the way these candle lights with dim effects reflecting your beauty. I want your beauty to be the brightest light in this room and your eyes “, holding chin, he makes you face him. He is bending a bit forward, he smiles at you, “Your eyes to be the brightest star.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“To keep you safe of course. Trust me I can be the best person to you forever.”

“I don’t even know you and also you don’t know me then how can you expect me to trust you?”

“Oh love, I know you a lot more than you can ever imagine.” His other hand sliding up and down your forearms and side frames. This giving you chills all over your body.

Hand holding your chin moves to his other pocket to bring out a small remote and when he clicks it. The curtains covering the wall move aside and you look over there. Your eyes go wide in shock when realizing what’s on that wall.

Your pictures, every picture showing all types of your emotions. Pictures including of you practicing a dance cover of your favorite group, slipping on the floor, crying on the sofa while watching a drama to the ones where you are wearing your favorite dress and going to work, eating ice cream, going to date with your boyfriend but only you in the frame. There is countless of pictues which you yourself can’t even recall from where they are.  You felt a kiss on top of your head.

“Do you like it?”

“How? This can’t be real.”

He chuckles, “This is very real.”


He turns your face towards him to take a look of your shocked eyes. He waited a bit before speaking up, “You know why you are my Bambi?”


“A deer when comes near to a car in front of the headlights, their eyes, those Bambi eyes look the brightest gem under the dark sky.”

Cupping your face in his hands, he places a soft kiss on your quivering lips, “You look exactly like that deer. Every night when I had followed you in shadows, under those street lights whenever you were afraid, those Bambi eyes looked the brightest star. They looked like mine to keep safe.”

He placed a candy inside your mouth. On realization, you wanted to throw it but he closed your mouth with pressing his palm over your lips tightly. Your eyes looked in fear towards him.  He kissed your head and smiling adorably at you. Your heavy eyes slowly closing while staring at his smiling lips, the first thing of this man you noticed back then.

“Sleep my love, My Bambi.”

[Expected something horny? Nah nah nah. Let it be like this.]

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1 year ago

Hi! Can I request baekhyun fic? He and her so so in love but she got pregnant and he is confused. He go away and returns a few weeks ago/month. A really regretful and scared baekhyun and some angst and fluff things please! 😭

Our Angel

Hi! Can I Request Baekhyun Fic? He And Her So So In Love But She Got Pregnant And He Is Confused. He

Pairing: husband! Baekhyun x f! pregnant reader

Genre: Mafia, Angst, Fluff

Warnings: mention of talking about abortion, taking care of yourself alone in pregnancy, giving birth, Baek will regret later for not caring you. Pregnancy stuffs mentioned, nothing major warnings needed.

W.C : 3.2k

Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated 😭. Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!

Network: @k-vanity @cultofdionysusnet

Hi! Can I Request Baekhyun Fic? He And Her So So In Love But She Got Pregnant And He Is Confused. He


“Stop it. You are going to the hospital with me and I don’t want to hear anything else from you.” Sliding his jacket and keeping the strong eye contact with you.

Your teary eyes are still shocked to see your husband acting like this way. Your world seems to be falling apart when he has suggested you to get rid of this unnecessary stuff. Stuff? This is the most important part of your life. This is the connection between you both then why this is unwanted.

“This is our baby, Baek.”

“Not needed. Our life is better without any baby so without getting any further with this conversation, we are going to hospital and you are aborting it. Got it?”

“No. I’m not doing this.”

“Are you really talking back to me on this?” He raises his eyebrows, tilting his head in a daring way to challenge you to speak more.

“Yes. I am stating my true points unlike you who is running away from his responsibilities.”


“Enough Baek. I don’t want to hear further anything about this and let me handle the situation on my own.”

Your hot tears are pooled in your eyes, shaking and threatened to fall anytime smoothly across the cheek just like the way the both of you are drifting apart from your once lovely relationship. You balled your fist by your side and looking at him in disbelief where he is folding his hands in front and daringly watching your movements.

“So, you think you can take care of yourself all alone?” Raising his eyebrows, a questionable look on his soft face.

A teardrop escapes your shaking eyes but he seems not to care about it at this moment, only if he has seen this other moment, he would have ripped off the skin who made you like this. But maybe he has changed. He has changed after he found out that you are pregnant.

“I can. If you don’t want this baby then fine, I will have this baby and will do take care of them on my own. I want to raise them to be a better person but never like you.”

“Y/N, you are crossing your limits.”

“Am I? And what are you doing? Running away from the responsibility and turning your back when we are ready to take a step further to our relationship.”

“Responsibility? Y/N, we can think of this another time.”

“Baek. When you didn’t want this then why you gave me false hope and prepared my mind to accept this baby. Why Baek why?”

You are breaking down and falling apart into thousands of pieces. The lovely and healthy relationship between you both is fading away and you don’t know how to keep it in place anymore.

“Y/N, calm down. These are just feelings and you are overwhelmed knowing about this sudden news last week. All these will fade away and then you can understand me.”

Calm down? Feelings will fade away? These all are his thoughts for me right now? All the promises, love talks, future plannings, bonding, everything seems fake to you now. His smile, laugh shared with you, adorable gestures to you, they all seem like an act to you. So he just wanted you to be his partner in this mafia world? He didn’t care you as his wife and never wanted to have a baby who can be a burden to him.

“Sure. If you don’t want any of these then fine, I’m leaving you here on your own and never try to find me.”

At this point, hot tears streaming down your eyes, your hands messily tugging the loose hair strands behind the ears. On hearing your statement, Baekhyun pick up the nearest vase and throws towards the wall. The action makes a loud sound followed by shattering pieces of the fibres scattered all around the floor just like your heart is breaking with each word. You flinch and your hands tremble.

“You are leaving me? Are you serious?”

His eyes are furious and his breathing is heavy as if he is contemplating the whole situation. Hands gripping the head of the sofa tightly on which he is leaning. You standing near the stairs grip the stair railing for your support and watching him. The one who being a mafia leader never showed you his beast side in any situation is now a raging character who can burn you alive right now.

“Yes. I’m sure that leaving you here will be the good decision and have my own life far away from you.”

You feel nauseous and run towards the kitchen. Bending to the sink, you throw up. Tears falling down your eyes and trembling hands gripping the edge of the counter. You slide down and lean to the cabinets, bringing the knees towards your chest and holding them tightly and resting your forehead on top of it. Your sobs are echoing through the walls of the kitchen but there is no one to comfort you.

“I’m so sorry baby. You have to go through all these. I don’t know whether I can be a better mother to you or not but trust me I will stay with you and try my best to give you a perfect life. I know it’s a better decision to give up but…but I want to keep you with me. Please I hope you can forgive me one day.”

Footsteps stop in front of your frame but you don’t want to look up to see your husband, already knowing how much ignorant he is with your feelings on this situation.

“Go away Baekhyun.”

“He has gone.” The person sit himself on his knees, putting his hands on your shoulder to make you look up. “What happened Y/N? Why is he angry with you and left the house?”

“He left the house?”

Your wide eyes staring at the man in front, Baekhyun’s bestfriend, Chanyeol who is also your close friend and supports you whenever there is any argument between you and your husband. Pressing his lips into a line, dimple deepening into the cheek. He nods and make you stand up, still supporting against the counter. He washes your face and sets your hairs in place.

“What happened?”

“Chanyeol….He doesn’t want the baby…..and I want to keep it….I’m scared…I don’t know what to do anymore.”

He hugs you and rubs your back in comfort. “Shhh. You are already three months pregnant Y/N. It’s not good for the baby if you keep crying like this. I will talk with him. Let me solve this with him.” He takes out his phone and the other hand pulls you lightly towards the bedroom.

“Take your medicines and have some rest. If you fall sick with exhaustion, it will be not good for both of you and your baby. I will see if I can manage for your dinner in some way.”

Tugging you in the bed, he gives you a smile and goes outside the room. Being all alone in the shared bedroom, many thoughts started to run through your mind.

‘How will you take care of you and your baby? Will you be a good mom? Did he really leave you? No right? He is just going through some emotion, right? He still loves you and will come back for you to see you happy. He will again support your decisions. He will hug you tightly and surround you with all the warmth needed.’

You don’t know when you fell asleep. Late at night, Chanyeol wake you up and ask you to eat some food but you denied and wait for your husband to return. He looks at you apologetically and then speaks up.

“He is not going to come back Y/N. He is no more picking up my call after we had the argument on this. Please try to understand the situation and eat up….atleast for the baby.”

“Baek…..Baekhyun….” You cry out loudly thinking of all the happy moments shared between you both. You ate a little, not to the liking of Chanyeol but he understands your condition. He gives you the medicines and urges you to sleep.

Next day morning, Chanyeol left a note on saying how he had to leave for a meeting and you can call him if you need any kind of help or not. Help? You want a happy little family with your husband. Again?

You rub your belly while looking at the sky from your balcony. A soft smile adorning your broken feature, still a teardrop manages to escape your doe eyes.

“One day, we will be together and we will be the happiest.”

Its been six months after the incident. You hoped everyday for his return but to your dismay, he never came back to your doorstep. Whenever you heard the ringing of the doorbell, you hopefully opened the door to welcome him back but there were only your deliveries or Chanyeol. Chanyeol really helped you a lot during the months of pregnancy. He even managed to help you in some conditions when a wife needs their husband a lot. Also, one day, he asked you for allow him to be your baby’s father but you quickly dismissed the topic and he never brought that up again.

You cant forget Baekhyun so easily. Atleast somewhere, he is still thinking about you like you hope to see him for once. Going to check ups all alone. Watching other patients happily waiting for their turn and planning about the future with their husband meanwhile you sitting alone in the corner and apologizing to the baby who has not yet came to this cruel world. You needed Baekhyun many times but all you got in return was a dead phone call line. No one answered you. You sometimes lost control in the house and broke things and messily tried to end your life without thinking straight but the next moment you thought about your baby and that it was all your decision.


Today is your date given for the delivery and Chanyeol has prepared everything for you to arrive to the hospital safely. You had your labour pain in the midway to the hospital but luckily, you reached on time.

Everything happened so hastily that you couldn’t manage to wrap your head around the whole situation that how you were laid down on the emergency bed and been moved to the OT delivery room. You were under the care of the nurses and doctor when you were screaming for the pain and you knew that in some few hours you will get to see your lovely daughter. You were so happy to know that it is going to be a daughter and amidst the pain, you still managed to smile in a hope to see your lovely baby.

You wake up from your deep slumber. Parting the heavy eyelids is a lot of work to you right now. Your body is weak and exhausted after the delivery and heavy dose of medicines for the pain. You manage to sit up and your hooded eyes look towards the baby cot bed. It is empty. Your panic rises up and hands grip the white bedsheet. The sound of air conditioner being deaf to your ears while a danger bell ringing inside your head and you frantically looking all around when you spot a nurse entering your room with a register monitor board. She catches your panic sight and comes near your form.

“Ma’am, what happened?”

“My..my b-baby. Where is my baby?”

“Calm down Ma’am. You are having a healthy baby girl, she was kept near your body when we brought her to this room and then her father took her to play with her.”

Father? They might have mistaken Chanyeol as her father, right? Oh no. I have to clear their misunderstanding right now or else it is going to be worse.

“Umm. He is not her father. He is her uncle. Where are they?”

The nurse looks at you with confusion filled eyes.


You flinch on hearing the familiar voice. The sweet melodious voice which can ease any tension, which has a warmth laced in the tome to calm any restless self. But, how can he be here? Are you hearing things right now?

The nurse turns towards the voice and smiles and then proceed on checking the readings on the monitor display about your body health updates and then when the person came in view and you can see him holding the baby firmly in his hands.

The nurse after having noted down all the records, quickly leaves the room and now its you and your baby in Baekhyun’s delicate hold.

“Am I her uncle now?’


“How are you Y/N? Look the baby is so pretty…..just like you.”

“Why did you come here?”

You are still staring at him in disbelief. You cant believe that he is standing in front of you and moreover holding the baby for which, he went away that day.

“I’m sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry. I know you cant forgive me but please listen to me. Please. Don’t take away this baby from me.”

“I always listen to you Baekhyun. Please say why you left me that day, I will hear you.”

He sits near the foot of your hospital bed and looks down to the new born angel in his hand. He smiles to her softly and caress her cheeks with his index finger and then looks towards you. You are lost in the view unfolding in front of you to see the love of a father towards his new born daughter.

“I was scared Y/N. I was always scared for you being in my merciless life. You are always my fist priority and most important responsibility. I love you so much. I never wanted to cause any sort of tiny harm to you but when….when I got the news of your pregnancy, I got more scared. I thought how to welcome a new member and take more responsibility when I am always worried for you? Everyday, I thought to change your mind from keeping the baby but you were determined with your decision.”

You shift a bit forward to hold his wrist and squeeze it in assurance that you are listening to him. Tears falling down his eyes and a tear drop falls on the baby’s cheek who is warmly wrapped in a pink towel cloth. No one would believe him as a mafia leader who is crying helplessly in a casual grey and brown t-shirt and pants with a sleeping newborn in his hand.

“Are you still scared?”

“No. That day when I left you, I will never forgive myself for that. I blamed everyday to hurt you like that when you needed me the most but my coward self never made up the courage to face you during the situation. Chanyeol contacted me a lot of times and I got to know about you from him. I made him promise me not to tell you about me and one day, when I should take a final decision, I will go to you on my own.”

“Is that day today?” You ask him softly and he nods.

He is staring straight to you, “I thought about expanding our family everyday. To have a beautiful family with our children but the news seems like so sudden and early to make any decision. My foggy head did not think that how much hurt you will be. I will never forgive myself for hurting you. I proved to be a bad husband and a bad father.”

“No Baek, listen. You are going to be a great father. You are going to protect her and she is so lucky to have you. You were worried and scared and that’s why you ran away. You are a mafia leader, you only know to handle every situation aggressively and that’s why you went far away from me because you did not want to hurt me. You were scared of yourself.”

“You are not angry or upset with me?”

“Baek. I am upset. I am angry too. I was having so many emotions going through all these months but they didn’t fade away. They became strong with the time. Whenever I was alone, I felt scared but the next moment I felt nothing because I kept telling myself that no one will be there to make me feel safe. I was angry with you leaving me without hearing my side, without looking back at me to see how helpless I was. I was upset that my decision to keep this baby had broken us apart. I was upset that the reason I was crying and you being angry with me was all because of me. Because of this baby.”

Baekhyun is hugging the baby to his chest and crying continuously. His ears and cheeks turning red due to the effect and you caressed his head.

You both were scared and were weak in making a proper decision on this life note. If only you both have spoken with each other properly then today you would have happily enjoying the moment and welcoming the baby.

“I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry to leave you that day. Please forgive me.”

“Which baby?”

You smile on your own question and then your husband looks at you with his puffy eyes and red nose.

“What do you mean?”

“ah! So I am not your baby anymore? Is this little angel taking my spot in your life?”

Realization hits him and he laughs out aloud with still teary eyes. You laugh along with him.

“Never. You both have same place in my heart. I will protect my baby and this angel forever and now I have made up my mind that no matter how scared I will be for both of you. I’m not leaving again. I will fight the danger with keeping you both safe with me.”

“And I will always be the strong supporter by your side.”

His hand caresses your cheek and leans forward to kiss your lips. The baby is awake now and smiling with half closed eyes. Those eyes and lips are totally like her father and having his sweetest smile on those small lips.

“She looks like you, Baekhyun.”

You both are looking down to the angel in his hands. The baby he never wanted and told you to have an abortion. He is holding the baby continuously in his hand and firmly gripping as if the baby will disappear, if he ever softens the grip.

“Of course, my baby will look like me and that’s why she is so pretty but her squeezy cheeks are like you.”

“Am I not pretty?”



“You will be a great mother and she is so lucky to have you as her guardian.”

“She is lucky to have both of us.”

An angel is blessed in both of your life and marks the beginning of the new stage of life on a happy note.

“Our angel.”




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1 year ago

Hello! Can I make a request? About Baekhyun's jealousy. His wife is a kdrama fan and has been a fan of Park Bogum for some time. The reader found Baekhyun's attitude sweet and funny. She was also surprised. He was never jealous of such things. (Maybe he needs some attention)

"He is really cute, what should I do?"

"They look beautiful together"

"Bogummy did a good job"

"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"

The smile disappeared from his face when the reader noticed his jokingly angry tone.

The rest is up to you!!

Please some fluff things!! ❣❣

Are you jealous?

Hello! Can I Make A Request? About Baekhyun's Jealousy. His Wife Is A Kdrama Fan And Has Been A Fan Of

Pairing: Baekhyun x f!reader

Genre: Fluff, slice of life

W.C: 1.4k

Warnings: none ( but mention of actor Park Bogum)

Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity

Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!

You were giggling and munching on the snacks that were all displayed in front of you. Not even glancing at the things that you were eating, but eyes still fixed on the T.V screen where one of the most exciting dramas from your watch-list was playing.

The way you were cooing and making faces while watching the main lead as if you were talking about your high-school crush to your best-friend.

Something blocked your way of vision and annoyingly you tried to push away the person. But the person didn’t budge and stood at the place, hands resting on his hip.

“Hey, move. I’m watching T.V. I don’t want to miss a single scene.”

 You were trying to watch the screen from the person’s side but he was again blocking the view. Getting enough of the bullshit, you somehow paused the drama and looked up to see him standing, furrowed eyes and pout on his face.

You rolled your eyes and leaned back into the sofa and he sat beside you.

“What are you watching?”

You glanced at him and at the big screen. Can’t he see himself? But you were not feeling to talk back to him as you were already annoyed with him for interrupting your drama.

“K-Drama.” You said in a tone as if it was very obvious and you offered the chips towards him. He huffed his cheeks but grabbed some from the packet. He was trying his best to look intimidating and angry but you were finding his attitude cute and funny.

“Last night, you finished a K-drama and again you are watching this. Is it the same one?”

He looked confused at the screen and back at you when you were scrolling on your phone. Before he could speak anything, you held up your phone in front of him.


“Isn’t he cute, Baek?” You titled your head to side and peeked from behind your phone to look at him. He glanced between you and the person you were showing on your screen.

“Who is he?”

You smiled and scooted closer to him, “His name is Park Bogum. He is the cutest actor to me. Last night I finished watching ‘Encounter’ and now I’m watching his other k-drama, its named ‘Record of Youth’. I can’t get enough of his acting.”

He ‘tsk’ and hugged you to pull you on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder to look down at your phone, where you were typing something.

“You are literally obsessed with him, Y/n.”

"He is really cute, what should I do?" you replied and cooed to the picture displaying on your phone screen without noticing the pout on his face.

You were scrolling through some images in google and tapped open one to show your boyfriend. He pretended to look away but you gripped his cheeks, pressing your fingers lightly to make him focus on what you were trying to show.

"They look beautiful together" you smiled, but to whom. Were you smiling at the couple you were showing from your last k-drama or your smile was for your boyfriend?

You leaned back into your boyfriend’s embrace and tried to grab the remote but he was quick to take it back from you.

"What? Are you going to watch with me? Bogummy did a good job and I know you will love his acting." Your cheerful tone was not setting right with him even when you were literally speaking about this another man in front of him. But he was atleast happy that you were smiling while sitting on his lap.

“Bogummy?...You are now calling him with a nickname. How come this person suddenly replacing me?”

You ignored his childish comments and pecked his cheek, it got him taken aback and you found it the chance for sneaking the remote from his hands. Just two seconds into the drama and it got turned off. You let out a groan and turned back to him and watched him smiling down at you.

You waited for him to reply and you raised your brows.

"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"

The smile disappeared from his face when you noticed his jokingly angry tone.

Licking your lips, you scanned his face and felt hurt. He was sitting in front of you, so close to your body. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and still here you were ignoring him for the k-drama. Maybe, you love to watch them but nothing is more important or lovable to you than him, your boyfriend, Baekhyun. You turned around, now facing him to his side.



“Don’t tell me you are jealous with this actor.” He stared at you for a while before you continued. “If you are…then I don’t think you are much older than five years old.”

You stifled a laugh and he puffed your cheeks.

“Yes I am jealous. Look I came here yesterday but you were not even speaking with me and watching this man on repeat. Why is he so important?”

Oh. Your big baby needs some attention. But it’s your fault too as he came back after 1 week of exchange student project but without greeting him properly, you were watching your new crush. Well, celebrity crush. Your real crush is always Baekhyun.

“Aww my baby missed me. Come here, give me a hug.” You spoke to him in baby language and honestly you were cringing on your own tone but you were having fun in teasing him. But he held your extended hand and pinned them down while leaning forward.

“I see you got something or someone to spend your time with when am not around. It’s definitely I have missed you for one whole week but it seems like you didn’t even think about me for once because of this Bogummy guy.” His irritated tone was not harsh but it was funny to you.

You laughed lightly at the way he pronounced the name, even the nickname you said earlier.

“Now for whom are you being so smiley-smiley?” he narrowed his eyes and stared down at you. You were almost lying on the sofa and he was hovering on top of you.

“For….him.” It's fun to tase him.

“YAH!” He started tickling you and the room filled with both of your laughs. After a while when both of you were tired from tickling each other and laughing, you laid down and he rested his head on top of your chest. Your hands automatically started playing with his hairs.

“I missed you, Baek.” You told him softly.

He hummed to you and raised his head up to look at you. His hand caressed your face and head and combed your hairs. You closed your eyes and leaned to his touch. Damn, how you missed his touch so much.

He smiled at you and before your lips could curl up, he connected his lips with you. You smiled in the kiss and there was a desperation in the kiss. From both the sides. You both have missed each other for one week and you both are childish for each other. It’s okay as in the end it’s only you both for each other. Your hands moved around his neck to keep him close to you and he held your jaw and head.

Breaking from the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours. A glint of happiness flickering in his eyes.

“Did I make you forget him now?”

“Baek, you are still onto it. Come on. I love you. He is just a celebrity crush.”

He laughed and nodded.

"I love you too, Y/n." you pecked him.

“But next time, before leaving I will make sure that you don’t fall in love with another celebrity.”

“And what are you even going to do?”

“All the things you are watching and loving, I’m going to reenact them in reality.” He had that mischievous look with the teasing smirk on his face but you smirked back at him.

“I would love to see them. Afterall its you who would be doing those things to me.”

Again the room got filled with laughter.

Literally whenever I imagine Baekhyun, it feels like he is my real boyfriend. He is my first love in k-pop and no one can ever replace him.

Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades [open!]

Tags :
8 years ago

Saving Lives pt. 3

Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader

Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in later chapters)

Word Count: 1,981

Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)

A/N: Okay so this chapter will have a lot of medical references and I tried my best to explain some of them. The ones I didn’t explain is because I thought they were self explanatory or not important enough for explaining. Anyways I hope you enjoy and message me if you have any questions.  ~admin L

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10


Part 3:

I look to my right to see a restless body sleeping with his arm around my waist. Crap, I don’t have time deal with him right now. Maybe if I go shower and get ready for work, he’ll leave on his own. I gather my clothes and head to the shower. After about 30 minutes of getting ready, I head back to my room to see Baekhyun still lying there.

I groan, climbing over to my bed and shake him lightly. “Baekhyun, Baekhyun,” I whisper softly.

“Hmm?” he groans, eyes still closed. “I have to go to work.” “Great, good luck,” he mumbles back, still sleeping. I run an exasperated hand through my hair. How does he not get what I’m trying to say? “Don’t you have to work too?” “Yeah, but in a little bit,” he says, finally opening his eyes and stretching. “Just stay for a bit, I’ll make you breakfast.” “I can’t, I’m almost late for my first day.” “It’s going to be your first-day teaching? Teaching what?” he asks, looking at me with his full attention. “Teaching?” That’s when I remember I told him last night that I was a teacher. “I’ll, uh, be teaching science.” “Oh, what kind of science?” God, why does he ask so many questions? “Listen, Baekhyun. We don’t have to do this.” “Do what?” “Pretend like we should get to know each other out of politeness. I’m probably never going to see you again after today so let’s just make things easier and go our separate ways now.” He seems taken aback a bit. “Oh, umm okay. Sure.” He gets out from under the covers and starts searching for his clothes. “Oh my god! Baekhyun!” I yell as I cover my eyes. “What? It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before. Besides, you weren’t like this last night.” I don’t need to look at him to know he’s smirking. After he retrieves his clothes and belongings, I walk him to the front door. “I guess this is good bye then,” he says, facing me. “Yeah, it was nice meeting you,” I say awkwardly, not really knowing what to say in this situation. I guess you can say I was definitely surprised when he connected his lips to mine. It was all so quick that I didn’t have time to process what was happening before he broke the kiss and made his way to his car. After he left, I grabbed my bag with all my medical supplies in it, and a bagel and made my way to the hospital. ~ “You made it just in time,” says Chen, my best friend. “They’re all in here.” He leads me to a small surgical room where everyone is standing around and looking tentatively at their ‘competition.’ “Hello everyone.” Everyone looks at the man in a medical lab coat standing in the door way. “My name is Kim Junmyeon and I’m the chief of surgery in this hospital. But please, call me Chief Junmyeon.” Everyone gapes at him. No one thought that the chief of surgery would even have time to greet the interns, let alone be so young. “Today is a very important day, as you will begin your journey and by the end of it, only a handful of you will succeed. Look around, this is who you are competing with to have a spot in this hospital. Follow me and I will assign you all your resident supervisors.” We walk towards the locker room while he calls our names and assigns us our resident supervisor. The way this works is once we’re interns, we compete for a spot to be a resident, that is if you survive your internship. Only five out of the twenty interns here will move on to become residents after passing our residents exam. From there we work on getting our surgical license to become an official surgeon also known as attendings. The test to get our license will be one of the most difficult encounters ever. It’s an interview with a panel of prestigious, medical higher-ups that will ask a series of questions relating to certain medical situations and we must answer how we will go about them and how we will solve them. After that, they determine whether we are fit to become surgeons. But first, we should focus on passing our internships. “And our last group: Chen, Jihyo, Chanyeol, and Y/N,” called Chief Junmyeon. “You will be assigned to Dr. Kim Minseok. Okay everyone now get changed and go straight to your resident advisors.” We walk into the locker room and open our assigned lockers. We put in all our belongings and put on our lab coats and stethoscopes. “Are you nervous?” asks Chen. “A little,” I lie, I’m scared shitless. “I heard our resident advisor is tough.” Chen and I turn to the voice belonging to a tall, elf-like man with big eyes. “I’m Chanyeol, by the way.” He extends a hand for me to shake. I shake his hand, “I’m Y/N and this is Chen.” He shakes Chen’s hand and we begin walking to the reception area where our resident advisor should be. “How do you know how our resident is?” I ask Chanyeol. “I looked up everything last night. I was too nervous to sleep.” “How tough is he?” asks Chen. “Well everybody calls him the Nazi and almost none of his interns ever make it past a week. You have to have strong stamina in order to keep up.” I’m screwed. “That’s him,” Chanyeol whispers as we approach a young looking man with big eyes. He turns to look at us. “You must be my interns,” says Dr. Kim. “Yes, s-sir,” Chanyeol extends a hand. “It’s nice t-to meet you.” “Don’t kiss my ass. It won’t do you any good.” Chanyeol retracts his abandoned hand and begins apologizing. “Sorry, I’m late,” says a girl, almost out of breath. “What’s your name?” asks Dr. Kim, looking unamused. “Jihyo,” she whispers. Dr. Kim takes a step towards her, looking down at her intimidatingly. “No coming late, ever. Especially if you’re my intern. You will not only make me look bad but you will risk someone’s life if you’re not there on time, you got that?” “Y-yes, s-sir. I mean, Doctor. I mean, Dr. Kim.” He takes a step back and looks at all of us, “Good, now pick up your pagers and follow me.” We take our pagers from the counter behind him and follow him as he gives us a tour of the hospital. “So this brings me to my rules. I have five rules, memorize them. Rule number one, don’t kiss my ass, I already don’t like you all, you’re just an extra burden. Rule number two, run. Run at all times. You must keep in mind that every second counts. But you will be working from the bottom up, running labs, writing orders, work every second. Your first shift lasts 48 hours. This will determine whether you have the willpower to make it as a surgeon or not.” Dr. Kim walks into a room as we all follow, taking notes of everything he says. We look around to see beds everywhere. “This is the on-call room. This is usually where attendings sleep when they are in between runs. Which brings me to rule number three, if I’m sleeping, don’t wake me, unless your patient is dying. Rule number four, don’t kill your patient. If I get there and your patient is dead, you did not only kill someone, but you woke me up for no reason. Am I clear?” “Yes,” we all say in unison. “Good.” “What’s the fifth rule?” I ask. “What?” questions Dr. Kim. “You said there were five rules, but you only said four.” That’s when his pager begins ringing and he looks at the message. “Rule number five, when I move, you move.” He then begins taking off in a sprint as we follow.  We go to the entrance where the ambulances park. The doors open revealing a young girl in a gurney wearing an oxygen mask. The paramedics quickly take the girl towards the ER while we follow. “What do we have?” Dr. Kim asks the paramedics. “Min Hyorin, 18-year-old female. New onset seizures. Intermittent for the past week. I.V. lost in route. Started grand mal seizures as we descended.” We make it to the E.R. and everyone is dispersed, trying to become useful. Dr. Kim begins giving orders. “Okay Chen, get her on her side, Y/N insert 10 milligrams of diazepam I.M.” I stick the needle of diazepam I.M. in her arm and she immediately stops seizing. “Okay great,” says Dr. Kim. “Now I’m splitting you all up and making you all useful. Chen, you’re doing labs. Jihyo you’re doing patient work ups. Y/N, get Hyorin ready for a C.T. She’s your responsibility now. Don’t mess this up. Call me if you need something.” “Wait, what about me?” asks Chanyeol. “What am I going to do?” “You can do rectal exams,” says Dr. Kim as he walks away laughing. “Oh my god, dude,” laughs Chen. “You’re going to have your hand up asses all day.” “Shut up,” cringes Chanyeol as he walks away. ~ I’m walking around with Hyorin in her gurney trying to get her to her C.T. but I seem to be lost and she won’t stop talking. “I do rhythmic gymnastics and am one of the best in Korea, did you know that?” “No, I didn’t,” I say frustratingly. “Well I was until I sprained my ankle last week but I’ll soon be good as new so no one can beat my record.” “Great,” I say unamused. I didn’t become a doctor to hear patients rant about their lives. I finally got Hyorin to her room and sedated her for her C.T scan. “Excuse me,” says a woman by the door way. She’s with an older looking gentleman. I’m assuming these are her parents. “Is this Hyorin’s room?” “Yes, it is,” I motion for them to come in. “She’s sedated right now, but she’ll be up after her C.T. scan.” “We heard she’s going to need surgery,” asks her father. “What kind? What are the risks and what doctors will be proceeding?” I’m overwhelmed by these sudden questions that I don’t know the answers to. “I’m not necessarily her doctor, I’m just assisting with her procedure. I’ll go get her doctor for you.” I run out of the room and look for Dr. Kim. I soon find him by the reception looking at charts. “Dr. Kim?” He turns around, looking at me intimidatingly. “What?” “Hyorin’s parents are here and they have questions I don’t know the answers to. Do I ask you or Chief Junmyeon since he’s doing her surgery?” “Chief Junmyeon isn’t doing the surgery anymore,” he says as his pager rings, indicating another emergency. “He’s busy doing another one but check with the nurse. She should know who’s the new attending doing the surgery. I have to go,” he says as he jogs to the call. I walk up to the reception. “Excuse me, do you know the attending that’s doing Min Hyorin’s surgery?” I ask the nurse. “Just a minute,” she says as she searches it up on her computer. “That would be Dr. Byun, head of the neurology department,” says the nurse as she points to one of the doctors on the other side room. I look to see where she’s pointing at when I see a recognizable mop of hair. He’s looking down at a chart before he looks up and makes eye contact with me. My eyes widen in shock as I begin to panic when I see the recognition flash on his face and he begins to approach me. Crap, how is it that I end up working at the same place as Baekhyun? What are the odds? 

A/N: Please feel free to message me with comments about this or questions. And also feel free to request. ~admin L

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8 years ago

Saving Lives pt. 4

Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader

Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in later chapters)

Word Count: 1,976

Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)

A/N: Sorry this took forever to post, but I did promise I would post on the weekend and it is the weekend. But from now on, I will only post on the weekend. I just started my senior year and it’s already hectic with homework. Like idk why teachers give homework on the first week but whatever, I have to deal with it. Anyways, hope you like this chapter. (p.s. Y/L/N stands for Your Last Name)  ~admin L

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10


Part 4:

I quickly turn around and begin to jog away, trying to avoid him. Unfortunately, I feel my arm being grabbed and I’m dragged into a vacant staircase as he closes the door behind him. “Let go of me, Dr. Byun.”

“Dr. Byun? Last night it was Baekhyun.” “Well, Dr. Byun, I think we should forget last night ever happened.” “What never happened?” he asks teasingly. “Us having sex or you throwing me out this morning because I would really like to remember both of those fond memories.” “No. There will be no memories. I’m not the same person I was at the bar.” “Right, because last night you were a teacher and now you’re a surgical intern,” he smirks. “I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me the truth, we could have gone to work together. Carpooled.” “Listen Baekhyun, that’s beside the point. We should forget this ever happened.” “You took advantage of me and now you want to forget about it?” he teases more. “I was drunk, vulnerable and good-looking and you took advantage of me.” I begin to smile, trying not laugh. “Okay, first of all, I was the drunk one, and second of all, you’re not that good-looking.” “You took advantage,” he says again. “I did not take advantage.” “Want to take advantage again? How about Friday night?” “No,” I say seriously. “You’re an attending and I’m your intern. This is inappropriate.” I look into his eyes and all I see is lust. “Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” he says, smirk still plastered on his face. “Like you’ve seen me naked.” He begins to laugh, making me more angry. “From now on, I will be Dr. Y/L/N and you will be Dr. Byun.” I shove a binder in his hands. “Here’s Min Hyorin’s chart, her parents have questions.” Before he can answer, I walk out the door, making myself useful. ~ I’m walking towards Hyorin’s room when Chen pulls me to the side. “Hey, so I just did Hyorin’s lab and it came out clear, there’s nothing that explains her seizures.” “Did you tell Dr. Kim?” I ask. “Yeah, but I thought I’d let you know since she’s your responsibility now.” “Ugh, don’t even remind me. She wouldn’t stop talking to me about her rhythmic gymnastics.” “That’s what you signed up for.” “Actually no I didn’t. I signed up to save her life, not to hear about her hobbies.” “It was in the fine print,” Chen teases. “Anyways, let’s go. It’s time for lunch.” We walk to the cafeteria, grab our hospital food (which is not that great but I’m starving so this will do), and sit on an empty table. “How’s your day been going?” I ask Chen. “It’s alright, just running labs. Nothing special. What about you? What have you been up to?” Oh, he has no idea. Like the fact that I slept with the guy who is the head of the neurology department. That means he’s the best brain surgeon in this hospital. That means that because this is the best hospital in Seoul, the capital of Korea, he is the best brain surgeon in Korea. Not only that, but he wants round 2 on Friday. So yeah, I guess nothing much happened. Regardless I told him, “I’ve just been taking care of Hyorin. That’s about it. She seizes every now-and-then but I just shoot her another 10 milligrams of diazepam, but lately, I’ve been needing to give her more dosages because she’s beginning to not respond. ” “Hey, mind if I sit here?” We look up to see Chanyeol hesitantly holding his lunch. “Yeah sure,” I say, pulling out a chair for him. “Thanks, I really need a break.” He slumps down in his seat. “I don’t understand how you can eat after all those rectal exams,” laughs Chen. Chanyeol rolls his eyes, “I’m going to need energy if I’m going to survive all 48 hours.” “I think we can do it,” I say optimistically. “I honestly think we’ll be the first group of interns of Dr. Kim’s that will pass the 48-hour trial.” “You say that now but you won’t be saying that on hour 30. That’s when it hits you,” says Chen. “Whatever Chen. As long as I outlast you, I’m good,” I tease. “Umm you guys,” we look up to see Jihyo with a sack lunch. “All interns are wanted in the board room.” “What for?” I ask. “I’m not sure, all I know is that everyone’s going there now.” We walk to the board room to see it crowded with interns, sitting around the long table. We move to sit in the front when the door abruptly opens causing everyone’s head to turn. In comes Baekhyun, I mean Dr. Byun, and Dr. Kim. They walk to the front of the room and I immediately regret my seating choice. I try to go unnoticed but when I look up, I see he’s already looking at me. He smirks and breaks eye contact before referring to the whole room. “Good afternoon everyone,” Baekhyun says. “I’m Dr. Byun, head of the neurology department here in Seoul Medical. I’ve asked you all here because there is something I need your help with, all of you.” He makes eye contact with me before speaking again. “Patient Min Hyorin is suffering from grand mal seizures and we’re not sure what’s causing it. She’s not responding to our meds, the labs are clean, the scans are pure. She has no visible cause. She’s a ticking time bomb, if I don’t make a diagnosis soon, she’s going to die.” Everyone becomes tense. This is our first day and we already have a potential death in our hands, especially mine. “But this is where you all come in,” Baekhyun says optimistically. “I can’t do it alone. I need your extra minds, I need your extra eyes. I need you all to help me find out why Hyorin is having seizures. I know you are all busy and have more work than you can possibly handle so I’m going to give you an incentive.” The room begins to fill with whispers. “Whoever figures out the diagnosis will get to scrub in with me. Hyorin needs surgery and you will do what no intern will ever get to do, scrub in and assist on an advanced procedure. Dr. Kim will hand you all Hyorin’s chart. The clock is ticking fast people. If we’re going to save Hyorin’s life, we have to do it soon.” With that, he walks out of the room, causing everyone to frantically run towards Dr. Kim to receive Hyorin’s chart. This is a chance of a lifetime. No intern ever gets to have the opportunity to scrub in on a surgery, let alone, assist. This is a job for residents and attendings. We only do labs, charts, and small ER cases like colds and fevers. I have to win, I have to get this surgery, I don’t care if Baekhyun’s going to be there. This is going to help me become the best surgeon I can be. I walk out of the room determined before Chen stops me. “Hey, wait. Let’s work on this together.” “Sorry Chen but I want the surgery.” “I know, so do I but if we work together, we can find the diagnosis sooner. Then, we both will have a better chance of getting that surgery. And besides, we have an advantage.” “And what’s that?” “You. You’ve been monitoring and charting all her data. You know her better than any intern here.” He’s right. I’ve had the most contact with her out of everyone in this hospital. “Okay, fine. Let’s go to the library.” ~ We go to the hospital’s library where all the medical books are at for reference. Doctors can come in here to refresh or research information they need on a diagnosis. Chen and I grabbed a bunch of books and sat on the floor at a secluded area, leaning against a bookshelf. “So it’s not anorexia, chronic renal failure, or acidosis,” says Chen while scanning a book. “And it’s not a tumor because her C.T came out clean.” I wasn’t really listening to what Chen was saying. I’m a little distracted by Baekhyun. It’s just weird knowing that he’s working at the same hospital and that he’s my superior. This is going to make my job a lot harder. “Are you even listening to me right now? What’s on your mind?” asks Chen frustratingly. “Nothing. It’s nothing. How about an infection?” “No, there’s no white count. And she has no C.T lesions, no fevers, nothing in her spinal tap.” He sees that I’m distracted again and aggravatingly puts his book to the side and faces me. “Okay, seriously what’s wrong?” Should I tell him? I mean he is my best friend and he won’t judge me, right? He knows I do some crazy shit sometimes so he shouldn’t be too harsh. “Okay, I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone. And don’t make a big deal or react in a crazy way.” “I promise.” I take a deep breath and look at him. “I had sex with Dr. Byun. But it was before I knew who he was. It was last night after the club. So please don’t judge me or say anything.” He looks shocked, that he stills for about three seconds. Right when I think he’s about to scold me, he thankfully changes the subject. “What about an aneurysm?” I look at her chart. “No blood on the C.T and no headaches.” He runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “Okay, so no drug use, no pregnancy, and no trauma.” “I don’t know what else to look for,” I say defeated. “The poor girl’s going to die.” “I thought you didn’t like her that much.” “I don’t but she doesn’t deserve to die for it. I kind of feel guilty complaining about her rhythmic gymnastics.” Chen laughs, “what even is rhythmic gymnastics?” I chuckle lightly, “I don’t even know. But she’s apparently the best up until recently because she fell and sprained her ankle.” That’s when something clicks in my head. I stand up abruptly. Chen stands up too. “What is it?” asks Chen. “I know what’s wrong with her.” ~ We run around looking for Baekhyun when we see him getting into an elevator. We sprint before the door closes. Chen sticks his hand out, preventing the doors from closing. “Wait, Dr. Byun,” calls out Chen. The doors open. Baekhyun seems slightly frightened but composes himself quick. “Yes?” “Hyorin does rhythmic gymnastics,” starts Chen. “Good for her, but what does that have to do with anything?” “Even though she had no headaches and no neck pain, what if she has an aneurysm?” Chen continues. “There’s no medical proof or indicators of an aneurysm,” argues Baekhyun. “Her C.T was also clean.” “But the thing is she twisted her ankle a couple days ago when rehearsing-” The elevator began beeping, indicating that the doors have been open for too long. Baekhyun began getting frustrated. “Listen, I appreciate your hel-” “She hit her head when she fell,” I chimed in. This is the first time Baekhyun realized I was here. That got his attention so I continued. “When she went in for her ankle, doctors dismissed her head bump as nothing other than a minor fall.” “Do you know the chances of a minor fall causing an aneurysm?” began Beakhyun. “One in a million.” With that, the elevator doors closed and Baekhyun was gone. Chen and I turned around and begin making our way back to the library before the elevator doors opened again. Baekhyun steps out, smiling at us. “Let’s go,” he says. “Where?” I ask. “To find out if Hyorin is one in a million.”

A/N: Hope you all like it and remember to request. I would also appreciate feedback. ~admin L

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4 years ago

stan the entire delight album or else i will come over and cough on you 🥴

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6 years ago

Byun Baekhyun:

Byun Baekhyun:

Also Byun Baekhyun:

Byun Baekhyun:
Byun Baekhyun:


Byun Baekhyun:

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6 years ago
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H
{exo!seven Deadly Sins!} Byun Baekhyun Is S L O T H

{exo!seven deadly sins!} Byun Baekhyun is S L O T H

                       ‘’ You must avoid sloth, that wicked siren. ‘’


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4 years ago
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.
{exo!moodboard} You're The Softest Person That I Haven't Meet.

{exo!moodboard} ❝ you're the softest person that I haven't meet. ❞ 


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5 years ago

His Treasure || Baekhyun x Reader Prologue


Pirate!Beakhyun x Reader Series - Pirate AU

Summary: It’s either on your knees and beg for your life or you’re walking the plank. 

Series Moodboard by @byunfirstlady

Part 1 (next)

“Appa~” You whined. “This is too heavy~”

Your father looked over at you and shook his head. “Stop being so lazy my dear, you need to know how to do this. That and lower your voice, you’re embarrassing me…”

You looked up bewildered at your father and let out another whine. “Appaaaa.”

“I’m going to leave you here (y/n).”

Keep reading

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