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Saving Lives pt. 2 (M)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in this chapter)
Word Count: 804
Warnings: smut, sex, swearing, you know the usual
Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)
A/N: Sorry this chapter is shorter than the other, and this chapter is basically just smut but hey, who doesn’t like smut … anyways I will probably post two more chapters this week before posting only on weekends because I start school on Tuesday and its my senior year, so I need to take it seriously. anyways look forward to new chapters every weekend, pacific time zone ~admin L
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Part 2:
We go back to my place because it’s closer. And that’s how we ended up half naked on my bed, clothes discarded on the way, with Baekhyun on top of me, kissing me passionately, straddling me.
“Mmm, Baekhyun,” I moan.
“Fuck, I love it when you say my name.” He slowly kisses down my neck, making sure to leave marks along the way, and briefly stops at my breasts. He reaches behind me and unclasps my bra, sliding the garment off of me before throwing it somewhere in the room. He leans in and gently licks my perking nipple before attaching his mouth to it, then fondling the unattended breast. I arch my back at the sensation. He looks up from my chest, “You like that baby?” “Yes,” I gasp. He does the same to the other breast, before moving down my stomach, to my most vulnerable place. He kisses my hip and down my thigh, making sure never to break eye contact. He slowly slides down my panties, causing a small whimper to escape my lips as I’m completely exposed to him. He kisses the inside of my thighs before spreading my legs, making his way up my core. His breath ghosts there for a while before he confidently licks up my folds. “Fuck,” I moan shamelessly. He then licks gently at my clit, looking up at my reaction. I arch my back in pleasure. He chuckles before attaching his mouth to my clit, sucking on it, causing me to moan louder than before. “Baekhyun, oh fuck-” He hums with satisfaction, causing vibrations to stimulate my clit. “Oh, God,” I whimper, gripping my sheets. “You like that baby girl? Hmm? You like it when I have my tongue on your delicious pussy?” “Y-yes, fuck. Please, do it again.” He chuckles, adding two fingers in me, causing me to scream in pleasure. He pumps his fingers at a steady pace while his tongue works on my clit. I run my hands through his hair, prompting him closer to my heat. I feel myself reaching the edge, breath becoming rigid and before I can reach my high, his fingers disappear and the sensation was gone. “Not yet baby girl.” He quickly moves to undo his pants while I reached in the bedside table for a condom. I turn back to find him naked, cock already hard with precum leaking. “Like what you see,” he chuckles. Instead of answering, I open the condom wrapper and wrap my hand around his member. He gasps at the contact, surprised by my bold actions. I smirk as he lets out obscene curses under his breath. I then slowly slip on the condom down his shaft and pump him a few more times. I slowly push him back so that he’s laying on his back while I get on top of him. I slowly begin to straddle his hips, eliciting moans from him. “Okay baby girl, you ready?” he asks, before lining himself up with my entrance. I nod, and then slowly lower myself on his shaft, moans escaping from both of us. We stay like this for a bit before I bring myself up, and settle back down, bouncing in a steady pace. He places his hands on my hips as he thrusts into me with more force at a faster pace. “Fuck, Baek,” I whimper. “Baby,” he coos. “You feel so good around my cock.” “God,” I lean my head back, exposing my neck. He leans in and begins sucking a bruise on my already abused neck. His thrusts start becoming messy, indicating his release is near. “Fuck baby girl, I’m close,” he says as he reaches between our bodies and starts rubbing my clit. “Oh shit, Baek!” “Come on, baby, cum for me,” he moans in my ear. After a few more thrusts, I begin to cum, pulling Baekhyun in for a kiss to quiet my moans. A few more thrusts and then Baekhyun is coming, moans being swallowed by my mouth as we ride out our highs. After a few seconds, he pulls out of me, gently lays me down on the bed before heading to the bathroom to throw away the condom. He comes back with a warm towel and begins cleaning me up, still out of breath. After he cleans himself up as well, he sets the towel aside, climbs back into bed, covers us both with a blanket before spooning me. He kisses the side of my head before mumbling a sleepy ‘Good Night.’ My eyelids slowly begin closing and next thing I know everything is black. That is until I hear my alarm ring, indicating it’s the next morning. I groan at the sound before abruptly opening my eyes, sitting up quick. My first day at the hospital …
A/N: I’m not sure when there will be another smut scene, just letting you all know. also thank you so much everyone who have been reading this series and anticipating it, shout out to that anon who sent me that amazing message ~admin L
Saving Lives pt. 3
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in later chapters)
Word Count: 1,981
Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)
A/N: Okay so this chapter will have a lot of medical references and I tried my best to explain some of them. The ones I didn’t explain is because I thought they were self explanatory or not important enough for explaining. Anyways I hope you enjoy and message me if you have any questions. ~admin L
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Part 3:
I look to my right to see a restless body sleeping with his arm around my waist. Crap, I don’t have time deal with him right now. Maybe if I go shower and get ready for work, he’ll leave on his own. I gather my clothes and head to the shower. After about 30 minutes of getting ready, I head back to my room to see Baekhyun still lying there.
I groan, climbing over to my bed and shake him lightly. “Baekhyun, Baekhyun,” I whisper softly.
“Hmm?” he groans, eyes still closed. “I have to go to work.” “Great, good luck,” he mumbles back, still sleeping. I run an exasperated hand through my hair. How does he not get what I’m trying to say? “Don’t you have to work too?” “Yeah, but in a little bit,” he says, finally opening his eyes and stretching. “Just stay for a bit, I’ll make you breakfast.” “I can’t, I’m almost late for my first day.” “It’s going to be your first-day teaching? Teaching what?” he asks, looking at me with his full attention. “Teaching?” That’s when I remember I told him last night that I was a teacher. “I’ll, uh, be teaching science.” “Oh, what kind of science?” God, why does he ask so many questions? “Listen, Baekhyun. We don’t have to do this.” “Do what?” “Pretend like we should get to know each other out of politeness. I’m probably never going to see you again after today so let’s just make things easier and go our separate ways now.” He seems taken aback a bit. “Oh, umm okay. Sure.” He gets out from under the covers and starts searching for his clothes. “Oh my god! Baekhyun!” I yell as I cover my eyes. “What? It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before. Besides, you weren’t like this last night.” I don’t need to look at him to know he’s smirking. After he retrieves his clothes and belongings, I walk him to the front door. “I guess this is good bye then,” he says, facing me. “Yeah, it was nice meeting you,” I say awkwardly, not really knowing what to say in this situation. I guess you can say I was definitely surprised when he connected his lips to mine. It was all so quick that I didn’t have time to process what was happening before he broke the kiss and made his way to his car. After he left, I grabbed my bag with all my medical supplies in it, and a bagel and made my way to the hospital. ~ “You made it just in time,” says Chen, my best friend. “They’re all in here.” He leads me to a small surgical room where everyone is standing around and looking tentatively at their ‘competition.’ “Hello everyone.” Everyone looks at the man in a medical lab coat standing in the door way. “My name is Kim Junmyeon and I’m the chief of surgery in this hospital. But please, call me Chief Junmyeon.” Everyone gapes at him. No one thought that the chief of surgery would even have time to greet the interns, let alone be so young. “Today is a very important day, as you will begin your journey and by the end of it, only a handful of you will succeed. Look around, this is who you are competing with to have a spot in this hospital. Follow me and I will assign you all your resident supervisors.” We walk towards the locker room while he calls our names and assigns us our resident supervisor. The way this works is once we’re interns, we compete for a spot to be a resident, that is if you survive your internship. Only five out of the twenty interns here will move on to become residents after passing our residents exam. From there we work on getting our surgical license to become an official surgeon also known as attendings. The test to get our license will be one of the most difficult encounters ever. It’s an interview with a panel of prestigious, medical higher-ups that will ask a series of questions relating to certain medical situations and we must answer how we will go about them and how we will solve them. After that, they determine whether we are fit to become surgeons. But first, we should focus on passing our internships. “And our last group: Chen, Jihyo, Chanyeol, and Y/N,” called Chief Junmyeon. “You will be assigned to Dr. Kim Minseok. Okay everyone now get changed and go straight to your resident advisors.” We walk into the locker room and open our assigned lockers. We put in all our belongings and put on our lab coats and stethoscopes. “Are you nervous?” asks Chen. “A little,” I lie, I’m scared shitless. “I heard our resident advisor is tough.” Chen and I turn to the voice belonging to a tall, elf-like man with big eyes. “I’m Chanyeol, by the way.” He extends a hand for me to shake. I shake his hand, “I’m Y/N and this is Chen.” He shakes Chen’s hand and we begin walking to the reception area where our resident advisor should be. “How do you know how our resident is?” I ask Chanyeol. “I looked up everything last night. I was too nervous to sleep.” “How tough is he?” asks Chen. “Well everybody calls him the Nazi and almost none of his interns ever make it past a week. You have to have strong stamina in order to keep up.” I’m screwed. “That’s him,” Chanyeol whispers as we approach a young looking man with big eyes. He turns to look at us. “You must be my interns,” says Dr. Kim. “Yes, s-sir,” Chanyeol extends a hand. “It’s nice t-to meet you.” “Don’t kiss my ass. It won’t do you any good.” Chanyeol retracts his abandoned hand and begins apologizing. “Sorry, I’m late,” says a girl, almost out of breath. “What’s your name?” asks Dr. Kim, looking unamused. “Jihyo,” she whispers. Dr. Kim takes a step towards her, looking down at her intimidatingly. “No coming late, ever. Especially if you’re my intern. You will not only make me look bad but you will risk someone’s life if you’re not there on time, you got that?” “Y-yes, s-sir. I mean, Doctor. I mean, Dr. Kim.” He takes a step back and looks at all of us, “Good, now pick up your pagers and follow me.” We take our pagers from the counter behind him and follow him as he gives us a tour of the hospital. “So this brings me to my rules. I have five rules, memorize them. Rule number one, don’t kiss my ass, I already don’t like you all, you’re just an extra burden. Rule number two, run. Run at all times. You must keep in mind that every second counts. But you will be working from the bottom up, running labs, writing orders, work every second. Your first shift lasts 48 hours. This will determine whether you have the willpower to make it as a surgeon or not.” Dr. Kim walks into a room as we all follow, taking notes of everything he says. We look around to see beds everywhere. “This is the on-call room. This is usually where attendings sleep when they are in between runs. Which brings me to rule number three, if I’m sleeping, don’t wake me, unless your patient is dying. Rule number four, don’t kill your patient. If I get there and your patient is dead, you did not only kill someone, but you woke me up for no reason. Am I clear?” “Yes,” we all say in unison. “Good.” “What’s the fifth rule?” I ask. “What?” questions Dr. Kim. “You said there were five rules, but you only said four.” That’s when his pager begins ringing and he looks at the message. “Rule number five, when I move, you move.” He then begins taking off in a sprint as we follow. We go to the entrance where the ambulances park. The doors open revealing a young girl in a gurney wearing an oxygen mask. The paramedics quickly take the girl towards the ER while we follow. “What do we have?” Dr. Kim asks the paramedics. “Min Hyorin, 18-year-old female. New onset seizures. Intermittent for the past week. I.V. lost in route. Started grand mal seizures as we descended.” We make it to the E.R. and everyone is dispersed, trying to become useful. Dr. Kim begins giving orders. “Okay Chen, get her on her side, Y/N insert 10 milligrams of diazepam I.M.” I stick the needle of diazepam I.M. in her arm and she immediately stops seizing. “Okay great,” says Dr. Kim. “Now I’m splitting you all up and making you all useful. Chen, you’re doing labs. Jihyo you’re doing patient work ups. Y/N, get Hyorin ready for a C.T. She’s your responsibility now. Don’t mess this up. Call me if you need something.” “Wait, what about me?” asks Chanyeol. “What am I going to do?” “You can do rectal exams,” says Dr. Kim as he walks away laughing. “Oh my god, dude,” laughs Chen. “You’re going to have your hand up asses all day.” “Shut up,” cringes Chanyeol as he walks away. ~ I’m walking around with Hyorin in her gurney trying to get her to her C.T. but I seem to be lost and she won’t stop talking. “I do rhythmic gymnastics and am one of the best in Korea, did you know that?” “No, I didn’t,” I say frustratingly. “Well I was until I sprained my ankle last week but I’ll soon be good as new so no one can beat my record.” “Great,” I say unamused. I didn’t become a doctor to hear patients rant about their lives. I finally got Hyorin to her room and sedated her for her C.T scan. “Excuse me,” says a woman by the door way. She’s with an older looking gentleman. I’m assuming these are her parents. “Is this Hyorin’s room?” “Yes, it is,” I motion for them to come in. “She’s sedated right now, but she’ll be up after her C.T. scan.” “We heard she’s going to need surgery,” asks her father. “What kind? What are the risks and what doctors will be proceeding?” I’m overwhelmed by these sudden questions that I don’t know the answers to. “I’m not necessarily her doctor, I’m just assisting with her procedure. I’ll go get her doctor for you.” I run out of the room and look for Dr. Kim. I soon find him by the reception looking at charts. “Dr. Kim?” He turns around, looking at me intimidatingly. “What?” “Hyorin’s parents are here and they have questions I don’t know the answers to. Do I ask you or Chief Junmyeon since he’s doing her surgery?” “Chief Junmyeon isn’t doing the surgery anymore,” he says as his pager rings, indicating another emergency. “He’s busy doing another one but check with the nurse. She should know who’s the new attending doing the surgery. I have to go,” he says as he jogs to the call. I walk up to the reception. “Excuse me, do you know the attending that’s doing Min Hyorin’s surgery?” I ask the nurse. “Just a minute,” she says as she searches it up on her computer. “That would be Dr. Byun, head of the neurology department,” says the nurse as she points to one of the doctors on the other side room. I look to see where she’s pointing at when I see a recognizable mop of hair. He’s looking down at a chart before he looks up and makes eye contact with me. My eyes widen in shock as I begin to panic when I see the recognition flash on his face and he begins to approach me. Crap, how is it that I end up working at the same place as Baekhyun? What are the odds?
A/N: Please feel free to message me with comments about this or questions. And also feel free to request. ~admin L
Saving Lives pt. 4
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in later chapters)
Word Count: 1,976
Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)
A/N: Sorry this took forever to post, but I did promise I would post on the weekend and it is the weekend. But from now on, I will only post on the weekend. I just started my senior year and it’s already hectic with homework. Like idk why teachers give homework on the first week but whatever, I have to deal with it. Anyways, hope you like this chapter. (p.s. Y/L/N stands for Your Last Name) ~admin L
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Part 4:
I quickly turn around and begin to jog away, trying to avoid him. Unfortunately, I feel my arm being grabbed and I’m dragged into a vacant staircase as he closes the door behind him. “Let go of me, Dr. Byun.”
“Dr. Byun? Last night it was Baekhyun.” “Well, Dr. Byun, I think we should forget last night ever happened.” “What never happened?” he asks teasingly. “Us having sex or you throwing me out this morning because I would really like to remember both of those fond memories.” “No. There will be no memories. I’m not the same person I was at the bar.” “Right, because last night you were a teacher and now you’re a surgical intern,” he smirks. “I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me the truth, we could have gone to work together. Carpooled.” “Listen Baekhyun, that’s beside the point. We should forget this ever happened.” “You took advantage of me and now you want to forget about it?” he teases more. “I was drunk, vulnerable and good-looking and you took advantage of me.” I begin to smile, trying not laugh. “Okay, first of all, I was the drunk one, and second of all, you’re not that good-looking.” “You took advantage,” he says again. “I did not take advantage.” “Want to take advantage again? How about Friday night?” “No,” I say seriously. “You’re an attending and I’m your intern. This is inappropriate.” I look into his eyes and all I see is lust. “Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” he says, smirk still plastered on his face. “Like you’ve seen me naked.” He begins to laugh, making me more angry. “From now on, I will be Dr. Y/L/N and you will be Dr. Byun.” I shove a binder in his hands. “Here’s Min Hyorin’s chart, her parents have questions.” Before he can answer, I walk out the door, making myself useful. ~ I’m walking towards Hyorin’s room when Chen pulls me to the side. “Hey, so I just did Hyorin’s lab and it came out clear, there’s nothing that explains her seizures.” “Did you tell Dr. Kim?” I ask. “Yeah, but I thought I’d let you know since she’s your responsibility now.” “Ugh, don’t even remind me. She wouldn’t stop talking to me about her rhythmic gymnastics.” “That’s what you signed up for.” “Actually no I didn’t. I signed up to save her life, not to hear about her hobbies.” “It was in the fine print,” Chen teases. “Anyways, let’s go. It’s time for lunch.” We walk to the cafeteria, grab our hospital food (which is not that great but I’m starving so this will do), and sit on an empty table. “How’s your day been going?” I ask Chen. “It’s alright, just running labs. Nothing special. What about you? What have you been up to?” Oh, he has no idea. Like the fact that I slept with the guy who is the head of the neurology department. That means he’s the best brain surgeon in this hospital. That means that because this is the best hospital in Seoul, the capital of Korea, he is the best brain surgeon in Korea. Not only that, but he wants round 2 on Friday. So yeah, I guess nothing much happened. Regardless I told him, “I’ve just been taking care of Hyorin. That’s about it. She seizes every now-and-then but I just shoot her another 10 milligrams of diazepam, but lately, I’ve been needing to give her more dosages because she’s beginning to not respond. ” “Hey, mind if I sit here?” We look up to see Chanyeol hesitantly holding his lunch. “Yeah sure,” I say, pulling out a chair for him. “Thanks, I really need a break.” He slumps down in his seat. “I don’t understand how you can eat after all those rectal exams,” laughs Chen. Chanyeol rolls his eyes, “I’m going to need energy if I’m going to survive all 48 hours.” “I think we can do it,” I say optimistically. “I honestly think we’ll be the first group of interns of Dr. Kim’s that will pass the 48-hour trial.” “You say that now but you won’t be saying that on hour 30. That’s when it hits you,” says Chen. “Whatever Chen. As long as I outlast you, I’m good,” I tease. “Umm you guys,” we look up to see Jihyo with a sack lunch. “All interns are wanted in the board room.” “What for?” I ask. “I’m not sure, all I know is that everyone’s going there now.” We walk to the board room to see it crowded with interns, sitting around the long table. We move to sit in the front when the door abruptly opens causing everyone’s head to turn. In comes Baekhyun, I mean Dr. Byun, and Dr. Kim. They walk to the front of the room and I immediately regret my seating choice. I try to go unnoticed but when I look up, I see he’s already looking at me. He smirks and breaks eye contact before referring to the whole room. “Good afternoon everyone,” Baekhyun says. “I’m Dr. Byun, head of the neurology department here in Seoul Medical. I’ve asked you all here because there is something I need your help with, all of you.” He makes eye contact with me before speaking again. “Patient Min Hyorin is suffering from grand mal seizures and we’re not sure what’s causing it. She’s not responding to our meds, the labs are clean, the scans are pure. She has no visible cause. She’s a ticking time bomb, if I don’t make a diagnosis soon, she’s going to die.” Everyone becomes tense. This is our first day and we already have a potential death in our hands, especially mine. “But this is where you all come in,” Baekhyun says optimistically. “I can’t do it alone. I need your extra minds, I need your extra eyes. I need you all to help me find out why Hyorin is having seizures. I know you are all busy and have more work than you can possibly handle so I’m going to give you an incentive.” The room begins to fill with whispers. “Whoever figures out the diagnosis will get to scrub in with me. Hyorin needs surgery and you will do what no intern will ever get to do, scrub in and assist on an advanced procedure. Dr. Kim will hand you all Hyorin’s chart. The clock is ticking fast people. If we’re going to save Hyorin’s life, we have to do it soon.” With that, he walks out of the room, causing everyone to frantically run towards Dr. Kim to receive Hyorin’s chart. This is a chance of a lifetime. No intern ever gets to have the opportunity to scrub in on a surgery, let alone, assist. This is a job for residents and attendings. We only do labs, charts, and small ER cases like colds and fevers. I have to win, I have to get this surgery, I don’t care if Baekhyun’s going to be there. This is going to help me become the best surgeon I can be. I walk out of the room determined before Chen stops me. “Hey, wait. Let’s work on this together.” “Sorry Chen but I want the surgery.” “I know, so do I but if we work together, we can find the diagnosis sooner. Then, we both will have a better chance of getting that surgery. And besides, we have an advantage.” “And what’s that?” “You. You’ve been monitoring and charting all her data. You know her better than any intern here.” He’s right. I’ve had the most contact with her out of everyone in this hospital. “Okay, fine. Let’s go to the library.” ~ We go to the hospital’s library where all the medical books are at for reference. Doctors can come in here to refresh or research information they need on a diagnosis. Chen and I grabbed a bunch of books and sat on the floor at a secluded area, leaning against a bookshelf. “So it’s not anorexia, chronic renal failure, or acidosis,” says Chen while scanning a book. “And it’s not a tumor because her C.T came out clean.” I wasn’t really listening to what Chen was saying. I’m a little distracted by Baekhyun. It’s just weird knowing that he’s working at the same hospital and that he’s my superior. This is going to make my job a lot harder. “Are you even listening to me right now? What’s on your mind?” asks Chen frustratingly. “Nothing. It’s nothing. How about an infection?” “No, there’s no white count. And she has no C.T lesions, no fevers, nothing in her spinal tap.” He sees that I’m distracted again and aggravatingly puts his book to the side and faces me. “Okay, seriously what’s wrong?” Should I tell him? I mean he is my best friend and he won’t judge me, right? He knows I do some crazy shit sometimes so he shouldn’t be too harsh. “Okay, I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone. And don’t make a big deal or react in a crazy way.” “I promise.” I take a deep breath and look at him. “I had sex with Dr. Byun. But it was before I knew who he was. It was last night after the club. So please don’t judge me or say anything.” He looks shocked, that he stills for about three seconds. Right when I think he’s about to scold me, he thankfully changes the subject. “What about an aneurysm?” I look at her chart. “No blood on the C.T and no headaches.” He runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “Okay, so no drug use, no pregnancy, and no trauma.” “I don’t know what else to look for,” I say defeated. “The poor girl’s going to die.” “I thought you didn’t like her that much.” “I don’t but she doesn’t deserve to die for it. I kind of feel guilty complaining about her rhythmic gymnastics.” Chen laughs, “what even is rhythmic gymnastics?” I chuckle lightly, “I don’t even know. But she’s apparently the best up until recently because she fell and sprained her ankle.” That’s when something clicks in my head. I stand up abruptly. Chen stands up too. “What is it?” asks Chen. “I know what’s wrong with her.” ~ We run around looking for Baekhyun when we see him getting into an elevator. We sprint before the door closes. Chen sticks his hand out, preventing the doors from closing. “Wait, Dr. Byun,” calls out Chen. The doors open. Baekhyun seems slightly frightened but composes himself quick. “Yes?” “Hyorin does rhythmic gymnastics,” starts Chen. “Good for her, but what does that have to do with anything?” “Even though she had no headaches and no neck pain, what if she has an aneurysm?” Chen continues. “There’s no medical proof or indicators of an aneurysm,” argues Baekhyun. “Her C.T was also clean.” “But the thing is she twisted her ankle a couple days ago when rehearsing-” The elevator began beeping, indicating that the doors have been open for too long. Baekhyun began getting frustrated. “Listen, I appreciate your hel-” “She hit her head when she fell,” I chimed in. This is the first time Baekhyun realized I was here. That got his attention so I continued. “When she went in for her ankle, doctors dismissed her head bump as nothing other than a minor fall.” “Do you know the chances of a minor fall causing an aneurysm?” began Beakhyun. “One in a million.” With that, the elevator doors closed and Baekhyun was gone. Chen and I turned around and begin making our way back to the library before the elevator doors opened again. Baekhyun steps out, smiling at us. “Let’s go,” he says. “Where?” I ask. “To find out if Hyorin is one in a million.”
A/N: Hope you all like it and remember to request. I would also appreciate feedback. ~admin L
Saving Lives pt. 5
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in later chapters)
Word Count: 1,724
Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)
A/N: I know I said I would post every weekend and I know I didn’t post last weekend but I’m super stressed because of school. I don’t have the time I want to be able to write so frequently but I’m not giving up on this fic. I really love it and I know many of you do, too, so I’m going to try my best to post and write. I received some really nice comments so far and I want to make you all proud. Anyways I hope you like this chapter. ~admin L
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Part 5:
We’re in the EEG room to run an electroencephalogram. This checks peoples’ brain activity and in this case, it will check if Hyorin has an aneurysm. We see the scan through a screen and search for what we’re looking for. Everything seems normal, waves circulating like usual, when suddenly, we see what seems to look like a thick blood clot on the monitor. “Well, I’ll be damned,” states Baekhyun. “There it is. It’s small but it’s there, a subarachnoid hemorrhage.”
“She’s bleeding into her brain,” I say. “Exactly,” says Baekhyun, turning to look at me. “Let’s go.” He begins to walk out as Chen and I follow. “It just took one tap in the right place and-” “it explodes,” I chime in. “Right! Now I can treat it.” He stops in front of the nurse’s counter and asks for Hyorin’s chart. “You two did a great job by the way, and I would love to stay here and kiss your asses but I have to tell Hyorin’s parents about the surgery.” He begins filling in the chart when Chen chimes in. “Wait you said if we figured it out one us would get to scrub in.” “Oh right. I’m sorry I can’t take both of you as much as I want to so Y/N, I’ll see you in the O.R. Get ready.” With that Baekhyun walks away towards Hyorin’s room. I turn to Chen to see him storm off angrily. “Wait, Chen!” I follow him into the on-call room and shut the door behind me. He’s pacing back and forth angrily. “Leave.” “No- Chen listen. I’m sorry. I’ll tell him I don’t want to do the surgery-” “Don’t do me any favors. I don’t need your pity.” “I’m not pitying you. Listen, you can have the surgery, I don’t want it if-” He turns to look towards me and steps forward so that he’s face to face with me. “If what? If you slept with our boss in order to get it.” I freeze, taken aback by this. He seems to realize what he said by the way his eyes soften. “Y/N- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” “Fuck you,” and with that, I storm off towards Baekhyun’s office. I step into his office and see him write something, probable finalizations for Hyorin’s surgery. I cough, getting his attention. He looks up and smiles. “Oh, hi Y/N. I’m almost finished with this. What’s up?” I sit down on the chair in front of his desk and look him in the eye. He seems to sense my seriousness so he fixes his composure. “What is it?” “Did you pick me to do the surgery because we slept together?” “No.” “Well then why did you pick me?” “Do you doubt yourself as a doctor to think that you were not the best qualified for this surgery?” “No, I mean-” “I picked you because I knew you were the one who solved the mystery of Hyorin’s seizures, not Chen. Yes he may have helped but you were the one who spent the most time with her. Who else would have known that she does rhythmic gymnastics or that she fell?” He’s right. I look down and feel myself slowly smile. He continues, “You were with her since the beginning so you deserve to be there for her until the end.” “Thank you,” I whisper. “What for?” I look up at him smiling. “For not picking me because I slept with you.” He chuckles, “That’s what I’m here for. Now go get ready for the surgery.” I stand up and walk towards the door. “Y/N,” I hear him call out. “Hmm?” “Don’t doubt your abilities again. You’re a good doctor, don’t forget it.” I nod shyly and make my way out. ~ I’m in the prep room, getting ready for the surgery. I’m in light blue scrubs, with the same colored cap (to hold in my hair) and mask. I wash my hands and then put on gloves. I’m slightly nervous but just knowing that Baekhyun’s going to be there every step of the way makes me feel sort of at ease. I enter the O.R (operation room) and see that everyone’s in place. Baekhyun sees me and his eyes crinkle, indicating that he’s smiling behind the medical mask. “Alright everybody,” he begins. “It’s a beautiful day to save lives. Now let’s get to it.” ~ The surgery just finished after three hours, past midnight, and it was amazing. I watched everything happen from up close and not only that but I helped sew Hyorin’s scalp back on. I know that sounds gross but as a surgeon, it was phenomenal. I had such a thrill being in there like a real surgeon. This will be my life one day, saving lives, having the chance to revive someone, allowing them to be a better version of themselves. I exit the O.R after cleaning myself, getting rid of all the blood soaked material. I’m really tired, it’s hour 30 of our 48 hour trial. I have nothing assigned for now so I make my way to the on-call room to take a nap. As I make my way, Chen comes into my line of vision. He sees me and I stop in my tracks and slowly begin to back away. Unfortunately, he catches up to me and holds onto my shoulder. “Wait, Y/N,” he pleads. “Please, let’s talk.” “I have nothing to say to you.” “Well I do, so please just hear me out.” I can tell he won’t let me slip away. “Fine.” I begin walking to the on-call room as he follows and closes the door behind him. I sit on one of the beds waiting for him to begin speaking. “Listen, I’m really sorry about what I said earlier,” he began. “It was out of line and I was just angry that you got the surgery and I didn’t. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I didn’t even bother to think that you probably deserved it more than I do and I just blurted out nonsense.” I’m still angry at him for what he said. He’s my best friend yet what he said really hit below the belt. “Because of you, I began to doubt myself as a doctor. I honestly thought I didn’t have the potential to get that surgery fair and square and you just made me feel like shit, Chen. And using that information I told you against me really hurt.” “I know and I’m sorry. You have no reason to forgive me but I truly regret what I said. I hate myself for it.” He seems like he genuinely regrets everything. It breaks my heart a little to see him like this. So I say, “it’s fine. I forgive you.” “Really? Oh my god. Thank you!! I’m so sorry again-” “It’s okay Chen. You don’t need to apologize again.” I stand up and give him a hug. I can never stay mad at him. While we’re hugging, the door opens to reveal a sleepy Baekhyun. His eyes widen when he sees me in Chen’s embrace. His eyes soon flash in anger and he begins to turn around. “Baekhyun, wait!” I remove myself from Chen and try to grab Baekhyun’s arm but he stormed off before I could reach him. “Crap,” I mutter under my breath. I go back into the on-call room and lay on one of the beds to take a nap before Chen speaks again. “Aren’t you going to go after him?” I turn around, to see him lying on the bed across from me. “No.” “Why not?” “Because we’re just coworkers.” “That’s not how coworkers react to seeing other coworkers hug.” I stay quiet, not really knowing what to say so he continues. “He obviously likes you. If he wanted you only for sex, he wouldn’t care who you were with, but he’s angry over a hug. And besides, it’s obvious you like him too.” “What? No, I don’t,” I say defensively. “Yes, you do. Why else did you try to go after him? ‘Baekhyun, wait!’” he says, mimicking me. “Shut up,” I groan turning around so that I’m facing the wall and begin falling asleep. ~ “Congratulations everyone,” says Dr. Kim. “You are my first group of interns that passed the 48-hour trial. And congratulations Y/N for getting to scrub in on a surgery. Go home and get rest, all of you. You deserve it. Make sure to be back by Wednesday. It’ll be even harder from now on.”
We are dismissed for today and it’s needless to say that I feel accomplished. I did it. This is one of the biggest obstacles of becoming a doctor. More than half the interns didn’t make it but it’s great to see that my group did. We come out of the locker room and walk towards the front door. “We did it,” says Chen in relief. “Yeah, we did,” I say. “I think I like it here,” says Chanyeol. “Even with all those asses you treated?” jokes Chen. “Shut up, Chen.” We all laugh until I notice something. “Hey wait, where’s Jihyo?” “I’m not sure. She probably forgot something in there,” says Chen. “I never really got the chance to talk to her. I feel kind of bad,” I admit. “Me either,” admits Chanyeol. “But that’s because she’s too distracted by Dr. Byun.” I freeze at the sound of his name. Chen seems to notice my uncomfortableness so he asks, “what do you mean she’s distracted by Dr. Byun?” “Well she sat next to me during the interns meeting where we discussed Hyorin’s seizures. And she said she finds Dr. Byun really attractive and that she was going to try and get the surgery so she could get closer to him.” Chanyeol then put his arm around me and says, “But Y/N here got the surgery instead.” I’m not sure how I feel about this. I shouldn’t feel anything, right? I mean, we’re nothing to each other besides coworkers. But I can’t help but feel this pang of jealousy that bubbles in me. I say goodbye to the boys and get in my car to head back home. This has been an exhausting day. I need to rest as much as I can before I start work again.
A/N: Hope you all liked it. Make sure to leave comments or ask questions.
EXO reacting to you burning yourself

A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t done many of these and I’ve been putting this one off for a while but I thought this request was really adorable. Anyways reactions take a lot of time to make and I personally don’t have enough time to make them because of school but feel free to request them. They’re fun to make. ~admin L
Xiumin: Oh my god, baby!! Be more careful. I’m not worth getting burned for. Just leave it alone and we’ll order take out.

Luhan: Awww, baby don’t cry. I’ll make you feel better (gif). I’ll make you dinner, you just rest.

Suho: Oh no, that looks like a really bad burn. Wait, no don’t cry, it doesn’t look that bad, I swear. Oh, you’re crying about the food. Oh that’s fine, I’ll make you more food, don’t worry.

Lay: *ignore the subs* Was that a crash?? What’s happening? Is Y/N trying to cook again? I smell something burning.

Baekhyun: Don’t worry babe, we can just live off of pepero. Who needs to know how to cook when we have an unlimited supply of pepero...

Chen: Oh no, is the food okay? I mean are you okay? Sorry I’m just really hungry. You know what, I’ll get the first aid kit and then we’ll order take out. How does that sound?

Chanyeol: I’m sorry, it’s not that funny, please don’t cry. I’ll make you food just please don’t cry.

D.O: I keep telling you to let me cook but you won’t listen. How many times do you have to get burned in order for you to understand that I’m the one who cooks. Go to the bathroom, I’ll get the first aid kit.

Tao: Don’t worry babe, I’ll kiss you all better. Let me heal you with my kisses. It’ll be alright, don’t cry.

Kai: Okay now, lets see your burns. I told you to be careful but you didn’t listen. Don’t worry about the food, I got it, just focus on healing.

Sehun: Oh my god, you just fell (laughs like in gif). The ramen is all over the place. Wait are you crying?

A/N: Feel free to submit requests and check out our other reactions. ~admin L
Saving Lives pt. 8
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in later chapters)
Word Count: 3,323
Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)
A/N: I’m so soooooooorry!! I know I said I would update soon especially because I had winter vacation but I had writers block and I got really distracted but I’m updating now and I don’t have writers block anymore, aye. I also have some great news and for those of you that actually read the Author’s Note, I got a full-tuition scholarship to my dream university! So now I don’t have to worry about college apps or acceptance letters, or finding a way to pay for tuition cause its all paid for. Well anyways back, to the story, ENJOY! (oh and btw I didn’t proof read because I wanted to get this on here ASAP so sorry if there are any mistakes, I’ll fix them when I can)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Part 8: We’re in the bar, sitting at a round table, our drinks in front us, talking about the dumbest things ever. “But I swear that patient was hitting on me,” says Chen confidently.
“No she wasn’t,” contradicts Chanyeol. “Her asking you for more morphine is not flirting.” Chanyeol and I burst into laughter as Chen turns red and tries to convince us even further. “What’s so funny?” We all turn around to the voice and came into contact with Baekhyun and Dr. Kim. “Dr. Byun, you made it,” said Chen awkwardly. “Please, call me Baekhyun outside of the hospital and I hope you don’t mind but I invited Minseok to join us.” “Who’s Minseok?” asks Chanyeol. “I’m Minseok,” says Dr. Kim. We’ve never heard anyone refer to him by his first name so hearing it for the first time was a little weird, probably even more so since we’ve had a bit to drink. “Since we’re outside of the hospital you can call me Minseok but if you dare call me that in front of my colleagues, I will make sure none of you see the inside of an O.R. again. Understood?” “Yes s-sir,” we all mutter. “Be easy on them Minseok,” says Baekhyun. “You’re only a couple of years older than them. Let’s sit.” Baekhyun and Minseok take a seat, Baekhyun making sure he takes the seat next to me. He looks at me innocently and smiles with all his teeth making me scoff, bringing my attention to the group. It’s awkward and quiet, no one is saying anything. I sip my drink hoping someone starts the conversation. Luckily, Chanyeol speaks first. “So, how’s everyone doing?” I suddenly feel a hand on my thigh and I know exactly who’s it is. “I’m doing much better,” says Baekhyun with a smirk. “I’d be better if I had a drink,” remarks Minseok. I stand up immediately, trying to remove myself from this awkward encounter and from Baekhyun. “I’ll go get them. We all need refills anyways.” “I’ll help her,” says Baekhyun. I inwardly curse at myself and turn towards the bar. “What are you doing Baekhyun?” I say as we walk towards the bar. “What? I’m just here having drinks with my date’s friends.” “I’m not your date.” “I was talking about Chanyeol.” I burst into a fit of laughter at the sudden joke. I see him smile at his own joke. His smile is not too bad. I wouldn’t mind seeing it all day. Maybe he’s not so bad. Maybe I should give him a chance. We get to the bar and wait for the bartender to attend us. “Deja vu,” Baekhyun turns to face me. “Shut up,” I roll my eyes, knowing he’s remembering about the first time we met at the bar of a club. “Hey Y/N,” says the bartender. “Hi, Jisoo,” I smile politely at him. “Can I get a round of 5?” “Anything for you,” he winks and then disappears to get my order. “Who the hell was that?” asks Baekhyun annoyingly. “The bartender? He serves us drinks,” I say as if it’s obvious. “Yeah, but how does he know you?” “We come here a lot.” Before Baekhyun can say anything else, Jisoo comes back with our drinks. “Here you go. Do you need help caring it to your table?” Before I can say anything, Baekhyun swoops over and grabs the tray of drinks from Jisoo’s hands. “No, I got it.” Baekhyun begins walking over to the table, leaving me behind. “Is he your boyfriend or something?” asks Jisoo. “No. It’s complicated,” I say embarrassed. “Oh so you like him?” he smirks. “What?! No!” I blurt out. He looks at me with questioning eyes that know I’m lying. “Okay fine, I do.” He chuckles, “He seems like a good guy. If he’s jealous, then that means he truly cares for you.” “Yeah, I know.” “Is he also a surgeon?” “Yeah.” “See, you two already have something in common. You should give him a chance.” “That’s the thing, Jisoo. He’s my boss.” He seems taken aback by this new information but nonetheless keeps his calm composure. “Ohhh, I get it. Well, I still think you should give him a chance. And he’s not so bad looking. He’s not as pretty as me but he’ll do.” All of a sudden, Jisoo’s eyes seemed to be intrigued by something behind me because his smile gets wider. “You should bring him over more often by the way. I like messing with him.” At that, I feel a hand on the small of my back. I turn to see Baekhyun eyeing Jisoo suspiciously. “The group’s wondering where you are. We should go.” “Fine,” I stand. “I’ll see you later, Y/N,” smirks Jisoo. I try to wave at him but is quickly pulled away towards the group by Baekhyun’s firm hand on my waist. As we’re walking towards the group, I try to remove Baekhyun’s hand off of me. “Baekhyun, let go. I don’t want the others to see us.” His hand tightens around my waist. “Well I do,” his voice much deeper now. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.” “I’m not yours. I’m my own person, now let go.” I try to remove his hand again but he won’t budge. His anger and possessiveness seem to be blurring his reason. I have to do something before people see us. I abruptly push him to the side out of the view of the group, catching him off guard. We’re now at a dark part of the bar near the dart board. “What the hel-” Before he can finish his sentence, I wrap my arms around his neck and drag his head lower to kiss him on the lips. He’s in complete shock at first, lips firm and still but then melts into the kiss, wrapping both of his arms around my waist. I break the kiss slowly before my lungs give out. I look at him as his eye flutter open. He’s blushing now, so I know the old playful Baekhyun is back. “Are you okay now?” I say quietly, our faces still in close proximity. He nods slowly, cheeks still tinted pink. “Good, now let’s go back to the group.” I get out of his embrace and grab his hand as I drag him towards the group. Once we get back into the vision line of the group, I let go of his hand, making me feel weirdly empty. When we return to the table, we encounter a giggly Chen, a confused Chanyeol and an irritated Minseok and they’re not even drunk yet. “Wait so if you’re from Canada, then why don’t you have an accent?” asks Chanyeol Minseok rolls his eyes and chugs his beer to avoid the stupid question. “So what’s going on?” I ask as if nothing happened. “Nothing, we’re just getting to know our resident supervisor,” says Chen, causing Minseok to pinch his nose in annoyance. “We were planning on playing darts once you came. You down?” “You know I suck at darts.” “That’s what makes it more fun,” laughs Chen. “Remember when you accidentally stabbed that scary guy with a dart but then he forgave you because you-” “Okay,” I interrupt Chanyeol before he can finish that embarrassing story. I look towards Baekhyun already looking at me with his brows raised wondering what the story is about. Before he can open his mouth to speak, I blurt out: “Let’s play darts.” “For money,” says Chen. “Baekhyun, Minseok, are you in?” “I’m down,” says Baekhyun. He looks at Minseok and he shakes his head no. “Fine, then you’ll be the ref.” “Should we have teams?” suggests Chen. “I call Y/N,” blurts out Chanyeol. “Why if she sucks?” asks Chen. Chanyeol seems a little taken aback by the question, especially with everyone staring at him. “I- uh, don’t want her to feel left out when no one picks her.” “Hey!” I accuse. “Are you saying no one wants to pair up with me?” “That’s exactly what he’s saying cause it’s true,” says Chen. “I want her on my team,” says Baekhyun nonchalantly. “I won’t mind teaching her and then splitting the money once we win.” “Oh you’re on pretty boy,” says Chen. He gets up and pulls Chanyeol to his feet. “Let’s go Chanyeol, we’re gonna win brain surgeon and his girlfriend here and strip them of their money.” I freeze at the name and Baekhyun must have noticed because he’s smirking at me. He holds out what I presume to be a friendly hand and I take it nonetheless as he takes me to the dart board where Chanyeol and Chen are practicing. “Okay so there’s going to be five rounds and at every round, each person gets two tries,” says Minseok. “At each round, everybody puts in five dollars and it’s winner takes all. I’ll be keeping track of the score.” “Got it,” says Chen. “We’ll go first.” Everyone stands to the side as Chen gets ready for his turn. He has two darts in his hand and is eyeing the dart board, mumbling some words to himself. We stand here watching him for quite some time now and I begin getting impatient. “Just hit it, Chen,” I say with a sigh. He looks at me with threatening eyes but nonetheless grabs a dart and throws it at the board then does the same with the other dart. He makes both darts a couple inches away from the bullseye causing him to curse under his breath. Next is Chanyeol and he basically gets the same score as Chen, receiving a smack in the head from his angry partner. Now it’s our turn. Baekhyun steps up first. He concentrates at the dart board, swings his hand back and throws the dart. He makes in centimeters away from the bullseye, closer than Chen and Chanyeol. He does the same with his other dart and makes it around the same place as his last dart. He turns towards me and motions me over. I walk towards him slowly, eyeing him suspiciously. He grabs my hand and places two darts in them. He then grabs my hips and positions then firmly against his body, my back against his chest. Caught off guard by his confidence, I don’t notice the confused murmurs from the others. He puts his arms over mine and begins giving me a walk through of how to throw the dart. “Okay look at the board,” he says against my ear, quiet enough only for me to hear. “Just focus on the bullseye. Then swing back loosely.” He grabs my wrist and swings my arm at the pace he wants. “Then let go when you feel ready.” I turn to face him, bad idea now that our faces are really close to proximity. I look him in the eyes and almost forgot my question until he hummed, waiting for me to say something. “Umm, how do I know when it’s the right to time to throw?” “You’ll just know,” he simply says. “Now let’s try it.” He repositions my hips, leaving tingles on the places where his hands have been. “I’m gonna help you with the swinging and then you let go, okay?” I nod obediently and begin to swing my arm. I’m more nervous than I should be for a game of darts. Maybe it’s because of the money? Or maybe it’s because of how close Baekhyun is, his breath on my neck, giving me goose bumps with his arms around me. It could also be the suspicious looks and murmurs coming from the people looking at us. All of a sudden, my thoughts are interrupted by Baekhyun’s voice in my ear. “Throw when you’re ready.” I nod and take a deep breath. Okay, I can do this. After two swings I let go of the dart. I close my eyes as soon as I hear it hit the board, too scared to see the score and ruin the chances of Baekhyun and I winning. All of a sudden I hear screams of “What!?” and open my eyes to see that I hit the bullseye. I turn around slowly to see Chen screaming at Chanyeol and Chanyeol almost crying. I then turn to see Baekhyun’s head back, laughing at them and their failure. “How the hell did she get a bullseye?” yells Chen. He turns to me and then turns to Chanyeol. “I want to change partners.” He walks over and pushes me out of the way to face Baekhyun. “I want you as my partner. Hold me like you held Y/N.” We all burst into laughter at his desperateness and Baekhyun’s uncomfortable face. I go in between Baekhyun and Chen and place a hand on Chen’s chest. “Too bad Chen, he’s mine. Go back and apologize to Chanyeol.” He mumbles something under his breath and walks back to Chanyeol. I suddenly feel hands snake their way around my waist and a breath on my ear. “So I’m yours, huh?” I soon realize what I had said and feel the blush creep onto my face. “N-no. I mean as in dart partners. Don’t go assuming things.” He chuckles in my ear. “Whatever you say, babe.” I shove him off of me so that we won’t get any suspicious looks. “Okay let’s just continue the game,” I say. We continue on with the game and Chen and Chanyeol soon catch up, causing each of them to send a devious smirk. It’s the last round and everyone has gone besides me. We’re three points down and it’s up to me to win. I have two tries, it shouldn’t be that hard. I stand in front of the board, getting ready to throw. I aim and just as I throw the first dart, Chen screams in my ear causing the throw to come out chaotic and miss the board completely. “What the hell Chen!! That’s cheating!” I yell. I turn to Minseok, “ref, I request their disqualification.” “What?” yells back Chen. “That wasn’t against the rules. They said I can’t touch you while you were playing but they never said I couldn’t yell.” “He’s right, sorry,” said Minseok. “Fine.” I go back to my spot and try to concentrate, but then I get an idea. I turn to Baekhyun, lean into his ear, and whisper. Chen and Chanyeol look alarmed at first trying to hear what I’m saying. I soon back away as Baekhyun nods. He walks behind Chen and covers his mouth, embracing Chen’s flailing arms with his free one. Chen is squirming but can’t break out of Baek’s embrace. “That’s cheating,” exclaims a frightened Chanyeol. “No, it’s not,” I smirk. “He’s not the one playing so Baekhyun’s allowed to touch him. And wasn’t it Chen that said he wanted Baek to hold him.” Minseok and I begin laughing while I bring my attention back to the board. “I trust that you won’t try anything Chanyeol,” I say without looking away from the board. I position myself to throw the final dart. I breathe in and out. Okay, I can do this. Just throw. And with that, I let go of the dart to see it hit the bullseye directly. I scream in victory and run towards Baekhyun. He coming towards me as well and I jump in his arms and kiss him straight on the lips. He’s surprised at first, eyes wide and lips firm but he then relaxes and leans into the kiss, his arms wrapping around me further. “What’s going on?” says Chanyeol shockingly and I soon realize how wrong Baekhyun and I must look right now. I lean away from his face and he puts me down, his arms still around me. I try to get out of his embrace but he won’t budge. Chanyeol repeats the question more persistently than before. Before I can make up an excuse, Baekhyun speaks. “Y/N and I are dating.” Chanyeol’s mouth opens in shock and he looks around to see Chen and Minseok calm. “How are you two calm about this?” “I kind of already knew,” says Chen. “Me too,” says Minseok. “What?! How?!” “Y/N’s my best friend. She tells me everything,” says Chen. “Baekhyun confided in me with this information,” says Minseok. Baekhyun coughs as if offended by something. Minseok rolls his eyes and speaks again. “I guess we’re like best friends too.” “What?” says Chanyeol out of breath. He seems to be taking the news really badly. “I- uh, I need to use the restroom.” With that he storms to the restroom, leaving us in awe. “I’ll go check up on him,” says Chen. Chen walks over to where Chanyeol headed. I untangle myself from Baekhyun’s embrace and make my way to where Minseok is at. I pull out a chair and slump down as I put my head in my hands and let out a huge sigh. This could not have gone any worse. As I think about how to fake my own death, I hear the chair next to scrape against the floor and feel an arm around me. “Are you okay?” asks Baekhyun softly. I lift my head up and look at him aggravatingly. “Am I okay? What do you think Baekhyun!? I told you this was going to happen! You should have never said anything,” I yell at him. “Then when?!” he yells back. “What?” “When will we tell people about us? I don’t want to keep this a secret forever! It was going to happen sooner or later and I chose sooner.” “This isn’t only about you, Baekhyun! This is my relationship too! You should also have my consent when you want to tell people about us.” “YOU-” “SHUT UP!” interrupts Minseok. We both look at him quietly and it seems like he’s blowing steam. “Shut. Up. Stop fighting. I’m too drunk and tired for this,” he says. We blink at him, too scared to say anything. He notices he has our attention so he continues. “Baekhyun, you should have consulted with Y/N first before blabbing about your relationship. Y/N you can’t keep it to yourselves forever. You have to consider Baekhyun’s feelings too. Now that it’s settled. Shut up and make up.” We’re both still in frozen shock, staring back at Minseok. He seems to notice and rolls his eye before barking “NOW!” We both jump and turn towards each other. “I’m sorry,” I mumble. “I’m sorry too,” Baekhyun says back. “Can we please just keep this relationship between people that we really trust?” I say. Baekhyun gives me a disappointed look before I add, “at least until we become more serious.” He then smiles and nods his head fast, like a puppy. I laugh and lean in to give him a kiss. He smirks into the kiss before a cough interrupts us. We back away to see Chen looking down at us. “Umm, Y/N can I talk to you?” “Yeah,” I mutter. I untangle myself from Baekhyun’s embrace and get up to follow Chen to a more secluded part of the bar. “What’s up? Where’s Chanyeol?” I ask worriedly. “He left.” “He left?!” “Yeah.” “Why?” “Because he likes you.” “Wh-what?” “That’s why he took the news rather oddly. He told me that he liked you since the first day at the hospital. He couldn’t stand to see you and Baekhyun together so he left.” “Crap. Do you think he’s going to tell people?” I ask. Chen’s brows furrow. “Are you kidding me? That’s not what’s important right now. What you really have to worry about is how Chanyeol’s feeling and how you're going to make it up to him.” “You’re right. I’m being selfish right now.” Chen places a comforting hand on my shoulder and sighs. “It’s fine. I’m sure he’ll forgive you and everything will go back to normal.” “I sure hope so.”
A/N: Well, tell me what you think. Send me messages, I love when you all send me stuff.
Into You (M)
Pairing: Luhan x Reader (feat. Sehun)
Genre: AU, one shot, angst and some fluff but mostly smut, A LOT of smut
Word Count: 3,254
Summary: Based on the music video for “Into You” by Ariana Grande.
Request: Can u do a Luhan AU based on ariana’s mv “into you”??? 💓💓💓
A/N: Hi everyone! I’m finally posting! I’ve been meaning to write this for the longest and this was one of my favorite requests to write. Thank you so much anon for requesting this and sorry it has taken me forever but here you go (oh and btw I didn’t proofread this cause I wanted to update something this weekend ASAP so sorry for the mistakes). ~admin L

Your eyes strain at the flashing lights of the cameras as your boyfriend pulls you close in order to display a romantic view for the paparazzi.
“Smile, you’re making us look bad,” whispers Sehun, leaning away from your ear, looking like he just gave you a kiss on the cheek, fooling anyone whose eyes were on you. You pretend like you love him and that you only have eyes for him as you turn to face him with an adoring smile for the cameras. But your vision soon came to line with the man on the sidelines of the red carpet, staring at you with jealous yet calm eyes. You smile a closed-mouth smile at him hoping to calm his angry demeanor. That seems to work because he smiles back at you.
Your time on the red carpet is over as you walk off to make room for the other celebrities. Immediately Sehun let’s go of you, allowing you to relax outside of his touch.
About a year ago, your company thought it was a good idea for you to have a boyfriend so they contacted Sehun’s company, making a deal with them which sprouted your fake relationship with him. They thought that all those love songs you sing will have more of an effect if they were directed towards someone specific.
But they were, just not Sehun. You make eye contact again with the dashing man on the sidelines as he made way for both of you and then followed suit. He stood by your side because that was Luhan’s job as your security guard. He skims his hand against yours as you walk to the venue of the award show, making shivers run down your spine. He has an intense effect on you even with the slightest touch. He knows what he does to you, yet he can’t indulge in your reaction in public because you have a boyfriend that isn’t him, at least to the rest world. As you approach the entrance of the venue filled with fans, Sehun is by your side again, holding you close by the waist, away from Luhan. Luhan notices his hands on you and his blood begins to boil, yet he can’t do anything about it.
“Hey man, do you mind keeping a distance between us and the fans?” Sehun asks Luhan as he sees a group of girls approaching you all. “I don’t feel like dealing with them today.”
You turn to him and frown. “You never feel like dealing with them. They just want to meet their idol.”
“Well then they can meet you cause I’m not signing anything,” he scoffs. “I’m at this stupid award show because of you anyways.”
“Shut up,” you retort. “You’re getting good publicity anyways.”
Soon the girls approach you with big hopeful smiles as they wait to meet you both before the show starts. Luhan prevents them from getting any closer as he makes a human barrier using his arms and body. Sehun gives you an emotionless kiss on the cheek as he let’s go of you to makes his way into the venue. The girls mutter in disappointment as Sehun makes his way past them without a glance. But they soon turn their excitement back to you, asking you for pictures and autographs. You touch Luhan’s shoulder, indicating him to make way so you can interact with the fans.
“Y/N, you look so pretty tonight,” says one of the fans.
“Thank you so much,” you smile as you sign her album.
“You and Sehun look perfect together,” says another fan.
“Thank you. That means a lot,” you lie.
“Is this your bodyguard?” a fan motions towards Luhan. “He’s really cute.”
A roar of giggles and agreements erupt from the fans. You look back at Luhan blushing from the sudden attention. “He is pretty cute, isn’t he?” you say, teasing further.
“Why isn’t Sehun here?” asks another fan.
You look up and smile at her apologetically. “He’s not feeling so well today so he went to go take a seat.”
The fans mutter in understanding and you go back to taking more pictures and signing more autographs.
After a couple of minutes, they announce that the award show will begin soon so everyone should take their seats. You depart from the fans with Luhan and make your way into the venue.
Luhan places a hand at the small of your back, leading the way to your seat. His touch causes goose bumps to arise on your skin. His hand slowly inches lower, towards your rear, causing you to turn to him with worried eyes. He just smirks but stops as you arrive to your seat. As you lean out of his touch to sit, his hand drops, slowly caressing your butt. You look around to see if anyone noticed but are only met by the lustful eyes of Luhan.
You back away and take your seat next to Sehun while Luhan stands to the side with the rest of the guards.
The award show went by fast but it was fun and entertaining. You performed your new single and you won four awards (Sehun won 3, one of them being a joint award with you for best couple, but that’s beside the point).
Now you guys are on your way to the after party. You’re sitting in the backseat of your car with Sehun while Luhan sat in the front next to the driver.
“You did amazing by the way,” said Luhan.
You look up from your phone and smile at him, thanking him for the compliment.
Sehun also looks up from his phone. “Oh yeah, you were good,” he said emotionless as he looks back down at his phone.
You scrunch your brows, not knowing what to necessarily say. “Umm, thanks, I guess.”
He looks up from his phone again and turns to you. “Let’s take a picture together for twitter. I want the fans to see how proud I was of your performance.”
He lifts his phone up, the selfie camera on, both of your faces displayed on the screen.
“Give me a kiss on the lips,” he demands.
“What? No.”
“It’s for the picture,” he rolls his eyes.
“Can’t I just kiss your cheek?” you bargain.
You turn your head and lean into his cheek but as soon as your lips were about to touch his skin, he turns his head, kissing your lips in order to get the perfect picture.
You back away as soon as you comprehend what had happened, wiping your mouth in the process. “What the hell!”
“Shut up, you know you liked it,” he smirks.
You look up and see Luhan’s hand in a fist, his knuckles turning white, his stoic yet tense face visible through the rear-view mirror.
“No, I don’t.”
“I’m your boyfriend. You better get used to it.”
“You’re not really my boyfriend.”
“To the rest of the world, I am.”
You scoff, “To the rest of the world, you’re an ass.”
“I might be an ass, but I’m the one getting you more famous. I’m the ass you need to get used to kissing cause I’m not going any where sweetheart.”
You huff in disappointment. He was right. He was getting you more famous and he sure as hell isn’t going anywhere soon. He was famous first, building up a strong fanbase and your company loved the publicity you were getting because of it. It’s going to be a long time before you can ‘break-up’ and manage to maintain fans on your own.
Luhan opens your door and you make your way out of the car with Sehun’s arm over your shoulders. Luhan pushes the paparazzi away while you and Sehun make your way into the club, both of you covering your faces from the flashes of the paparazzi, passing all the people waiting in line.
You’re here at the after party and you immediately face a lot of celebrities. Your boyfriend already left your side and you’re just sitting at a table by yourself with a drink in your hand. You like looking around at the people, drunk celebrities being rubbed against drunk groupies or fans. You don’t have many celebrity friends so you’re usually alone most of the time.
While looking around you make eye contact with Luhan standing to the side of the club with the rest of the security guards. You smile warmly at him and he smiles back. You motion for him to come over but he shakes his head, mouthing that he has to stay there with the rest of the guards. It’s prohibited for the guards to leave their stand on the side of the club. It causes for intimidation and fights so everyone must leave their guards to the side.
You pout but then nod in understanding and begin looking around again. You were in a pretty calm mood until you saw your boyfriend making out with another girl.
You know you and Sehun’s relationship is fake but it still hurt to see him not respect you enough to keep his hands to himself while you were both out in public.
But you guess that’s hypocritical on your part because of your relationship Luhan, but you don’t act upon it in public because of your fake relationship.
You don’t want to be there anymore. So you get up and walk towards the front door.
Luhan looks away for a couple of seconds and next thing he knows, you’re no longer in sight. He frantically searches through the room when he sees you walking out the front door. He runs towards the door and sees you getting into your car. He gets in with you before the chauffeur can close the door.
“Luhan, what are you doing?” you ask as the chauffeur takes off.
“It’s my job to be by your side at all times.”
“What about Sehun?”
He groans at the name of the other male. “He’ll survive. Besides he seems pretty busy if you ask me,” talking about the interaction with the other woman.
You stay quiet for a while before you get a phone call. The caller ID shows that it’s from your manager. You groan before answering.
“Hello?” you answer.
“Y/N, why did you leave without Sehun?”
“What? How did you know?”
“Fans posted pictures of you leaving without him. They’re already spreading rumors.”
“Just tell them I wasn’t feeling well.”
“Fine. But we need to talk. I’m at your house already. Meet me here.”
“Wait, am I in trouble?” you ask shyly.
“Yes. Now hurry home,” he declares as he clicks.
You drop your hand on your lap and sigh defeatedly. Life never goes your way.
You feel a hand wrap around yours comfortingly, causing warmness to spread through your body. “What’s wrong?” asks Luhan.
You entangle your fingers around his hand and fiddle with it. “Nothing, my manager’s just gonna scream at me when I get back home.”
“What for?”
“For leaving Sehun at the club.”
“Who cares about him?”
“Apparently the fans do because that’s how my manager found out. I just don’t want to go home and deal with him.”
Luhan truly felt bad for you. You work so hard to accomplish everyone’s expectations and you never do anything for yourself. He just wishes he can take you away from all of this. And maybe he can.
“Come to my place,” he says, looking you in the eye.
“Come home with me,” he repeats.
“But my manager-”
“Forget your manager. You need a break Y/N. You honestly work yourself so hard, you need to rest.” He touches your cheek with the back of his hand. “Please baby, rest.”
“Okay, but what if my manager finds me at your house and he fires you? He knows you came with me in the car.”
“Fine then, we’ll go somewhere else.”
Luhan thinks for a second. You’re right. Your manager will go to his place first once he finds out you’re missing. He needs to take you far away from here if he truly wants you two to be alone.
“We’ll go as far as we can.”
“What do you mean?” You look into his eyes for an explanation.
“We’ll go back to my place and pack some clothes and then we’ll go as far as we can and spend the weekend together. How does that sound?”
You smile to yourself, loving how much he cares. But your smile soon fades as questions arise in your head. “But what about my clothes? I’ll have to go back to my place to get them.”
“I have some of your clothes back at my place. There’s more than enough for a weekend. Don’t worry baby, I got you.”
“What if I get in worse trouble when I come back?”
“They can’t fire you, babe. You’re their only artist making them money. Trust me. They need you more than you need them.”
“Okay. Let’s go,” you finally smile.
You tell the chauffeur to reroute to Luhan’s house and make sure to give him a bribe to not tell anyone about where you are going.
“Thank you,” you say abruptly.
Luhan puts an arm around you and smiles. “What for?”
“For caring. And for loving me.”
He leans down and gives you a brief kiss on the lips. “I’ll always love you.”
“Me too,” you lean in to kiss him again but back away to say something else. “And I’m sorry you always have to see me and Sehun together. I know how much that must hurt.”
“Let’s just not say his name anymore, okay?”
“Okay,” you smile as you lean in for another kiss.
Your arms are wrapped around Luhan’s waist as the wind hits your face, feeling refreshed. Luhan’s been driving his motorcycle for over an hour.
The sun is about to go down so you stop at the nearest motel. You both walk hand-in-hand into your room and lock the door.
You’re finally alone, no fear of anyone finding out or getting in the way. Just you two alone.
You put your arms lazily around his neck and kiss his lips.
“We’re finally alone,” you say.
He places his hands on your hips and pulls you closer.
“Finally,” he mutters before leaning in again.
His lips are soft against yours, moving slowly as if you both had all the time in the world. He slips in his tongue, the kiss becoming more heated. His hands slip under your shirt, feeling every inch of skin he can reach.
He grabs your shirt and pulls it over your head, then doing the same with his.
With his hands still on your waist, he walks you both over to the bed.
Once you feel the bed hit the back of your knees, you slowly back into it, never breaking the kiss.
As soon as your head hits the pillow, his lips travel down your jaw, to your neck.
He sucks a bruise on the side of your neck, not caring about the consequences of the next few days.
He then kisses further down, giving soft pecks to the top of your breasts, right before the fabric of your bra.
He reaches behind you and you arch your back to give him better access to unclip your bra. Once unclipped, he grabs the material and throws it somewhere across the room with the rest of the disregarded clothing.
He then looks at you up and down and marvels at your exposure.
“You look so beautiful,” he whispers before dipping his head and catching one of your nipples in his mouth. You arch your back and moan as he sucks on the sensitive bud. He continues his actions on the other nipple while his hand fondles with the unsatisfied one.
“Luhan,” you moan.
He hums against your nipple, causing sensual vibrations to stimulate more arousal.
He kisses down your stomach, to the top of your naval. He then leans back and slowly unbuttons your pants. He pulls down your pants slowly and kisses the skin that reveals itself as he tugs the pants lower. After your pants are discarded, he looks back up at you while slowly slipping your panties down your legs. Without breaking eye contact, he leans down and licks your core. You roll your eyes back as he continues the action ever so slowly, sucking on your clit occasionally.
He then adds a finger, pumping in the same slow pace.
Your hands immediately grab onto his hair as he adds another finger and sucks on your clit.
“Fuck, Luhan,” you moan.
“Yes, baby?” he says, looking you in the eye with lust filled orbs.
“More,” you say.
“What do you mean baby girl?” he teases.
“I need more. Please.”
“You need to tell me exactly what you want.”
“I want you inside me.”
Without a moment of hesitance, he backs away and takes a condom out of his back pocket. He gets off the bed momentarily and tugs off his pants and boxers before returning between your legs. He puts on the condom and lines himself up with your entrance but you stop him.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, worry displayed on his face.
You caress his face to simmer down his worry. “I wanna ride you,” you say confidently, causing his eyes to open wide in shock of your bluntness.
He nods and leans against the headboard, as you crawl onto his lap.
You wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself as he lines himself with your entrance. You slowly sink down his length, getting used to the stretch.
As soon as you are fully seated down his member, Luhan takes that moment to gaze at you, all of you.
“I’m so lucky to have you,” he says as he removes your hair from your face.
You smile at the comment and the gesture and lean in for a quick peck. “I love you,” you say with adoration in your eyes.
“I love you, too.” And with that, you begin to lift your hips and sink back down against his length. You bounce up and down his cock in a steady pace as his hands firmly grip your waist as he thrusts up into you. Both of your moans, gasps, and whimpers along with the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room. Soon both of your movements become erratic.
“I’m close,” you gasp.
“Me too. Let go, baby,” soothes Luhan. He reaches between both your bodies and begins to rub your clit, sending you into overdrive. With a loud whimper, you’re coming, causing an overstimulation as Luhan continues to thrust, trying to find his own release. After a few more thrusts, Luhan’s coming too, thrusting harder than ever.
After you both come down from your highs, Luhan pulls out and gently lays you against the covers.
He takes off the condom and gets up. He goes to the bathroom and comes back with a warm towel and begins cleaning you up. After cleaning himself up as well, he lies back down with you, spooning you.
You turn around to face him and give him a peck on the lips. “I love you. Don’t forget that okay? No matter what happens,” you say assuringly.
“I know baby, I know. It’s hard seeing you with him but I know it’s your job. Maybe one day, we’ll finally be together, officially.”
You peck his lips.
“One day.”
A/N: How was it? It’s my first Luhan fic and my first time imitating a music video. I MISS LUHAN!!
Saving Lives pt. 9 (M)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut (in this chapter)
Word Count: 4,895
Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)
A/N: omg I’m finally updating. I’ve been so excited to release this chapter but I’ve had trouble writing the smut part, oh btw there’s finally a smut part again! I feel like I’m not good at writing smut so please beware of some cringy shit. But anyways I hope ya’ll like it. Also, there’s a lot of medical terms so don’t worry if you don’t understand them, I don’t either and they’re not that important to the storyline. Oh and thank you so much to those of you who send me messages, I absolutely love receiving them. Shout out to that one anon that said he/she reads all my author’s notes, love ya! (photo credit to the owner)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Part 9:
My alarm clock blares through the room causing me to groan and open my eyes lazily. I lean into my nightstand and hit the off button before sitting up. I take a deep breath as I reach for my underwear and a big t-shirt on the floor. I sit on the edge of the bed and cover myself with the clothing.
Before I could get up off the bed, a hand reaches and pulls me back to bed.
“Don’t go yet,” mumbles Baekhyun. He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms and legs around me causing me to chuckle. “Why are you awake so early?” he asks, his eyes still closed.
“I need to get to the hospital early to talk to Chanyeol.”
Baekhyun groans again and begins to whine. “Don’t say another man’s name while we’re in bed together.”
I chuckle again and he finally opens his eyes to look at me and smiles. He gives me a good morning kiss, which I happily return before he speaks again.
“What are you going to say to him?”
“I’m not sure. I’m just hoping he’ll let me talk at all.”
“Just remember to be considerate.”
I gasp. “I am considerate. I’m a very nice person.”
It’s Baekhyun’s turn to laugh. “Come on babe. We all know you’re not the nicest person.”
“I am-”
“Do you not remember how you treated me before you agreed to go out with me? Even yesterday you were so mean to me,” Baekhyun pouts.
I smile at his cute face and peck his pouted lips, causing a smile to spread on his face.
“Okay, you’re right. I’m mean. But how else did you expect me to get through medical school? These people are vicious.”
“It’s okay babe. I find it hot when you’re aggressive,” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“Shut up,” I laugh before giving him a final peck on the lips and backing away from his embrace. “Okay, I gotta go shower.”
“Do you want me to join you?” he eyes me up and down as I walk to the door.
“I’m about to talk to the guy that has a crush on me and let him down gently. The least I can do is not have sex with you right now.”
“You didn’t have a problem doing it last night, even after you found out he liked you,” he smirks.
“Shut up. I was drunk,” I roll my eyes.
“Is that your only excuse?”
“It will be when I don’t have sex with you for the next month if you keep this up."
His eyes open wide and he closes his mouth.
"Thank you,” I smirk before heading to the shower.
I arrive 20 minutes early and immediately look for Chanyeol since he is known to always arrive half an hour early.
I walk around the hospital searching for the tall being when I happen to see him at the small garden, sitting on a bench, staring at the ground.
I slowly walk towards him and sit next to him on the bench. He notices someone sat next to him and turns his head to see me smiling. His eyes are wide and he gets up to leave before being stopped my hand grabbing onto his wrist.
“Wait, Chanyeol. Please, let’s talk,” I plead.
He stays still for a couple seconds contemplating whether he should stay or not before he sighs and sits back down while looking at the ground.
We’re quiet for a second so I decide to speak first. “I’m so sorry Chanyeol. I didn’t know you felt this way. My intentions weren’t to hurt you.”
“How long has it been?” he mumbles.
“How long have you been together?”
Oh, he’s talking about that. “Well, it’s kind of complicated. I met him the day before the first day at the hospital and we sort of … umm …”
“You slept together?”
I avoided eye contact with him and stared at the floor. “Yeah. I didn’t know who he was at the time. And when we found out we both worked here, it got even more complicated. He wanted to date, I wanted to pretend nothing happened but things happen and now we’re here.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I could have prevented these feelings or at least simmered them down.”
“Well, I didn’t want to tell anyone at all. Do you know how people would treat me?”
“I wouldn’t treat you bad.”
I smile. “Well Chen did at first but he came around.”
“Well, I won’t treat you bad.”
“So do you forgive me?” I ask hopefully.
He chuckles. “Yeah, I forgive you. It’s partially my fault too, for falling so fast.”
“Well, then I forgive you too.”
We hug for about 3 seconds before Chanyeol’s wrist-watch beeps, indicating it’s time to start rounds.
We get to where we usually meet up with the rest of the group and wait for Dr. Kim.
“You two are smiling. I’m guessing you guys made up,” Chen said to both of us.
We both nod smiling.
“Why are you both smiling?” asks Jihyo. “Are you guys dating?”
“No!” Chanyeol and I both yell at the same time.
“Oh my god yes you are!” says Jihyo. “Look at how flustered you both are.”
“We’re not dating. Y/N has a boyfriend,” blurts out Chanyeol.
“Chanyeol!” I yell at him. Gosh, he’s already telling everyone.
He realizes what he said and turns to me. “Oh sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry. I forgot.”
“Who’s your boyfriend?” asks Jihyo, quirking an eyebrow.
Before she can stare me down any longer, Dr. Kim comes in.
“Aye! It’s Dr. Kim!” says Chen. “How are you, sir? Still trying to cure that hangover?”
Chanyeol, Chen and I all laugh until he gives us a warning glare, making us all stop.
Jihyo looks at us suspiciously but doesn’t say anything as Dr. Kim speaks.
“Okay, Chen and Jihyo, you will be doing charts and labs. Chanyeol, you will be with me. Y/N, you’ll be with Dr. Byun.”
“Can I help Dr. Byun too?” asks Jihyo.
“No, you’re an intern. You don’t get to pick and choose what you want,” says Dr. Kim. “And besides, Dr. Byun personally asked for Y/N.”
My eyes widen at the fact that Baekhyun literally went and asked for me to assist him. That’s good and bad. Good, because I have the opportunity to learn some advanced procedures and see my cute boyfriend. But bad, because I get to see my cute boyfriend and it might cause suspicion.
“Now go to your designated places,” says Dr. Kim.
“The guy’s films are clear,” I say. “There is no reason I can see for his creeping paralysis.”
“It’s just so surprising,” says Baekhyun. “I expected an intrusion into his spinal space or a bony spur in the nucleus pulposus.”
Baekhyun takes the mic and speaks to the people on the other side of the glass. “Take him to his room and get his IV.” The people oblige and leave the room.
We are in the scanning room analyzing the results of the patient’s MRI. He fell rock climbing and is now undergoing paralysis, slowly losing feeling from his feet and up.
“Baekhyun,” I call out.
He looks up at me from his chair. I go over and sit on his lap. He happily accepts me by placing his hands on my waist.
“What’s up?” He asks.
“I want us to be more discreet with our relationship.”
“Umm, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but you were the one who sat on my lap.”
I chuckle. “I know. I just wanted to make sure I have your attention. But anyways, you can’t just request for me to be your intern all the time. It would make people suspicious.”
“No one will be suspicious unless they really look into it,” he says reassuringly.
“Well I know someone who’s probably looking into it at this moment,” I roll my eyes.
He raises his eyebrows. “The intern?”
“Yeah,” I say with a pout. “She has a crush on you.”
Baekhyun laughs and I smack him on the chest. “What’s so funny?” I ask.
“It’s so cute when you’re jealous.”
“Well, how do you expect me to feel? She’s crazy about you.”
“How do you even know?”
“She told me! She threatened me and told me to back off of you.”
“And apparently you didn’t listen.”
“Shut up,” I roll my eyes. “But just request for me about three times a week. And then request for Chen and Chanyeol. Not Jihyo.”
“That doesn’t seem fair-”
“I’ll do whatever you want tonight,” I interrupt him. “Or you can do whatever you want to me. You choose.”
“Make it three nights.”
“This is a huge favor I’m doing for you,” he says in a convincing tone. “It’s going to last till your internship is over and you become a resident. I think three nights is more than okay.”
I groan. “Fine. But it can’t be three nights in a row. That’s gonna hurt and I’m going to be sore.”
I peck his lips and get off his lap. “Okay, now let’s try to find a diagnosis for this patient.”
We get to his room and his breathing is rigid. I run over to him and shine a light in his eyes.
“Sir, are you okay?” I ask.
“No, I can’t feel my legs anymore.”
“The paralysis is moving faster than I thought,” said Baekhyun.
“Sir, have you been under a lot of stress lately?” I ask.
“Being in this hospital bed paralyzed is causing stress so yeah I guess so,” he says sarcastically.
Baekhyun pulls me aside. “What are you getting at?”
“Emotional trauma can be converted into physical like hysterical numbness or paralysis. Maybe there is no physiological reason, and he’s just having a conversion reaction.”
“You think it’s psychosomatic?” he questions.
“It could be.”
“I don’t know.”
He turns back to the patient. “I’m going to schedule a more advanced MRI and we’ll try to figure this out.”
I’m on my lunch break sitting on a table with a bunch of books around me, trying to find a diagnosis when Chen and Chanyeol come sit down with me.
“Hey,” says Chanyeol.
“Hi, sorry. I’ll move the books.”
“Uh oh, you have your lucky ponytail on,” says Chen, motioning toward my blue scrunchie on my head. “This can’t be good. What are you doing anyway?”
“Baek and I are trying to look for a diagnosis for this guy who’s slowly becoming paralyzed.”
“What did the MRI show?” continued Chen.
“It was clean. Nothing that can tell us why he’s losing feeling.”
“Wow, I’m impressed,” says Chen while clapping his hands dramatically.
“What are you talking about?” I ask.
“I’m just surprised you and Baekhyun are able to get work done without having your hands all over each other.”
I contort my face in disgust but then look at Chanyeol and see him squirm and cough uncomfortably. Chen seems to notice and apologizes immediately.
“No, no, it’s fine,” says Chanyeol. “It’s just something to get used to.”
“Well if it makes you feel better, people think you and Y/N are dating.”
“What?!” Chanyeol and I both yell.
“Yeah. Jihyo kept bothering me about it, asking if you two were dating when we were doing charts by the nurse counter and one of the nurses said she saw you guys being very intimate in the garden in the morning and confirmed you guys were dating.”
“What the hell?” I say. “Why is everyone so nosy now-a-days?”
“I kept trying to tell them that you have a boyfriend but they think you’re making it up to cover up the fact that you’re dating Chanyeol,” says Chen as he takes a bite of his salad.
“This is not good,” I say as I look at Chanyeol smiling. “Stop smiling.”
“I’m sorry, I just always thought we’d be a cute couple.”
“You’re not helping. What if this spreads and Baekhyun finds out? He’ll get really mad.”
“M-mad?” stutters Chanyeol. “What do you mean ‘mad’?”
“I mean that you should probably cover your face when he’s around.”
“He’s really possessive like that. Like this morning when we were in bed-”
“Okay,” interrupts Chen. “That’s too much information.” He then turns to Chanyeol, “But anyways dude, you should really watch out. This one time, he got angry that I was hugging Y/N and stormed out of the room because he wanted to beat me up. And this was before they were dating.”
“Oh my god,” Chanyeol whimpers as he grabs a handful of his hair. “What am I going to do? I don’t wanna get beat up.”
“I’ll go talk to him before this blows way out of proportion,” I say as I stand and begin to gather the books.
Chanyeol stands and helps gather the books as well. “Here let me help you.”
“Thanks,” I smile at him when all of a sudden I hear whispers going around.
I look at Chen questioningly and he rolls his eyes. “And this is why people think you’re dating,” he motions towards our hands almost touching because of the books we were holding together.
My eyes widen as I snatch the books out of Chanyeol’s hands and walk away.
After I put the books away, I see Baekhyun at the nurses counter. Oh god, I really hope they didn’t tell him the drama. I walk up to him slowly.
“Hey, Dr. Byun, can I talk to you for a sec?”
He turns to me and smiles. I guess he hasn’t heard the news yet. That’s good. “I need to talk to you too.”
We walk a couple of steps away from the counter to a more secluded part of the room.
“You first,” I say.
“Okay, when were you going to tell me you and Chanyeol were dating?”
“You heard!?”
He chuckles, “Yeah. One of the nurses just told me right now.”
“And you’re not mad?”
“No. Why would I be?”
“Cause you get jealous easily.”
“Well, not this time. Nurses make up rumors all the time and I know you’re mine and only mine. And besides, that takes away suspicion from our relationship like you wanted.”
“I guess that’s true. Yeah, you’re right.”
“That doesn’t mean I won’t kick his ass for being too close to you.”
“Baek, don’t be like this.”
“Okay, okay,” he says in defeat.
“Doctor! Doctor!” We hear our patient yell from their room and immediately rush over.
“What’s wrong?” asks Baekhyun as he checks his heartbeat with his stethoscope.
“I can’t feel my stomach and my hands anymore.”
Baekhyun puts his hand on the patient’s. “Try to squeeze my fingers.”
“I can’t.”
Baekhyun takes out a pen and begins poking the patient on different areas of his arm. “Can you feel this? How about this?”
“No, nothing.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
He walks over to the nurse as I follow.
“Cancel the second MRI. Go and prep an OR instead,” he tells the nurse.
“You’re operating?” I ask as the nurse leaves. “On what?”
“Don’t know. I think the MRI missed a clot in his upper spine. I’m cutting him open.”
“What if you’re wrong? Couldn’t unnecessary spinal surgery cause more damage?”
“If we wait any longer and this thing expands, we’ll have a paralyzed man who can’t breathe. I’m trusting my instincts.”
We’re in the OR getting ready to cut to the spine. Or at least Baekhyun is. I’m still assisting since I’m an intern.
“We have to save this cord,” says Baekhyun. “Y/N, get the bleeders while I cut and look for the clot.”
“I still don’t think we should be doing this,” I doubt. “None of the books said anything about this.”
“This guy has a spinal hematoma-”
“We don’t know that,” I interrupt.
“When left untreated, it becomes fatal.”
He opens the spine and we begin to search.
“Third thoracic laminae has nothing,” I say.
“Keep looking,” demands Baekhyun.
“We’ve been at this for four hours. What if he just injured his spine and there’s nothing to fix?”
“Y/N, when you read your books, make sure you reference them correctly,” he snarks. It’s been four hours so it’s reasonable as to why he’s in a bad mood. “Progressive paralysis implies a pressure legion.”
“My books got me here,” I defend.
All of a sudden, the machines started beeping. “Pressure’s up to 180 over 111,” says a nurse. “The pulse is in the 40s. I’m pushing 70 milligrams of diazoxide.”
“What is it?” I ask Baekhyun.
“Autonomic dysreflexia.”
“Damage to the sympathetic nervous system?” I ask nervously.
“Yeah. BP and the heart rate are unstable.”
“We’re in trouble aren’t we?”
“Not if we find the clot.”
I take a deep and shaky breath. This is more challenging than medical school. The corpses we worked on were already dead. But this is a whole new level.
“Just focus,” Baekhyun assures me. “Get on those bleeders and keep looking. We’re going to find the clot.”
We’re carefully but frantically looking. The more time we take, the more the patient’s heart rate drops and becomes unstable.
“Uh huh,” says Baekhyun.
“What?” I ask.
“See for yourself. The second thoracic vertebrae.”
I look over at the top of the open spine and see an unusual dark spot. “Oh my god,” I say in disbelief. “I see it. It really is there.”
“Of course it is,” he says smugly. “Let’s suction and pack this baby, shall we?”
We step out of the OR to the prep room and remove our gloves and medical masks.
“You were right,” I say as we head toward the sinks. “Is he going to be okay?”
We begin to wash our hands. “I think so,” Baekhyun says optimistically.
“But you don’t know that for sure,” I question.
“I know we stopped the paralysis from advancing.”
“But you don’t know if his current paralysis is permanent.”
“No,” he sighs.
“You take too many chances. You’re too risky,” I say as I wipe my hands. “How do you know what’s real and what’s not?”
“You just do,” he smiles. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me close. He pecks my lips and I smile into the kiss. “Like this. I knew this was real and so did you. You decided to take a chance on us. You just need to trust your instincts more than anything.”
“You’re right,” I say as I lean in for another kiss. We back away as soon as my pager rings.
I look down at the message and remove myself from Baekhyun’s embrace.
“I gotta go,” I say before giving him a quick peck before exiting.
After two hours of running errands, I get paged by Baekhyun again.
I knock on the door before walking into his office. “You paged?”
He looks up and smiles at me. “Yeah, just wanted to let you know that the patient is gaining feeling again.”
I sit on the chair across from him and smile. “That’s great. You did a good job.”
“We did a good job,” he corrects.
“I didn’t do much. You didn’t think so either,” I mumble.
“What do mean?”
“You practically gave me attitude during the entire surgery.”
“Well, you were doubting me.”
“You still didn’t have to embarrass me in front of our colleagues.”
“I wasn’t trying to,” he frowns. “Listen, Y/N. You may be my girlfriend, but when we’re in the OR, I’m your superior. You have to listen to me. I’m not trying to make you look dumb. I’m trying to teach you because I’m your mentor and I have more experience.”
He’s right, but I hate that he’s right. I’m stubborn and I’m really bad at people telling me what to do but I can’t help it. I like being in charge. But there is one thing I can be in charge of.
I get up and walk over to Baekhyun. His confused eyes follow me but soon become wide once I sit on his lap, each leg on either side, my arms around his neck.
I lean in and kiss him on the cheek and make my way to his ear. “You may be in charge in the OR but I’m in charge here,” I whisper.
I lean back and look him in the eye. Lust filled eyes look back at me as he places his hands on my hips. He opens his mouth to say something but I straddle his hips, causing a moan to come out instead.
“I’m in charge,” I say.
He nods frantically, begging me to do more.
As much as I want to, it’s not a good idea to do something here.
My reason getting the best of me, I get up off his lap and grab his hand to lift him up with me. “Let’s go to my place, and we’ll continue this from there.”
He groans and grabs my hips to prevent me from moving. “No, let’s just do it here. I can’t wait that long.”
“We might get caught, Baek.”
He let’s go of my hips and sprints towards the door and locks it.
He walks back to his previous position, hands on my hips again. “That’s why locks were invented, babe.”
He tries to lean in for another kiss but I lean back, swerving his kiss. “I’m serious, Baekhyun. We can get in trouble.”
“2 more.”
“I have two more 'sex requests’ left. I’m using one right now. You owed me three, remember?”
Oh crap, I completely forgot about our deal. “O-okay fine. What do you want then?”
“I want to fuck you so hard on my desk that you will no longer be able to walk.”
I gape at his sudden bluntness when he leans in and takes my lips in his, desperately kissing me. He walks me back a step or two when my back hits the back of his desk. He grabs the back of my thighs and lifts me up and places me on his desk, never breaking the kiss.
Everything is happening so fast, I barely have time to process what is happening. He grabs my ponytail and pulls it off, letting my hair fall and rest on my shoulders. He rolls his hips against my clothed core causing me to gasp in his mouth. He takes this opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth, completely dominating this kiss.
He reaches down, grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it off, briefly breaking the kiss. He quickly does the same with his and throws it somewhere in the room.
“Baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he mutters against my neck as he continues to place kisses there. He begins to suck on a particular part where a prominent vein is, causing more of an arousal. Being a doctor has its perks.
He reaches behind me and unclips my bra. He lets it fall somewhere in the room and immediately dips down to take one of the nipples in his mouth. His tongue flicks against the bud, causing my back to arch and take more of me in.
One hand is on the other breast, fondling it while the other travels south toward my private area. He pulls on the string of my scrubs and then proceeds to pull the rest down. I lift up my hips, allowing him to do it successfully.
He slowly begins to rub me over my underwear causing a loud moan to escape my lips.
Baekhyun looks up at me with a smirk, knowing he’s doing all the right things. His attention drifts to the other breast as his hand slips in my panties and begins to rub my clit slowly.
He leans back up and presses his lips against mine, trying to swallow all my moans and whimpers.
“Does that feel good baby?” he asks. “Do my fingers make you feel good?”
My voice wouldn’t come out so I just nod frantically.
“Say it,” he demands. “Say how much you love my fingers touching you.”
“I-I love the way you’re touching me, Baek. Please,” I plead. “I need more.”
He smirks and kisses my lips one more time. “Anything for you, babe.”
His fingers soon leave my clit and come up to his face. He sucks two of his fingers in his mouth, never breaking eye contact with me. He then lowers his hand again and inserts the two fingers into my entrance.
I tilt my head back and whimper as he begins moving his fingers in a steady pace.
He takes this opportunity to suck more bruises onto my neck, consequences no longer applying.
“Baek, Baekhyun, don’t stop,” I moan. I’m becoming wetter and wetter by the second. I need more.
I reach down and begin untying the string from Baekhyun’s scrubs. He seems to notice by the way he pauses on my neck but doesn’t stop me. He continues marking my neck as I push his pants down along with his boxers. I grab his free member and slowly begin to jerk him off. It’s hot and beginning to harden under my touch. Baekhyun’s movements become messy the more I touch him. His moans and grunts encourage me to go faster and squeeze harder.
“You like that baby,” I say, mimicking his teasing. “You like my hand on your dick? I can tell by the way you’re dripping.”
He groans but then curves his fingers in me, causing my hand slips a little.
“Oh fuck,” I moan.
My thumb plays with the sensitive head of his dick, going under the slit causing his actions to stop completely. I repeat what I’m doing, moans slipping out of his mouth.
He suddenly grabs onto my wrist and stops my actions. He grabs the waistband of my panties and pulls it down, both of us now fully naked. He reaches into his drawer and pulls out a condom.
He hands it to me. “Would you like to do the honors?”
I take it and open it with my mouth. I grab his length, to which he releases a grunt, and begin to roll it on. “I’m not going to ask why you have condoms in your drawer because I want you to fuck me already.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry babe. I’ve just been waiting for this moment for a while.”
He pulls me closer and begins to guide his length toward my entrance.
“You okay baby?” he asks concerned.
“Yes, just fuck me, Baek.”
And with that, he thrusts into me completely, holding onto my hips to prevent me from falling. He stays still for a couple of seconds, letting me get used to his size before thrusting back in with full force.
He continues on a steady rhythm, mouth connected to mine. The sound of skin slapping against skin and moans and groans fill the air. None of us thinking about the consequences anymore.
“You’re so tight baby,” says Baekhyun.
“Fuck, Baek.”
“I’m close,” he says.
“Me too.”
He reaches down and begins to rub my clit, overstimulating every action.
“B-Baekhyun,” I stutter.
“Let go, baby,” he whispers against my ear.
I bring my lips to his as I release, my moans being devoured by his mouth.
My walls clench as I cum causing Baekhyun to release as well.
His hips stutter and he sloppily rides out our highs.
Once we’re spent, he pulls out and throws the condom away.
He grabs his tissues and begins to clean me up.
“Thank you,” I say, my voice hoarse.
“No, thank you,” he says, smiling up at me.
I smile back and lean down to kiss his lips. I get up off his desk and begin to change back into my clothes.
We get dressed in silence, both of us satisfied with what happened.
After we’re both clothed, he grabs my waist and pulls me against him.
He smiles down at me in bliss and I return the gesture.
“Go meet me by your car,” he says. “I’ll be there in 5 minutes and then we can go to your place.”
He leans down to kiss my lips and I sigh in content. “Okay,” I say as I begin walking to the door.
I unlock it and walk out of the room. As I am about to reach the end of the hallway, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Jihyo step into Baekhyun’s office and shut the door behind her.
Calm down Y/N. It’s not a big deal. Baekhyun likes me and only me. I walk to the parking lot without looking back but Jihyo being alone with Baekhyun occupies my mind. It’s probably nothing.
My mind is so chaotic that I don’t notice when Baekhyun’s beside me. When I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and see a smiling Baekhyun.
“Let’s go,” he says.
“Yeah,” I mutter.
We get into my car and drive off to my house. Once we reach a red light, I turn to Baekhyun questioningly.
“Why was Jihyo in your office?” I ask directly.
“Oh, you saw that,” he says neutrally. “She just wanted to know if she can scrub in to one of my surgeries this week. But after the sex we had, she’s going no where near my OR.”
I chuckle. The light turns green and I continue to drive down the street.
“But in all seriousness,” he begins. “She was acting really weird when I said no.”
“How so,” I ask, keeping my eyes on the road.
“She was stuttering like she saw a ghost and then just stepped out.”
“That’s weird, but I’m sure that’s nothing,” I state.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’re right,” concludes Baekhyun.
Oh boy were we wrong.
A/N: Thank you so much for being patient, I hope ya’ll forgive me for taking so long. Please feel free to send me feedback.
Tease (M)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: one shot, angst, fluff and a little bit of smut
Word Count: 3,298
Request: for @shesdreaminginoverdose : Hi author-nim can I request 33 with Baekhyun fluff and a bit smut (*´艸`*)
Summary: (33- “Bite me” “If you insist.”) Ever since you moved next door to Baekhyun, you have been the victim of his teasing and you had enough.
A/N: Hey everyone, this is my first one shot from the prompt list I posted a couple days ago. I will try to post the other requests soon (btw I didn’t proofread so sorry if there are any mistakes). Enjoy!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

You run into school late, your hair everywhere and your breathing rigid. It’s your first time being late, your alarm clock not ringing for some reason.
Thankfully, you get to class before the teacher arrived. You walk into the chaotic classroom full of rowdy students talking, laughing, and throwing things around. You walk to your seat in the front of the classroom, planning on just studying when suddenly a body steps in front of you.
“Hey Y/N,” smirks Baekhyun.
You roll your eyes, not wanting to deal with him so early in the morning. “Move Baekhyun.”
“Aww, not feeling well babe?” He tilts his head to the side, stepping closer to you, so close that you feel his breath on your cheek. “Maybe because your alarm clock didn’t work?” He smirks.
You’re eyes widen. How did he know?
He notices your shock and steps back to laugh.
“How did-”
“How did I know?” He interrupts. “Because it was me, babe.”
Your fists clench in anger. “How did you get in my room? Did you climb through the window or something?”
“Nope. Your mom just let me in. I told her I had something to give you and she let me go in your room when you were at the library.”
You forgot to mention that Baekhyun happens to be your next door neighbor.
You close your eyes and inhale deeply trying to compose yourself. When you open your eyes, Baekhyun was close to you again. You gasp at his proximity, his mouth now by your ear.
“I might have taken something of yours during my visit to your room.”
He leans back to witness your expression. He really gets off of annoying you. You’re his favorite toy, he loves seeing what you can do if he pushes the right buttons.
“What did you take?” you ask through gritted teeth. You’re not giving him the satisfaction of giving in and blowing up. If you keep your composure, maybe he’ll eventually get bored of you and bother someone else.
What did you even do to deserve his ridicule? It all started when you moved in next door to him in the middle of the school year. Your mom got promoted which required for the move. You were depressed for a bit because you missed your friends so your mom decided to introduce you to your next door neighbor. Maybe if you met someone your age, you wouldn’t be so lonely anymore.
Oh god, was she wrong.
When you came over to Baekhyun’s house for the first time for dinner, you weren’t sure what to expect. You were planning on just being on your phone the whole time.
Baekhyun seemed like a nice boy at the time. He bowed to you politely and had a sweet smile on his face. You almost fell for it too until you were alone with him in his room after dinner.
“So do you like it here so far?” He asks from his computer chair by his desk.
“Yeah it’s okay,” you mumble from his bed.
“How were your friends from before?”
A smile formed on your face from the thought of them that you didn’t notice when Baekhyun came to sit next to you on the bed. “They were great. I miss them.”
You turn to him and smile, not thinking much of him next to you.
“What were they like?”
“I didn’t have many. I just had three really close ones. But that’s enough for me. They were all really caring and sweet and funny. Especially Chanyeol.”
“Did you like Chanyeol? Like more than a friend?” He presses.
A blush began to creep onto your cheeks. “Yeah. But nothing ever happened.”
“What would you have wanted to happen?”
You turn to him confused. “What do you mean?”
“Did you want him to ask you out?”
“Did you want him to kiss you?”
Your face reddens. “Yes.”
“Did you want him to fuck you?”
You’re eyes widen at his bluntness. You scoot away from him slowly, uncomfortable by the certain question.
“What’s wrong?” he asks innocently. His cute smile soon turned into a condescending smirk. “Did you not want him to?”
“That’s none of your business,” you say firmly. Who the hell was he to ask you these questions?
He scooted closer to you all while keeping eye contact.
“Did you ever think about him while you touched yourself?” He placed a hand on your thigh and caressed it lightly.
You stand up and walk across the room, far away from him. “What the hell is your problem?” you say with anger.
He puts his hands up in surrender. “I get it. You don’t want it. I respect your decision. But it was worth a try.”
You roll your eyes. At least he understands consent.
“But,” he smirks, “I’m still not going anywhere.”
“What?” you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion.
“If you don’t wanna fuck, that’s cool. But you’re fun to bother. I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.”
“Fuck off.”
“Don’t worry babe. I won’t touch you unless you want me to,” he winks.
“I’m leaving,” you say abruptly.
“Aww, why so soon? We were just getting to know each other,” he pouts. If it wasn’t for his shitty personality you would’ve thought he was cute.
You text your mom to tell her you want to leave but she texts you back with a no. You groan and roll your eyes.
“What? Mommy won’t let you leave? Guess you’re stuck with me,” he smirks.
You look around and spot his window. “No, I’m not.”
“What?” he asks confused.
You walk over to his window and look down for a way out. Luckily, there’s a pipe with grips that can be substituted for steps, making it easier for you to escape.
You begin to step out of the window and step on one of the pipe’s grips.
Baekhyun rushes toward you quickly, grabbing your arms. “Oh my god, what are you doing!? You could fall!”
“It almost sounds like you’re worried,” you smirk.
He doesn’t seem amused at all, fear still on his face. “Of course I’m worried! Get back in here before you get hurt.”
He tries to pull you up but it’s too late, you’re climbing down his window with ease.
Once you reach the ground, you look back up at a relieved Baekhyun. Awww maybe he does have a heart.
You shoot him a wink before heading toward your house.
That was the beginning of his shenanigans.
“Okay class, take your seats,” says your teacher.
“Meet me at my house after school,” Baekhyun says, leaving before you can say anything.
You take your seat and endure the rest of the day.
It’s finally after school and you go to your locker to grab the things needed for homework.
“Hey babe,” says a voice behind your locker. You close it to see a smiling Baekhyun.
“What do you want?” you ask exasperatedly.
“I thought you were going to meet me at home today? You know, to retrieve the panties I took from your room.”
“What?!” you yell, finally exploding. It’s been a long day. “You took what?” you say through gritted teeth while rubbing your temples.
His smile gets bigger as he finally hit a nerve. “Whoops, I accidentally let that slip. It was a surprise.”
You calm your erratic breathing before speaking. “I can’t come straight after school. I have tutoring.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were stupid enough to need tutoring?”
“I’m the tutor you dumbass.”
You begin walking away to the library to meet with the person you’re tutoring.
Every day, Monday thru Thursday, you tutor Sehun on math in the library. You were asked by your teacher if you could tutor Sehun for extra credit. You were hesitant at first but you never turn down extra credit so you agreed. You expected Sehun to be rude and annoying because he probably didn’t take the class seriously but in reality, he genuinely needed help. He wanted to do his best which is why he was the one who requested for a tutor. That made your job easier which is why you didn’t mind tutoring him.
You enter the library and see Sehun already there, waiting for you. He waves at you and you wave back as you made your way to the seat in front of him.
You didn’t notice Baekhyun had been following you until he pulled up the seat next to you.
You turned to him in confusion. “What are you doing?”
“I’m here for tutoring,” he smiles.
“No, I’m only tutoring Sehun. If you need help then we can schedule a tutoring date some other time.”
“No, it’s fine Y/N,” Sehun says, placing a hand over yours. “You can tutor us both.”
You look down at the hand touching yours and immediately blush. “Uh okay.”
Baekhyun stares at your hands touching and a scowl becomes visible on his face.
“So, let’s get started then,” says Baekhyun loudly, startling you into pulling your hand back.
“Yeah okay,” you mumble.
It started out fine, no interruptions except for the reasonable questions for clarification. It wasn’t until you assigned the problems for them to solve that things got out of hand.
Sehun and Baekhyun were attempting to solve a series of problems you assigned while you did your own homework.
“Y/N? Can you help me with this one? I’m stuck,” says Sehun.
You smile up at him as you make your way around to his side of the table. You crouch down next to him as you look at the problem.
“I can’t seem to get the answer I need to continue,” explains Sehun.
You nod in understanding and look over the problem. Little did you know that Baekhyun was staring angrily at the attention you were giving Sehun. He doesn’t know why he’s feeling this way. He doesn’t think he feels anything for you except for the fact that he likes bothering you. He likes when you give him attention and now that you’re giving it to someone else, he doesn’t like it.
“You forgot to transfer the negative in this step,” you say as you point out the mistake.
Sehun turns to you and smiles. “Thanks, Y/N. I get it now.”
“No problem,” you say as you ruffle Sehun’s hair.
You return to your seat and begin working on your homework again when Baekhyun taps your shoulder. You roll your eyes before turning to him with an annoyed look.
“What?” you snark.
“I just needed help with number six,” he says simply.
You blink confusedly. “Oh, sorry.”
You look over his shoulder and see that he’s stopped midway on the problem.
You turn to look at him, “Do you not get it from here?”
He shakes his head.
You nod and begin explaining the process. As you’re explaining to him the steps to continue, you feel his hand rest on your thigh, causing you to stutter.
You look at him and he gives you an innocent look. You stop explaining the problem and get up to sit next Sehun.
“Do you need any more help?” you ask Sehun sweetly.
“No, I think I’m done. Can you check my answers?”
“Yeah,” you say as you grab his worksheets and begin to correct them.
“You only got these two wrong,” you say, handing him back his hand out. You check the time and see that the two hours are up and it’s time to end the tutoring session.
“Okay Sehun, so these problems should help you with completing the homework but if you need help, you have my number so feel free to call me for anything.”
“Yeah, for sure. Thanks for everything,” he says as he pulls you in for a hug. You hug for a couple seconds before an awkward cough from Baekhyun interrupts the intimate moment.
“Oh, do you need a ride home?” asks Sehun. “Your house is along the way anyways.”
Baekhyun stands quickly and puts an arm around you. “No,” he says a little too quickly. He coughs awkwardly before continuing. “Actually, I was going to take her home. We’re neighbors anyway.”
Sehun looks at both of you awkwardly before nodding and walking away.
You turn to Baekhyun. “I’m not going home with you.”
“Yes, you are cause you still need to come to my house.”
You walk past him, out of the library and down the hall to the entrance of the school. You can hear his footsteps follow you but you don’t turn back. Once you walk out the front door, you stop and sigh as you notice how dark it has gotten.
“Just let me give you a ride,” persuades Baekhyun. “It’s dangerous out at this time. It’s only for a few minutes.”
You sigh before nodding. He places a hand at the small of your back, leading you to his car. You try not to think much of it until you feel his hand slowly slide down toward your butt. You shoot him a warning look before he rolls his eyes and places his hand back up on your back. Once you reach his car, he lets go of you and opens the door for you. You slide into the car and smirk.
“Wow, maybe you do have manners,” you tease.
He smiles back, “you know it, babe.”
He closes the door and slides into the driver’s seat.
The ride home wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. It was quiet but a comfortable quiet with the stereo quietly playing in the background as Baekhyun hums along to the song. He has a lovely voice but you’ll never bring yourself to admit that aloud.
Once parked outside of his house, he goes around and opens the door for you. You thank him quietly as he grabs your hand leading you in his house. Before you can object, Baekhyun’s mom has already seen you.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” she asks happily.
“She’s here to help me with some homework,” Baekhyun adds before you can speak.
“Oh, well that’s very nice of you. Don’t let me get in the way,” she dismisses herself.
Once she’s out of sight, Baekhyun grabs a hold of your hand again and leads you to his room.
It’s deja vu. You sit on his bed waiting for him as he closes the door. He comes toward you to sit on the bed but you stop him before he can.
“Nope. You sit over there,” you say pointing at his desk chair. He groans before dragging himself there, like a little kid who got grounded.
He turns to face you, smirk once again plastered on his face. Gosh, how you wish you could slap that smirk off his face.
“So,” you begin. “Where’s my underwear?”
“Oh, you mean these.” He takes out a pair of black underwear from his pants pocket.
Your eyes widen. “You had them on you the entire time?!”
“Yep, and I thought of you wearing them the entire day,” he smiles cutely.
You rub your temples again, trying to regain your composure. You take a deep breath before speaking again. “Can I have them back, please?”
You clench your fists, your breath becoming rigid. “Why not?” you ask through gritted teeth.
“Not until you answer some of my questions.”
“That wasn’t part of the deal. All I had to do was come here and get them.”
“I didn’t say that’s all you had to do.”
You take a breather before speaking. “Fine. What do you want to know?”
“Hmm, let’s start easy,” he taps his chin jokingly.
“Can you please hurry, Baek? I still have a lot of homework to finish.”
“Oh, I like the nickname. It’s cute.”
Your patience is running out. You’re usually tolerable of others but Baekhyun is another case. You’re not having any of his games anymore.
“Bite me,” you say as you stand up to retrieve your things.
“If you insist,” he says cockily.
Dumbfounded by his response, you didn’t comprehend when he came toward you and slammed his mouth against yours. It took you a while to comprehend what was happening until he tried slipping his tongue in your mouth. You almost moaned and gave in but stopped yourself and pushed him back.
“What the hell, asshole?” you wipe your mouth dramatically.
“What? You said to bite you, so I did.”
“Shut up,” you say as you take a seat on his bed again. “Okay let’s get this over with. What questions do you have?”
“How does Sehun know where you live?” he wastes no time complying.
“What?” you asked confused.
“He said your house is on the way to his when he offered to give you a ride. How does he know where you live?”
“Umm, whenever he needs extra help, he comes to my house to study,” you answered hesitantly.
“So I haven’t been the only guy in your room?”
“Have you fucked him?” he asks angrily.
“Baekhyun,” you warn.
“Answer the question or no panties.”
“No, we haven’t fucked. Are you happy?”
“Yes,” he blurts out before covering his mouth.
You eye him suspiciously, suddenly everything is hitting you. His constant teasing, his want for attention, him asking questions about Sehun. He’s jealous because he likes you.
You begin to smirk as you make your way toward him. He eyes you hesitantly, not knowing what’s going on. You decide that it’s your turn to tease him.
You suddenly sit on his lap, placing one arm around his neck and the other caressing his cheek.
His eyes are wide at your sudden confidence. His body stiff, not knowing what to do.
“Does little Baekhyun have a crush on me?” you begin to say as you caress his cheek.
“N-no,” he turns his head to the side to avoid eye contact.
You forcefully bring his face back to face you, looking at you submissively.
“Tell me the truth,” you say sternly.
His gaze falters as he speaks. “Okay, fine. I do.”
“You what? Say it.”
“I like you. I have since you got here.”
“Aww. So you do have a heart,” you chuckle.
He rolls his eyes but remains stiff.
“Are you jealous of Sehun?”
“Yes,” he says avoiding eye contact.
“Do you want me to touch you?” you ask seductively.
He breathes rigidly before answering, “y-yes.”
Your hand goes from his cheek to down his chest and torso to his growing bulge. This is easier than you thought. You touch his bulge gently and his hips automatically thrust forward. You chuckle at his desperateness.
“Impatient, aren’t we?” you tease.
“Please, Y/N. Please touch me.”
“Of course.” You slowly begin to massage him through his pants, eliciting moans from him. You eventually move your hand faster and harder, making him groan into your neck, his hands grasping the arm rests. Soon you feel him twitch through his pants. Once you think he’s about to cum you reach into his pocket and snatch your panties. You get up from his lap and gather your things.
He looks up in discontentment, wondering why you stopped when he sees you packing your panties in your backpack. He’s in complete and utter shock of what just happened. You lead him on just to retrieve your underwear.
“See you tomorrow,” you wink at him before exiting his room.
He sits there, still not believing what just happened. He can’t believe you played him like that. You got him to admit that he liked you, you made him hard, and you made him beg for your touch. All while managing to leave him sexually frustrated with a hard on that will be hard to relieve.
He underestimated you and you left him feeling humiliated. He looks across his window and sees you doing your homework as if nothing had happened.
Boy, is he whipped.
A/N: Thank you requesting and please give me feedback.
unpopular opinion (controversial maybe)
I know this might be controversial but I feel like I have to say it because it's a pet peeve of mine and I think some of you agree. But I don't like it when certain kpop fanfiction writers who are not Korean and most likely do not speak Korean use part of the language in a messy way and butcher it. Like by all means speak Korean if you want but once you've had a decent amount of education and knowledge on it. Like the only 4 words you learned from Korean dramas don't count. I'm talking about constantly using "oppa~" and "jagi~" or "saranghae" and "annyeong". It's not only cringy but it's kind of insulting. I mean I'm not Korean, I'm Mexican-American (which means I speak Spanish), but I understand what it's like for someone to have an interest in my culture but not take the time to properly research it and get to know it past what the media shows. And I'm not the only one who feels that way, a bunch of my Korean friends say the same thing. My friend Jin always gets texts from this one Koreaboo trying to speak to her in Korean (with no Korean education) but butchers it and it literally infuriates my friend. But my point is if you are going to use the Korean language in your fanfics, please do your research and take the time to appreciate and not appropriate the culture. (Btw I'm not calling out any specific accounts or authors because I respect their work, I'm just speaking in general from what I've seen.)
Saving Lives pt. 10
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: series, doctor!baekhyun au, fluff, angst, smut
Word Count: 4,190
Warning: Swearing, and sexual innuendos
Summary: You’re about to start your internship in Seoul’s most prestigious hospital but before you devote your whole life to medicine, you decide to have one more night of freedom. But, what happens when that one night follows you to your job in the hospital? (inspired by Grey’s Anatomy)
A/N: I’m so sorry I took forever, probably over a year, to update this fic. I’ve been super busy with college stuff and I was barely using social media. But now I’m on summer break and I’m ready to start writing again. But just for future references, if I ever stop writing this fic again, just know that it’ll probably be a temporary hiatus because I will try my best to continue and finish the fic. Thank you so much to those who have patiently waited for an update and have constantly messaged me asking for another part, I hope I didn’t let you all down. Anyway, enjoy!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Part 10
I lazily park my car in the hospital parking lot. I hiss, still sore from yesterday's fiasco in Baekhyun's office. He seems to notice from the passenger's seat and chuckles while running to the driver's side to help me out of the car.
"I hate you," I say as I cling onto him.
"You provoked me," he defended.
"But you didn't have to be that rough," I say, straightening myself out.
"Don't lie, I know you liked it."
"Shut up," I retort as we walk into the hospital and go our separate ways.
I head to the locker room to see Chanyeol and Chen getting dressed.
"Morning," says Chanyeol sweetly.
"Good morning," I say back.
"Hi, ugly," says Chen.
"Morning, dumbass," I smile back at Chen.
"Don't argue you guys," says Chanyeol. "And Y/N's not ugly, she's gorgeous."
Chen and I both turn to each other and laugh.
"Thanks, Chanyeol but that's how we speak to each other," I say nonchalantly as I get dressed.
"Yeah lover boy, they're terms of endearment," says Chen. "Some people call their friends buddy or cutie, and we call each other ugly and idiot, things like that."
"That shows that we love each other," I say as I begin to head out the door, Chen and Chanyeol following.
"I want to get in on the names too," whines Chanyeol.
Chen and I laugh again, causing Chanyeol to groan irritably.
"Sorry Chanyeol but you're too sweet for that," I say.
"What? No I'm not," defends Chanyeol.
"Yes you are dude. You're too sensitive. Once Y/N calls you a stupid or something, your poor heart will break into a million little pieces."
"No it won't. I don't even like her anymore."
"You just called her gorgeous a minute ago," argues Chen.
Before Chanyeol can retort, Dr. Kim cuts into our conversation.
"You still like Y/N?" he asks without looking away from his clipboard.
"No I don't," whines Chanyeol.
"Yes you do, it's only been like two days since you confessed," says Chen.
"It's okay Chanyeol. I find it adorable," I say as I go on my tippy toes to ruffle his hair.
"Where's Jihyo?" asks Dr. Kim.
Before any of us can say anything, Jihyo comes running up to the group.
"I'm here. Sorry I'm late," she says out of breath.
I turn to look at her and notice something familiar. My eyes widen as I notice she's wearing my lucky ponytail. How did she get a hold of it? Where did I last leave it?
All of a sudden, hot memories of Baekhyun and I in his office come to mind. I remember he yanked off my ponytail and left it on his desk. She must have seen it when she came in after me. Does she know something?
She notices me staring and smirks. Okay so she definitely knows something.
Chen nudges me and whispers, "Hey, isn't that your lucky ponytail?"
"Yeah," is all I managed to say before Dr. Kim begins to speak again.
"Chanyeol, you're with Dr. Byun. Chen and Y/N, you'll be doing charts and labs. Jihyo, you'll be with me. Go and save lives people."
She looks me up and down before chuckling and walking away with Dr. Kim.
Chen and I start walking to the nurses' station where the charts are at.
"Are you going to tell me why she has your lucky ponytail?" Chen asks.
"I don't know why she has it," I state.
"Then how did she get it?"
"I accidentally left it at Baekhyun's office and she came in after me and must have taken it."
"Why was it in his office in the first place?"
My cheeks begin to turn red as I turn away from a judging Chen. He seems confused at first but then he gasps and covers his mouth.
"You did not," he says in disbelief.
"Yeah," I say embarrassingly.
"On his desk?"
"No wonder you've been limping," he states.
"What the hell? I'm not limping. I'm just a little sore."
"God Y/N, you two are savages."
"Shut up," I say as we reach the nurses' station. We grab a handful of charts and walk to the library.
"Damn Miss Goody-Two-Shoes, I would have never thought of you as the rebellious one to have sex at work," Chen smirks.
"It wasn't my idea," I argue.
"That new boyfriend of yours has you doing some shady shit."
"Shut up Chen. You're just jealous because you can’t get any."
"Oh, trust me. You're getting enough for the both of us."
We walk into the library and set the charts down in a secluded area. We begin working while chatting on.
"So, what do you think Jihyo knows then?" asks Chen.
"I don't know but I know she definitely knows something. I should talk to her."
"No, don't," says Chen. "Then that'll conclude her hunch. She doesn't know anything for sure so you being confrontational will definitely reassure her theory that something's up."
"I can't just do nothing about it. She knows something and I need to know what before it blows out of proportion. Plus, she has my lucky ponytail."
Chen rolls his eyes as he speaks. "You know what? I'll talk to her. And get your ponytail back."
My eyes light up, "Really! Thank you, Chen! I love you!"
"Yeah but you owe me."
"Anything!" I look him dead in the eye.
"Help me get with that nurse on the second floor of the north wing."
"Oh," I said disappointedly. "She's really pretty. That's going to be kinda hard Chen."
"Then no ponytail."
I groan. "Fine, I'll do it. I'm good at talking you up anyway."
"I know, and that's why we're best friends."
I go back to working on the chart when Chen adds, "isn't Chanyeol with Baekhyun right now?"
"Yeah, so?"
"Doesn't Baekhyun know that Chanyeol likes you?"
"Uh huh," I say skeptically, still not understanding what he's getting at.
Chen rolls his eyes. "Doesn't that leave Chanyeol in danger of your psycho boyfriend?"
My eyes widen. "Holy crap. I completely forgot about that. I mean I kinda spoke to him about calming the hell down but I still don't know if he'll stick by it. Maybe he'll just scare Chanyeol a little. Nothing he can't handle."
"This is Chanyeol we're talking about. He can't handle anything," retorts Chen.
I chuckle, "Have faith in him Chen. I'm sure he's doing just fine."
After several hours of working, we head out for lunch.
Chen and I are seated at a table when Chanyeol joins us.
"Hey," says a shaking Chanyeol.
I look concerned, "Are you okay?"
He looks at me and then something behind me before looking back down at his food quickly.
I turn around to where he was looking and see Baekhyun standing across the cafeteria with a smirk. I roll my eyes and attempt to get up. I almost fall back down hard on my chair until Chen catches me and picks me up.
Chanyeol stands up too, worry in his voice. "Oh my god, are you okay?"
I chuckle amusingly. "Yeah just a bit sore," I say before walking toward Baekhyun across the cafeteria.
"Sore?" I hear Chanyeol ask Chen. "Sore from what?"
"You don't want to know," says Chen.
When I finally reach Baekhyun I motion for him to step outside the cafeteria so we can talk.
Once we're in a secluded hallway outside the cafeteria, I speak. "What the hell did you do to Chanyeol?"
"I just scared him a little," Baekhyun smirks as he takes a step forward and wraps his arms around my waist.
"He's basically shaking Baekhyun," I say sternly. His charming ways having no effect on me.
"I just told him to watch himself when he's around you and he basically pissed himself."
"Are you sure?" I ask skeptically.
"Yes, I'm sure. How can you think so little of me?" He turns his head away in fake anger.
"I don't. I just think you're a really jealous person."
"So are you," he retorts.
"I know. We're jealous people but we still need to keep each other in check."
He scoffs. "For someone so much taller than me, he does get scared easily."
I laugh. "Yeah I know."
Baekhyun looks down at me smiling before leaning in for a kiss. Once his lips are on mine, hands on my waist, memories of yesterday come flooding back again. His roughness, the hotness, my ponytail. My ponytail!
I lean away from Baekhyun suddenly, his lips still trying to attach onto mine as I lean away.
"I need to talk to you," I say suddenly.
"What's wrong?" he asks worriedly.
"When do you have time?"
"After lunch, Chanyeol and I are going to review the scans. We can talk then."
I nod. "Okay good. I'll meet you then."
"What's wrong?" he attempted once more before I was out the door.
"Look who's back," says Chen as I take my seat next to him.
"I have to finish my lunch," I shrug.
"Are you sure you don't want to finish him off instead?" He laughs, turning to Chanyeol to see him looking down at his food again. "Shit, sorry Chanyeol. I keep forgetting."
Chanyeol doesn't say anything which causes Chen to panic. He turns to me. "Quick Y/N, show him your boobs."
"Fuck off," I roll my eyes. "Show him yours."
We see Chanyeol lift his head up and chuckle at our bickering.
"Oh, by the way," I say to Chanyeol. "Baek promises to be nice. And I'll be with you in the scanning room to make sure."
"What about me?" Chen whines. "You're going to leave me all alone?"
"Fine,” I roll my eyes. “You can come too.”
Once we've chatted and finished our food, we get up and head toward the scanning room.
I knock before we enter to see Baekhyun looking at a wall full of X-rays. He turns around and smiles when he sees me, walking up to me to give me a kiss. Before his lips can touch mine, I lean my head away and place my hands on his chest.
He looks at me skeptically. "Why can't I kiss you?" He furrows his brows, "Is this what you wanted to talk about? Are you here to break up with me?"
"What? No," I say shocked. "I just don't want to kiss you in front of these two." I motion back toward Chen and Chanyeol.
Baekhyun looks at the two and sees an uncomfortable Chanyeol. He seems to realize that the real reason for my hesitance is because of Chanyeol's feelings and backs away to sit on his chair.
He looks a bit angry but stays quiet nonetheless. I feel bad for treating Baekhyun like this. It's not his fault Chanyeol has feelings for me. So, I go over to him and squat down in front of him so I can peck him on the lips. I lean back to see his expression. Once I see his expression of content, I speak.
"Okay so the real reason I wanted to talk to you is that I think Jihyo knows about us."
Baekhyun scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"She knows about our relationship."
"Are you sure? How?"
"I'm 95% sure. She told Chen that she's convinced that I'm dating someone and now she's wearing my lucky ponytail that I accidentally left on your desk."
"Why was it on my desk?"
I cough awkwardly, "You, uh, yanked it off, yesterday."
Baekhyun's face looked confused for a couple of seconds but then his mouth formed an O shape in understanding. "Oh, that."
Chen bursts into laughter leaving Chanyeol confused.
"I don't get it," Chanyeol tells Chen.
"You don't want to, trust me," says Chen between laughs.
"Okay so what are we going to do?" He all of a sudden smirks excitedly. "Are you going to fight another woman for my love?"
"I don't like you that much," I mumble sarcastically.
He gasps in shock before I start laughing. "I'm kidding. But no, I'm not fighting anyone. Chen said he's going to talk to her first and see if he can resolve some things. I'm just letting you know we have to be more discrete than ever."
"I think we've been pretty discrete," says Baekhyun.
"Not discrete enough apparently. As much as I hate to say this, I think you shouldn't pick me to scrub in on your surgeries for the next couple weeks. At least until we're in the clear."
A sudden gasp is heard from the corner of the room. Chanyeol covers his mouth immediately. "Sorry, it just reminds me of the dramas," he mumbles.
"Why are they here again?" asks Baekhyun.
"Chanyeol's your intern for today and Chen follows me everywhere."
"Hey! No, I don't!" exclaims Chen.
"You tried entering the girl's restroom with me today."
"That's because it smells better than the boys," he mumbles.
"Okay, okay. We're getting off topic," I say slightly chuckling. "We're going to get back to work. I'll update you if anything changes, okay?"
Baekhyun nods and leans in to give me a goodbye kiss on the lips. I gratefully return it before speaking again. "This is the last kiss under the hospital's roof from now on."
"What?!" yells Baekhyun.
Before he can say anything else, Chen and I are out the door.
It's almost the end of the day and I was paged to tend in the emergency room. Chen took this opportunity to talk to Jihyo for me while I did work for the rest of the night.
It's been 20 minutes since Chen left and our shift is almost over. I'm in the locker room changing out of my clothes when Chen comes in a bit distraught.
"So, what happened?" I asked eagerly, stopping all my movements.
He looks a bit annoyed. "Can you put on a shirt first? That bra is unflattering."
I huff in anger as I pull my shirt on. "Okay, happy? Now, what did she say?"
"She was so complicated. She doesn't want to tell me anything. I literally made no progress and just wasted my time. She won't even give me your stupid ponytail."
"What the hell is her problem?" I say exhaustedly.
"One more thing. She said she won't talk to anyone besides you and Baekhyun."
My eyes widen. God, she definitely knows something. She knows exactly what's going on.
Chen noticed my worry and gripped my shoulders in reassurance. "Just ignore her. Maybe she'll stop bugging if you pretend like nothing's happening."
"Okay. I'm going to go. Thanks for trying." I pat him on the shoulder as I make my way past him out the door.
I walk to the parking lot as I see Baekhyun standing by my car.
He waves at me as I make my way toward him. I force a smile on my face as I lean into his embrace.
He seems to notice how tense I am because he leans away still holding me while looking me in the eye. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm just cold. Let's just go home."
He nods slowly as he lets me go to the driver’s seat.
Once we're both on the road, I can feel Baekhyun looking at me questioningly. I turn to him once we reach a red light.
"Do you want me to drop you off at your place or do you want to spend the night?"
"I want to spend the night."
I nod and turn back to the road as the light turns green.
"Hmm?" I reply.
"What's wrong?"
"Don't say it's nothing when it's obviously something. Please don't lie to me. I want you to be able to trust me and come to me whenever you need to. I'm your boyfriend for god’s sake."
He's right. I've been pushing him away when all he wants to do is help. This situation concerns him too so he has every right to know.
"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just this whole Jihyo thing has me all fucked up. She's making it so difficult for me to go by my day and I just don't know what to do. I'm probably blowing this way out of proportion but I can't help it when my reputation is in her hands."
Baekhyun hums in understanding.
We arrive at my place and I head straight to the couch while Baekhyun goes to the kitchen.
I close my eyes for a bit when suddenly Baekhyun comes in with two mugs of tea. He hands me one and I accept it gratefully. He sets his on the coffee table in front of him then turns to me to grab my free hand and look at me.
I look back at him for a bit before I scrunch my eyebrows mysteriously to which he addresses.
"What?" he asks.
"How come I've never been to your place? Now that I think about it, I don't know much about you."
"You don't want to see where I live."
"Yes, I do."
"All in due time."
"You're so sneaky," I squint my eyes playfully at him.
He smiles at me teasingly. "Isn't it more fun that way?" he says as he takes a sip of his tea.
"You know I'm not going to let this go, right?"
"I know." He leans in and kisses my lips briefly before I back away.
"By the way babe, you're going to have to start driving yourself to work now."
"What? Why?" he whines.
"To remain discrete about our relationship."
"Gosh, I'm going to miss having car sex."
"Okay, that was one time and never again."
"Why not? It was fun."
"It was until Minseok knocked on the window because we were blocking his car. That was so humiliating."
"You shouldn't have been humiliated, babe. You looked so hot. You should have been proud."
"Shut up and go to sleep," I say as I put down my empty mug. "We have a long day tomorrow."
"Okay, let’s go to bed," he says as he grabs my hand and leads me to the bedroom.
It's been two weeks since the whole Jihyo thing and she still has my ponytail.
I've learned to let it go to avoid confrontation. Everything seemed to be going well until the whole hospital was forwarded a picture of me and Baekhyun kissing in a hallway.
I didn't know about it until an hour later. I was working with Dr. Kim today and was working on the last stitch of an injury when he tapped me on the shoulder, halting my movements, and showed me his phone with the picture.
I gasped but then coughed irrationally to hide my shock.
"Come see me after you finish his stitches," he says as he exits the operation room and washes up in the prep room.
After the stitches, I exit to wash my hands and meet Dr. Kim.
"What the hell is this?" he raises his voice.
"I don't know. I don't even know where it came from."
"Does Baekhyun know?" he asks calmly.
"I don't know. I've been with you the whole time."
"Just pray it hasn't leaked to the whole hospital."
He and I exit the prep room and walk into the hallway to see almost all the staff staring at their phones and murmuring about the photo. We walk calmly to the nurses' station to avoid any unwanted attention.
Dr. Kim holds out the folder with the charts to hand to the nurse but she is distracted by the photo, talking about it with her other nurse colleague. Dr. Kim coughs, gaining the attention of the apologetic nurse.
"S-sorry Dr. Kim," she says as she grabs the folder and places it on the desk.
"You should get back to work instead of staring at that damn phone," he warns.
"Yes-s you're right, S-sir." She looks apologetic before raising her head curiously and leaning in to ask Dr. Kim. "S-sir, you're really good friends with Dr. Byun. Do you happen to know who the female is in the picture?"
"Are you kidding me?!" Dr. Kim raises his voice. "This is a professional environment and you ask me such nonsense. How about you act like you belong instead of asking stupid questions."
He walks away from the ashamed nurse as I follow him. As we walk, we hear people wondering who the mystery girl is kissing Dr. Byun.
I let out a sigh of relief.
"Don't get too comfortable," mutters Dr. Kim. "It's only a matter of time before you get figured out. People will be looking into it nonstop."
"Do you really have to rain on my parade?"
"Are you really going to talk to your boss like that?" he quirks an eyebrow in challenge.
I huff in anger but stay quiet nonetheless.
"You can go on your lunch break now," he says as he turns the corner, leaving me standing alone.
"What the fuck is going on?" asks Chen as he sets his tray down in front of me. Chanyeol takes a seat next to him.
"I don't know. But it's fine for now, people don't know it's me."
"Not for long, Jihyo came up to me saying this was a warning."
"What the fuck is her problem? You know what, I'm going to talk to her. Where is she?"
Chen's eyes grow wide. "You're going to talk to her. Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure, now where is she? Where was the last place you saw her?"
"She was in the hallway by the radiation lab."
I walk to where Chen told me she would be. I turn the corner to a secluded hallway and saw her standing there on her phone. She noticed me approaching her so she put her phone away and smirked at me.
"Hey, Jihyo," I say skeptically.
"Hello Y/N, how are you?" she asks pretentiously.
"I'm fine but I'd be better if I had my ponytail back," I say pointing at the top of her head.
"Oh, was this yours?" she asks feigning cluelessness.
"Yeah, it is. That's kind of unsanitary, don't you think? Wearing other people's hair ties and not knowing where they came from. For all you know I could have lice."
At the mention of lice, she immediately yanks the ponytail out of her hair and throws it at me. It lands on the floor and I immediately pick it up and place it in my pocket.
"Thank you," I say happily.
"You didn't win you know. I still have more pictures," she says cockily.
"First of all, that's creepy. And second of all, what’s your problem? What the fuck did I do to you?"
"You seriously don't know what you did? That shows how much of a bitch you are."
"Or that shows how psychotic you are."
"I liked doctor Byun first!" she shouts, making the hallway echo.
You stay quiet for a second before speaking. "Is this really what it's all about? Over a boy?"
"That isn't the point. The fact is that you knew I liked him and decided to snatch him from me."
"I didn't snatch him away," I sigh. Should I tell her the truth? I mean she already knows most of what's going on. "I was together with doctor Byun before we interned here. I didn't steal him away from you, I already had him."
Jihyo suddenly became silent. She hesitates for a moment before saying quietly, "that's not true. It can't be."
"It is."
She suddenly becomes angry. "No, it's not true. You're just a whore who can't keep her legs closed. And if you don't break it off with doctor Byun right now then I'll release all these photos and videos all over the hospital and ruin your life."
“Seriously, Jihyo what the fuck is your problem! Why can’t you just let it go? He’s not the only guy in this hospital, fuck he’s not the only guy in Korea.”
“He is to me!” she yells.
That leaves me in awe. She really sees him as her everything. She’s more invested than I thought.
She begins tearing up as she speaks. “You don’t understand how much I’ve idolized him since I’ve set my eyes on him. He’s the reason I pursued medicine and why I applied for this internship in this hospital; where I would work under him and be next to him. And you took that all away from me.”
My breath was caught in my throat. “I-I didn’t know.”
“Of course you didn’t,” she laughs sarcastically. “How could you when you’re all over him?”
“I’m sorry Jihyo,” I say quietly as I look to the floor.
“If you’re really sorry then break up with him.”
I look up at her and am met with a determinant glare. “I-“
“Or I’ll ruin your career,” she interrupts. “You choose.”
“Even if I break up with him, that doesn’t mean he’ll love you back.”
“I’ll make sure he will. So, what will it be? Him or your career?”
A/N: I hope it was worth the wait.
Hi, everyone! This is where I will be keeping everything I have written. This content is copyrighted. There is no duplication or translation allowed unless given permission. (Last updated on January 17, 2022)
(M) = smut

One shots:
Midnight Snack - Jungkook x Reader
The Golden Ones (M) - Jungkook x Reader
Best Friend of my FWB (M) - Jungkook x Reader, Jimin x Reader
BTS reacting to you falling asleep on them

One Shots:
Into You (M) - Luhan x Reader
Saving Lives (M) - Baekhyun x Reader
Tease (M) - Baekhyun x Reader
EXO reacting to you saying yes to being their girlfriend
EXO reacting to you burning yourself
Tease pt. 3 (M)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: angst, fluff and a little bit of smut
Word Count: 2,032
Summary: Ever since you moved next door to Baekhyun, you have been the victim of his teasing and you had enough.
A/N: Hi, everyone! I finally posted after such a long time. I had the worst writer's block with this series but an update is finally up. Hope you enjoy it. I’ll make sure to update more often.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Part 3
You couldn’t believe what had happened. You rush into your room and throw yourself on your bed, laying on your back as you stare at the ceiling recollecting the memories of what just happened tonight. The one time you think Baekhyun is being vulnerable, you let him in and he fucks it up and lies about it. You can’t believe you let him perform oral sex on you and he just left you there like some begging, desperate, bitch.
Oh but this isn’t over. He better not think that you are going to step down and submit to this humiliation. You begin to derive a plan to leave him as humiliated, perhaps even more so than he did to you. Once you’ve come up with a solid plan you go to bed, ready to begin the process on Monday.
Baekhyun walks into class Monday morning with a smirk on his face. This was going to be the first time he sees you since he left you panting at Suho’s party. Once he makes eye contact with you, he couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
You look back at him and smirk as well which causes his smile to falter. What’s going on, he thinks.
Your teacher soon begins class and tells everyone to settle down.
“Okay, everyone settle down,” says Ms. Kim. “Today I’m going to put you all into pairs for the upcoming project on the figurative devices and symbolic significance of Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet.’”
Baekhyun has no interest on the pairs until he hears his name. “Baekhyun and Y/N. You’ll be together,” his eyes widen. He looks up from staring at his desk and looks at you to see you just staring straight at your teacher, no reaction or surprise on your face.
Once class ends, he rushes toward you as you head out the door.
He grabs your shoulder and you turn around to face him with an exasperated sigh.
“What do you want Baekhyun?” you say as annoyed as ever.
“Nothing,” he smirks. “Just wanted to see how you were and all.”
“I’m great. Thanks for asking,” you say as you turn back around and walk away. However, he is persistent as he runs over to catch up to you as he walks next to you, too close for your comfort.
“Because you know, it didn’t seem like it at Suho’s party,” he chuckles.
“Fuck you.”
“Anytime babe,” he winks at you as he leaves you to meet up with your friends.
As soon as the bell rings indicating the end of the day, Baekhyun heads straight to your locker to wait for you.
He waits for several minutes when he sees Sehun pass by.
Baekhyun reaches out a hand and stops him. “Hey, where’s Y/N?”
“I don’t know. She canceled her tutoring session with me because she said she has a lot of work to do.”
Baekhyun nods as Sehun walks away. Maybe you’re getting a head start on your project together, thinking that he wouldn’t do any of the work. Well, you’re wrong, he thinks.
He enters his home, ready to set his stuff down and head over to your place when he hears his mom talking and laughing with someone. She usually has no company over so he peaked his head in the kitchen.
“Hey mom, who are you-“ he says as his heart drops at the sight of you chatting up his mom.
“Baekhyun, come and say hi to Y/N.”
“What are you doing here?” he ignores his mom and glares at you.
“She’s here to do your project with you,” says his mom. “So be nice. Take her to your room and I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”
He continues to glare at you as you just smile feigning innocence.
He groans before turning around and leading the way to his room. You follow suit as you enter his room. You go straight to his bed and sit comfortably as you take out your stuff.
“So I was thinking we can work on foreshadowing for our-“ you start.
“What are you doing?” asks Baekhyun as he closes his door.
“Our project.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I really don’t.”
He groans and goes to sit next to you on his bed. “Okay, whatever.”
You open your laptop. “I think we should watch some review videos first and then begin the PowerPoint.” You pull up some links and play the videos.
It’s been half an hour of you both watching videos that Baekhyun began to get bored. He looks around the room for something entertaining but his eyes kept landing on you. He smirks to himself as he took in your sight. You’re not even wearing anything too special but a t-shirt and jeans but he manages to find interest in you nonetheless.
He suddenly places a hand on the inside of your thigh and starts rubbing it up and down.
You look at him in confusion. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing. Just watching this boring video.”
“You’re bored?”
He nods his head which sparks an idea.
You set your laptop on his counter next to his bed. You turn to face him as you speak. “You want to do something fun then?” you ask with a smirk.
Baekhyun is taken aback by your sudden boldness but can’t resist nodding yes.
With that, you grab his cheek and lean in and kiss him. He’s in complete shock that his lips aren’t moving and his hand on your thigh stays still.
You flutter your eyes open and back away from the kiss slowly to see Baekhyun staring forward still in shock.
“Was this not what you had in mind?” you ask innocently. “I mean you put your hand on my thigh, I thought-“
“You thought wrong,” he retaliated. He is not going to give in like last time. He won’t make a fool out of himself again.
You place a hand on his thigh this time. “Are you sure? You really don’t want to kiss me anymore? Or touch me?”
He gulps, and closes his eyes, trying to concentrate. He really wants you but he can’t give in to your temptation.
This is where you pulled out the big guns. You put your legs around Baekhyun’s and place your arms loosely around his neck as you straddle him slowly causing him to open his eyes. You lean in and begin to kiss his jaw down to his neck and suck softly. He moaned at your actions, cursing himself in his head.
You move your lips to his ear before saying, “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” You lean back a little to look him in the eye as you still straddle him slowly. His breathing is staggered and his pants are getting tighter. But he still has some fight left in him. Right when he opens his mouth to protest, a moan leaves your lips causing him to lose it.
“Fuck it,” he says before grabbing your hips and helping you straddle him harder and faster. He leans in and attacks your lips with want. You moan into the kiss causing him to groan. “You sound so hot when you make those noises,” he says as he attaches your lips together again. He sticks his tongue in your mouth and you gasp but still reciprocate his actions.
You’re both moaning and grunting and breathing heavily in your own worlds of lust that when Baekhyun’s mom knocks on the door calling you both for dinner, you jump off of Baekhyun’s lap so fast and fall to the floor, landing with a hard thud.
“Ow,” you yelp before a worried Baekhyun comes around and hops off the bed.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” he asks frantically as he kneels down next to you, holding your shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit startled is all,” you say as you get up off the floor. “Let’s go eat dinner before your mom has to call us again.”
You walk out the door and leave a speechless Baekhyun in his room. This all happened so fast, it was hard for him to process what had just happened, especially with the boner he still has. Nonetheless, he adjusts himself in his pants before heading to the kitchen. He sees the table set up and sees you sitting next to his mom at the square table. He decides to sit on the other side of his mom, facing you. You’re chatting with his mom about school.
“So, Y/N how’s school?” asks Baekhyun’s mom.
“It’s been great. I have good grades, good friends. School’s good,” you say.
“She even tutors this stupid guy in math,” Baekhyun chimes in.
“He’s not stupid,” you defend. “He’s just slow. But he works hard to attain what I teach him.”
“See Baekhyun,” says his mom. “Why can’t you be more like that boy? Y/N you should tutor Baekhyun. His grades can be better.”
You begin to chuckle as Baakhyun whines to his mom.
“It’s been a while since you’ve been here, it’ll be nice to see you more,” continues his mom.
“Yeah, it's great being back. I actually requested to the teacher to put Baekhyun and I together for this project.”
Baekhyun chokes on his water surprised and begins coughing.
“I missed coming over and I wanted to hang out with Baekhyun again so I thought it would be a great idea to work on our project together,” you smirk.
“That’s a great idea,” says Baekhyun’s mom. She turns to him and says,” See, she’s trying to help you.”
With that, Baekhyun feels a foot being dragged up his leg. He knows it’s yours but refrains himself from looking at you and continues to eat his food.
You drag your foot up his leg, down his thighs before settling it above his crotch, not touching it yet. You thank this small table that you can easily get to Baekhyun. You slowly place your foot on his crotch that caused Baekhyun to gasp.
His mom looks at him weirdly. “What’s wrong Baekhyun?”
“N-nothing,” he stutters. “I just remembered something. That’s all.”
His mom hums in understanding as she continues eating her food. You also eat your food nonchalantly as your foot slowly starts rubbing against Baekhyun’s bulge. He’s gripping his chopsticks tight that his knuckles are turning white.
He attempts to eat something as his hands shake. You and his mom are having small talk all while you’re rubbing her son under the table.
The dinner went excruciatingly slow for Baekhyun as you all finished eating all the while you were rubbing and pressing your foot up against Baekhyun’s crotch. You get up and help his mom do the dishes as Baekhyun sprints to the bathroom to compose himself.
He’s gripping the sink and looking at himself in the mirror as he tries to control his breathing. He’s not sure what your plan is but he’s becoming more paranoid by the second. Do you want him, or do you want to mess with him? He’s not sure but he’s going to find out. He leaves the bathroom and goes straight to his room to confront you only to realize you and your stuff are not there.
He heads to the kitchen to find his mom. “Mom where did Y/N go?”
“Oh, she said it was getting late and that she should head home to finish other homework and that she’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
Baekhyun nods before heading to bed. He lays on his back with his eyes closed, and his hand in his pants are he strokes himself at the thought of you on him, kissing him, straddling him, moaning because of him. Every stroke becomes sloppier as he thinks of how your lips felt on his, how you tasted. He then remembers the first time when you palmed him through his pants. And that’s when he loses it and cums all over his hand and pants.
His breathing is heavy as he composes himself from his orgasm. He has to find out what your motive is. He has to get you back. He’ll start first thing in the morning.
A/N: Hope it was worth the wait even though this was a short chapter.
Tease pt. 4 (M)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, smut for sure
Warnings: foreplay, eating out, blowjob, exhibitionism if you squint, public sex basically, I’m not good at describing smut just know it’s graphic
Word Count: 7,004
Summary: Ever since you moved next door to Baekhyun, you have been the victim of his teasing and you had enough.
A/N: Hi everyone, I want to start out by apologizing for taking super long to update. I’m going to be honest, so many things came up during my college experience, whether it was the crazy amount of school work or just personal issues, that hindered my ability to continue writing and update. But I promise I will try to be more consistent. I have found a new source of inspiration to write and am hoping it remains with me for a while. I am now in my last year of college and I believe I started this account about to enter my first year of college so it’s been a long journey. And thank you to those who have been with me throughout all of it. I appreciate every single one of you and I hope this extra long chapter makes up for some of my absence. Anyway, please enjoy and thank you once again for understanding me and supporting me. ~admin L
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Part 4:
Baekhyun is laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing a mile a minute. He wasn’t sure of anything anymore. This back and forth thing you both have going on is starting to become confusing for him. He’s second guessing all your intentions that he’s not sure what’s real and what’s not. Regardless, he gets up and prepares for another day at school.
Well in this case, he wasn’t prepared. He walks into the classroom and tries his best to walk to his desk without acknowledging you. It’s too early for this ambiguity to mess with his head again. Once he sits down, the teacher comes in and everyone quiets down.
“Okay everyone make sure you take everything with you, the buses are outside already,” says Ms. Kim.
Wait, hold up, thought Baekhyun. What buses?
“Also, you have to stick with your partners at all times. This will help you all with your upcoming projects.”
That’s right! There was field trip today to the theater to go see Hamlet live. He completely forgot about the field trip and didn’t come prepared at all.
The class begins getting up and walking out of the classroom. Baekhyun gets up quickly and follows the class. He knows he has to be with you throughout this entire trip but he’s scared of what might happen with you at his side the whole time. He rushes toward the school bus to be one of the first people in. He strategically decides to sit in one of the middle rows.
He sits on the window seat waiting for you to come into the bus. Once he sees you come in, he turns away and looks out the window. You walk over to him and sit next to him in silence. The tension is thick so you decide to say something.
“Umm so-“ you begin.
Baekhyun turns to you quickly. “Don’t even think about it?”
“What are you talking about?” you ask confused as hell.
“Don’t try any of your weird mind games and try to flirt with me to get me all flustered,” he says seriously but quietly. “I sat in the middle on purpose so I can have potential witnesses around us to make sure you don’t do anything.”
“Okay,” you say slowly, looking at a paranoid Baekhyun.
“Okay?” he asks confused.
“Okay. I won’t do anything.”
He stares at you suspiciously before speaking again. “Okay. Good. Well I’m going to take a nap. Don’t you dare do anything to me while I’m asleep.”
“First of all, that’s sexual assault Baekhyun so I wouldn’t dare touch you without your consent. And second of all, do what you want. You don’t have to tell me all of this.” With that you put your earphones on and look forward, breaking eye contact with Baekhyun.
He looks at you suspiciously for a little longer before closing his eyes to fall asleep. The theater was an hour away so that gave him a good amount of time to nap. He has drifted to sleep when he suddenly hears students shuffling and footsteps moving. He slightly opens his eyes to see you face-to-face with him, eyes closed, clearly sleeping with your earbuds still in. He stares at your sleeping features: your eyelashes gently resting on the apples of your cheeks, your soft, calm expression, your hair slightly covering part of your face, your plump, supple lips. You look so beautiful when you sleep that he was distracted examining your features when a student passing by said, “Baekhyun, let’s go.”
He looks around and sees the last batch of students exiting the bus. He gently shakes your shoulder to wake you. You open your eyes slowly to see an angelic Baekhyun in front of your face, light illuminating from the window behind him like some holy figure.
You blink a couple of times before you see his lips move, mouthing some words. You take off your earphones. “Sorry I couldn’t hear you, what did you say?”
“It’s time to go,” he says calmly, trying not to alarm you in your sleepy state. “Everyone is off the bus already.”
You look around and see no one on the bus. You grab your stuff, get up quickly, and walk down the bus. You thank the bus driver as you exit and see that the class is not so far ahead so you slow down your strides. Baekhyun catches up to you in silence. You take this time to stretch your sleepy limbs in attempt to wake your body up to give your full attention to this play.
“Thanks for waking me up,” you begin. “I guess I also needed to nap as well.”
“I mean you were in my way, so I had to wake you up,” Baekhyun says.
“Yeah, but knowing you, you could have managed to leave me there by jumping over the seat in front of you or something.”
“That does sound like something I would do,” chuckles Baekhyun.
You laugh as well as you both approach the people in your class. You’re all waiting to get into the theater, mingling and chatting as the teacher gets things settled with the staff.
“You know you snore when you sleep,” teases Baekhyun.
“Shut up,” you jokingly retort. “How would you know? You were asleep too.”
You and Baekhyun are both messing around when suddenly Chen from your class approaches you.
“Hey Y/N,” says Chen smiling.
“Hey Chen, what’s up?” you say.
“I wanted to know if you wanted to sit next to each other during the play,” Chen says rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “You always have good things to say in class, maybe we can bounce ideas off each other.”
“Oh, sur-“
“Aren’t we supposed to stick with our partners?” interrupts Baekhyun.
Chen looks at Baekhyun, acknowledging his presence for the first time since he approached you both. “Right,” said Chen with gritted teeth. He turns back to you, “So how about we all sit together? Me, you, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo.”
Before you can say anything, Baekhyun answers. “We’ll see how things are inside.”
Before Chen can retort, Kyungsoo calls after him as the class begins entering the theater. He walks away in a huff leaving a smiling Baekhyun.
“You’re annoying, you know that?” you say to Baekhyun as you start moving forward into the theater.
“Or so I have been told,” says Baekhyun humorously.
You all enter the lobby of the theater and gather around your teacher. “Okay class, remember to be on your best behavior. You’re all representing the school in there and we don’t want them thinking you’re all a bunch of troublemakers,” says Ms. Kim, looking at Baekhyun when she said troublemakers.
Baekhyun scoffs in disbelief and turns to you as he points at himself in shock, questioning if she was talking about him. You giggle and nod. He rolls his eyes as Ms. Kim continues. “Now line up and get your tickets. Remember to sit with your partners inside.”
You and Baekhyun get in line to get tickets from Ms. Kim. After a few minutes, you both reach the front of the line, Baekhyun receiving his ticket first from Ms. Kim. She holds the ticket away from him before saying, “On your best behavior Baekhyun, got it?” Baekhyun rolls his eyes and nods as he receives his ticket from a hesitant Ms. Kim.
“I trust that you will keep him in check Y/N,” says Ms. Kim as she hands you your ticket with ease.
“Of course, Ms. Kim. I’ll make sure he stays put and quiet,” you say reassuringly, chuckling as Baekhyun groans from the side.
You both walk toward the entrance of Theater 1 before you turn to Baekhyun. “I’m going to stop by the restroom real quick. Save me a seat yeah?”
He nods as you walk in the opposite direction and he enters Theater 1.
After a few minutes, you’re on your way back to Theater 1. As you walk across the lobby, you look into the open doors and realize that your class are the only ones attending this play, no one from the public in attendance. Well it makes sense, who else would watch a Shakespeare play on a Tuesday afternoon. You hand the theater attendant your ticket stub at the entrance of Theater 1. As you enter the theater, you notice that the majority of your class is sitting at the front of the theater, close to the stage in the center section. As you walk down the isle you feel an arm reach for you and yank you into one of the back rows. You gasp as you turn to the left to see Baekhyun grabbing your hand. He finally takes a seat, looking at you still standing with your backpack on. He lightly tugs at the hem of your skirt. “Sit down, the play is about to start,” he says.
“But the rest of the class is up there,” you say pointing at the class gathered at the front of the theater. “And we told Chen we would sit next to him.”
“Well technically we didn’t agree to anything,” starts Baekhyun. “And it’s too crowded up there, someone probably took the seats next him anyway. Plus I want to take a nap and I know you like peace and quiet when you’re taking notes so it’s best that we stay secluded from the class in case they make noise.”
You roll your eyes, “You are the noise Baekhyun.”
He rolls his eyes, “Whatever, just sit down. It doesn’t matter where you sit and the play is about to start.”
Just as you were about to retort, the theater lights started flashing, indicating for everyone to take their seats. You groan as you sit down next to Baekhyun, setting your stuff down next to you as you take out a notebook and pen to take notes. You look up and notice Chen looking around the theater, presumably for you, as the lights start to dim, declaring the start of the play. You assume Chen couldn’t see you since it was extra dark on your side of the theater.
You suddenly felt something heavy on your shoulder, turning to the left to see Baekhyun’s head leaning on you, snuggling into the crook of your neck.
“What are you doing?” you ask Baekhyun.
“I’m getting comfortable,” he says nonchalantly as his eyes begin to close.
You stare at the top of his head for a few seconds, considering what to do. You weren’t sure how you felt about the close proximity but then again there’s no harm in letting him sleep on you. You turn back to the stage and begin watching the play.
The play started out slow, eventually leading to the drama. The play finally got interesting as the actors began fighting and yelling, getting really into their characters. You were on your forth page of notes when you feel Baekhyun lift his head up slowly with squinted eyes as he turned to look at the stage and then at you.
“How much longer do we have?” says Baekhyun in a groggy voice, his voice deeper than usual from waking up from his nap. You would be lying if you didn’t think it was hot.
“We just past the half way mark,” you say taking in his sleepy form in the dim light coming only from the stage. His hair is a little messy, his eyes are squinted, he has a relaxed expression plastered on his face. He looks kind of cute that you just want to ruffle his hair.
He notices that you’re staring at him and coughs awkwardly, making you blink a few times. “What?” says Baekhyun. “Is there something on my face? Do I have drool on me?” His eyes widen as he profusely begins to wipe the side of his mouth.
You chuckle as he you grab his hand to make him stop his actions. “No, you’re hair is just a little messy from the nap.”
You reach over and begin to caress his hair gently, trying to calm down the stray, out of place hairs. Baekhyun stares at you as you softly smile, lightly touching his hair. He loves when people play with his hair that he has to stop himself from letting his eyes close in pleasure. Butterflies begin to form in his stomach that he grabs your hand from his head and puts it down slowly. You stare at him confused as he avoids eye contact with you.
“It’s okay,” begins Baekhyun. “You don’t have to fix my hair.”
You stare at him a little more, wondering why he won’t look you in the eye. “Baekhyun?”
He finally looks up, making eye contact with you. “Yeah?”
“You’re still grabbing my hand,” you say as you look down at your hands on the arm rest.
He immediately lets go and looks forward at the play.
Baekhyun needs to calm down, he thinks to himself. His heart is racing at the intimate moment that he had to stop you before he let himself fall even further. He knows you don’t like him the way he likes you, but why do you keep making it seem like there’s a chance when no one is around. It’s like all there ever will be with you is sex, and he wants more. But you’re not at that place yet. So all he can do is play along, and act like the annoying kid next door to keep being next to you, even if that means never being anything more than friends (with benefits), if you can even call yourself friends.
So Baekhyun decides to put on the act again. He turns to you as you’re taking notes and snuggles into your neck. “I’m bored,” he whines.
You roll your eyes, knowing this was bound to happen sooner or later. “What do you want me to do about it?”
Baekhyun looks down at your exposed thigh from your risen skirt and places a gentle hand there. “I want to play with you,” he says in the crook of your neck, causing shivers to go down your spine.
You grab his hand and place it on his own thigh. “Play with yourself.”
Baekhyun chuckles as he backs away from your neck. “If you insist,” he says as he begins to undo his belt.
Your eyes widen as you instinctively reach over and place your hand on top of his, trying to stop his actions. You notice that your hand is really close to somewhere you shouldn’t be and you remove your hand in embarrassment, blushing at the scene. “Are you fucking kidding me Baekhyun?”
Baekhyun chuckles as he sees you blush. You immediately go through your backpack and take out a few bills, Baekhyun eyeing you suspiciously. You grab his hand and place the bills in it. “Here, buy yourself something to eat. Anything to keep that mouth of yours occupied.”
He rolls his eyes but gets up nonetheless. He can use some snacks, he thinks. You accidentally drop your pen as Baekhyun is passing by in front of you.
“I’ll get it,” he says as he bends down onto one knee to pick up the pen near your shoe. Once he picks up the pen, he realizes he’s crouched right in front of you, very little space between you both. You also notice the small proximity you are both in and your breath hitches in your throat. He hands you the pen which you slowly grab from him. He remains where he is and slowly picks up one of your legs and starts kissing your ankle. You gasp at the action but don’t say anything as he kisses up your leg to your knee. He looks up at you to see your reaction and your pupils are dilated and your chest is rising quickly.
“W-what are you doing?” you ask in a breathy voice.
“You told me to occupy that mouth of mine, so I am,” he says innocently like he isn’t on his knees on the floor in between your legs with his hands rubbing up and down your legs.
“Well I didn’t mean it like this,” you say.
“But can I continue?” he asks as he places his hands on your thighs, and rubs the up and down slowly, the tips of his fingers pushing the hem of your skirt higher and higher.
You want to rub your thighs together, to feel something, but you don’t want him to know how much you want it. So you just nod.
He begins to kiss your thigh higher and higher and once he reaches the hem of your skirt, he grabs the back of your knees and spreads your legs as places each leg on each arm rest. You are completely exposed to him and you don’t seem to care. Your impatience is getting the best of you as you feel yourself getting wet every second. Baekhyun looks up at you as he kisses the inside of your right thigh, slowly inching toward your clothed core. He raises your skirt all the way as he gets closer to your panties. Once he reaches your underwear, he lays his tongue flatly against your core, feeling how wet you already are. You whimper at the feeling of his tongue above your underwear. But you’re no longer patient.
“Please,” you begin to plead.
Baekhyun looks up at you. “Please what baby? I need you to use your words.”
“Please, eat me out,” you say breathily, not caring about your pride anymore.
Baekhyun was slightly taken aback by your bluntness and your willingness to easily give in. He hooks his fingers on the waistband of your panties and slowly starts dragging it down as you lift your hips to help him pull them down with ease. He places it in his back pocket as he begins to kiss the inside of your thigh again. He spreads your legs farther apart again and then grabs your waist as he pulls you forward, closer to edge of the your seat for better access.
You’re completely exposed at this point, the play being an after thought in your head. Baekhyun licks up your thigh until he reaches your core. He slides one of his fingers up and down your core to feel that you’re already wet. He makes eye contact with you as he licks his finger, tasting your juices. He then goes straight for it and swipes his tongue across your pussy. You arch your back in response. He does that a couple of times before sucking on your clit, humming in satisfaction but also causing vibrations to stimulate your pussy. You immediately reach for his head and begin to pull his hair in response. He moans at the feeling, liking when you get rough. He lays his tongue flat against your core before licking at your hole. You whimper as you grab his head and push him closer to your core than he already is. He pushes his tongue in and out of your hole as his thumb plays with your clit. You moan at the sensation and realize you’re starting to make a lot of noise. You try to hold in all your noises but with Baekhyun working his tongue in and out of your hole, you find it hard to care about your surroundings. Baekhyun backs away a little before sucking on two of his finger before pushing them inside your hole with ease. You’re so wet that his fingers just slide in there like nothing. Baekhyun moans at the feeling as he slides his fingers in and out of your hole. He then leans down again and begins sucking on your clit again, causing the sensation to release a whimper from you. Baekhyun begins pumping his fingers quicker and further before curling his fingers inside you. He continues to suck on your clit and the sensation is starting to become too much that you start pulling on Baekhyuns hair again.
“Baekhyun,” you say breathlessly, causing Baekhyun to moan on your clit, the vibrations stimulating you to arch your back. “I’m close. I’m close,” you say as Baekhyun speeds up the pumping of his fingers and sucks harder on your clit. Your breathing becomes uneven and your moans become louder when he finally hits that spot, causing you to arch your back and close your thighs around his head, pushing his head closer to your core with your hands. He can feel you coming as he pumps into you more and more. He begins to slow his movements as you come down from your high. You release the grip of your thighs and hands when your sense of euphoria subsides. Baekhyun slowly removes his coated fingers from your hole and begins to suck on them while keeping eye contact. You bite your lip at the scene in front of you. He then leans down and licks at the all juices coming out of you, causing you to arch your back at the over stimulation. Once he was done, you reach over, grab his head, and bring him up for a kiss. You slip your tongue in his mouth and taste yourself as he reciprocates the kiss. Your mouths are moving feverishly against one another until you both hear foot steps walking up the isle. You immediately push Baekhyun off you as you close your legs and bring your skirt down to cover yourself. Baekhyun takes the seat next to you as if nothing had happened. He takes off his denim jacket and places it on your lap for extra security as you grab your notebook and pen. You look at him and smile before turning your attention to the stage. It is right then when you have a flashlight shined on you and Baekhyun.
“Are you both alright?” asks one of the theater employees lowering his flashlight after seeing you both squint.
“Yeah, we’re fine,” you say.
The employee squints at both of you suspiciously, “I heard some noises coming from around here.”
“Oh, that was probably his snoring,” you say as you point at Baekhyun. “He’s been sleeping throughout the entirety of the play.”
The employee shakes his head in disappointment, “You should really pay attention kid. It’s not everyday that you get taken on a field trip. Take some notes like your friend here.”
The employee walks away as you chuckle to yourself.
“Did you really blame your noises on me?” asks a playful Baekhyun.
“I’m sorry,” you say in between laughs. “What was I supposed to say? Besides it was basically your fault.”
“I guess I will take responsibility for that,” Baekhyun chuckles.
You turn to him and notice that you left his hair a mess from all the pulling. You reach over and pat his head as you fix his hair. He stops laughing and looks at you.
“Sorry, I think I left your hair a mess,” you say as you fix his hair.
He just stays silent so you look at his face, not realizing how close you both were to one another. He has a beautiful, soft face when he’s not bothering you. You subconsciously lower your hand from his hair to his cheek. You caress his face before leaning in and placing your lips on his gently. He’s in shock at first but then closes his eyes and reciprocates the kiss. You both were like this for a minute or two before the sound of clapping interrupted you. You lean back and look around as Baekhyun’s lips follow you before opening his eyes and noticing that the play is over. The lights slowly turn on so you quickly start gathering your things.
“Come on,” you tell Baekhyun as you hand him his jacket that was on your lap. “We have to go before people see us.”
Baekhyun scrunches his face in confusion but gathers all his things. You grab his hand and drag him out of the theater and into the lobby.
“Ummm, why did we have to leave so quickly?” asks Baekhyun.
“Because the class was getting up and they were going to see that we were alone,” you say.
“Why does it matter if they see us alone or not?”
Before you can answer, the first batch of students start entering the lobby. You close your mouth and look at the students piling in. Next thing you knew, you were being dragged by Baekhyun into a secluded hallway that led to the supply closet.
Once he was sure you were alone, he turned to you and said, “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” He sounded so hurt that you realized how your actions and words might have been mean and hurtful.
“No, I’m not embarrassed of you. I just-“
“You just didn’t want Chen seeing us together? Or anyone else at that.”
“No it’s not like that. I don’t care about Chen. I guess I just didn’t want people to assume things.”
“Like what? That you could possibly be interested in me?”
“Listen Baekhyun, I don’t even know what’s going on between us. We’re not even together so why does it matter?”
He was taken aback by this. It’s true, you weren’t together. But why did it feel like you were sometimes? Why did you both do things like you were together? Why did you speak so nicely to him when you were alone? Why did you joke around with him like you were so comfortable with his presence? He didn’t know how to answer to this.
You notice that he’s in his head and stumped so you decide to speak. “How about this? How about today we forget about everything? We’ll do whatever we want. We can just be together and enjoy each other’s company and not care about anything or anyone. But we have to talk about whatever this is going on between us later. But today we’ll just have fun together.”
You look at him expectantly, waiting for a response or reaction. He gives you a small smile and nods. You smile back as you turn around and start walking away. You stop mid track, causing Baekhyun to bump into you.
“Why did you stop?” he asks.
“Can I have my underwear back?” you say as you cross your legs.
Baekhyun chuckles. “How about I give you my jacket to wrap around your waist? I kind of want to keep them,” he says with a wink.
You roll your eyes, but nod nonetheless. Baekhyun takes off his denim jacket and begins to wrap it around your waist for you.
“I’m not going to have anymore underwear if you keep taking them Baekhyun.”
“I’ll just buy you more then,” he says nonchalantly as you both begin to walk in to the lobby again.
You notice that the last batch of students are leaving the building so you both rush to exit with them. You both are the last ones to enter the school bus with most of the seats at the front taken. Most of your class is gathered together in the bus, talking and messing around that they pay you both no mind. You grab Baekhyun’s hand and lead him to the back of the bus, leaving multiple rows in between you both and the rest of the class.
Ms. Kim stands at the front of the bus and after making sure that every student has entered the bus. “Okay class, we will have lunch at a park on the way back to school. The school has provided you all with lunches if you have not brought your own. Just because we will be outside, doesn’t mean you can still misbehave. I expect a lot from you all.” With that, Ms. Kim takes her seat and the bus is off.
You and Baekhyun talk about miscellaneous things throughout the bus ride, laughing to yourselves. You look forward and notice that Chen keeps turning around, looking at you and Baekhyun. Baekhyun looks at your line of vision and sees Chen turning around as well as he tries to keep up with the conversation around him.
“If you want to sit with them you can,” says Baekhyun.
“No, I’m okay being here with you.”
“You don’t have to force yourself to say that,” says Baekhyun with a forced smile.
“I’m not forcing myself to say anything. I want to be here with you. I’m the one who brought us to sit in the back anyway.”
Baekhyun hums in response, but still not convinced. You decide to be bold and lean into his ear and say, “I brought you back here for a reason.”
You lean back to look at his reaction. He turns to you confused, but intrigued. That is when you gently place your hand above his clothed crotch. Baekhyun raises his eyebrows in a sign of understanding.
“Right here? On the bus?” he asks looking around.
“Yeah why not? You basically did the same thing in the theater.”
“Yeah, but we were really far away from the class. We’re only a few rows away.”
“Well then I guess you have to make sure you don’t make as much noise as me then,” you say as you move your hand to his belt buckle. You begin to undo his belt before you undo the buttons and zipper on his pants. You look up at him expectantly, waiting for him to give you the go. He looks at you and nods. You reach inside his boxers and take out his already hard cock. You lick your hand and suck on your fingers slowly, making eye contact with Baekhyun the whole time. He lets out a shaky breath as you bring your hand down and grab his member lightly. You slowly begin to pump him, making sure to go agonizingly slow. Baekhyun just faces forward, trying to seem inconspicuous. You chuckle a little at his actions before gripping him a little harder. You swipe your thumb across the tip, spreading the leaking precum around. Baekhyun bites his lip to prevent himself from making noise. You look around for any wandering eyes before leaning down and licking the tip lightly. You give it a few small kisses before putting more of him in your mouth. Baekhyun grips the sides of his seat as you continue to go down on him. You take him out of your mouth and begin to lick from the base to the tip, then sucking lightly. Baekhyun let out a deep groan. You smiled at his reaction. You take more of him in your mouth and start bobbing your head as Baekhyun’s head leaned back against the seat, eyes screwed shut. You do that a few more times before you feel him twitch in your mouth.
“I can’t- I can’t last any longer,” says a breathy Baekhyun.
You briefly take him out. “Cum in my mouth,” you say before taking him back in. You bob your head a few times before pushing yourself as far as you can, feeling him hit the back of your throat. At that you feel warm spurts of cum hit the back of your throat. You swallow every drop of him before you remove your mouth off him, licking your lips in content. You sit up straight and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. You smile at him as he is trying to catch his breath. He looks at you all tired, even though you did most of the work. Once he’s caught his breath, he puts himself back in his pants and zips his pants back up.
“That was amazing,” he says with a lazy smile.
“I had to keep up with the great performance you gave back in the theater,” you chuckle. Baekhyun laughs along with you. You feel someone’s eyes on you and turn to see Chen squinting at you both confused. Before you can over think anything, the bus suddenly stops.
Everyone faces forward as Ms. Kim stands up. “Remember, grab all your stuff and be on your best behavior.” With that, you all get up and start walking off the bus. You all gather around the teacher as she stands by the side of the bus. She opens the side storage area to reveal some boxes.
“I need some people to help me get the lunches out and place them on the tables over there.” Ms. Kim points at some tables near by. Baekhyun immediately walks up and grabs a box.
“Thank you Baekhyun. This is a pleasant surprise,” says Ms. Kim, eyeing him up and down suspiciously. You stare at his arms flex from carrying the heavy box, causing you to subconsciously bite your lip. He smirks as he places the box on the table.
Once all the boxes are in its place, Ms. Kim speaks. “Grab a lunch if you want, or you can just roam around the park. We’ll be here for an hour and a half. Just make sure you stay in the park the whole time.”
People approach the boxes and groan when they see its terrible school food, but still grabbing some because they are hungry. Baekhyun starts to walk toward the boxes before you reach out and stop him. He turns around and looks at you confused.
“I brought lunch,” you say. “Its enough for both of us.”
Baekhyun smiles and nods. You both walk toward a tree and sit against it. You open your backpack and take out a turkey sandwich, a bag of potato chips and bag of apple slices. You give Baekhyun half of your sandwich and put the rest of the food in between you both. Baekhyun thanks you before staring at the sandwich for a couple of seconds.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
“Does this have cucumbers?” he asks nervously.
“Yeah why? You don’t like cucumbers?”
He shakes his head no like an embarrassed kid.
You chuckle at his reaction. “Give them to me. I’ll eat them.”
Baekhyun grabs the two slices of cucumber from his sandwich half and places it in front of your face. “Open your mouth.”
You open your mouth and he feeds you the cucumbers. You happily receive them as he watches you eat with such verve.
“Thank you,” you say once you’ve eaten them, smiling. Baekhyun smiles at your childish nature that he hadn’t seen before.
He looks down at his hand and sees that his fingers are stained with mayo from the sandwich. “Do you have a napkin?” he asks.
“No need,” you say as you grab his hand and begin sucking on his index finger. Baekhyun bites his lip at the hot sight as you move onto his middle finger. You remove his fingers from your mouth as you lick your lips.
“In front of the kids, miss Y/N?” asks an exaggerating Baekhyun.
You roll your eyes, “Everyone is still getting their lunch, Mr. Baekhyun. Plus you looked really delicious carrying those boxes. I wanted to have a taste for myself.”
“Just doing my civil duty ma’am,” says Baekhyun jokingly. You both chuckle before eating your lunch. As you eat your lunch a couple of your classmates sit around you both and begin engaging in playful conversation about everything and nothing. You’re all joking around, saying a bunch of nonsense.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you two were dating,” says Mina, one of the girls in your class.
“Yeah, you two seem really close lately,” says Minhyuk, another boy from your class. “You’re usually at each other’s throat.”
You all begin to chuckle. “I decided to take a break from yelling at him since it’s a field trip,” you jokingly say.
“So you’re not dating?” asks Chen, as he approaches your group of friends and sits down with you all.
Baekhyun eyes him seriously before you speak. “No we’re not dating. We’re just good friends. We also live next door to one another.”
“I couldn’t find you at the theater,” starts Chen. “Where were you?”
You raise an eyebrow. “We were sitting toward the back. I entered the theater last so I decided to sit in the back to not make a disturbance. Plus the quietness in the back helped me concentrate when taking notes.”
“What about in the bus?” continues Chen. “You were both sitting in the back. And you disappeared for a bit.”
“What are you? Her father?” asks Minhyuk. “Why are you interrogating her bro?”
“I’m just curious about her whereabouts,” shrugs Chen.
“I was sleepy, so I laid down on one of the seats,” you start. “That’s probably why you couldn’t see me after checking on me so many times.” You cock your head to the side as to challenge Chen.
Chen looks surprised at your intimidating stare. “I-I was just under the impression that we were going to sit together is all.”
“Well, things came up,” you say. “Sorry I couldn’t be by your side every second.”
The students around you start snickering at Chen’s embarrassment. Chen looks down in defeat, indicating the end of your conversation. Baekhyun is just smiling by your side, admiring at how you intimidated Chen with ease. He’s finally not the one at the end of your wrath.
“Can I lay on your lap?” asks Baekhyun. “I’m kind of tired.”
You nod and he places his head on your lap looking up at you.
Your classmates begin to ooh and awe at the sight. You roll your eyes as you begin to play with Baekhyun’s hair. He closes his eyes as he feels your fingers run through his hair.
Minhyuk turns toward Mina and says, “Why don’t you ever do that for me?”
“You never ask,” says Mina shrugging.
“Can I lay on your lap?” asks Minhyuk, trying his luck.
“Nope,” says Mina smiling.
You all begin to laugh. The rest of the stay at the park was light hearted and filled with laughter and jokes. It wasn’t until Ms. Kim announced for everyone to come back in to the bus. You sit next to Baekhyun in the middle with all your friends. The trip back was quiet, everyone exhausted from the long day. You didn’t notice when you fell asleep on Baekhyun’s shoulder but you were woken up by your classmates once you all arrived back to school. You noticed that Baekhyun was also sleeping, resting his head above yours.
You grab his thigh and shake him lightly. “Baekhyun, wake up. We’re back at school.”
Baekhyun groans as he lifts his head up and looks around at the students leaving the bus. He stretches his limbs to wake himself up before you both get up and leave the bus. You all gather around your teacher standing in front of the school.
“School is over in a few minutes so you’re all allowed to go home if you would like,” says Ms. Kim. She enters the school as everyone decides to disperse outside.
Baekhyun turns to you. “Do you want a ride back home?”
You nod so you both start walking toward his car. He opens the door for you and you thank him gratefully.
You’re both riding in the car in comfortable silence before Baekhyun speaks up. “It was a great day today.”
“It was. I needed that break.”
You’re both in silence again so Baekhyun speaks up again. “So do you want to talk about us?”
You look at him before turning back forward. “Let’s talk about it another day. I want today to just be about today. It was a great day. Let’s keep it that way.”
Baekhyun nods, happy that he doesn’t have to have this conversation right now.
He pulls into your driveway before turning to you. “Make sure to give me a 5 star rating,” Baekhyun jokes.
You chuckle, “Will do.” Before you can turn around and step out of his car, Baekhyun caresses your cheek and pulls you in for a kiss. You happily return the favor and stay like that for about a minute or so. You lean back smiling before saying, “Okay Baekhyun. I really have to go, I have a lot of homework to do.”
Baekhyun pouts. “Okay, one more before you leave.”
You roll your eyes jokingly before leaning in for one last kiss. “Okay that’s it,” you say before stepping out of his car.
Baekhyun rolls down his windows to see you off. As you begin walking you stop mid step, and turn around.
Baekhyun looks confused, “What’s wrong?”
“Your jacket,” you say as you touch the tied sleeves around your waist.
“Keep it,” says a smiling Baekhyun. “Think of it as a trade.”
“But this is more expensive than underwear.”
“Then I guess I’ll take more of your underwear later,” he says as you roll your eyes. “No, but seriously. You can keep it. I have more denim jackets in my closet. Plus it looks better on you anyway.”
You smile and nod before turning around and entering your house.
Baekhyun pulls out of your driveway and goes into his right next door. He enters his house and goes straight to his room.
You are both now laying on your respective beds and thinking about how well the day went. But what does that mean for you both?
Baekhyun took this as a good sign that you were both heading toward the right direction in your relationship. You on the other hand were still skeptical about the whole thing.
Yes it was a good day, a great day actually. But was it just a good day because you were out and about or would things be different at school too? And you’re not used to this Baekhyun. What if he goes back to being the annoying asshole from next door once again? You just weren’t sure what was going on but decided that maybe it’s a future problem. You both lay on your beds reviewing the events of today and analyzing how to go on from there.
A/N: Thank you so much once again for your patience and I will be sure to come out with more writing soon. I am already half way through writing the next chapter for this fic so please make sure to be on the look out for it soon.
Tease pt. 5 (M)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, smut for sure
Warnings: fingering, slight exhibitionism, slight spanking, just plain ‘ol sex ya know? there’s probably more, but I can’t think of it right now
Word Count: 5,688
Summary: Ever since you moved next door to Baekhyun, you have been the victim of his teasing and you had enough.
A/N: Hey everyone, I know I’m the worst and I’m not consist with updating, but here is another chapter. I’m already half way done with the next one, if that makes up for anything, but I hope you enjoy this chapter. (p.s. I just graduated college and I’m employed now, but hopefully I have more time to write)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Part 5:
Things between you and Baekhyun have been great, but confusing. For the past week (since the field trip), you two have been acting out of character, and many people around you have noticed. Particularly, the lack of fighting amongst you two seemed extremely suspicious. But when asked about your relationship, you would both just say you’re friends now and that you don’t mind each other’s company anymore.
Something else that is out of character for Baekhyun is that he drives you to and from school every day now. It would be a routine: you would drive to school together, park in the school parking lot, make out for a minute or two (thank god for tinted windows), and go on with class as if nothing happened. You two wouldn’t even hang out with the same groups, but would come back together after school to go home. The drive back would be slightly different. You would drive back together, but park in the drive way of an abandoned house two streets down from both of your houses. You would then proceed to make out and do other NSFW things before dropping you off at your place and getting on with the rest of your life, which mainly consisted of homework and napping.
Today was no different, however, you had other plans. You’re both in Baekhyun’s car, parked in the abandoned house’s drive way. Baekhyun is sitting in the driver’s seat, slightly reclined as you straddle him, sitting on his lap with your knees on each side of him. You’re both making out heavily, messy and passionate as you both moan and groan at the sensations of your bodies rocking back and forth, basically dry humping. Baekhyun’s hands are on your ass as he helps you straddle him faster. When you feel like you’re about to lose it, you stop. You back away from Baekhyun’s lips and press your hands against his chest to give you some distance between you both.
Baekhyun looks extremely confused. “What’s wrong?” Baekhyun’s mind is wandering and you can tell he’s worried he did something wrong.
“Nothing. I just - let’s go to my place,” you blurt out.
“Isn’t your mom home?” asks a confused Baekhyun.
“No, she left for a business trip today. She won’t be home for two days. So we’ll have the house to ourselves,” you say shyly biting your lip, waiting for Baekhyun’s response. You weren’t sure if maybe Baekhyun thought you were moving too fast or if this was something too intimate for whatever the hell is going on with you both.
But he puts your mind at ease when he cracks a smile and nods. “Okay, let’s go.”
You smile back and climb off of his lap, and settle into the passenger seat as Baekhyun takes off for your place.
“I’m going to tell my mom I’m going to be studying at Kai’s place and then I’ll be over soon, okay?” says Baekhyun looking over at you briefly for confirmation.
“Sounds good,” you say smiling.
He pulls into your drive way and turns to you when the car is at a stop. He’s not sure how to phrase this, but he feels the need to ask. “Should I bring anything?”
You tilt your head to the side, slightly confused. “Like what?”
Baekhyun mentally groans to himself, too embarrassed to say it. “You know, like things we might need for tonight or later?” He slows down the last part, hoping you’ll get the hint.
And fortunately you do as your face shows recognition. “Ohhh! No, I think we’re good. I have condoms in my room, and I’m on birth control.”
Baekhyun nods his head awkwardly at your answer.
You chuckle at his reaction.
He turns to you with an annoyed look on his face. “What?”
You place your hand on his cheek still laughing. “Were you too shy to say the word condoms?” You chuckle even more which gets him more annoyed.
“I wasn’t shy, I just didn’t want to assume,” he says as he crosses his arms.
You grab his face with both of your hands this time and kiss him softly before breaking away and looking him in the eye. “You’re so cute when you’re shy. And thank you for asking.”
His face is no longer that of irritation but of adoration and something else that you can’t put your finger on. You give him one more peck on the lips before letting go of his face and leaning back in your seat again. “Besides,” you start. “We’ve done a lot of other things. I didn’t think that condoms would be the thing that made you shy,” you chuckle again.
Baekhyun rolls his eyes in fake irritation this time. “Yeah, I guess. But we’ve never actually had sex before. We’ve only done oral and stuff.”
You tilt your head to the side again as you think back to the times you’ve spent together. He’s right, you’ve never officially had sex, it’s always been other things, but it would never lead to sex. You wonder why?
“That’s true,” you admit. “I never noticed.”
“Really? Because that’s all I’ve been thinking about.”
You chuckle at Baekhyun’s comment. “You haven’t been sleeping with other people to get off?”
“Of course not,” says Baekhyun. He turns to look at you and eyes you suspiciously. “Have you?”
“No. I’ve never felt the need to,” you say. Baekhyun nods, secretly hoping that would be your answer. “Plus,” you start again. “I’m not going to lie, you’re really good at pleasing me. You’re enough,” you say to Baekhyun with a wink.
Baekhyun chuckles. “Wow, that is the nicest thing your have ever said to me,” he pretends to wipe a tear.
You laugh at his exaggerated expression. “Well keep doing what you’re doing, and that compliment won’t be the only thing you’ll be getting in return.”
Baekhyun’s cock twitched at the idea. He nods his head determined. You chuckle at his actions as you open his car door.
“I’ll see you in a bit,” you say as you exit the car and walk to your front door.
Baekhyun waits for you to enter before he pulls out of your drive way and enters his own to tell his mom his plans.
You wait until you are inside your place before you run to your room and clean up everything. You weren’t self conscious of your room, but it was a little dirty for guests. Not that Baekhyun mattered that much to you, or at least that’s what you’re trying to convince yourself of, but there’s no harm in cleaning. You pick up the clothes on your floor and throw it in the hamper. You organize the books and papers on your desk. You throw away all the random water bottles, chip bags, and ramen cups scattered across your room. Once you think things looked decent, the door bell rings. You check yourself out in the mirror before heading to the front door.
As soon as you opened the door, you waste no time grabbing Baekhyun by the wrist and leading him into your house.
“Wow, you must be really excited to study.”
You stop in your tracks, noticing that the voice did not belong to Baekhyun. You turn around and see Sehun with a smile on his face. You look down at your aggressive grip on his wrist and let go. “Oh my god Sehun, I’m so sorry,” you say as you cover your face with your hands in embarrassment. “I didn’t know it was you.” You forgot that you made plans with Sehun to study / tutor him for finals.
“Were you expecting someone else?” Sehun raises an eyebrow at you.
You hesitate before you answer. “I-I thought-,” before you can answer the door bell rang again. “One sec,” you say to Sehun.
You go to open it hesitantly. Baekhyun immediately leans in to capture your lips, but you back up quickly. He looks at you very confused before you speak. “Hey, Baekhyun. Look who’s here. Sehun!” you say trying to give Baekhyun the hint. Baekhyun’s looks confused as he enters your house slowly so you continue, “I forgot I had made plans to tutor both of you at the same time.” You emphasize the last part hoping Baekhyun would play along.
You see recognition hit his face as he nods.
“Why don’t you just tutor both of us like last time?” asks Sehun.
You look at Baekhyun briefly to see what he thinks. He nods his head so you say, “Sure. You guys can settle down at the dining table while I go get my books from my room.”
You leave to go to your room, leaving a very awkward Sehun and Baekhyun to mingle in the dining room. They both take seats across from each other, taking random school supplies out of their bags. Thank god Baekhyun brought his backpack. He did lie to his mom about studying with Kai, so he brought his backpack to make it more believable.
You come over to the guys, and see them look at you expectingly. There were two seats available, one next to Sehun and one next to Baekhyun. You weren’t sure where to sit so you remained standing as you put your books down in between them and handed them some work sheets. “These are some worksheets I made to review a semester’s worth of lectures and work. Complete these and let me know if you have any questions.”
Sehun and Baekhyun nod as they reach for the worksheet and begin working on it.
You stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. “Do you guys want something to drink?” you say abruptly.
“Sure,” says Sehun. “I’ll take a water.”
“Me too,” says Baekhyun. “I’ll go help you.”
You nod as you and Baekhyun make your way into the kitchen.
“What are we going to do?” asks Baekhyun.
“I guess we just have to wait until this is over,” you sigh. “I’m sorry, I forgot I made this commitment with Sehun.”
“It’s alright,” Baekhyun warmly smiles. “It’s your job, there’s nothing I can do about that.”
You smile back at him as you grab three water bottles from your fridge. Baekhyun takes them from your hands and you both begin walking over to the dining room.
“At least I’m forced to study for finals,” says Baekhyun quietly. “I wasn’t planning on studying for it, so this all works out.”
You chuckle as you enter the dining room.
Baekhyun hands you and Sehun some water as he takes his seat. You thankfully grab it as you take a swig from it.
You’re still awkwardly standing there, not wanting to choose who to sit next to. Sehun looks at you for a brief moment before saying, “aren’t you going to sit?”
“Oh, ummm, I didn’t want to put extra pressure on you guys by sitting next to one of you.”
“Oh, I don’t mind,” says Sehun. He pulls out the seat next to him. “You can sit next me,” he says as he taps the seat next to him.
You look at Baekhyun briefly who is already looking at you with an expression you couldn’t read. “Sure,” you says hesitantly. You take the seat next to Sehun, thanking him. You grab one of your textbooks and begin reviewing material yourself in the meantime.
As you’re focused on the material in front of you, you hear a whisper of your name next to you. You turn to Sehun to find that you’re only inches away from his face, so close that you can feel his breath on your skin. Your cheeks turn red as you back away abruptly.
“Sorry,” you say quietly. “What’s up?”
“I need help with this question,” he says unfazed by the incident that just occurred (probably because he did that intentionally, Baekhyun assumes).
While you’re helping Sehun, Baekhyun watches as Sehun stares at you rather than the material. He does not like how close Sehun is to you. Once you’re done explaining the problem to Sehun, Baekhyun calls you over to help him. You stand up and walk over to sit next to him.
“What’s up?” you says as you take the seat next to him.
“I don’t get these two problems,” he says pointing at random problems on the worksheet.
“Oh yeah, these are pretty difficult,” you say as you begin explaining what each variable does. As you’re speaking, you stutter when you feel Baekhyun’s hand high up on your thigh. This is not the right time to wear a skirt. You look at him with pleading eyes, not wanting to do anything in front of Sehun, but you are just met with a mischievous smile. You knew you couldn’t win, you would make a scene if you stopped helping him abruptly so your only choice is to carry on.
“These two numbers cancel out becau-“ you interrupt yourself with a gasp as Baekhyun’s hand moved higher, pressing two fingers against your clothed core. You try to mask your gasp with a cough as you see Sehun look up from his paper. You reach for your water bottle with shaking hands as Baekhyun rubs your clothed clit in slow circles. You chug your water as Sehun looks back down at his paper, no longer paying you any mind.
You put down your water bottle and look at Baekhyun with begging eyes and shaking your head. He only smiles and shrugs his shoulders innocently.
“I need help with this problem too,” he says nonchalantly, as if he’s not rubbing your clothed clit. You sigh as you continue to explain the next problem when you feel Baekhyun pull the crotch part your panties to the side and slide two of his fingers up and down your pussy. You’re already so wet, spreading your juices all over with his fingers. Baekhyun then brings his two fingers up to his mouth, sucking on them slowly and quietly, causing you to bite your lip to prevent yourself from moaning. You look over at Sehun, who is thankfully still focused on the worksheet in front of him. You continue explaining the problem to Baekhyun, speaking faster than usual so you can get it out of the way before you have to speak more. Baekhyun lowers his fingers again and rubs your juice up and down again before inserting his fingers into your hole. You let out a small whimper, cursing at yourself when Sehun looks up at you again.
You make eye contact with him briefly before you hunch over and groan. “Ow, my stomach,” you say as you wrap your arms around yourself.
Sehun looks worried. “Are you okay?”
“I think I- ah,” you interrupt yourself with a moan as Baekhyun brings his thumb to your clit and starts rubbing as two fingers pump in and out of you. “Sorry,” you state with a pained face, which is really you trying to mask your “fucked out” face. “I think I’m beginning my period. My cramps are always so painful.” I mean that’s half true, your cramps are really intense. But your period ended two weeks ago and you’re not due for another two weeks. Besides, you knew talking about periods was something guys didn’t really have much information on, so there was little Sehun can say or do.
“Can I get you anything?” suggests Sehun worriedly. You feel bad lying to him, he seems so concerned when in reality you’re getting fingered under the table in front of him.
“I think we should stop here,” interjects Baekhyun, speaking nonchalantly as he’s still pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling them causing you to bite your lip hard to prevent anymore noises. “I think we should let Y/N rest and we can study another time.”
Sehun nods understandingly as he begins packing up his things. “Yeah you’re right.” He turns to you and says, “Don’t over exert yourself Y/N.” Sehun is shoving his textbooks back into his backpack when he suddenly freezes and looks at Baekhyun. “Why aren’t you packing?”
“Oh I’m going to stay behind and make sure Y/N is okay. My mom lives next door so I’m going to ask her how to help,” says Baekhyun smoothly.
Sehun nods once again before getting up and walking toward your front door. He turns back, “thanks Y/N. I hope you feel better and text me if you need anything.”
“For sur-“ you groan at Baekhyun frantically picking up the speed on his thumb on your clit. You hunch over again, making it seem like your stomach is hurting once more. Sehun nods with a sympathetic look and walks out the door.
Once the door closed, you held on to Baekhyun’s wrist to stop him, but you were too weak for your actions to do anything. Baekhyun continues his actions, pumping into you as he rubs your clit. “Baekhyun, please,” you moan, the sensation becoming more intense as he picks up his speed.
Baekhyun leans in to kiss your neck sloppily as he makes his way up to whisper in your ear. “Please what?” He licks the shell of your ear, waiting for your response as you shiver at his actions.
“Please slow down. I’m going to cum,” you say breathlessly.
“Cum for me, baby,” mutters Baekhyun in your ear as he speeds up his thumb on your clit and curls his fingers in your pussy. That’s all it took for you to begin whimpering out loud, your body shaking as you cum on his fingers.
“Fuck baby, your pussy is clenching onto my fingers,” he slows down his movements, letting you come down from your high. He leans forward and roughly kisses your lips, swallowing your moans and groans. “Can’t wait to feel that tight pussy on my cock,” Baekhyun says against your lips. He slowly removes his fingers from under your skirt and brings them up to his mouth. He sucks on his wet fingers, covered in your juices, never breaking eye contact with you.
You bite your lip at how attractive Baekhyun looks tasting you. He abruptly takes his fingers out of his mouth and leans in kiss you, shoving his tongue deep in your mouth so you can taste yourself too. You moan into the kiss as you place one of your hands onto his already hard bulge. Baekhyun groans at the feeling and bucks his hips forward. He immediately removes his lips from yours and stands up. You don’t know what’s going on when he grabs your hand and pulls you up to your feet. Suddenly, he picks you up and lifts you over his shoulder. You yelp at the sudden action, but stay limp nonetheless as Baekhyun makes his way toward your bedroom.
He enters your room and kicks the door closed with the back of his foot. He walks over to your bed and gently throws you on it. You’re laying on your back and he immediately gets on top of you, caging you in as his lips find yours. You messily make out, his hands roam on the sides of your body.
“You’re so hot,” mutters Baekhyun against your lips. “I can’t believe I studied for this pussy.”
You chuckle against his lips as one of his hands reach under your shirt to cup one of your breasts. “I hope it’ll be worth it,” you say playfully.
He leans slightly back to look at your face. “You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting this.”
“No pressure,” you say playfully. You turn around so you’re lying on your stomach. Your ass is pressed against his bulge as you reach over to your bed stand and take out a condom from your drawer. You push your ass against him, causing him to moan. He grabs onto your hips and slowly starts grinding onto you.
He leans over so that his lips are by your ear. “Can I fuck you from behind?”
You nod as you hand him the condom. He leans away from you and grabs the condom from you. He places it on the side as he takes his shirt off. You look behind you and see Baekhyun stripping so you sit up to do the same, but Baekhyun pushes you back down.
He leans forward again, lips pressed against your ear. “I’ll strip you. Just stay on all fours like this for me baby.” You nod and do him one better, arching your back and pressing your ass against his bulge.
He groans as he places his hands on your ass. He’s rubbing your ass cheeks before planting a slap on it, causing you to moan. “Trying to make me cum in my pants baby girl? Stay like this while I take my pants off and then I’ll do you next. Can you do that for me?” he says caressing your ass.
You nod as you feel Baekhyun get off your bed briefly. You look to your side to see him undoing his belt and unbuttoning his pants. You lay your torso down with your ass still in the air, back completely arched as you look at him pull his pants and boxers down. You use your arms as a cushion for your head as you adoringly stare at the naked Baekhyun in front of you, his dick red and hard, leaking pre-cum from the tip.
He gets back on the bed behind you and lifts you up so your back is pressed against his torso. He grabs your chin and turns your head slightly to the side so that your lips capture his. You’re both making out, groaning into the kiss as Baekhyun’s hands reach under your shirt, sliding up slowly before grabbing your breasts and squeezing them. You moan into his mouth, feeling the pressure of his hands on your tits and his dick pressed against your ass. He breaks the kiss so he can take your shirt off. He quickly undoes your bra as well, leaving you completely shirtless. He leans in and kisses your neck as his hands play with your bare breasts, fitting perfectly in his cupped hands. His fingers pinch your nipples causing you to whine. He then bends you over slowly again, your back arched and ass in the air ready for him. You let him take the lead, turning you on by how direct he is.
He reaches over and undoes the button and zipper on your skirt before grabbing the waist band and pulling it down slowly, your ass being exposed slowly. He leaves the skirt by your knees as he reaches up and massages your ass cheeks, admiring how you look like in a thong. He suddenly leans forward and kisses one of your ass cheeks, causing you to gasp. He sneaks his hand to your clothed core, feeling how wet you are again. “You’re so wet for me baby. I’m so ready to stuff my dick in you.”
With that, he grabs the waist band of your underwear and pulls it down, leaving you completely exposed. He groans at the view, becoming impatient. You lift your knees up one at a time so he can get your skirt and underwear off completely, discarding it somewhere in the room.
He then grabs the condom, opening it with his mouth, and slips it on his hard cock. He grabs your hip with one hand and aligns himself to your entrance with the other. “You ready for me baby?” he asks in a deep, growl.
“Yes, please Baekhyun,” you say quietly as you excitedly wait. He slowly pushes himself into you as you both groan at the feeling. He pushes himself all the way and stays there, letting you get used to the feeling.
“Fuck babygirl, you’re so tight,” he groans as he grips onto your hips. “You ready for me to move?”
You nod, not trusting your voice at this point.
“Use your words baby,” Baekhyun teases.
“Please fuck me Baekhyun,” you say desperately, not caring about your pride.
Baekhyun slowly slips out before pounding into you hard. You moan at the feeling of being filled up. He keeps a steady rhythm, thrusting into you while you push your hips back to meet him half way. You’re both moaning and groaning at this long awaited feeling, the only sounds in the room is of skin slapping against skin.
“Fuck, you feel so good on my cock,” says Baekhyun deeply.
“Yeah?” you ask breathlessly.
“Yes baby. Better than I imagined.”
He keeps going at a steady pace before you stop him when you reach your hand behind you and grab his hand your hip. “Wait, I wanna ride you.”
“Fuck,” Baekhyun reacts to your words. “You drive me crazy.” He slips out of you slowly, causing you moan. He sits himself down, leaning against the bed frame as you crawl over and place yourself on top of him, your knees on each side of him. You grab his cock and align him to your entrance as you lower yourself down slowly. You both moan at the feeling, sitting completely on top of him, feeling it deeper than before. You steady yourself by placing your hands on his shoulders before lifting yourself up and pushing yourself back down on his cock.
“Fuck, yes. Baekhyun,” you whine as you bounce up and down on his cock.
He places his hands on your hips, helping you bounce on him. “That’s it baby, ride my cock.”
You’re bouncing up and down when Baekhyun leans forward and begins to suck on one of your tits. You groan at the feeling, experiencing sensations from various parts of your body.
Baekhyun leans back and admires the view. “Ride my dick just like that. Fuck, your tits look so good bouncing up and down.” He leans forward and puts his mouth on the other nipple.
“Baekhyun, I think- I think I’m gonna cum,” you breathlessly say.
“Fuck baby me too,” says Baekhyun as he grips onto your hips tighter. He begins thrusting into you as he reaches over and rubs your clit.
You weakly lean forward and place your forehead on his shoulder as you feel your high coming.
“Cum for me baby,” says Baekhyun. As soon as he says that, you begin cumming, your pussy clenching onto dear life, cumming for the second time today.
“Fuck, Y/N!” groans Baekhyun as he begins cumming at the feeling of you clenching onto his hard cock.
He thrusts a couple more times before placing you completely onto him, sitting on him. You both take a moment to catch your breathe before you lean back and look him in the eye. You’re both fucked out to the max, chests rising and falling quickly.
You start laughing at how crazy you both look. Baekhyun also laughs, feeling more relief at finally having sex with you.
He gently lifts you off of him, causing you to whine when he slips out of your entrance, and lays you down beside him. You’re still catching your breath as he takes the condom off, ties it, and throws it in the trash.
“Where’s your restroom?” he asks.
“Go out my door, it should be the first door to the left,” you say tiredly.
He gets off your bed and disappears for a couple of seconds before returning with a warm towel. He gets back on the bed and cleans your pussy up with the warm towel.
You twitch at the feeling. “Easy. I’m still sensitive,” you chuckle.
“Sorry,” smiles Baekhyun. Once he’s done, he goes back to the bathroom to put the towel in the sink for it to dry. He comes back and lays on your bed. He opens his arms up and you scoot forward, laying your head on his chest as his arms wrap around you.
“That was . . . amazing,” says Baekhyun.
You chuckle at his comment. “Yeah it was.”
“So, what do you want to do,” asks Baekhyun as he pets your hair.
“Let’s just lay like this for a bit, and then we can get on with our day.”
He nods and kisses the top of your head as you both just lay there in comfortable silence. After about 10 minutes, you both get up and get dressed.
“Let’s do some actual homework,” you suggest.
Baekhyun groans, “ughhh, more studying?”
“We have the history review sheets due tomorrow,” you say as you chuckle.
“But I already studied,” he whines.
“And I rewarded you for that. Let’s just finish our homework and then we can do whatever we want. And I’ll help you.”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes and pretends to think about. It wasn’t until you grabbed his hand and looked at him with begging eyes that he smiled and said, “alright.”
You both go back to the dining room and do your homework for about an hour and a half. After that you order take out and decide to watch a movie. You’re both laying on your couch, him spooning you from behind as you eat popcorn and watch the film. The bowl of popcorn is in front of you so you grab some and reach above you as you feed Baekhyun. As the movie comes to an end, you both get up and stretch.
“I guess I should go home now,” says Baekhyun as he checks his phone. “It’s getting pretty late.”
“Why don’t you stay the night?” you ask. “You sure?” asks Baekhyun surprised.
“Yeah, I have some of my dad’s old clothes that you can borrow to sleep in.”
Baekhyun smiles and nods. “Let me just call my mom and tell her I’m sleeping over at Kai’s.”
You nod as you leave Baekhyun in the living room to make that phone call as you go to the storage closet and take some of your dads most comfortable clothing out of a box.
You come back to the living room and see that Baekhyun isn’t there. You hear noises coming from the kitchen and walk in to see Baekhyun washing your dishes. You smile and leave the clothes on the table as you walk over and wrap your arms around Baekhyun from behind.
Baekhyun chuckles when he feels your arms around him. “I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be the other way around.”
“I can’t help it. You look so hot washing dishes,” you chuckle.
“Wait until you see me clean your whole house,” says Baekhyun playfully.
You both laugh at his comment. “I left your clothes on the table,” you say as you let go. “I’m going to shower real quick and I’ll see you in a bit.”
Baekhyun hums as you walk away toward your bathroom. You shower for about twenty minutes before returning to your room to see Baekhyun laying on your bed on his phone. You throw a towel at him, startling him, not knowing you had entered the room.
“Your turn,” you smile. “You can use any of my products. And I left you a tooth brush on the sink counter.”
Baekhyun nods as he grabs the towel and clothes and walks toward you. He leans down to give you a brief kiss on the lips before walking to the bathroom. You don’t know why but that made you have butterflies in your stomach. You suppress that feeling as you remove the towel from your head and comb your wet hair. You have pajama shorts on and a large t-shirt. You lay on your bed on your side, scrolling through your phone, waiting for Baekhyun to come back. You suddenly feel arms wrapped around your waist, as he places kisses on your neck. You giggle at the ticklish feeling, Baekhyun’s wet hair also getting on your face.
He leans away from your neck and you lock your phone. You turn around so you are now face to face with him.
“Hey,” you say.
“Hey,” he says back.
You look at him and see him look so cute in your dads clothes. He’s wearing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, nothing too special but in your mind he looks so attractive. “Nice clothes,” you say teasingly.
“Thanks, they’re vintage,” he says jokingly. You chuckle at his response.
Baekhyun settles into the pillow so that he’s eye to eye with you, his arm lazily wrapped on your waist. He gives you a questioning look which makes your mind wonder.
“What?” you say.
“It’s just that, how come I’ve never seen your dad?” Baekhyun notices the change on your face becoming more serious. “Sorry, you don’t have to answer that.”
“No, it’s fine,” you give him a small smile. “He past away a couple of years ago.”
Baekhyun gives you a sympathetic look. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s alright, things happen,” you say with a shrug. “That’s actually part of the reason my mom and I moved here. She got a new job that paid more since we needed to make up for the loss of income after my dad’s death.”
“Oh, wow. That sounds tough. How come you never told me?”
“We weren’t exactly friends, Baekhyun,” you chuckle.
Baekhyun nods in understanding. “Well just know you can tell me things now. Good or bad.”
“Thanks,” you smile.
“I mean it,” he says honestly. He holds your face in his hands. “I care about you and if you feel like sharing anything, I’m all ears.”
You grab his face too. “I know. Don’t worry. I’m okay for now but I appreciate the offer.”
Baekhyun knows you’re not an emotional person, but he still wants you to feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable. He doesn’t know what else to do but show you that he’s there for you so he just leans in and kisses you. You reciprocate the kiss before you lean back and squish his face.
“Okay bed time,” you say. “We still have school tomorrow.”
Baekhyun sighs but nods. You turn your back to him again so he can spoon you. You both go to sleep in each other’s arms as you await for another day at school.
A/N: Here it is. I made it extra steamy for yall, to make up for the lack of updates.
Update on my fics
Hi everyone! I just want to start off by saying thank you all so much for supporting me thus far. I cannot thank you all enough for all the compliments and words of encouragement. I have not been the best when it comes to updating, but now that I am out of college, I have more time to write. I am employed full-time now, but when I get bored, I just write lol. And now I don’t have homework to worry about, I just work and go home. Anyway, here are some updates on my fics:
Best Friend of My Friend with Benefits (BFoMFwB, lmao thats a long acronym) - Jungkook x Reader, Jimin x Reader: After updating the last chapter, I got a bunch of inspiration to continue writing that I ended up writing the next few chapters and finished writing the series. So, you can look forward to the next few chapters being uploaded soon.
Tease - Baekhyun x Reader: I have an idea of what the next few chapters will look like. This series elicits so much emotion out of me that sometimes I need emotional breaks to write it. But I love it, so I’m continuing on. I’m half way done with the next chapter so you should expect something soon.
Saving Lives - Baekhyun x Reader: Okay so this is serious. Ever since the news about Kris Wu came out, I feel uncomfortable having him in my fic. So I am going to edit it to replace him with his another member. I can’t believe the things he’s done and he deserves to rot in jail for all the shit he’s done to those girls. I also hope those girls get the justice they deserve. So, yeah he’s out of my work.
Anyways, these are all the updates I have so far, or at least the one’s I remember. Please look forward to my work and I appreciate you all once again.
~admin L
the cutest concept don’t @ me
If You Were Mine
Do Kyungsoo x Reader (afab) (she/her)
A/N: So I wrote a D.O. fic, first time posting on Tumblr because I don't totally hate this story. I apologize for it being so long, I don't know how to use the 'keep reading' option on my phone. Also, all of this is clearly fictional.
Genre: Angst. Hanahaki disease
Warnings: Major character death. Sehun says some bad words. MDNI
“Sure thing, I’ll let her know you called,” Sehun promised, unaware that you had just come through the apartment door. You quietly set up Vivi’s leash so as to not disturb Sehun’s phone call. You had a rough idea what the phone call was about, but you really wanted to sneak past and into your room.
All you wanted lately was to be alone. You weren't yourself and you knew that, this was something you had to deal with yourself. No meddling roommate and best friend would be able to help.
“Don’t you dare try to run away.” Sehun could be intimidating when the time called for it. As much as you wanted to be alone, you couldn't take Sehun's consistent pestering.
"I just got off the phone with Kyungsoo, what the hell is going on with you two?"
There was only so much you were willing to share with Sehun. You and Kyungsoo had recently started growing apart; you weren't seeing each other as much, the phone calls and text messages had started to die down. The intimacy had become next to nothing once you started to get sick. In Sehun's eyes you were pushing Kyungsoo away without a valid reason and he was only trying to help.
Kyungsoo was amazing; he was extremely intelligent, hard working and hilarious. He was also an amazing cook, and as someone who lacked the basic ability to cook even the simplest dishes, it was something that you looked for in a partner, it was non negotiable. Kyungsoo was your number one fan; he was always there to support your dreams, he was there to pick up the pieces when you failed your law class exam and encouraged you to try again. Kyungsoo felt less like a boyfriend and more like a partner, someone you were meant to conquer life with. You couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with him. There was no doubt in your mind that Kyungsoo would be an amazing husband and father when the time came….if it came.
Sehun really tried to compose himself, he really cared for you and the friendship you two had together. The friendship he had with Kyungsoo also meant the world to him.
"Okay, listen. I don't know what's going on with you because you never speak to me anymore. Or even the man you always claim is your soulmate for that matter. But it needs to stop. If you took ten fucking minutes out of your day to even speak to Kyungsoo you would realize he is also sick!"
"I cant-" "-I can't see him." Your heart began to race, you could feel it pulsate in your chest. Your throat had begun to feel hoarse, there was a lingering taste of copper on your tongue. You were going to be sick and Sehun would be there to witness it.
"You're being extremely selfish and entitled. You can't just push people away."
You took off before Sehun could say anymore. Although there wasn't much more he could say. Deep down you knew he was right, which had only made the pain worse. You claimed to love Kyungsoo, you would swear on your life. Any sane person would fall in love with him in a heartbeat and it made you sick to know that maybe you weren't the one to love him. But you wanted to. You loved him, past, present and future. You would do it a thousand times over.
Jongdae held Kyungsoo as he cried for you and your relationship. Kyungsoo missed you and wanted nothing more than to be with you and hold you. He knew though, he knew when he became sick and his throat would become irritated with the thorns that decorated your birth flower that you weren't his. He wouldn't be able to hold you, kiss you, carry on with the life plans like you two had decided on. You were no longer his to love. It was slowly killing him to know you were in love with someone else. He wanted nothing more than to see you one last time before he couldn't see you any longer.
"Kyungsoo, I'll take you to her. She might change her mind. Maybe once she sees you in person she'll listen to you-" Jongdae cleared his throat, unsure if he even wanted to finish that sentence. "Before it's too late."
Kyungsoo didn't want to say goodbye. He didn't feel like he had the strength to carry himself to get to you, to form the words. There was so much he wanted to say to you. There was so much the two of you wanted to do. There wasn't enough time to accomplish those things, there wasn't enough time to say goodbye.
It felt insignificant but Kyungsoo grabbed some lozenges on the way out. At this point he wasn't sure if it was to ease the pain from the coughing and the scratching from the thorns of the flowers or if it was to ease his throat to be able to form coherent sentences.
Sehun was ready to admit defeat with you, he couldn't help you if you weren't going to help yourself. He was aware that Jongdae was on his way with Kyungsoo and busied himself with the task of making tea. He knew he had been too hard on you, and a warm cup of tea had always been an offer of peace in your shared apartment.
The knock on the apartment door seemed to ease Sehun's mind. There was finally someone else to talk some sense into you. Sehun gladly let his two friends into the apartment, there wasn't time to exchange pleasantries, Kyungsoo took off to find you.
Sehun grabbed Jongdae's arm to hold him from going further. You and Kyungsoo really didn't need someone else getting involved. Whatever was going on you two had to work out amongst yourselves.
"Jongdae, do you have any idea what's going on? I haven't been able to get a proper sentence out of her for days."
"I assume you know about the flower disease?" Sehun nodded in confirmation. The current moment didn't seem like the time to interrupt, but he knew he would have so many questions later. "Well you see, you cough up your soulmate's birth flower. Which is exactly what Kyungsoo has been doing. He has been coughing up her birth flower….but he's not getting better. He's actually getting sicker. More petals, I've seen him cough up whole flowers. He's in so much pain, Sehun. He's coughing up so much blood. I'm scared."
"Do you think?" Sehun couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence. The silence that swept over the two men was plenty of confirmation.
Kyungsoo was greeted with the sight of you embracing the toilet. You were running hot and the ceramic was helping to cool you down.
"Kyungsoo-" "I'm so sorry."
Kyungsoo dove to grab you up off the floor. He held you in his arms all the while you sobbed and soaked his chest with tears. Tears that were filled with love, sorrow, heartbreak and gratitude.
"Kyungsoo, I love you. I swear. I don't know why this is happening."
"Shhh. Just let me hold you."
Being held in Kyungsoo's arms has always been your favourite place to be. He was warm and comforting. Kyungsoo would gently hum your newest favourite song while you laid on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. Kyungsoo would intertwine your hands as he rubbed your back with his free one while you started to list all the things you loved about him just so you could hear his heart race.
"I've been coughing up your birth flower. It really hurts."
"I'm so sorry. I should have told you why I was sick. I didn't think you would get sick. I thought I would just handle things by myself and you would stay healthy."
Kyungsoo gently placed his hands on either side of your face. As much as you didn't want this to end you knew you had to say goodbye. The love you and Kyungsoo shared was no more. His lips against yours were the most gentle they had ever been, like one wrong move and it was over.
"Knowing you're in love with someone else almost hurts more than my throat bleeding or having to actually cough up these flowers. I'm glad you're my soulmate. I don't think I could have loved a better person. I know you love me, but you're no longer in love with me. I wish you told me how you felt."
The look in Kyungsoo's eyes was enough to make you fall in love with him all over again. He wiped the tears from your eyes like he had a thousand times before with no care of your makeup staining his white sleeve. "Your happiness is more important than a silly shirt. I don't want to see you cry" He had told you the first time.
"Do Kyungsoo. Thank you for everything. I wish I could have loved you more, I wish I could have loved you longer. I want nothing more than for you to find someone who loves you more than you think is possible. You're the one person that deserves it. I would give you the world if you asked for it. I love you Kyungsoo. I'm sorry I couldn't be that person for you."
Kyungsoo held you close as he felt your body give away. Almost as if your soul physically left your body. He lowered you both to the ground where he noticed the full flowers of Aster littering the bathroom floor.
» Fanfic / Imagines
↬ Smut {🌹}
↬ Suggestive {🍓}
↬ Fluff {🌤ི}
↬ Angst { 🌧️۫˖}

» 🍵🌿 Sedansogu | short fic 🌤ི
↬Pairing: CEO¡Kim Junmyeon - Fem¡Reader

[Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
You Don’t Have To Be Alone
Description: Kai loved Mina, and Mina loved Kai; But sometimes love wasn't enough. Throughout their make ups and break ups, they always found their way back to each other. What happens when they've both finally had enough? What happens when they push each other to their limits and their relationship ultimately comes to an end? Can they find their way back to each other throughout all the hurt and the pain?
Genre: angst, fluff, romance
Word Count: 3,235
Pairing: Kim Jongin (Kai) x OC (Kwon Mina)
(A/N: This is my first fanfic! I hope you guys like it. Please let me know what you think!)
“You know what? Fuck this Kai. I’m done.”
Kai flinched at the mention of his name. She never called him by ‘Kai’, with her it was always Jongin. He knew instantly that she meant what she said. He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Fine. Leave then, get out here.”
Mina laughed bitterly. “You don’t need to tell me twice.”
She spun around and headed for their bedroom angrily, slamming the door open.
Kai let out a ragged breath. ‘Fuck.’ He wanted to stop her, he knew he should stop her; but there was always one recurring issue for the two of them: their pride.
Kai and Mina had been dating for 4 years. Things started off amazing for the two of them. Kai knew after he met her that he couldn’t leave her; it was as if he knew then and there that she was the one.
To say that Mina was exhausted was an understatement. It was almost the end of her 12 hour shift at the hospital and the Emergency Department was only getting busier.
She glanced down at her watch: 6:30 PM.
‘Ugh… 1 more hour. I can do this, I can overcome this.’ She rolled her neck from side to side, hearing the distinct crack.
“Gross, you should really stop that!”
She turned towards the voice and smiled at her best friend Lee Yejin. She turned from side to side, cracking her spine whilst smirking at her friend.
“Yah! Mina I’m serious I hate that sound!” Mina swung her arm around her best friend and laughed.
“Ah come on, you’re still not used to it after all these years?”
Yejin rolled her eyes. “You’re disgusting. By the way, patient just came in in bed 5. I know you’re off right away so I gave you the easiest admission.”
She bent down and kissed her friend’s cheek. “Lee Yejin you are a life saver! Saranghae!”
She quickly pulled away from her, grabbed the patient’s chart and rushed towards Bed 5. S
he could hear her friend making gagging noises.
“Aish! Mina you’re disgusting! We’re nurses, we need to be clean!”
She couldn’t help but laugh at her best friend, after 4 years in nursing and 3 years working at the emergency department she was positive her friend had some form of OCD. She was very particular, that one.
Mina paused by the nurses desk in front of Bed 5 and skimmed through the patient’s chart quickly. Kim Jongin, 25 year old male… query transverse tibial fracture to left foot.
‘Hm, sounds easy enough…’
She placed the chart down and walked towards the nearest vital signs machine. She sanitized her hands and rolled the machine towards his bed. Mina peered through the curtains and smiled.
“Annyeong, my name is Mina. I’ll be your nurse today.”
She surveyed the man before her, like she usually did with every patient. She had to admit… he was quite the looker. For the whole day she had been dealing with elderly patients, patients in their late 50’s, and some babies and toddlers.
He was the first patient she had today that was her age. She observed his tanned skin, and his sharp jaw line.
‘Damn… he’s a cutie’ she thought.
She wasn’t the type to check her patient’s out, unless it was for assessments. She usually kept her work professional, but she couldn’t help it if the guy basically looked like a Greek god! Did she mention his hair? His hair just fell above his face perfectly and she was almost tempted to pull a Mean Girl’s and say: “Your hair looks sexy pushed back”
‘Shit. Mina snap out of it, you’re at work!’
She focused her attention back on actually assessing him. He didn’t seem to be in too much pain but his eyebrows were furrowed. He was laying down on his bed with his left leg elevated on a pillow. He bowed his head towards her slowly.
Kai did not expect her to look like that. To be frank, he was expecting a nurse somewhere in her late 40’s to be taking care of him today but he was not going to complain with the sight before him. She looked to be about 5’’5, her jet black hair was tied up in a high ponytail and although she was in mere scrubs, she could clearly see her figure.
He could tell she was fit and if he wasn’t focused on the pain from his foot, he would definitely be distracted by her curves. He could easily see her cleavage peaking through her scrub top.
‘Right... I should probably introduce myself.’ He coughed awkwardly, “I’m Kai.”
She rolled the vital sign machine towards the left side of the bed.
“Oh your chart says Jongin, did you prefer Kai?”
He shrugged. “Either is fine actually, everyone just calls me Kai…”
She smiled and he swore he probably would have been admitted for heart palpitations right then and there. Her smile was blinding, and her dimples ignited butterflies in his stomach. Since when the fuck did he get butterflies?
“Araso, I’ll call you Kai then. Do you mind if I check your ID band?” she gestured to his wrist.
He shook his head. “Ani, go ahead…” She took his hand in hers and he felt a jolt of electricity run through his hands at the sudden contact.
‘What the fuck is wrong with me…’ he thought.
“Can you tell me your date of birth?”
“January 14, 1994.”
“Perfect. Sorry, it’s a standard procedure. Gotta make sure we have the right patient,” she winked at him. She fucking winked at him. He felt the wind get knocked right out of him. He forgot what he was even in for.
He nodded. “Has that ever happened to you? Getting the wrong patient?”
She laughed and nodded.
Her laugh was like music to his ears.
“Oh you wouldn’t believe some of the patient’s we get sometimes…”
He smiled. “Chincha? Are they… not normal?” He didn’t know a better way of putting it.
She laughed again. “Well, working at the emergency department really changes your definition of normal… but you’re definitely my type of normal!”
He smirked. “I don’t know, I could be some kind of creepy psycho.”
She gave him the up and down and chuckled. “I doubt you’re a psycho, you look too good to be some creepy ahjussi.”
He smirked again. “Did you just say I looked good?”
‘Shit, I just did… didn’t I? OK, play it off Kwon Mina! Play it off!’ She shrugged.
“I am a nurse, I kind of have to assess you. From my observation you seem like a fit individual. You’re not out of breath or breathing too hard from the pain or anything; Your chart says you have a possible fracture and for you to be acting as calm as you are, you must have a high pain tolerance. Which reminds me, on a scale from 0-10, zero being no pain at all and 10 being the worst pain you’ve ever felt, how’s your pain?”
‘Damn, she got me there. I feel stupid now’ he thought. ‘Oh right she’s asking me a question’
He glanced down at his foot and shrugged. “A 5 maybe?”
She nodded. “Does the pain radiate, or stay in one place? How would you describe the pain? I’m going to take your vitals by the way.”
He shook his head. “It’s just in one area, by my ankle. It’s just a sharp and constant pain.”
Mina nodded. “I’m just going to take your blood pressure first, try to relax your arm as much as possible.” She took the blood pressure cuff from the vital sign machine and placed it over his bicep, her face hovering just inches away from his.
He sucked in a breath from the sudden closeness.
‘Wow, he is really fit… his biceps are sexy.’ She leaned back and pressed the button on the machine, then grabbed the thermometer. “I’ll just stick this under your tongue for a bit.”
‘The things I could do to her with my tongue… wait holy fuck. I need to stop..’ thought Kai. He lifted his tongue up as she inserted the thermometer.
As the machine beeped, she removed all instruments from his body. “Hmm, so your blood pressure is 143/95, pulse is at 89 and temperature is at 37.8. Which is normal! Your body is likely reacting to the trauma from your foot so these readings are within normal limits.”
He wasn’t really paying attention. He could really only focus on her.
Mina continued with the rest of her assessment until she was finished. She left the room briefly to call the doctor with her findings and returned shortly after.
“So doctor Hwang will be here shortly. I’ve communicated my findings with him but I suspect it’s just a transverse fracture. From here he’ll order an x-ray for you to confirm and you’ll most likely get a cast, nothing too invasive; he can do the procedure at the best side. Do you have any questions for me Kai-ssi? Anything else I can do for you?”
Kai gulped. He was going to take the chance. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so shaken by a woman he had only met. He never felt such attraction for someone in ages and it was rare for him to react this way. He figured he would try and ask her out, something he had never done before.
‘Man the fuck up Kai, you can do this.’
“Uhm so how long will I be here for? Do I need to stay overnight?”
Mina shook her head and smiled. “Nope! You should be out by tonight. My shift is almost over so you can ask the oncoming nurse to make a call for someone to pick you up. I highly oppose you driving in your condition.”
‘Damn. She’s leaving soon, I really have to ask her out… or for her number or something!’
“So I won’t see you again?” ‘That was fucking smooth Kai, way to go...’ he thought dreadfully.
Kai swallowed hard. “I- I don’t know a better way to say this but I’m really attracted to you Ms. Kwon. I understand we didn’t really meet on the most ideal circumstances but I was wondering if I could have your number? M-maybe take you on a date?” he said nervously. He felt all the color drain from his face, he couldn’t believe he just did that.
She looked at him surprisingly. Granted, he wasn’t the first person to ask her out but he certainly was the most attractive one. Still, rules are rules.
“Sorry Mr. Kim, I don’t date patients” she smiled.
He frowned. ‘So this is what crushing my hopes feels like’
Before he could retort, there was a knock on the door and in entered Doctor Hwang. He turned towards Mina and smiled.
“Kamsahamnida Mina-ssi, I’ll take it from here,” he turned towards Kai and bowed.
“Hi Mr. Kim, my name is Doctor Hwang, I’m sure Mina has explained to you your plan of care. Do you have any questions?” Kai couldn’t stop staring at Mina. He wished he had met her in different circumstances.
Mina felt uncomfortable being in the same room as someone she just rejected; she bowed towards the two males.
“Well I’ll take my leave then. I’ll see you around Doctor Hwang, please take care of Mr. Kim” She locked eyes with Kai and smiled sadly. “Take Care Kai-ssi.”
With that, she turned around and left. Kai literally felt like he was just dumped.
Suddenly the pain in his foot was no more and he could only feel a sharp, aching pain in his chest. ‘I wish I wasn’t a fucking patient.’
But indeed, wishes do come true.
2 months later, Kai was accompanying his friend Chanyeol to the same hospital. The rest of the guys were busy and Chanyeol was experiencing severe abdominal pain, he was the only one that could drive him.
Kai walked towards the vending machine, in need of a drink. As he approached it, his breath stopped. He knew that figure, no one could look that good in a pair of scrubs. He walked to the vending machine slowly. Mina picked up her drink from the slot and turned around, only for her eyes to widen at the man before her.
“Oh… Kai-ssi…”
It was now or never. He wasn’t a patient and she was right there. He approached her until he was face to face with her.
She blinked up, her lashes batting towards him. He forgot how plush her lips looked…
“So. Ms. Kwon. I’m not a patient anymore… Can I please take you out?”
Mina couldn’t help but smirk at him. She crossed her arms over her chest and laughed. “Persistent, are we?”
Kai nodded. “I- I can’t figure it out. There was something about you.”
She snorted. “Ah come on, it’s just cause I took care of you. That’s probably it.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s not that...”
She squinted towards him. “Do you have a nurse fetish?”
Kai choked on his saliva, not expecting the bluntness of her comment.
“N-no! I-“
She laughed. “I’m kidding! Relax..”
He let out a deep breath. “I mean, I won’t deny. You’re really hot in those scrubs…”
That peeked her interest. “Araso. I like your honesty, and I won’t lie either. You’re probably the most good looking patient I’ve had around here.”
He couldn’t help but smirk. “Really now?”
She rolled her eyes. “Hand me your phone.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He reached for his pocket and unlocked his phone, handing it towards her. She took the phone in her hands, and dialled her own number. She felt her phone vibrate from her scrub pocket and ended the call after a few rings, saving her number on his phone.
“There. I’m warning you now though, I have crazy hours.”
He shrugged. “You’re worth the time.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Stubborn, aren’t you? Well, I have to get going, breaks almost over. I guess I’ll see you around?”
Kai smiled at her in return. “Yes. You will.”
She took the drink can from out of her pocket and waved towards him.
Kai couldn’t help but watch her figure disappear. When she disappeared, he pumped his fists excitedly in the air. He felt like a stupid little school boy who just got confessed to by his crush. He settled down quickly and heard his phone ring, signalling a text. He opened up his phone and smiled silly.
Sexy Nurse Mina: Glad you’re not my patient today.
‘Holy fuck. She saved her name as Sexy Nurse… Oh my God. This girl will be the death of me…’
Kai fell for her instantly. She wasn’t like the other girls he had dated. She was independent, strong-willed but kind and caring. She wasn’t overly girly but she had a sense of maturity that was so sexy and captivating to him. Not to mention, his friends fell in love with her too. They were perfect for each other… or so they all thought.
Everything was great, their first year together was practically flawless. They were so in love with each other it made everyone around them feel lonely, and jealous but you couldn’t help but admire their love for one another.
Things started to go to shit when Mina got promoted to a nurse manager. Her schedule got busier, and although they lived together, they barely saw one another. Although Kai was understanding at first, he couldn’t help but become bitter and angry over their scarce encounters. Eventually, Kai started accusing of having affairs.
He knew he was being unreasonable and he knew that Mina would never do that to him, but it was as if his mind spoke for himself. Needless to say, they broke up after that. The two proved that their love was strong enough when they got back together, they really couldn’t be away from one another. Kai managed to accept her busy schedule and they both made it work.
Until Kai started going out too much. He would come home late with his friends, drunk out of his mind. Mina ignored it, thinking that he was just trying to occupy his time. Until one day after work, her and her colleagues decided to go out and unwind. That was when she caught him kissing some skinny bimbo. They broke up again after that.
Mina moved out momentarily and to everyone’s surprise, she stayed with her ex-boyfriend: Kris Wu. Nothing happened between the two, aside from meaningless makeout-sessions to fill the void of being single and lonely. When Kai found out where she was staying he lost his shit. It took months for him to win her back and naturally, she took him back; she always took him back.
They lost count of how many times they “took a break” or “broke up”. Mina could no longer trust Kai, but she still stuck around. Kai was too insecure and it reflected in the way he spoke to her and treated her. Their relationship was no longer perfect, but tainted with toxicity.
Twenty agonizing minutes passed and Kai resisted every urge in his body to chase after Mina in their room and show how sorry he was. His pride and his ego was too important to him. He looked up towards her from the couch as she exited their room. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.
‘I caused that…’
He glanced in her hand and saw a duffel bag. His stomach dropped and he felt his heart clench in his chest. He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Where are you going?” He managed to croak out.
She glared in his direction. “Granting your wish. I’m leaving. I’ll pick up the rest of my shit while you’re out.”
He felt like someone was slowly, agonizingly, stabbing him in the heart. She wouldn’t leave, would she? She promised that she wouldn’t leave him anymore…
She walked towards the front door and to his dismay, she was already crouching down and putting on her shoes. ‘Just fucking stop her Kai... Tell her you’re sorry!’ He could only watch as she stood up from her crouched position and how she held the doorknob. Would she even look in his direction? Would she even say bye? Did he deserve that?
Mina let out a shaky breath. She tried everything in her power not to breakdown in front of him. Why wasn’t he stopping her? Why couldn’t he just wrap his arms around her and apologize… just like he used to?
‘Right. He’s changed. He’s not the Jongin I used to know, the Jongin I loved…’
She reached for the doorknob and opened it slowly, leaving enough room for her to slip outside.
“Goodbye Kai.”
Kai didn’t know how long he stared at the door, hoping it would all be some sort of cruel prank. Hoping she’d come back, hoping that maybe she forgot something and he could ask her to stay, to work things out… But he knew how badly he fucked up. Things were never going to be the same.
His whole life, his world just walked out of the door and he did nothing to try and stop her.