Expansion Fetish - Tumblr Posts
“Darling, get out of the shower NOW, it’s starting!!” Greta squealed.
She bounced up and down in excitement as Jan exited the cubicle, water clinging to his tight muscles. Bounced.
Now before and after Greta had moved in with him in Hanover, Greta had done a lot of things, but no part of her had ever bounced. Jan stared with amazement for a moment at the burgeoning lumps pushing out beneath her tank top before he was overcome with lust.
He rushed her, and they both fell atop the bed. She laughed, but began panting with excitement as he yanked down her panties. His biceps tightened as he pulled her in for a deep his tongue darting with a blaze of wild fire, and she sank into his strong grasp, taking in the smell of his shower gel, moaning in approval.
When, however, he came to pull off her shirt, she pushed his hand away. “No,” she said. “I can think of a much better way to remove it.” She continued to kiss him, urging him on with her tongue. His already hard cock felt heavy, and seemed to be trying to descend towards her waiting pussy.
“Oh, ja.” she whispered, grasping his iron hard dick and guiding it downwards. “Yeah, fuck me while my titties grow.” He released her from his grip, and stabbed himself right into her cunt, burying himself in her to the hilt. He was met with an instant screa of pleasure from her, and began madly thrusting. His arms stretched out and grabbed at her breasts, which were pushing against the fabric of the shirt with a mania as they jiggled larger and larger. The speed and intensity of his thrusts were only competed with by the growth of her boobs.
The space between them was rapidly increasing, and Jan felt a softness against his chiselled abs. He looked down, and gaped at how huge she was already. They inflated further still, heading from the top heavy section of a men’s magazine steadily towards the fetish area. She had ballooned from average to stripper size and beyond in a matter of minutes. It was unbelievable.
He knew that once they stopped, her boobs would settle at the size they grew to through her arousal, so despite his primal hunger he held back, until he heard her say.
“Don’t hold back, I don’t care anymore! Make me big please, I want to them to be the biggest in the world - No, bigger! Bigger than the world! Just keep fucking me forever big boy! Make me come eternally! Ohh! OHH! You’re doing so good!”
Jan fucked Greta, faster and faster, harder and harder, pawing at the giant boobs that were rapidly covering her face. Her moans and screams of pleasure became muffled as they both were engulfed by the growing pair of breasts, which were spilling out off the bed and on to the floor now. There was no end to the, nor no beginning. Within minutes the walls and ceiling were staining against their beautiful bulk. Jan knew he would never stop making them grow. Never.

Haha! Yes! I knew the serum was working!
I am a chemistry genius! The gains are juuust as I predicted. Look, look, baby, see? The fat is moving away from my stomach, and is being used to feed the muscles there.
Hmm... I may have set the dosage balance a little off though; a little too much is going to my ass, and my poor boobies will get jealous.
Why don’t you give them a little kiss; just some attention to make them feel better?
Huh? That’s strange. My last dosage was last week... so why are the numbers moving. What the-? They’re getting faster. Uh oh.
Well baby, I guess you’d better get ready for a harder ride than usual, because this is making me fucking horny. Vamos.

“You know, you could have warned me.”
“No, I know it’s what I wanted, but I spent two hundred dollars on that dress!”
“I know I couldn’t wait till after prom night, but still...”
“Am I mad? Well, you are busy at home talking and not sucking on these new titties, so you’ve got a lot of making up to do mister. Besides, how else will I get to grow bigger without that delicious cock of yours?”
“Oh, what? You’re already getting into your car. Good boy, now hurry over here and give me that cum.”

And now you know why I never lower my webcam any further than that. Ah, but that’s not the end of the story. Want to know a secret? They can get... bigger.
How? Quite elementary, horny boy, you are the answer. Go on, start stroking ourself off while I explain, it always gets me horny, I even get wet imagining that.
Ah, there you go, I love seeing how turned on you are. Masturbate for me, yes. Now, I’ll need you to stroke off for me this time, just so you can see it happen. Then you’ll always be ready when the time comes. Yes, keep stroking that big dick of yours, I bet it’s delicious...
Oh, well I might as well check yes... Mmm... Oh yes, it is good isn’t it. My compliments to the chef. mmm, now don’t get distracted, just keeping jerking off for me. I want you to come all over my big titties, because... they’ll grow.
You heard me right. Whenever you come al over these big boobs of mine, they’ll get larger and larger - every single time, and for every single drop. Mmm... I’m surprised you haven’t come just thinking about that yet mister, I know I have any times.
Perhaps... but no.
Hmmm... Maybe you need a little help this time, ey? Ah, I thought that might be the case! Well, then don’t wait around, stick that thick piece of meat between my tits and let’s go.
Mmm... I like licking your cock when I titfuck you. Mmm... but I won’t swallow this time, because I want it all over my breasts. Just imagine when you explode all over my big, big tits, and then hold that in your mind a second, before imagining them getting bigger, growing, enlarging. Oh God, I’m getting close just thinking about it.
Yes, yes, I can feel it building inside you. Your cock is swelling so full, these titties are gonna need that spurt to handle it. It’s throbbing, uh. Ooh, let me kiss it, god you’re so big ad hard.
Come on, come on, come for me. Get big and blo your load all over my titties so I can get all big for you. h god, baby, yeah,, yeah, yes! Here we go, come on, e! Oh yes, come for me, come! Oh! Ohhhhh!

The necklace was placed over Alessia’s head, and she became queen. The heavy weight of gold and jewels settled on her, tugging down from her collar bone to below her midriff. In the centre of the carcanet was placed the most precious of all the things bestowed upon her - The Queen's Orb. It was not forged or cut from any material known to this world. The thing had fallen from the heavens and had been fashioned into the centrepiece of the necklace, which had been worn by the dynasty for over three millenia.
She breathed in, and was surprised to not fell any different. She did not feel as her handmaid had described it, herself being stretched far and wide across the kingdom, to watch over and bear each burden and suffering. She did not experience the rush of fright or pain that had been indoctrinated into her expectations.
Then the high priest announced off in the distance, that she had passed the final test of faith, and knelt, requesting his new Queen to rise. And so Alessia did, marvelling at this last trick. So she was worthy yes. It was now for her to lead her people, and she had pased their greatest test, submitting to the threat of eternal suffering for their sakes.
She continued to stand, going up and up, and she realised she was a full foot taller than when she had knelt and removed her upper garment. The aspect of the goddess was coming upon her then, and instead of pain, she in fact felt powerful, regal pleasure. With confidence she rose taller and taller, and into her grew the symbol of the goddess - the hourglass, the balance might last for all time. Her hips pelvis and chest began to expand, faster than the rest of her.
By the time she had passed the nine foot mark, each breast had exceeded the size of her head, while retaining their beautiful, sculpted, tear drop shape. Her posterior had swelled too, pulling up inch after inch of the loose, flowing cloth of the lower half of the robe. Along with her buttocks, her hips and thighs widened to match, thickening and parting further than her shoulders, keeping pace with the heft of her breasts.
She continued to grow, taller and thicker, during the ceremony, to match her regal station and wisdom. However, if she ruled well, it would not be the last she would experience, for the Queen, or as she would be later known, the Empress, was a representation of the bounty of the land.

‘Well, whatever I guess, if he likes it.’ thought Diandra, tugging the dress with difficulty over her head. She knew in her heart this was true, that she would do anything for Drake... even get bigger.
Her lips smiled as she thought about how much he would like it, imagining Drake’s strong hands pressing into her firm, enormous jugs. He would love it, and he would love her, yes.
She examined her mighty bustline and ass in the mirror. She was fucking perfection, and no one had a hope in catching Drake’s eye after he got a load of her like this.
Another set of lips began to show its pleasedness, and Diandra marvelled at the feeling as she ran a hand over her contoured ochre flesh, raising goosebumps of pleasure beneath her filed nails.
She had seen him when they had met up last weekend, eyeing up all the big girls. Well, now she was the bigger girl... But was she the biggest? For the first time since Diandra had took the pills, she was nervous. Was she enough woman for him?
Her mind trailed back to when she had snooped through his phone, and over the pictures she had found there. Surely any of those big titted-and-bootied sluts would do anything for a man like Drake! Well, she would do better, she resolved, knocking back the rest of the bottle, ignoring all safety signs.
Meanwhile, Drake was on his way over to Diandra’s place, innocent of what was transpiring there, still combing his untameable hair. He had decided to bite the bullet and do it, to ask Diandra out. How many more excuses was he going to have to make to ‘meet up’ with her. Well, now he had found his guts, and held a swag of flowers he had picked from Mrs Henderson’s garden, though he wished momentarily that it was dutch courage instead. He turned the corner on to her street, and walked up to Diandra’s front door, rapping smartly.
He noticed a curious shaking in the ground, and figured there must be roadworks nearby. After waiting a minute, he knew his courage was failing. He stepped off the porch and began to make his way round the side of the house to the back door, which he knew she always left unlocked, a nervous quickness in his step. The shuddering increased...

Well... There was only one way to get her to believe me. How was I meant to know that my ‘best’ friend would plaster this all over the net?
I panicked, ok? My boobs... they were just growing by the hour! I had gone through outfit after outfit, racing to shops in tightening shawls just to grab even bigger sizes! But then when I woke up the next day... Let’s just say bras had become dinky things of the past (and well my panties were soon to follow - not kidding, I was literally cutting them off with scissors when my butt just burst right out of them).
So I called Vivian. I had to. And then when she laughed at me, and even started getting irritable at my persistence... Well I had to do something!
She wasn’t going to believe pics... And so I sent her a video. By now the growth had accelerated, and you could actually see it happening there on camera! I was getting huge by this point, but then I guess you and the rest of the damn world probably know that already!
I won’t lie, growing feels good, and videoing it well... It made me feel a little dirty, in a good way. And then what does fucking Vivian do? She sees me hourglassing out, and uploads the fucking clip! Right there on her damn Tumblr!
Of course, I had the original taken, and her blog was even banned, but come on, that shit was cloned and stored deep within hard drives in minutes of it hitting the net.
Like fricking wildfire, it spread faster than my cleavage and cheeks. Now, once again, I’ll admit... It doesn’t exactly displease me, imagining all of you... fantasising about me, in fact pretty much the opposite (Well I guess it’s kinda 2 way), but it’s not like I was 100% together at the time.
Of course, the press were all over it as soon as they got wind, and well, at least since I got the new curtains, they haven’t been able to get any snaps of my latest growth...
All I can say is... thank god for Kickstarter. At least I could get some clothes delivered. There were more than a few people wanting themselves delivered to my door too. I may take some of this new following up on that. In the mean time, thanks so much you guys for being my lifeline! I’ll make sure to post a thank you video for all you wonderful people soon.
Over and out!
P.s. Thanks to the sender of the tablet. The keyboard became unreachable a day and a half before it arrived. (don’t ya just luv that fast service! x)
P.p.s Did I mention how much I love you guys?? XXXXX <3

Scowling, Verity clacked down the aisle, fists clenched. No, she had not wanted to try a bloody sample. but that that hadn’t stopped Mr-Eager, had it?
She was already late to her meeting, and was just getting credit to top up her phone when, as she had rushed towards the automatic doors of the shop, she was accosted by a young man brandishing a spray bottle, asking if she’d like to try out his company’s latest product.
Normally, she might have stopped, but not today. No way. Today she had an important meeting, and the last thing she wanted was to look frazzled from her rush. If she hurried now she would have two minutes to get there, just beond the other side of the shopping centre.
Her heels clicked quickly as she walked away with her purchase, frantically typing the code into her phone. As she completed the final digits, a sense of calm overcame her, and she breathed in deep.
A button popped off her shirt, but she didn’t look down. No one would notice, and besides, she probably looked better like that anyway. Smiling, she unzipped her unusually tight jacket, exposing the new round orbs poking against her blouse, musing that it was too hot anyway for it... or was that just her, in fact?
She was almost halfway there. She had lost three more buttons, and her rapidly expanding breasts were in the process of ripping through another, but she had gained an overwhelming sense of confidence, so it didn’t matter. She strode, straight backed and chest forward, making its way head of her by an ever increasing amount of inches as she slipped through cup sizes. Heads beside her bobbed in time with her jiggling chest as it spilled out beneath the confines of her now miniscule-looking bra, black silk peeking through her shirt and she stopped walking at the bottom of the escalator.
As she rose slowly, she gave a sigh mingled with contentment and nervous excitement, putting a great rent in her bra as she shot past the D range. She could feel it, today was the start of something new, something big.
She felt a slightly uncomfortable tickle, layered over a wedge of pleasure that was spreading below. Odd, she was feeling really... sensitive. All the better she supposed, feeling the snugness of her panties as her ass began to expand. She felt something behind her, and saw a man move back, his face stark with surprise. She gave him a wink, and wiggled her bottom a little as she unconciously grew another few inches. Her hips began to flare out too, stretching the skirt even tighter. She felt a moistness form a trail down her thighs, and they pressed together, thickening as her panties assumed more the shape of a thong at this stage.
She got off the escalator, and stumbled for a moment on hips that were now wider than her shoulders, but strong, thick legs caught her and guided her powerfully across the remaining distance, assuming a brisk, sexy sashay.
It was an unusual day, but she felt marvellous, electric. Her clothes felt great against her skin, all tight and... getting tighter, something said in the back of her mind. She only smiled in well-being, eager to reach her destination as her form changed further. Sexier and sexier she grew, with full lips and a narrowing waist, trim and toned. She stretched her arms outwards, and felt her jacket begin to tear a little, as she began to get taller.
Every step was a longer one, and the G-cup amazon halted her growth at six feet, with hair hanging down below her waist, covering the split in her skirt. Her ass was a tight, round, enormous cushion, tapering with thick thighs to her still dainty feet. She was a graceful hourglass, powerful and beautiful.
She walked through the doors of the building and towards the office. This was going to be good...

“Dear God,
“I know you work in mysterious ways. And don’t think I’m not grateful! After all, I’ve gotten this big – no, huge – in just the two months since I first prayed for tits big enough to put that silly white bitch Suzie to shame. Now look at me! I’m spilling out of every bra I’ve ever owned, and Suzie crosses her arms over her chest every time I sit down at the lunch table with her.
“But I was thinking… and if you don’t want to, that’s fine, I’m completely OK with the blessing you’ve already bestowed upon me and all that – but I was thinking that maybe I could stand to get a little bit bigger still. You know, just a few more inches on the measuring tape. It’d make landing that smart, wealthy, husband that Mama and Nana keep praying for me to find that much easier, wouldn’t it? And bigger boobs would mean that the children that I’ll have with him – and I know you love children, that’s, like, the one thing that the priest preaches about every week, the evils of condoms and all that – anyway, those children will be able to absolutely thrive if I had big breasts full of milk for them.
“Plus, I know that that hunky guy Kevin on the football team is absolutely crazy for huge boobs. Like – well, I’m sure you’ve seen his porn stash. You’re God, you know everything. So if you want me and him to hook up, then I’m going to need to be a lot bigger up here, right? Right.
“So that’s all I’ve got tonight, God. I ask you and Jesus Christ, your Son, that with the Spirit, our welcome guest, you guard our sleep and bless our rest, etc etc. And bigger breasts.
She didn’t see what I saw as she left. That pert ass rolling out, filling up like a heavy zeppelin, full and tight. Her dress shrank its way up her legs, pulling to cover the swelling buttocks that followed behind her. I could only watch, mouth agape with wonderment.
She took another step down the stairs, and I could see each cheek pressing an outline against the cloth. She absent mindedly tugged the garment, and my voice became stuck in my throat.
I thought back to last night, staggering into the house together, drunk as anything. She whispered dirty things and giggled as we helped each other up the staircase, towards the bed, but when she told me where she wanted me to put it I was instantly hard.
Thinking back to this morning’s growing concerns, I think I now realised why she never let me do that before. My eyes glued to her posterior, I counted down the seconds till she would open her car, sit down, and realise what had happened. I was the luckiest man in the world.

‘Oh shit... how many were in there?’ you wonder, your eyes like saucers.
Continue this! Add a line when you reblog :)

She shrugged off her coat, revealing even more of her great undulating cleavage. With each confident stride she took, her shoulder straps showed rising visible strain as breast flesh pressed out in all directions, bulging out from the frail purple dress, bouncing with an increasing jiggle, and all the while the alluring neckline plunged further.The hall was quiet save for the clack of her high heels, overlaid with a sonata of shredding cloth and popping stitches.
As she reached you she took a deep breath, tearing her bra clean in two. tit continued to spill out of the rags on all sides, and she smiled, holding your gaze as you forgot to breathe.

We wanted to see which of us you preferred, so we BOTH drank the recommended serum dosage... times 10!
Easy rules - the BIGGEST wins.
Now get fucking.

Kat raised a delicate finger and scooped some of the thick white substance from between her tits. As she pulled her finger out, she felt the cleavage already begin to tighten as her tits began to engorge. The already tight white fabric was spreading, and as she raised her finger to her mouth a cascade of ripping seams made her tingle with further arousal. Kat parted her plump lips, revelling in the warmth and pleasure as her boobs grew heavier on her heaving chest.
She tasted the saltiness, felt it slide deliciously down her throat. For a moment nothing happened. Then she trembled as her loins set ablaze, and shot three inches taller. Along with breasts now doubled in size, sitting wider than her shoulders and extending to below her ribcage, the increase in Kat’s size proved too much for the dress. It shredded entirely in half as her whole body enlarged. She only had time to watch a ring explode from her finger as her eyes rolled into her head in orgasm.
When Kat finally came down, panting and sucking in desperate breaths, only just beyond the total clutches of pleasure, her hands explored her augmented chest. The sensation was too much for her to search extensively, but as her breath came hot and heavy once more she was fairly certain her tits had absorbed all of the cum. She admired her new stature. She hadn’t grown taller, not exactly, more like... bigger. Her proportions were the same, just on a larger scale. She stretched an arm, jostling her enormous jugs enough to make her gasp - well that was something to get used to. Kat felt so good, so powerful, so BIG. The word thrilled her as she thought it, growing wet once again. However, Kat had to bite her lip to suppress a moan when she considered the term “More”...

Morph by jayjay88 >> So who’s up for it..?!
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