Eye Imagery - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
Tried Doing A Collage- Eye Is Entirely Paper, The Rest Are Miscellaneous Pictures And Stickers I Pasted

tried doing a collage- eye is entirely paper, the rest are miscellaneous pictures and stickers i pasted on!

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1 year ago

A message for Samhai! From a certain cthulusTendril…

CT: helloooooo, samhai! OvO how are you tonight?~

CT: oh! it's teuthi by the way! remember me? you said i was pretty, and that you'd like to style my hair owo~~~

CT: i would say that you can! but you should know that i kind of live in the middle of nowhere in a lighthive in the middle of the ocean u_u~

CT: but i told my lusus about you and they seemed happy, so they won't try and wreck your boat or eat you or anything if you do want to visit! ^_^~~~

-> cinerarySoul is delighted at this message and responds immediately!

CS: HEYY TEUTHII!! yeah II remember you! doiing pretty good, organiiziing my rock collectiion and stuffffff

CS: dude II'd LOVE to come over, even iif iit's a major trek lmaoo!! II'll briing ALL of my haiir stuff, and II'll briing my lusus goober too!!

CS: obvii only iif you guys don't miind, he's just a liittle guy, not dangerous or nothiin!!

-> CS attaches a photo of her lusus. Oh. Oh good god.

A Message For Samhai! From A Certain CthulusTendril

CS: can't waiit to see you teuthii >:)!!

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3 years ago
patch with the quote "I spy with my little eye... literally everything" embroidered on it. The patch looks like an eye. It is pinned to a tote bag.

heeeeeeeeeeeeere comes the patch!!!

this was my second embroidery ever and the second time trying to turn something into a patch too!

as soon as I listened to this part I knew I had to make it my tma self made merch subject

also - this is a fake patch as it actually has a safety pin on its back!!! I like to switch bags and I love pins!!! it also has a plastic sheet inside (I know using plastic is uncool but I have like 100+ plastic sheet left from a group project) and it kinda helps making the patch more stable!!! yay

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5 months ago


so I finished the animation I posted about recently and according to my bestie @fizzfan19, they say that it’s good (I beg to differ) also I MIGHTVE cut the audio a bit- (IT WAS TOO LONG AND I GOT TIRED🥲) sooooo yeah hope you like it

also WARNING: falling imagery, unrealistic blood, staring/fear of being watched, implies stalking/death, eye imagery, and swearing (ONE swear word)

song by: Rebzyyx

Made by: @frenchfriez15 (me)

helped by: @fizzfan19 (my bestie)

It looks meh- I think it looks kinda cringe but- WHATEVER!

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9 months ago

(Image ID: Redrawn Sammy Lawrence conducts a band of bendy masks. Redrawn Sammy wears a long rumpled cloak with a pointy hood and dangling sleeves. He holds a conductor’s bow upwards so as to begin the song. The words over him say, “All must give way for the Sinner’s Symphony”. End ID)

The Silly

the silly

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