Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest - Tumblr Posts
Imagine this: fairy tail, but most of the dub voice acting was all in Irish or Scottish accents.
The music of fairy tail seems kind of irish or scottish to me and it would be so cool if that was reflected in the voice acting.
Not even just irish accents. I feel like Lucy- since she’s new to Magnolia and her family’s rich- would have an received British pronunciation which slowly becomes a bit more Irish over time. Wendy and Carla could sound welsh or something similar for a while, but Wendy’s accent would sound a bit more scottish/ irish over time. Sabertooth could all have cockney accents and quatro cerberus could all speak like road men.
In the 100 year quest, as they venture onto new lands, they could move on to north american accents, every town they visit sounding slightly different.
I’d love it if anime dubs spread out from normal american accents. They don’t add as much to the character as other things could.
He does fight back. He was even going LFD before Aquarius showed up.
I really like that they fought cause it shows he respects that Lucy is strong. They even look excited because it is their first "fight". I just don't know what to feel about him going FDK. I know he is pushed in a corner but... oh my typical Natsu. 😂😅

After that, Aquarius even says... "hey, you planning to kill Lucy?"

I am still hoping though. 😂😅
How many times has Natsu said that whether it's a girl or a boy it doesn't matter he'll fight them if he has to.
How many times has he done exactly that huhhh
He couldn't hit Lucy after all. You know what that means~
Lucy is special to him. Different from other girls. He doesn't care about hitting others but he does if it's Lucy. It's love
Chapter went as I expected except for the last part. A Gruvia moment even without the latter. 😍 There were some really funny dialouges as well. 😂😅
But at the end of the day... Mashima-sensei, you know what WE (NaLu) want for Valentines Day... even a tiny bit of progress. 🙏🙏🙏

Is Mashima Setting Up A Big Fight This Early???"
Now that I think about it. It seems like Aquarius' appearance is the setup for the Natsu x Erza fight. 🤔 HYPE!!
But my heart still wants some Natsu x Lucy.
Can't wait to get this animated and hear Natsu say...

I don't know why I find this line so smeexy... 😍🙊🙈🤯
I just read Chapter 84. That was so much love to all Gruvia fans!! I'm so happy for you guys.

Now, when will Nalu fans get some love..