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Dwyer and Selkie from Fire Emblem Fates commissioned by @authordgaster 💖 Thank you so much ✨
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I’ve mentioned Gunther’s family a few times in my fic, The Rising Dark, so I wanted to make some visuals, both for my own refference, and in case anyone was curious.
Biological- Günter (age 8), Giselher (Gisele, age 4), Kriemhild (Hilde, 10 months), and Ankića (mother, age 28). The bulk of them. Yes, Gunther’s name is actually Günter, but people west of Žaložnica, his village, seem to have a very “fuck umlauts” way of speaking, so he just lets them pronouce his “ü” as “uh”. His father, Tabor, died shortly after his youngest sister was born during a famine, leaving him as the man of the house. His mother was a midwife, and he often had to help her carry and boil water, which resulted in a lot of trickle down knowledge as to how babies are born.
As a child, Günter was exceedingly curious about everything, but very sensitive and prone to crying over anything (much like Awakening’s Brady). His sister Gisele was a rough and tumble tomboy who assumed the only reason to even have a brother was to do stuff like race and climb and fight, which led to him running crying to their mother more often than not to “mommy, make her stooooop!!!😭😭😭”. Hilde was much more subdued, which he greatly appreciated seeing as whenever their mother had to deliver a child, he was left in charge of them. Both of them married before him and had several children. Günter loved being an uncle, but he didn’t care for brothers, be they step or otherwise. Yes, he and his siblings were all named after royalty- their father wanted them to do better in life than he had.
First Marriage- Günter (age 20), Michaela (age 19- she’s only two months younger than him, tho), and Christoph (5 months). Michaela was Günter’s only close friend growing up. When his father died, the other children didn’t want to be around him because he was too gloomy and boring, but she empathized with him, having lost both her brother and grandmother. Nerr absolutely destests the very thought of Michaela, because she sees her as some kind of perfect, beautiful goddess that Gunther must have loved so much more than her and probably always compares her to in his mind. That is the exact opposite of the truth.
The only reason Gunther married Michaela is because he knocked her up. Neither of them wanted to get married, especially not to each other, but marriage and families were expected of everyone, so they just said “fuck it” and got hitched. They weren’t in love with one another, either- their feelings were purely platonic. They only had sex in the first place because they were virgins who were too afraid of experimenting with anyone else. Günter thought Michaela was too bossy and shrill and scary, while Michaela saw Günter as a gullible crybaby who wasted all their money on junk because he couldn’t fucking haggle. They were the kind of friends who would call each other bitch and unclefucker and make everyone around them think they hated each other, but they know what they’re talking about…
Regardless of their mixed feelings about one another, they both loved their son with all their hearts. Michaela was the one who named him, because she knew Günter would think of something stupid and pompous and “God dammit, I’m not naming my son ‘Aurelian’, you fucking idiot! You want him to get the crap beaten out of him for the rest of his life?” “I want him to aspire to be something other than a mud farmer, you uncultured swine!”
Second Marriage- Gunther (age 60), Nerr (age 18), Azura (age 19), and Kanna (age two- in Deeprealm years. He's only about two months in actual time). For forty years, Gunther resigned himself to having nothing to live for but hatred and ultimately dying alone and being forgotten. Then, by fate or chance, he was assigned to mete out punishment to a Hoshidan prisoner of war. Nerr was the first person in decades who was ever happy to see him, and soon, living to make her life better seemed like a better use of his existance than living out of spite.
For a while, he wanted to think of her as a daughter, a second chance at having a child, but that felt like a disservice both to her and his actual child. Besides, with the arrival of Jakob, Flora and Felicia, and Lilith, he had more than enough children, so he just loved her on her own merits. And as she got older, that love turned from storge, to philia, to agape, and, when he found out his feelings were returned (with intrest), to pragma. He might have been married before, he might have taken lovers, but Nerr was the first, and only, person he’s actually been in love with.
Azura is his favorite sister-in-law (and favorite in-law in general). He adores her and would do anything for her, not just because she saved his life (that was karma- he saved her from a “prank” gone wrong as a child), but because she’s the only other person Nerr leans on. As long as Azura is there for his beloved, he would go through hell and high water for her. He also greatly admires her musical ability. Gunther loves music, especially opera, but much to his chagrin, has never been musically inclined (that is to say, he can’t play an instrument or sing well- he can memorize pretty much any song just from hearing it once). He desperately wants to ask her for singing lessons, but is afraid she would mock his singing like Nerr does.
Kanna is the undisputed light of his life. For a very, very long time, it seemed this new marriage would be a childless one. After several miscarriages and a stillbirth, Gunther suggested adoption if Nerr was still desperate to have children, which resulted in her nearly throwing a table at his head. Finally, despite overwhelming odds, Kanna was born, their miracle child. Even though it’s in Gunther’s nature to be a strict parent, he can’t bring himself to do anything but dote on and spoil his son. He would set himself on fire if he thought it would make the boy laugh. Nerr named him, seeing as Gunther’s first choice, Gothicus, was immeadiately vetoed by literally everyone, even people passing by on the street who had no idea what they were talking about. She promised him he could name their second child, as long as it’s a name that doesn’t think it’s better than it is (in my AU, he names their first child, a daughter, Victoria. It’s probably the only normal name he’s ever thought of).

Was thinking about Leokumi Wedding on my FE twitter last night…
Since it’s a royal wedding that would be a joining between their two countries, they’d try and compensate and arrange the ceremony with customs that represented both their cultures.
I wanted to design their outfits to reflect that! This is their Ceremonial Wedding outfits that reflecting their heritage. I want to draw a 2nd outfit that they would wear after the ceremony too, where Takumi would wear something of Nohrian style and Leo of Hoshidan style to reflect them having married into each other’s families :’) maybe in a few days….
They’re so happy and excited… _(:’3 and so in love wahhhh my heart