I Like How This Turned Out - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I see. Thank you for answering my question!

Now, can I request Clanne/Citrinne fluff where Citrinne asks Clanne out on a date to go on a picnic together and watch some wildflowers? Also, Citrinne wants to confess her love for Clanne at the end of the date.

A Picnic and Flowers

Series: Fire Emblem.

Characters: Citrinne and Clanne.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Notes: This request is so adorable!! I loved Clanne and Citrinne's support in Engage I'm happy to write for a request like this! Also apologizes this probably took longer than it should have.

I See. Thank You For Answering My Question!

It was another peaceful in the Somniel however somewhere in the gardens of the Somniel. One of the many residents was having a problem. That resident was none other than Citrinne. But what was this problem Citrinne was facing?

Well, recently Citrinne and Clanne had grown rather close. A friendship bloomed between the two of them after both tended to a wildflower that was in poor condition. However, Citrinne had concluded that her feelings for Clanne went beyond friendship.

She was in fact in love with the boy and had wanted to ask him out on a date. Citrinne had been going back and forth on whether to ask him out the thought of being rejected worried her! However, after a while of back and forth, she had the confidence to ask him even if he were to reject her.

With a picnic basket in hand, Citrinne had out to find Clanne. The idea she had for their date was wonderful! It would be a picnic surrounded by many wildflowers at their favorite place in the Somniel.

After some time of Citrinne walking around the Somniel, she had finally spotted who she was looking for. "All alright Citrinne you can do this! You've gone over this multiple times there's nothing to fear!" Citrinne spoke as she approached Clanne.

"Hello, Clanne do you have free time as of now? If so would you like to join me for a picnic in our favorite spot?" Citrinne spoke awaiting Clanne's response. "Oh, Citrinne hi! That sounds great I'd love to join you for a picnic!"

"Yes, Citrinne you've done it!" Citrinne whispered to herself. "Oh did you say something?" Clanne questioned. "Me? Oh no! Nothing! Now let us make our way to our favorite spot for our picnic." Citrinne spoke as she and Clanne walked side by side to their favorite spot in the Somniel.

Once they reached their location Citrinne placed down the picnic blanket. She then sat down along with Clanne and began taking things out of the basket such as food to enjoy their picnic. "Wow, Citrinne this food is amazing!" Clanne said happily.

"I'm glad you like it Clanne we do know each other quite well so I made sure to get some of your favorites," Citrinne spoke as she and Clanne sat together enjoying the food she had brought with her.

It was a beautiful day truly a wonderful day for a picnic the sun shines brightly in the sky and a cool breeze in the air. To top it all off Citrinne and Clanne were in their favorite spot surrounded by many wildflowers.

"Clanne I asked you to be with me on this picnic as there's something I wish to say to you," Citrinne spoke as Clanne's attention was now on her. "I love you Clanne and I have felt this way for quite some time. Even if you don't return my feelings I understand." Citrinne spoke now nervously awaiting Clanne's response.

"I feel the same way Citrinne and I'm happy to know you feel the same. I was wanting to tell you the same thing but seems you beat me to it haha." Clanne let out a nervous laugh now waiting for Citrinne.

"Oh, you have no idea how happy this makes me Clanne! I'm just so happy and I love you so much!" Citrinne spoke tears forming in her eyes from the joy she was feeling. "And I love you as well Citrinne," Clanne spoke as the two friends now lovers. Enjoyed their picnic together surrounded by their favorite wildflowers.

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1 year ago

Hello! Can I request Fire Emblem Heroes King of Faerghus!Dimitri x Summoner!Reader where Dimitri confesses to the Reader by asking them to stay by his side like in his level 40 conversation but Reader thinks he means it more professionally/as an advisor, but ends with them getting together?

A King and his Summoner

Series: Fire Emblem.

Character: King of Faerghus!Dimitri.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Summoner!Reader.

Notes: Reader is Gender Neutral.

Hello! Can I Request Fire Emblem Heroes King Of Faerghus!Dimitri X Summoner!Reader Where Dimitri Confesses

Ever since Dimitri had been summoned to Askr it had been something new and unexpected for him. His friends and loved ones were there. Along with other versions of himself and his friends!

It took him a while to adjust to this new kingdom and see different versions of his friends. However, Dimitri had someone there for him since he arrived to adjust to this new kingdom.

Who was that someone? Why it was you of course! Ever since you summoned Dimitri you and him grew with each other and developed a deep bond with one another.

From helping him in battle after battle and defeating countless foes. To help him understand how even ended up in Askr and explain things he was unfamiliar with.

Dimitri and you had been there for each other and became very close over time. Although lately, Dimitri had been thinking something over as of late. It's about you and how he felt towards you.

Dimitri valued his and your time together but wanted more for you and him to spend every day together. So he planned to tell you how he felt as he planned to with you later in the day. The time was quickly approaching so he left to speak with you at the location he told you to meet at.

When Dimitri arrived he already saw you there waiting for him. "Ah, summoner thank you for taking the time to speak with me," Dimitri spoke already relaxing by being near you.

"Of course, Dimitri getting to spend any more time with you. Is something I'd take the opportunity to do!" Always so kind and honest Dimitri liked that about you.

"There is something rather important I would like to speak with you about." He spoke again struggling to find his words. However, after some time he finally finds the words to say.

"When you summoned me here to Askr I had already been crowd King back home in Faerghus. But even as a King I continue to grow and learn new things. So far here in Askr all of that has been thanks to you summoner."

He paused for a moment before speaking once again. "Please summoner stand by my side and help me become a king Faerghus can be proud of!" He spoke now awaiting your response.

"But I already have been Dimitri! For the entire time, I have had you here with me. There was no need to speak with about this!" You let a chuckle after finishing what you said to him.

That...was not the response he was expecting maybe he should be more direct? Yes surely by being more direct about what he truly says and what he is feeling! "Ah of course summoner but I meant it in a different light."

"I wish for you to stand by my side as my king/queen. So that with you by my side I will have all the support and love I need. For the people of Faerghus to have a king they can be proud of."

You were stunned for a moment unsure of what to say. However, after a while, you gathered your thoughts and gave a response to Dimitri. "Oh, Dimitri so that's what you meant. Then yes I'll be your king/queen and stand by your side. By being with you I'll show Faerghus how lucky they are to have such an amazing king."

Dimitri smiled as he embraced you in a hug. "Thank you summoner you've truly made me a happy king. I love you." You hugged Dimitri. "And I love you too Dimitri."

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1 year ago


I was wondering if you could write a fairy tail gruvia?

so basically the plot would be that gray and juvia never went to tenrou island. instead of them being gone for 7 years, it's WAAAAY longer (like 22+ yrs)

it was hard at first for gruvia to move along. they searched for a long time but eventually moved on in peace together. they end up having a family together. then when team tenrou comes back, gray and juvia aren't very happy. it sounds wrong, i know-

but they both struggled to move on and eventually did. they don't really like the fact that they're back, as it feels like that was all for not. gray also needs juvia as like a comfort (almost always touching her in some way: hand holding, arm around waist, etc) their kids don't know how to feel (their parents are distressed a bit, so they are probably a bit defensive) team tenrou is hurt by the negatively from gray and juvia

if this was to much pls feel free to cut some out! but maybe if you could for sure keep the kids and gruvia not being happy about the return? that's what I'm really looking forward to lol

thank you! have a lovely day! :) <<<333

Can't Look Back

Series: Fairy Tail.

Character: Juvia and Gray.

Genre: Angst and Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Notes: Apologies this took way longer than it should have.


All the guild members of Fairy Tail had been called to the guild hall for an announcement. All day the guild members of Fairy Tail had been wondering what this special announcement could be. However, before they could speculate any further the curtains to the stage opened.

The Guild Master Makarov was standing at the center of the stage alongside Mirajane. He then began to speak revealing why he had called everyone here today. "Wizards of Fairy Tail as you know it is a special time for the guild during this time of year.

Some of you will be selected for the S-Class Mage Promotional Trial. It will be held on the guild's sacred grounds Tenrou Island. I will now reveal the names of the wizards who will participate in the S-Class Promotional Trial Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Cana Alberona, Levy McGarden, Elfman Strauss, Juvia Lockser, Freed Justine, and Mest Gryder.

The trial will start in a couple of days and you may choose a partner to help you in the trial. That is all no get to practicing for the annual S-Class Promotional Trial!" Excitement could be heard throughout all of the guild halls as members raced out of the entrance to start training.

However, among the crowd of the many guild members of Fairy Tail, there were two who weren't so happy that were chosen. Of course, they tried not to show so as not to ruin the mood of their other guild members. Truthfully Juvia and Gray had grown very close to each other.

They both wanted to finally spend quality time with each other but with something like this? It ruined that quality time they both of them so desperately wanted. But they could just not show up and participate next year right...?

(Time skip brought to you by Happy eating fish.)

And so it finally came the day of the S-Class Promotional Trial. Everyone was already there and waiting on the boat to Tenrou Island (much to Natsu's dismay). Everyone had been waiting on the boat to Tenrou Island for Gray and Juvia but they had yet to show.

Master Makarov had to decide to set off without Juvia and Gray. As if they stayed any longer it would be late to start the S-Class Promotional Trial. And so the bost sets out to Tenrou Island.

(Time skip brought to by the events that happened on Tenrou Island and many years after it.)

It had been several years since the S-Class Promotional Trial. When those chosen went to Tenrou Island Juvia and Gray had excepted their guild mates to return within a day or so. However, that wasn't instead they had learned that their guild members and their guild's secret grounds had disappeared.

Of course when they heard the news it greatly upset both Gray and Juvia. They did all they could with those who remained of their guild, Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale. However, after days, weeks, and months had passed their search efforts proved fruitless.

Gray and Juvia had begun to lose hope they'd ever seen their beloved friends ever again. So even with more search attempts with no results Juvia and Gray had decided to leave the Fairy Tail guild. Of course, this wasn't an easy decision and they didn't want to but the guild wasn't the same without their missing friends there with them.

And so Gray and Juvia set off from their guild to start another life somewhere together. It wouldn't be easy and it would take time to heal from their missing friends. But with each other Gray and Juvia would be just fine together.

(Once again another time skip of many years brought to you by Happy eating fish.)

It had been since the well-known incident of the famous Fairy Tail had happened. The incident still affected those who disappeared. However as bad as it may sound two people were living happily unbothered by the instant of years past.

A happy family was living in a house near a forest and laughter could be heard from outside of this home. It was the family all having a picnic together but just who was this family? Well, it's Gray, Juvia, and their beloved son Greige.

That's right over the family years since the Incident of the missing Fairy Tail guild members. Gray and Juvia had enjoyed their new life together and just a few short years of living this new life. They both welcomed their beautiful son Greige into the world.

They provided for him the best they could and made sure he was happy and cared for. They've been happier than they've ever been and they wished to continue living like this.

"Gray! Juvia!" Just then a pair of familiar voices could be heard getting louder and closer to the couple. No, it couldn't be, could it? Surly not especially after all this time could it? A similar sentiment the couple had both thought.

Just then familiar faces could be seen by both Juvia and Gray. They couldn't believe or at least didn't want to believe it but they couldn't deny it either. There they were clear as day both Natsu and Lucy running towards them clear as day.

Both Natsu and Lucy finally stop standing before just Juvia and Gray. "Finally we've finally found the both of you!" We couldn't believe what we heard but now we're here to tell you Fairy Tail has returned and we're here to bring the both of you back!" Natsu spoke with enthusiasm.

Gray and Juvia both stood up from their picnic blanket with their son hiding behind Juvia. "It's a surprise to see you Lucy and Natsu we thought you were gone forever when you disappeared all those years ago," Gray spoke unsure what to do as he hadn't expected this. I mean who would expect their missing friends to show up out of nowhere after so many years?

Gray and Juvia felt conflicted on one hand they were happy their friends had returned safe and sound. However on the other hand they're upset. They've built a new life together and truly loved one another not to mention their son who they loved even more than each other.

They just couldn't throw away this life they built together and return to Fairy Tail. Maybe if this happened a few years earlier but now? It was far too late to even consider that.

Whether they liked it or not they would give Natus and Lucy the truth they would not be returning to Fairy Tail. Emotions were running wild within Gray from the surprise appearance of Natsu and Lucy. So to calm himself down somewhat he held Juvia's hand and smiled.

Once he found the words and with the comfort of his beloved wife, Juvia spoke to Natsu and Lucy.

"Sorry, Natsu...Lucy but we won't be returning to Fairy Tail. It's too late for that now maybe if this happened sooner we'd consider such a thing. But now? It's far too late me and Juvia are married and happy together and with my son who I'm so proud of. So once again no no matter what me and Juvia will never return to Fairy Tail."

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail request hurt to comfort fanfiction of when Juvia Lockser's male S/O who is Gray's older twin brother reassured Juvia that he still loves her no matter what when Juvia heard complaints from S/Os fangirls of how he could fall in love with a gloomy weather woman and stuff like that and it understandably greatly hurt Juvia's feelings judging by how the rain began to fall (S/O saw the situation and made the fangirls see sense that he loves Juvia and there is nothing that can change how he feels about her). S/O comforted Juvia afterwards..not caring if the rain will make him sick considering how long he spent looking for her. He still cared about Juvia..and he loves her.

(Juvia doesn't deserve any hate)

My Lovely Rain Woman

Series: Fairy Tail.

Character: Juvia and Gray.

Genre: Hurt to Comfort.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Notes: Ahh omg just reading this request a little sad! I love Juvia with all my heart she's my favorite Fairy Tail character. It's sad to see so much hate for Juvia within the fandom. She's just a girl who's in love and who has no problem showing her love for the person she's in love with.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Request Hurt To Comfort Fanfiction Of When Juvia Lockser's Male S/O Who

Juvia was out doing some shopping in Magnolia when she overheard two girls talking. "How can a woman like that be with him? She's so gloomy!" One girl had said to the other. "I know right? There's also rain wherever she goes!

And don't get me started with all the affection she gives him. He can't get a moment to breathe without her holding onto his arm!" The other girl spoke in reply. In that moment it was as though Juvia's whole world began to collapse.

Was what they said true? Did what they say was how her S/O thinks of her? Then just as she was taking all of this I'm the girl spoke again. "Not to mention she can be so clingy and obsessive! Honestly, I do take pity on her lover."

"Clingy." "Obsessive." It rang in Juvia's head over and over overwhelming her. It wouldn't stop it's all she can think of now. It was beginning to become too much for her she started to tear up and began running home. On her way, she passed Gray who had notched how upset she was.

"Juvia!" Gray had called out to her but kept on running not stopping until she reached the comfort of her room. Gray knew something was wrong so he ran back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. As this was happening Juvia finally made it to Fairy Hills and ran straight to her room.

She immediately fell onto her bed crying about what those girls said earlier. The words felt like a knife to Juvia's heart and kept on hearing the words the spoke in her head. All of this was too much for Juvia as began crying harder from their words.

Just then Gray had finally made it back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. You were with Natsu and Lucy just talking about some jobs you should take. Gray ran up to you immediately to tell you about the state Juvia was in.

"Hey, little brother I just saw Juvia a while ago. She looked very upset I tried to call out to her to see what was wrong. But she just kept running for whatever upset her."

This was a surprise to you what happened? Where's Juvia? Is she okay? All these questions raced through your mind. But just then Gray began to speak again.

"I saw her running off in the direction of Fairy Hills. She's probably already made her way there. So I would go there first to look for her."

Gray spoke to you again and you immediately got up from your seat. You then began to race out of the Guild Hall to go see Juvia. On your way out you shouted to Gray thanking him for coming to you and telling you about Juvia. "Thank you, Gray!"

You were worried so very worried about Juvia. Nothing like this had happened before so you could only imagine how Juvia must be right now. You had finally made it to Fairy Hills now and made your way to Juvia's room as quickly as you could.

You finally reached her door and knocked gently. "Juvia? Can I come in?" No response but you can hear Juvia crying through the door. "Juvia? I'm coming in alright?" You spoke as you opened her door and entered her room.

There she was you saw her as soon as you entered the room. She was crying heavily on her bed. She didn't even look at you when you entered the room she just continued crying.

You approached and sat down on the bed next to her as you began to speak. "Juvia? What's wrong? Will you tell me what happened? I'm really worried about you."

You began to rub her back with your hand in an attempt to comfort Juvia. After a while Juvia's crying seems to have begun to slow down and she was taking deep breaths. Then after some more time, Juvia spoke to you about what was upsetting her.

"Darling, am I too clingy?" Juvia spoke and it surprised you as you didn't expect that. "What? No of course not Juvia why would you think that?" Juvia then sat up next to you.

"Juvia was out shopping earlier today and I overheard these girls taking. They said I was too clingy and obsessive over you darling." It hurts your heart to hear this but your heart hurt even more seeing how it was affecting Juvia.

You then pulled Juvia into a hug her head resting on your shoulder and your head resting on hers. "I would never think anything like that Juvia. I love you more than life itself you mean so much to mean and I care about you more than words can express. Don't listen to them Juvia what they said isn't true.

I love you just how you and nothing will ever change that." As soon as you tell her this Juvia's mood changes and you see her start to smile again. "Thank you darling I'll never doubt your love for me again. I love you so much." Juvia spoke looking at you with a smile on her face. "And I love you as well Juvia."

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1 year ago

Hi hello, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to make a (probably over) protective Junko x female reader situation, where reader had had a very tough life between abusive patents and ex’s and now Junko wants to ensure no one hurts her again a sort of hurt comfort meets classic unhinged Junko antics. Thank you very much for reading my request by the by :3

Lady of Despair

Series: Danganronpa.

Characters: Junko.

Genre: Hurt/Comfort.

Reader: Female.

Notes: Ultimate Talent is (U/T). Also, I love this art of Junko it's from a game called Divine Gate. Also, I like this and am happy and proud of how this fic turned out!

Hi Hello, I Wanted To Ask If You Would Be Willing To Make A (probably Over) Protective Junko X Female

Even from your earliest memories as a child, your parents have always been very cruel towards you. Doing below the bare minimum possible to take care of you. The middle school you went to even took notice of this.

However In the end your lying and deceitful parents had managed to convince people that you were perfectly fine. That you were only "Acting this way for attention." Made you sick to your stomach and your hatred for your parents only grew with each passing day.

It had been this way for many years and as awful as it was you had to live and deal with their abuse. It had gotten to the point where you would be looking forward to going to school each day. Spending time at school would be much better than being at home with your parents.

You had also tried your hand at relationships as another escape from your parents and your home life. However, even this didn't seem to work well for you. Some of your partners were or even more abusive than your parents.

Say what you could and couldn't do what you could and couldn't wear who you could and couldn't be with. Between parents and parents, it was a never-ending cycle of despair. It was one you wouldn't ever find yourself escaping from.

And yet one day that cycle was finally broken and you couldn't believe it. This had to be some cruel joke right? But no it was happening Hopes Peak High School had scouted you to be the (U/T).

You really couldn't believe it but as it finally settled in that you had been scouted to Hopes Peak High School you were so happy! But wait when was the last time you were happy? But you couldn't care to think about that you were happy truly happy and you wouldn't let this opportunity pass you by!

With this chapter of your life began you left everything behind your home, parents, and ex-partners. You could finally put all of that behind you and not dare to look back. Thanks to this opportunity you wouldn't let anything pass you by and experience everything you can!


Okay, now that you were here standing at the Gates of Hope's Peak High School you were extremely nervous, to say the least. You had many questions running through your head all at once. One of the most important ones was what the people here were like.

Due to your past, you had become very nervous and reserved. Not trusting people thinking that if you did your past would only come back to haunt you. It's the last thing you wanted but even still the only thing you ever wanted was to be loved and accepted.

And let's just say you may have gotten more than you barred for. (Not that you minded of course!) But why was this? Well, it was all thanks to one girl Junko Enoshima!

You had heard of her before you had seen her on TV and in many magazines. You were honestly surprised to see that she was your classmate. Although you weren't surprised she had managed to get into a school like Hope's Peak being scouted as the Ultimate Fashionista.

But why do I say "was?" Well, that's because the Ultimate Fashionista was your girlfriend! The way you got into a relationship with her was certainly strange. Although it's not like you cared you were just happy to have someone like her in your life.

As Junko put it you were simply "Too adorable to be left alone!" And "How is a girl like you, not the Ultimate Model? You'll threaten my position as Ultimate Fashionista for being so beautiful! Be my girlfriend!"

And that's ultimately (haha see what I did there? "Ultimately" cuz of ultimate talents? Okay I'll stop...) How the both of you became partners and you couldn't be happier.

At the beginning of your relationship with Junko, you were afraid to open up to her about your past. But as the two of you got to know each other better and trusted each other as time passed.

When you had told Junko about your parents and ex-partners. She was extremely furious, to say the least. Out of anyone she would want to cause them despair the most.

Because how DARE they treat HER girlfriend like that? She would even send Mukuro after them to "silence" Whether you let her do this is up to you...

Junko would also let you hold and cuddle Monokuma. She'd also communicate through Monokuma. Why not text or phone call? Well according to her "That's so LAME! Who uses a phone to communicate anymore? When you can use the despair bear Monokuma I created!"

Of course, she'd still have her phone on her at all times. For when you didn't have Monokuma around and needed to contact her in some way. If you ever need anything contact her! If you don't well she might end up getting jealous...

All in all, you loved her and she loved you and that's all that matters. She was your Lady of Despair.

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