Feh Bruno - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

THANK GOD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE THINKING THESE THOUGHTS. Like Sisyphus I am forever bound by my love-hate relationship to this game and will continue to have brain rots about FEH despite it not being fully built for that.

Speaking of, Anna! I don’t sit here and psycho-analyze Anna like I do with Alfonse or Sharena. She is giving team rock. She knows who exactly she is and aint got qualms with that. Which stands in great contrast to the Askr siblings who cannot relate they be struggling. Girly is giving the Toph simplicity to Zuko and Katara complexity. But with a more cool girl who’s a grade above you energy. And I love that for her. But ma’am who are you and how did you get here? 

What history does that woman have with the royal family that she was trusted with the health and safety of the royal heirs of her nation? Hell, unlike every other Anna she is actually loyal to a nation how did that happen??? Usually she’s just a glorified mercenary here to make a small fortune out of war time, but NO she’s a whole ass commander willing to put her ass on the line for this place. And it’s not commander of a non consequential platoon either. She is the commander of an elite task force managing the affairs of other worlds and works in tandem with heroes from said other worlds, even though (if my memory serves correctly) the King frowned upon involving the other world’s in their own problems. Like???? Girl????? She’s getting more special treatment from the king than his own kids are getting. There is a STORY there and I WANT it but will I ever get it probably not. So I will make all the headcannons in violent defiance no one can stop me.

It would make so much sense if Bruno and Anna were Alfonse and Sharena’s retainers at some point. It would explain how exactly Bruno got in so close to the royal family and why there is openness yet professionalism in Anna’s relationship with the royal siblings. Also it could be hilariously ironic if Anna and Bruno were friends before that and acted as duo package. So as Anna was rising above her station to the point of working directly with the royal family, Bruno was SWEATING. Trying to pinpoint when exactly he lost all control.

So I’ve been loving all your FEH stuff! Your art is very very pretty it looks like candy and I want to eat it to become all powerful. But now I got a question! Got any thoughts on Anna? She also gets pretty sidelined by the plot which is a damn shame because I find her dynamic with Askr siblings FASCINATING. With all their complications with making friends, Anna seems like the only friend Alfonse and Sharena have successfully made and I would kill to know how that happened.

EXTREMELY THRILLED TO HEAR THIS HAHAHA esppp thank you!!! That is SUCH a compliment... deeply honored to have my art achieve edible-looking status 🫡

ALSO. I'VE. BEEN ROTATING THIS IN MY BRAIN SO BAD. The unfortunate thing I'll be upfront about is that I don't have a lot of thoughts about Anna, aside from like, appreciating her gimmick and finding her funny.

But I DO agree she does have a fascinating dynamic with the siblings. Like. I think it's so interesting to see how Anna is their superior, as the commander and leader of the Order of Heroes, while at the same time Alfonse and Sharena are literally the prince and princess of Askr. Which IS par for the course for the Order of Heroes to have royalty in their ranks, but still!! It's a dynamic I can't quite put words to, but it is SO interesting to see how it plays out. (Also worth mentioning though, I feel, Alfonse and Sharena wanted to join the order not as royalty but as themselves, as people. What they stand for, believe in, and want for the future, ect -- so their status doesn't always play a huge role, but, you can't erase it completely, esppp as they ARE the prince and princess Of Askr)

AND ALSO. All that said, Alfonse isn't afraid to call Anna out when he feels her schemes are getting slightly unethical LMFAO. Despite each of their status/titles/roles, they do feel like they're on equal footing. And with Sharena, her relationship with Anna is very friendly -- but I feel like that's also just how Sharena is LMFAO.

In my head though, the way I see it, each of their relationships with Anna do feel professional in nature? Which isn't to say it can't be personal as well, I do think each have bonds with each other. But espp when I've revisited Book 1, I got the sense that Anna is more of a boss and mentor to the siblings -- esppp when Sharena starts crying recalling the disappearance of Zacharias, Anna is quick to resolve it in a professional way and also take the responsibility she felt as the commander to all three of them (WHICH. ALSO. WILD TO THINK ABOUT. Like what IS the timeline here???? I WANT TO KNOW SO BAD.)

(also also that moment Was from Book 1, so maybe I'm not accounting for character development here, I only revisit books when I'm feeling VERY autistic about something specific in particular LMFAOO)

AND HONESTLY IF I. THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT THAT I go insane, like. I know it's just a consequence of Zenith being In A Mobile Gacha Game, and the point isn't really the world of Zenith itself it's to get all the guys from the mainline games to make money LMFAOO BUT. Askr feels so lonely and empty, actually. Like I feel like we have a more fleshed out/more world building for Embla than we do Askr! A LOT of fascinating family stuff there actually. But in Askr it's just Alfonse, Sharena, their parents, and Anna. That's it. And honestly I HAVE to wonder, like! Where did Anna come from, anyway? I know each Anna has their own lore, so I suppose she could just be from Askr, herself. And I guess it wouldn't matter any which way, but I am just so. I WANT. LORE. AND TIMELINES LIKE. When did Anna become the commander. How long has she been the commander. You've given me a whole new thing to violently chew on wood over HAHAHAH

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10 months ago

Throwing my headcannons in the ring because this age discussion has been hilarious.

So I personally believe that Alfonse and Sharena’s age difference is pretty small. About 1 year apart, two at max. What set that in stone for me was meeting their parents in book 3 and seeing that their difference in maturity derives from the two very different expectations put on them. This coupled with a generally sheltered life prior to joining in the Order leads to the wonderful concoction of mirroring issues they’re both sporting.

Speaking of, how old were they when they joined the Order? I want to say about 18-19, as that age range generally correlates to when people usually start to break free from their parents and become more independent. And we know that’s what joining the Order was for them because this decision led to Alfonse getting entirely kicked out by his dad. It’s all very “good luck kid, you’re an adult now. Figure it out yourself” coded. So from there, let’s give them a few years in service. Maybe four years? So when book 1 actually starts, Sharena and Alfonse would be about 21 and 22 respectively.

Now Commander Anna has always come off as older than the royal siblings. This woman has had a whole military career up until this point. She has enough combat experience to warrant becoming the commander of an elite army battalion whose original purpose was espionage and in the coming years is about to be responsible for killing multiple gods. However, despite this, she’s not THAT much older than them. Maybe about 25? So how on earth does that work? Well, it would make a lot more sense if she was child soldier of some kind. Fighting on the front lines since she was 13-14. That logs her over a decade of experience and would help explain why she is military commander of all things and not another cutthroat merchant.

Bruno is unfortunately singing a similar tune as Anna. He is about the same age and was made into a solider around the same time. Maybe even sooner. We know his life started hitting its downward spiral with the death of his mother, so it would make sense that as a form of survival, he would start learning how to fight. Then within this 10+ year time period, he could be sent to Askr, meet Anna, join the Order, become close with the royal siblings, leave, etc.

Veronica, meanwhile, is like 13-14 in book 1. She’s baby. She’s a brat. She’s around the age where things started going very wrong for Bruno, so he feels morally obliged to try to be there for her as a result. Be at least one adult in her life that has her best interest at heart. But he’s also extremely depressed and going through it, so that becomes increasingly complicated as time goes on.

Last but not least we got Kiran. In my mind they’re about 24. Nothing too complicated going on with that conclusion. They’re not older than Anna, but not younger than Sharena. Think it would be funny if they were like “Wait Alfonse you’re 22? Oh my god you’re a baby” while only having a two year age difference.

(Also I think it could be really interesting flavor for Kiran’s character if they’re old enough to have a college degree that can no longer use but Kiran’s past is a Ted Talk for another day)

Now what’s actually complicated is how old everyone is in current day. I think, on average, it could be safe to say that each book takes canonically about 6ish months. For example, making book 1 and 2 take place in the same year feels right to me, especially since they kinda flow into each other. Embla was presumably winning for a time, but since in introduction of the summoner, they’ve spent half a year getting absolutely no where. At that point, it makes sense for Embla call upon Múspell to help turn the tide. But the key world is average, because then you have seasons like book 4 which explicitly takes place over the course of 3 days. This means that book 3 and book 5 are WAY closer to each other timeline wise. Niðavellir probably chooses to attack Askr when they did because they were still recovering from Hel’s near world ending assault. This makes book 6 take place around the start of year three. But then book 7 makes things complicated again because of course it does but instead of trying to decode it I’m just gonna slap it with the 6 months sticker even tho it’s definitely wrong. Which makes book 8 happening at around year 4.

With all that in mind, my headcannon ages for our main cast in book 8 are as follows: Alfonse is 26, Sharena is 25, Anna is 29, Kiran is 28, Veronica is 17, and Bruno is dead (died at age 28.)

I would LOVE for some updated portraits to convey how much time has passed with the Askr trio. I want to draw it so bad. But alas I am busy and Alfonse growing into more Líf similarities will have to wait.



It's very unclear! But Alfonse's "It's been at least 10 years since Sharena was a child" line is a rough estimate itself. I feel like it could place Sharena anywhere to 18 to 20 when she joined the Order of Heroes (this is just my headcanon though, based on what's typical irl -- there's also a possibility that in Askr, the age you're considered "an adult" is different, but that's also speculation)

But if Sharena was anywhere from 18 to 20 when she joined the Heroes, and granting that a few years have passed to get to Book 4. Maybe 22? 24? At oldest? If every book is a year. Which in that case!

Yeah she could be at this point actually 🤔 Or maybe 26.

And really you can throw any random number at Alfonse like. I kinda hc he's 3 years older than her, if not 4. They do seem close in age, but far enough that Alfonse has always felt more "grown up" to her (possibly by the way he was treated/raised, many possibilities). But going off those numbers, he could be 29 or 30ish current Book, if we're going w Sharena being 26 (makes me wonder if his Brave alt is gonna make him look "more mature"... like his portrait always read as young adult to me, but I wonder if he'll be a little less baby faced.)

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