Fell - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

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Perdonen Si No Son De Su Gusto, Pero Al Menos Intente Hacer Algunos Edits Decentes. uw,u

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Ink!Sans por Comyet | Myebi

Error!Sans por CrayonQuendom | LoveOfPiggies

Fell!Sans por AuComunity [No Se Como Se Escribe Ahre]

Lust!Sans por

Y Por Ultimo Pero No Menos Importante:

Aleix por @nekochan508 [Adoro A Su Bebu uwu]

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4 years ago
Bunny Rabbit Fell!

Bunny rabbit fell!

I'm sorry I couldn't help myself!

Fell (from the gaster gang)belongs to @bun-bunmuse

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5 years ago
-Primer Dibujo 2020-

-Primer dibujo 2020-

Solo puede dibujar a fell y berry :"u,sorry tenia que hacerlo rápido no tengo del tiempo

El que lea esto,que tenga un bonito 2020 <3

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2 years ago
Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth

Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

Fell. Wrung out.

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7 years ago
Hazme Sentir Algo, Aydame A Sentir Que Estoy Viva. Desde El Momento En Que Mi Corazn Rompiste Y Mi Alma

Hazme sentir algo, ayúdame a sentir que estoy viva. Desde el momento en que mi corazón rompiste y mi alma quebraste, siento que las ganas de seguir me abandonaron junto a ti después de tu inesperada partida. Hay días en los que el nudo en la garganta y la presión en el pecho no quieren ceder, no quieren dejarme tranquila, yo a veces realmente no puedo seguir luchando con ambos sentimientos y termino derramando el dolor en forma de llanto. Un llanto que parece nunca va a terminar; un llanto que conmigo quiere acabar, poco a poco mi tiempo me va robando, mi felicidad parece estar atada a ti y tú pareces no querer regresar.

—Michell Rosales.

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5 months ago

Trust is an easy word to say and easy to spell but true trust in someone is priceless and harder these days to find people you can truly trust ..

Trust Is An Easy Word To Say And Easy To Spell But True Trust In Someone Is Priceless And Harder These

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5 months ago
Closed Your Eyes And Come To Me
Closed Your Eyes And Come To Me
Closed Your Eyes And Come To Me
Closed Your Eyes And Come To Me

Closed your eyes and come to me

Be Rady, we wil fly away together ❤️

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5 months ago
Good Morning

Good morning 🙏 🌄 ☺️

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5 months ago

‏"أحياناً تتراجع عن نشر بعض الكتابات لأن نفسك تعِز عليك، ولا تحتمل أن يقرأها أحد فيفهم ما تعنيه حقاً ويرى إلى أي حدٍ من الهوان قد بلغت."

" ."

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4 months ago

أنت النص الذي لم يكتب مثله.. بعد...

وبقية النساء هوامش.

أنت الجسد المدروس

نقطةً نقطة.

وخطاً خطاً...وزاويةً زاوية.

وبقية الأجساد مجرد محاولاتٌ معماريةٌ متواضعة.

أنت السمفونية الكبرى وبقية النساء


 .. ...


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4 months ago

قدرٌ أنت بشكل امرأة ❣️

قدرٌ أنت بشكل امرأة..

وأنا مقتنعٌ جداً بهذا القدر

إنني بعضك، يا سيدتي

مثلما الآه امتداد الوتر

مطر يغسلني أنتٍ..

فلا تحرميني من سقوط المطر

بصري أنت

وهل يمكنها أن ترى العينان دون البصر؟

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4 months ago

أكره حقيقة لقائنا مرة واحدة في الأسبوع...

أكره أننا نفترق بلا احتمالات حتمية...

أكره أننا أحياناً نبدو معاً وأحياناً لا نبدو كذلك...

أكره هذا العبث في داخلي...

أكره الشعور بأن الفراغ هو ما يدفعني نحوك...

أكره ضبابية التفكير حينما تقول أشياء بلا معنى وأشياء أخرى بمعانٍ كثيرة...

أكره المسافات التي لا تنفك بالازدياد بيننا ولگني أحب وجودها كونها تقيني من الجنون اللاذع.


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1 year ago
Meet The Bois! These Are The Main Bois In My Story, All Made On Doodle Face (except Mary Ofc)

meet the bois! these are the main bois in my story, all made on Doodle Face (except Mary ofc)

1. First we have Sera, the sweetest little strawberry in the basket!

2. Oli, the *main* main boi, very protagonist

3. Evan, the toughest boi in the basket. Don't mess with them or their friends or they'll mess you up!

4. Nick, the adventurous boi, charasmatic YouTuber guy lol

5. Oh wait... Mary's here too lol. yeah... she's uh... she's there. oh boy. she's there. o-o

I'll post about each of these characters individually some time (probably when I get around to drawing more of them lol). for now, meet the bois!

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1 year ago
(pic Made On Doodle Face)

(pic made on Doodle Face)

Meet Oli! Our main protagonist boi!

Oliver "Oli" Middleton


Age: 19 (to start)

Oli was found as a baby (at approximately 1 year old) by the Middletons, and has lived with them on their farm ever since. He is autistic, with magick as his main special interest. Also chess and other nerdy business. ovo big nerd boi lmao

At the start of the story, he has received his fourth rejection letter from a mages' college, and no reason given for this rejection despite his requests for a reason. He's a mage, right? And a rather talented one, it seems. But yet, these colleges waste no time in rejecting him. And they aren't known for rejecting people much.

Fun Facts!


-Constantly has the worst nightmares. Creepy, twisted visions.

-Also he's a bottom--

-Loves rock/metal music

-Has a magick switchblade he found near the farm one day. has no idea what it does. beyond stabbing. O.o

-Can play guitar, a little piano, and sing. Very deep voice.

-His God Main (if you will) is Mytherius, the god of reason and logic (nerrrd!)

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1 year ago
Oh, It's Loro Time >:D

oh, it's Loro time >:D

Meet Loroliye, God of Neurodivergence! They are part of the pantheon of gods, of course, who made Fell's earth! and now, a message from them:

"Ahem, hem, hem! Hello and Hi and Greeeetings all you lovely squishies! It is I, Loroliye, God of Neurodivergence! Lord of the Imagination! Creator of the mortal mind! Every little bit of your mind that's unique, every part of your inner being, that's me! I made sure all our precious children of Earth have their own individual ways of being. Of thinking. Of feeling. I hope you can all appreciate how wildly different, unique, strange, odd, queeeer you can be! Thank you!"

and there you have it!

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1 year ago
Everyone Look At Sera! Some Info:

everyone look at Sera! some info:

Seraphina "Sera" Lockforth



Fire mage 🔥

20 years old

She has run away from her father's home to try and find a life of her own. She couldn't bring much with her, but she was sure to bring Billy, the little reindeer plush, and Baby Bear, the old, crusty, stinky teddy bear (who are REAL BOIS IRL AAAA)

She is very shy and small (but chumby). But do *NOT* underestimate her. She is a big fan of animals, especially skunks, spiders, and rats!

also. Big Gay! Lesbian alert! (■_■¬)

(ps here's the bois)

Baby Bear--new and improved vs old stinky old!

Everyone Look At Sera! Some Info:


Everyone Look At Sera! Some Info:

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