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Karaoke Cutie

➸ 18+
➸ Summary: Most people hate Karaoke Night, but not you. You relish it. So much so your friends call you the Karaoke Queen. On one particular night out, you meet a friend of a friend who just so happens to love Karaoke just as much as you.
➸ Word count: 4K
➸ Pairing: JK x reader
➸ Genre: Pure Rom Com Meet Cute type stuff
➸ Warnings: language like always, and suggestive themes. Plus sweaty shy tatted JK. He deserves his own warning.
➸ A/N: Hi! Can’t get vlive 210730 JK out of my head, and this is what happened in light of that. It’s probably terrible as I don’t get enough time to write these days with having a 4 year old and being in my third trimester of pregnancy and working 50 hours a week, but JK in this live was a revelation, so here we are. He deserves it.
It was karaoke night, and unlike the cliché of the shy protagonist that gets dragged along to karaoke night, you loved it. You wouldn’t describe yourself as very outgoing or extroverted, but when it came to things you loved you really came out of your shell. Singing was one of those things for you. You certainly weren’t professional or trained even, but you loved to sing so much that it was likely you spent more time singing than speaking in your waking hours (and maybe your sleeping hours too, who knows?). Karaoke night gave you an excuse to sing, where in your regular day you instead just annoyed your friends and family with you breaking into musicals every moment.
Are you here yet?
The text read on your watch from your best friend Kiana who must have arrived a few minutes before you. You were about a block away, but she must have been just as eager to get a good spot in the bar as you were. It was Friday and it was always so busy, even this early (barely 9pm). You picked up the pace as you rounded the corner to see the cute dark haired beauty you called bestie standing at the front door to Bangtan Bar like every weekend. She nearly jumped up and down when she saw you and ran to grab the door with a huge smile on her face.
“The boys are coming!”
As you hustled through the door, you were a bit taken aback by the words of your friend and felt your head fling around of its own accord.
“Joon hates Karaoke Night,” you stated, matter of factly.
“But he loves pussy.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up at her shamelessness. Joon and Kiana had been dating for years, and everyone who knew them would agree that there was no argument about who was the dom in that relationship. Kiana would say jump and Joon would say how high. It was funny to see from an outside perspective as Joon was a 6 foot tall beef cake with muscles for days and a strong manly persona, while Kiana was a tiny pocket sized sweetie pie with a soft voice and even softer features. It was clear, though, that Kiana had strong armed her boyfriend into coming tonight, and he must have invited his friends to come to share in the “torture”. You wondered who would actually show.
As you walked into the dimly lit bar it was clear that the fun hadn’t started yet as the neon lights were not up yet, and the stage hadn’t been cleared off. In light of this, it was easy enough to find a table near the front with an adjoining table that Kiana rushed to push together with yours.
“How many are coming?” Your eyes bugged out at the 10 seats around the tables.
“Relax, it’s just us and a few guys from Joon’s work.”
You tried to relax, but you were not great with new people. The forced small talk and fake friendliness was not your strong suit. You could spend hours in a deeply theoretical discussion, but you didn’t know how to gracefully dissolve that limited conversation of “getting to know someone”.
You tried to take your mind off the impending anxiety with a few drinks, largely two chocolate cake shots with Kiana to get your blood pumping and prepare to be on the stage. When you saw the songbook pulled out on the bar top, you rushed over to be the first to grab it and pick out your songs for the night. You were in the middle of debating between a duet with Kiana of Truth Hurts or Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (you voted for the later as the edited version of Truth Hurts was painfully underwhelming compared to the original) when Joon came stumbling in the front door with 3 guys behind him. Literally stumbling, you might add, as Joon was not the most graceful human and didn’t see the step at the front door and nearly face planted into the linoleum. You were so used to his antics that you hardly reacted and went back to reading the songs in the book, but Kiana rushed to her boyfriend, jumping into his arms as soon as she gathered that he had recovered from his fall.
Your nerves at meeting new people certainly aided in your desire to bury your face in the book as you heard the voices of other males as they were introduced to Kiana. You were more concerned with what solo song you would sing. Could you manage Whitney Houston tonight? It was one of those kind of work weeks, but definitely required your best pipes be present.
Just as you were concluding that you would rather go big than go home, you felt a presence sit down beside you.
“Hi, I’m Jungkook,” said the voice attached to the hand that invaded your vision as you flipped the book closed. You barely got a second to even look at him as Kiana abruptly stole the book from under your nose starting a wordless battle with you across the table. Her face saying, “stop hiding and be social!” and yours saying, “please don’t make me”, but Kiana always won in the end, especially as the book was already moved back to the bar. So your eyes inevitably returned to your neighbor who still politely had his hand out in front of you and so you unfurled yourself from your almost bent position to look to the side.
You were not prepared.
Your first thought was eyes, but you very quickly also noted a cute nose, fluffy black hair, pouty lips over an adorable bunny toothed smile with chiseled cheekbones and something in his expression that spoke of frankness like you had never seen on a stranger’s face before. He was 100% the genuine article, you could tell just from one glance, and it only took that one glance to decide he was maybe one of the cutest guys you had ever seen. And he was sitting next to you.
You introduced yourself and shook his hand with a tentative smile on your face and you were sure, a bit of a blush on your cheeks. He just smiled wider.
“Y/N, you know Jimin and Hoseok,” came Joons voice from the other side of the table. He was indicating two guys sitting next to him who you immediately recognized from a few other nights out, but you were glad Joon said their names, as you definitely wouldn’t have remembered otherwise, no matter how cute they were (what is with gorgeous people attracting other gorgeous people around them?). Kiana was practically sitting in Joons lap and asking him to get them all a round of shots. After inquiring as to her state of drunk so far and you chiming in that shots were probably safe at this stage of the night, Joon got up to get shots from the bar instead of waiting for a server.
Joon leaving the table and being the only link between all the parties present caused a momentary lull in conversation at the table until Jimin, the most outgoing of present company, started talking about work and plunging everyone into a lighthearted “happy it’s the weekend” conversation. Everyone was friendly and sweet and you found yourself getting comfortable, especially as Hoseok and Jimin were so incredibly likeable and laughed at everything. As shots arrived, you all had a distraction to end conversation for a moment as the shots burned the whole way down and talk of what to sing tonight started.
Your other girlfriends entered somewhere in the middle of conversation and it was clear before they even arrived at the table, that Jimin was completely fixated on your friend Melanie who came in second to last with a beaming smile on her openly sweet natured face. Being a sweet natured guy, it wasn’t hard to figure out why, but it wasn’t long before Melanie also noticed him and discretely decided to sit next to him shaking his hand in greeting and playing with her short hair as she shyly started a private conversation with him. Ellie sat next to Kiana at the other side of the table and took over the conversation rather quickly with a lengthy run down of her boss’s ridiculous request that landed on her desk at 5:23pm when her day was supposed to be over at 5:30. She had “barely had time to get home and change and redo her makeup” before coming out again, apparently, which was her way of explaining their lateness.
Through it all, Jungkook barely spoke unless spoken to, but he smiled quite often and seemed to be enjoying himself. You found it hard to discreetly check him out in light of this, but one thing that caught your attention immediately and was easy to inspect were the intricate tattoos on his knuckles and forearm that disappeared under the rolled up sleeve of his shirt, but you felt shy asking him about them.
“So what are you gonna sing JK?” asked Joon from across the table, locking eyes with Jungkook next to you.
“I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it much yet.”
“Probably some Bieber or Mendes shit,” said Hoseok, who everyone kept calling Hobi, with a loud boisterous laugh in the quickly filling bar, “He loves their stuff.”
“Well it does suit his voice,” chimed in Jimin, giving Melanie a break to catch her breath as her face was red from so much attention from the charming man. “Who would have thought a dude like him would sing like that? I remember the last time we went out for Karaoke, I thought Hobi was going to fall out of his chair.”
“He’s just so quiet, who would have known!” Said Hobi as you turned to look at Jungkook in surprise.
“I like to sing,” he said to defend himself with a slight shrug of his shoulders. He glanced your way as he felt your scrutiny. You couldn’t help it. Attention had been brought to him and it was an incredibly engaging face to look at, even despite the information that was so in line with your own inclinations.
“You sound like Y/N,” Kiana said with a laugh, without filling in any other information.
Now you were the one being inspected and Hobi giggled from across the table in an adorable way as he suggested a duet between the two of you, which both of you were quick to deny with blushing faces.
As the karaoke lights started to rise, you bounced out of your seat to put your name on the ledger before the bar music even began. When you returned to your seat, Jungkook was determinedly looking at you as if he wanted to start a conversation, which made you slightly nervous, but you turned in his direction with what you hoped was an inviting smile. You rarely had the full attention of someone so attractive.
“Right out of the gate, huh?” he asked, indicating how early you put your name on the list.
“Yeah, I, uh…” you glanced back and forth between him and Kiana across the table, but she was no help as her eyes were glued to Joon, so you continued feebly on your own. “I just really like to sing.”
He smiled out of the side of his lips and you noticed his smile was slightly crooked and a dimple made an appearance in his cheek. Completely unfair to be that attractive.
“What are you singing?”
“I wanna dance with somebody.”
“Whitney?” He said with an unbelieving look on his face. “You must be really good.”
“Nah,” you denied as you took a large gulp of your drink, forgetting it was almost 80% alcohol and coughing, “I just like the high notes, even if I sound bad, it feels good to sing, you know?”
He smiled again as he sat his head upon his hand that sat on the table, turning his whole attention to you. “Absolutely. I feel the same.”
“So what are you going to sing then?” You ask, glancing back at the ledger sitting on the table next to the karaoke machine. Hobi currently has it open next to the songbook deciding which song to put down, you imagine.
“What do you think I should sing?”
“I don’t know, what kind of voice do you have?”
You continued talking back and forth for a while, eventually ending up choosing Peaches by Bieber for him as he made you put his name on the ledger.
As the lights went down and the Karaoke started, individual conversations halted, but there were plenty of opportunities to cheer and have a good time in a group atmosphere.
You were greeted with loud applause as you opened the show with Whitney Houston and while you didn’t have the best voice in the world, you had a blast singing it and hearing everyone cheering you on. JK seemed surprised when you returned and complimented you on your voice, which made you blush again.
Kiana and Joon sang a sickeningly sweet version of Shallow together, and Ellie sang an awesome version of Say My Name that had more than one man in the bar whooping for her sexy performance full of hair flips and suggestive movements.
Then, it was JK’s turn and as he went to the front of the room, you completely tuned out everyone else so you could hear if his voice was really as amazing as everyone said. You were able to confer from your conversations that he was the type to downplay his accomplishments, especially when he said things like “I work out occasionally” and yet you had right in front of you the evidence of countless hours of work in the gym in his body to prove that it was an understatement. Even in his baggy black sweater, it was easy to see his shape was absolute perfection, and when he stood you were completely distracted by his exceptionally muscular thighs and his perfectly pert butt. Not that you were looking.
You were brought out of your musings by him coughing into the mic and his adorable shyness when he realized everyone heard it. You giggled behind your hand so you didn’t make him nervous and then the song started.
To say you were floored by his voice as he started singing, would be an understatement. He wasn’t just good, he was exceptional. He had a voice like an angel, even as he sang such a naughty song. He seemed shy at the lyrics, even as he did ad libs and put on an incredible performance. Someone in the back was whistling through their fingers at his performance, and your friends were practically screaming from your table up front. All of it seemed to further egg him on as he swayed his hips slightly and bent at the waist to pump out the ending vocals before he passed the mic on to the next performer and stepped down from the stage. The girl he handed the mic to watched him with her mouth wide open as he walked past, but he didn’t seem to notice. You would have laughed at how little he seemed to notice all the eyes on him if you weren’t one of the people staring in shock at him.
“Are you a professional singer or something?” Ellie asked as she leaned over the table, clearly deep in her drinks, when he returned to the table. He laughed but denied it. His eyes kept straying to you. You imagined he was trying to find out what you thought since you had established yourself as the “karaoke queen” as Kiana called you.
When the questions and excitement quieted down you leaned toward him softly saying, “That was really amazing.”
You connected eyes and noticed the slight blush on his cheeks at your words. It was adorable. How could someone that talented be so humble? By all rights, he should be the cockiest bastard alive, and yet, here he was looking shy and curling up in a tiny pose as though uncomfortable in the spotlight. It was fascinating.
“I guess we found the Karaoke King, now, huh?” said Kiana from across the table right as you were taking another sip of your drink that you proceeded to nearly choke on at her words.
After that you found yourself opening up more to JK and getting closer to him with every new topic, until you completely lost track of time. It wasn’t until Kiana called your name to sing the girls song you had chosen for the night that you remembered there were other people there.
Jungkook was just so easy to talk to.
Most of the rest of the night was a blur, aside from a very provocative performance of a Korean song where the guys were hip thrusting in time with one another and your eyes were 100% glued to the man you’d been looking at all night. With a glowing gorgeous sweet smile on his face that made him look like an angel, but with body movements that made him seem like the devil, you were incredibly red faced after that, and not just from the alcohol.
It was this, and the line of sweat you watched trickle down the side of his neck when he returned to the table that had you dissolving into mush, so when he pushed his hair back off his forehead while staring at you, you decided to shoot your shot. Not only was he sex incarniate, but he was also the sweetest most humble baby boy and the combo was deadly for both your psyche and your undergarments.
“So,” you began as you leaned suggestively toward him, so there was no mistaking your motive, “how far do these tats go?” You grazed a fingernail against the text that ran in an x shape on his forearm as you spoke, but hadn’t enough courage to look up until you returned your hand to your lap.
He was grinning in that half smile way you had noticed he did on occasion like the left side of his mouth wouldn’t cooperate. It was so endearing and the infinite galaxies in his eyes pulled you in to complete the total takeover of your heart and mind.
“Do you want to find out for yourself?” he asked in a rare show of confidence. I guess your plan to convince him of your interest succeeded, because now all the cards were on the table.
You gulped visibly and looked up to notice that Melanie and Jimin had left the bar already, probably together if their obnoxiously adorable flirting all night was any indication, and everyone else was completely ignoring the two of you, as though they had long realized that you two were in a different head space than everyone else there. You locked eyes with Ellie over her glass as she suggestively raised her eyebrows and you instantly made a decision.
You grabbed your purse off the table and on shaky legs stood up to announce, “Well I’m gonna get out of here, guys!”
The uproar in answer to that was immediate, but as JK stood up to leave as well, everyone clued in fast enough to not really fight it. You lay enough cash down to settle your end of the bill and then made your goodbyes rather quickly.
“But we always sing the closing song together! You love Karaoke Night!” Kiana said in your ear as she hugged you.
“And I think I love it even more now,” you whispered as she returned with a swat on your butt and a “get it, girl” before you turned to leave without sparing anyone another look.
But not without grabbing JK’s hand and dragging him along.
When you got outside, you had a moment to think through everything that was about to happen, but before you got very far, JK had pulled you back against the side of the building and had sealed your lips together in a desperate kiss.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” he exhaled in a seductive way, as if everything about him wasn’t already seductive enough. He was trailing kisses along your jaw and neck causing the pulsing in your lower half to increase tenfold.
“Well, we’ve got the whole rest of the night now don’t we?” you said as you bit your lip shyly. You were not the girl who usually went home with a guy you had just met, but the two of you completely clicked and he was a friend of Joon’s so you trusted him. Plus, he loved Karaoke just as much as you! That doesn’t happen everyday!
“So your place or mine?” he asked as he got a full grip on your ass and buried his nose in your neck with a deep inhale like he was trying to control himself.
“I live just around the corner.”
“Thank God,” he said in the loudest voice you’d heard from him all night, “Otherwise I was going to get arrested for indecent exposure for taking you right here against this wall.”
“No need for that,” you laughed, as you practically clawed at him, unable to keep your hands off his perfect body as he practically sang a melody against your skin in moans and sighs. “But promise me those hip thrusts will make another appearance,” you added as you extricated yourself from the gorgeous man and drug him along again down the sidewalk in a fast walk.
“As long as you sing for me,” he said with a deep penetrating look.
You exhaled shakily and quickened your pace.
You were home in record time.
And you did indeed sing. And he did indeed show you those hip thrusts again.
Which is exactly what you told Kiana the next day when she asked for more details through text.
So Karaoke Night again next Friday? LOL
If I don’t already have plans for a private Karaoke Night, sure ;)
Some more fic ideas. Posting here so I don’t forget.
Y/n is BTS dorm cleaning lady. But she doesn’t know who lives there until the boys or one of them shows up in the middle of the day and she nearly k words him/them thinking he/they broke in. Series or one shot? Could go either way
Y/n is staff and is starving after an award show and has eyes only for the leftover cake that the boys didn’t hardly touch after their Vlive. She is tasked to cleanup the space after the boys go back to their hotel rooms. She sneaks a bite and gets caught by one of the guys coming back to get something they left behind. Teasing or punishment follows…👀
I’ve been working on some writing recently. Just have to find time to edit and post. It’s hard with an infant (just 6 weeks old) and a 4 year old running around.

➸ Rated All
➸ Summary: Blind Dates suck, but maybe they aren’t so bad when the guy who shows up is Jeon Jungkook. Add mistaken identities and Hockey...
➸ Word count: 2K
➸ Pairing: JK x reader
➸ Genre: Fluff
➸ Warnings: One curse word.
AN: Sorry, don’t want to spoil the surprise, so the summary is terrible. I saw this story on an instagram reel, and just HAD to write it for JK.
You HATE blind dates. Hate with every fiber of your being.
And you aren't the kind of girl who even uses that word very often.
But it was the expectations. The unknown. It was your need to always be early to any engagement, only to find it to be a detriment with blind dates. I mean, what if he arrives after you and sees you and decides to tuck tail and run? So you pace your living room, checking your watch to make sure you don’t leave too early, only to arrive with only a minute to spare and worried he will have already left because you weren’t right on time. You knew it was all probably unfounded worry, but that sure didn’t stop you from thinking it.
And yet here you sat at a table for two, by yourself, with your hair done, nails done, and even in makeup, waiting on a stranger who you’ve never met or seen before in your life.
It was all because of Jess, your ride or die best friend since college who told you you just HAD to meet her hot friend. He is well dressed, well mannered, and works at the same firm as her, so she knows he is also financially stable. While you would normally shun the lawyer type, especially when you heard all the lewd things Jess’s coworkers would say to her on a regular basis, she claimed he was one of the good ones: polite, kind, and safe - just what you needed. Her words, not yours.
It had been 6 months since your ex broke your heart, and while you had moved on, you weren’t quite ready for steady dating again, but to appease your friend you agreed to the date.
So here you are, once again: sat at a table for two. It was 5 past the agreed time to meet and you’d been here 10. The waiter keeps asking if you want to order anything, and you keep saying no as you sip quietly on your water and tap your feet to calm the jitters.
You had already texted Jess and she said he was probably coming straight from court and not to worry, but after 20 minutes of constantly glancing up to the door to see if some handsome stranger was coming through, you finally felt tears prick in your eyes thinking you were going to have to take the walk of shame soon.
You’d finally resigned yourself to your fate and had just huffed a heavy sigh and slouched back in your seat, when the chime above the door dinged as another patron came in the door. This one alone and very male.
You sat up in your chair to take him in fully in his crisp black on black suit, tailored to perfection, over his lithe yet well defined muscles. His hair was brushed back, exposing an undercut and showing off his jawline (carved by the Gods) and his pretty eyes that seemed to sparkle in the light. He brought the October breeze in with him, which fluttered his hair, leaving one loose strand across his forehead, and as he looked around the room, you realized, this must be it.
Dang, Jess did not prepare you for this guy. He was easily the hottest man you had ever seen in your life. With your nerves getting the better of you, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and waited patiently for him to notice you. Sat alone. Waiting for your date. The over 20 minutes he made you wait, meaning nothing at this point.
As your hand brushed your hair, his eyes found you and he almost did a double take, which had your cheeks turning pink and your goofy smile appearing. He scanned you from head to toe and then slowly, too slowly, made his way toward you with a huge bunny toothed smile on his face that had you nearly fainting by the time he reached your table.
“Is this seat taken?” He asks, placing his hand on the seat across from you. And up close he is no less intimidatingly hot.
You shrug and say, “it is now,” in a voice you didn’t expect yourself to be capable of when so thoroughly disheveled by this Adonis.
As he sits, he scans the room again, like he’s trying to assess his surroundings, as if he wasn’t the one who picked the restaurant. You found it endearing though, because you had done the same thing when you arrived. It was something that gave you a chance to get your bearings, when you went somewhere new.
“You come here often?” He said in an ironic flirtatious voice that broke the tension and had you smiling, much more at ease with the casual way he crossed his arms in front of him on the table and leaned in as if to speak conspiratorially with you. You decided to play along and leant forward as well to almost whisper with him.
“Never been here in my life.”
“Interesting. And here all alone…? Haven’t even ordered anything yet…?” He indicated the menu and water sitting in front of you.
“I was waiting for you.”
His eyebrows shot up and it was then you noticed the piercing in his right eyebrow that had you salivating instantly. You didn’t even know you had a thing for piercings, but apparently you do now!
Seeming to have missed your sudden crisis, he looked you up and down again, taking in everything from your simply styled hair, to your bright lipstick and pristinely pressed cocktail dress, and licked his lips.
“Well, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting then.”
“All’s forgiven.”
You smiled and he smiled back. The waiter came up to the table then, looking happy to finally see a second person join the table. You both agreed on a bottle of wine and before you knew it he was quizzing you about your life and attentively listening like no man had ever done before. He asked you about your job, and actually seemed interested and told you he found successful people attractive (which made you blush). He asked about your family and your friends and what you did when you weren’t saving the world (a joke he made after hearing what you did for a living). He was sweet and kind and humble, even with a face that could drop panties. It was so hot that you made a mental note to text your bestie later to thank her.
Everything was going swimmingly and you were so completely sucked in to talking to this engaging, sweet, handsome man that you didn’t even notice when another man, dressed similarly, but not nearly as tailored walked up to the table and said your name.
“It is y/n, right?”
“Huh?” You asked dumbly as you looked back and forth between the two men. The one you had been speaking with was lazily sitting back in his seat with his arms crossed, taking everything in with a smirk, and the one standing was holding a phone and looking back and forth between it and you.
“It looks like you,” he said as he turned the phone showing a picture of yourself. “Jess sent me this so I’d know who I was meeting.”
The name of your friend had you snapping out of your stupor. “Chan?” you asked as the guy standing at your table began to nod his head, while he looked scathingly at the guy across from you.
If this guy was your date (your face instantly heated up) then who was this guy you’d been talking to?
He had been kind, sweet, he seemed to know exactly what to say when. You had assumed that Jess coached him on your likes and dislikes, because as far as you could tell, he was your exact right match. He liked the same kinds of movies and books as you, he had similar opinions, and the chemistry between the two of you was off the charts. You and Chan both looked at him in disbelief, though with much different motivations (one in awe, one in affront).
“I guess that is my cue to leave,” he said as he stood up, rebuttoning his suit jacket and looking like a complete snack. He waved to the back of the restaurant where an elderly man, dressed similarly, was sitting and waving back. At least, it wasn’t a girl.
What were you saying?…he wasn’t even your date!
His hand on the table in front of you as he leaned into your line of vision brought your attention back to his face. He had moved since you last were facing his direction and now stood on the opposite side of the table as Chan and was leaning down into your line of vision with his sparkly big brown eyes closer than they had yet been tonight. And they were not disappointing.
“If this,” he waves toward Chan, “Ends up going poorly,” he nodded his head down toward the table where you saw him setting down a ticket.
He left the rest of the insinuation open ended, just simply smiled and winked before he walked off toward his actual table.
“Wow,” Chan said, bringing your attention away from the gorgeous man and back to him just in time to see him taking up the seat the other man had just left. “Some guys have no class. Couldn’t he see you were here on a date?”
A date that was…you checked your watch…almost 50 minutes late, but you decided not to mention it and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
For the next hour, you sat and talked with Chan and had a good time. You have to admit. He had apologized for being late, supplying the exact excuse that Jess had predicted. And he was sweet and smart and funny and you might have even considered going out with him again when he mentioned it as you were saying goodbye outside the restaurant.
Any other day. Any other day where he had been on time and you hadn't met Mystery Fake Date man, then you might even now be saving Chan’s number in your phone. But you were already thinking of that ticket that your mystery man gave you. It was a ticket to a hockey game where your local NHL team was playing their known rivals, and it was later this week.
By the time game day rolled around, the “what ifs” were eating you alive and you couldn’t let that one chance encounter be your only chance to see him, so you decided to go.
You hadn’t been to a hockey game since you were a kid and your dad took you, but you had always liked the sport, so you figured why not. Jess had been flabbergasted claiming she couldn’t believe you of all people, the painfully cautious over-planner, was actually being so spontaneous and romantic, but what else were you going to do? You hadn’t gotten Mystery Man’s number and you didn’t even know his name. This was your only shot.
He must have made one hell of a first impression, Jess had said. You have no idea, you had responded.
So here you were, in very similar circumstances to earlier that week. Though the venue, clothes and ambiance were drastically different, you once again found yourself seated alone, as the seat for Mr. Fake Date was empty. He was late. It was already time for the team to come out on the ice to sing the National Anthem. How you managed to end up waiting on a late date, once again, was beyond you, but you were starting to get annoyed.
You had just resigned yourself to have fun no matter what. It wasn’t every day you got to go to a hockey game, so you would enjoy yourself regardless of your date.
And then it happened.
The team came out on the ice, circling the ice like dancers in skates and the music had switched to the announcers as they began calling out the lineup for the game. As each player was announced, they slapped their face up on the jumbotron, and you lazily glanced between the ice and the jumbotron until the announcer said the name “Jeon. Jungkook” and the arena erupted in hoots and hollers.
And as you glanced to the screen to see this player who was obviously so well liked, you were staring back at the smiling face and big bright brown eyes of your Mystery Man. He seemed to be intently staring out at the stands, and as you turned to see where he was on the ice, you realized he was looking directly at you. His smile was infectious and you felt your cheeks redden.
Your Fake Date hadn’t invited you to watch the game, he invited you to watch him PLAY.
Part 2 out now: Not-So-Date Date
Part 2 of Fake Blind Date should be coming this weekend. I’ve been writing like crazy. I just love this story 😍😍😍😍

➸ Rated All
➸ Summary: After the oddest blind date scenario you could have possibly imagined, you find yourself at the hockey game with the ticket your fake blind date gave you. As the game progresses, you learn a little bit more about THE Jeon Jungkook.
This is part 2 of Fake Blind Date, which you can read here: Fake Blind Date If you haven’t already, I suggest reading that first.
➸ Word count: 3K
➸ Pairing: Hockey Player!JK x reader
➸ Genre: Fluff
➸ Warnings: Sweaty JJK.
AN: I was so overwhelmed by the positive feedback from FBD and it really encouraged me to put this together. I really want to see where this goes, because I think it is a fun concept. My husband is a former hockey player, so he helped me with some of the scenarios for this (he’s the one who said “that dude is way too little to be a hockey player”, but I did my research and there are active players in hockey right now that are exactly JKs size, so I told my husband to shove it). Please enjoy sweaty smiley JK!
Jungkook hadn't been expecting to find you when he had been called to meet his agent at the Le Chez Restaurant for a PR follow up and discussion of endorsement deals. He had come straight from a Press Conference in his best suit: black, of course (was there another color?) So he had been appropriately dressed for such a restaurant, even though it wasn't really his scene. He was more the Dive Bar, Draft on Tap, Sit at the Bar kind of guy, but his Agent liked the finer things, so he hadn't batted an eye when he suggested it for the meeting.
What had surprised him when he came in with a gust of wind at his back was you sitting all alone, sipping a glass of water with both hands wrapped around it, with tears in your eyes. You were hard to miss when he entered as you were straight ahead of the door, almost as though you had planned it that way, and you were incredibly pretty, besides. Jungkook wasn't much of a womanizer, like many of his teammates. He tended to be a bit quieter, and was more the long term dating type of guy. A romantic - his mom always said. So when he immediately connected eyes with you and felt an electric current go through his whole body at the shy smile you sent his way, he was hooked before he even processed the thought.
He would have just asked you for your number when he approached your table, but he was so curious to know why you looked about ready to cry that he never even got the words out of his mouth before he realized that you had been expecting someone and had mistakenly assumed he was it. He was used to people recognizing him, so he never even thought it possible that you would mistake him for someone else. By the time he realized the mistake, he was so deep into enjoying your time that he hadn't even noticed his agent entering the restaurant, let alone thought to correct you of your misconception of his identity.
When your date arrived and interrupted the conversation, he actually felt regretful and, regardless of how long his agent would have waited, he would have kept the ruse going for hours if he could, just to keep talking to you. Giving you the ticket to the game was a reflex. Ever since his career as a professional Hockey Player started, he'd gotten used to people asking for tickets to games, so he always kept spares on him. He liked having an audience, being a natural performer, and it was exciting knowing that the people watching were there just for him.
He wasn't sure if you would actually show or not. He hadn't had time to explain, and couldn't be sure if you would be annoyed or intrigued by him, but he hoped for the latter. It had made it incredibly difficult to listen to his agent for the rest of his meeting when you were looking adorable during your date, as you constantly flung your beautiful hair back over your shoulder.
So when game day arrived, he was a bit anxious, and asked one of the members of staff to keep an eye out on seat K15 in section 200 and to let him know if someone took the seat.
He was adjusting his laces and was just about to get up to grab his stick when the staff member came back to let him know that you, in fact, had arrived. He was beyond overjoyed and a bundle of energy, not only because of the game, but because of the excitement of seeing you again and getting to see your face when you realized who he was.
And he hadn't been disappointed.
You were currently looking his way with a confused, flushed look on your face. Even from this distance, you could tell he knew you were surprised and he seemed to be enjoying it as he skated backward with a dazzling look on his face. Cheeky.
It had certainly come as a surprise that your gorgeous Fake Date Man had turned out to be a professional Hockey Player. And not just any hockey player, but the ace of the team. You knew nothing about THE Jeon Jungkook when you walked in tonight, but by the end of the game, the other patrons around you made sure you knew him by the end. Number 1 All Around Draft Pick, Leading Scorer in the League for 3 years running, and the most assists AND points this season on the team. He was a Legend in the making, the guy two seats down from you told you. He had endless nicknames too. They called him Golden Boy, because he was apparently good at everything. Not only was he the primary center, but he could sub in any position, even goalie. They called him Lightning on the Ice, because he was so fast and so strong, he could be down the ice and scoring before you could blink. He was tiny by comparison to most other Hockey Players, but he used it to his advantage.
And in the course of the game, you definitely got an eye full.
You couldn’t help it. Even his sweat was hot. And every time he made an incredible play or scored, he’d have this gorgeous baby boy smile on his face that had your heart stuttering. It didn’t help that the Jumbotron would splash his face on the screen as often as they could and so you got an eye full of his sparkly eyes and pearly white bunny teeth every few plays throughout the entire game. By the end, he wasn’t the only one sweating.
But it had you feeling pretty inadequate - you weren’t going to lie. You hadn’t been on the dating scene much and you were never a knock out, just a regular girl, you thought. So why was this famous, super sexy, super hot PROFESSIONAL AND RICH HOCKEY PLAYER giving you the time of day?
No idea.
But you didn’t have much time to wonder, because by the end of the game (Jungkook’s team won 3 to nil), you found yourself being approached by a member of staff.
“Ma’am?” Said the older man, holding a clipboard with a headset on, chewing gum with the whole force of his jaw.
You pointed to yourself when you realized he was talking to you.
“Yes, you,” he said, waving you toward him. “Follow me.”
You grabbed your things and said bye to the other fans you had made friends with during the game, and started to follow the man with the clipboard. He proceeded you into the tunnel and out into the main hall surrounding the rink. He walked pretty fast and the crowd was already starting to build from all the fans preparing to leave, so it wasn’t really possible to start a conversation, but you really wanted to know where he was taking you.
“Um, sir?” You practically yelled as you sprinted to keep up with him as he weaved through the crowd. “Where are we going?”
“The Press Lounge,” he said simply. “I don’t care what Jeon says, I’m not taking you to the Locker Room. That would start a media frenzy. Amazingly enough, the Press Lounge is the least suspicious place right after a game.”
“I’m sorry what?” you said as you struggled to keep up. You must have heard wrong. “Why am I going anywhere?”
He was nearly to a side door labeled “staff”, when he turned around to look at you confused and a bit incredulous, which had you faltering.
“I mean, it was nice of… Mr. Jeon to give me a ticket to watch the game, but I mean…I…”
What did you mean? You had no idea how to finish your sentence. You didn’t expect anything else from him? This hadn’t been your idea? Somehow in front of this older man smacking his gum and looking lazily over his shoulder, you wanted to to be clear that you weren’t some kind of groupie or something. You didn’t even know who he was when you first met him, for goodness sake!
Luckily, you were saved from having to finish your sentence, as clipboard guy got bored and turned back around to swing open the door to a kind of “backstage” area. It was so quiet you could hear the hinges of the door creak as you entered and he was walking so fast you barely had time to register the offices and filming equipment behind many of the glass windowed doors lining the hallway. At the end, clipboard guy stopped at a glass enclosed room with a TV and couch and waved you toward it, making the implication clear.
You entered and sat down. The TV was playing highlights from the game, taunting you with Jungkook’s handsome face once again. But otherwise the room was quiet and the hallway was deserted. You checked your watch and played a mobile game for a while as you waited, but eventually the TV switched to an interview with some of the players and while it didn’t originally hold your interest, the sound of a familiar voice had your head whipping up in a flash.
There he was, still in most of his gear from the game, sat behind 5 microphones with a press screen behind him in powder blue. His hair was drenched in sweat and he kept running his hand through his hair to keep it out of his face. His TATTOOED hand. You don’t remember that detail from the other night…Good God. And he was smiling like a little boy, while looking like anything but. He was going to kill you; you were sure of it.
“Jeon, today’s goal marks your 10th this season, more than any other player in the league. How do you keep up the same kind of intensity game in and game out?” The interviewer off screen asked.
“It’s all a team effort. We practice hard, we play hard, and we just keep the intensity going. Anything is possible when you’ve got the kind of team work we’ve got.”
“But Debow said himself, you are a future Hall of Famer, what does that mean to you?”
“I’m just here to play Hockey, man,” Jungkook said with a side smile and a giggle that had the Press Room laughing and you practically panting. “Listen, I take this very seriously, and I want to win every game, but I’m like that because I know I’ve got people relying on me, just like I’m relying on them. We’re a team and we can’t win games without us all out there, so my focus is to stay healthy and in shape so I can do my part.”
The chorus of shouts from the Press rang out as you saw a sea of hands in the air in front of Jungkook. He called on one to the right and you caught the profile of a middle aged man as he held up a pen-waving hand.
“You guys are already being touted as the League favorites to win the Stanley Cup this year. What do you think your chances are of winning the coveted award after being denied in playoffs last season?”
“We’ve got some tough games ahead of us in the next few weeks. Phillie will be a tough one next week on the road, and Montreal will definitely give us a run for our money, but we will do like we always do: limit distractions and keep our noses to the ice. Stanley Cup is the goal, and we will do everything we can to get there this year.”
By the time the interview was over, your cheeks were practically sore from smiling so much. If anything, you were even more intrigued by this humble king. Could he be any more perfect? God. His sweat probably even smells like candy. Rude.
It was with that thought that you suddenly heard a door open in the distance, and you barely had time to prepare before you saw the silhouette of a man further down the hall and before you knew it Jeon Jungkook was facing you from further down the hall as you stood from the couch and began playing with your hair to give yourself something to do. His eyes were glued to you and his smile was infectious as he made his way toward the glass enclosed room you were in all alone. By the time he was at the door swinging it open with more force than necessary, you were practically shaking and your face was probably a tomato. It was a miracle you could even make eye contact, especially as his confident stare was doing things to you.
“Uh, hi,” he said and laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair in what was clearly a nervous tick. “So, uh…surprise…?” he said almost in a question as he scratched the back of his head.
He was still in his jersey and pads, but he had swapped his skates for slides, and it should have been silly looking, but you were practically drooling instead. He really had you at a disadvantage.
“It certainly was a surprise!” You responded, probably louder than necessary, but your voice felt unused at this point.
You coughed to clear away the jitters, and he smiled at your flustered reaction.
“I wanted to get the chance to apologize for the other night.”
“I’m not used to people not knowing who I am.”
His hand was back in his hair and the nervous look was back on his face as he rushed to clarify, “I only mean that…I hadn’t meant to trick you or anything. I wasn’t trying to lie to you.”
You nodded your head and tucked your hair behind your ear in your own nervous tick. He clearly had more to say as his hand was extended out toward you in a gesture of appeasement and he had a desperate look in his eyes. You waited patiently for him to continue, looking up at him through your lashes in shyness.
“I honestly just wanted to talk to you. You stole my attention from the second I walked into that restaurant, and I didn’t even care if I looked like an idiot, I just had to talk to you.”
Your face was heating up at his confession and he was taking steps toward you as he seemed to read your willingness to listen.
“And then you seemed to know me, so I just followed along. It took me a while to figure it all out, but then I was just really enjoying your company and didn’t want to leave. Did you feel it too?”
Being asked the question came as a surprise to you and you gulped as you responded with a nod. He let out a relieved sigh in response.
“Thank God it wasn’t just me!”
He took another step toward you and the air in the space seemed to get heavier as you could almost feel the heat from his body at the new proximity. You tilted your head back to be able to look him in the eye. His big doe eyes were just as beautiful as they’d been in that restaurant. His dark hair was messy and wet. There was a trail of sweat down the side of his face. None of it mattered, nor did your reservations and feelings of inadequacy. Despite everything, or maybe because of everything, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him at that exact moment.
“We’ve got an away game coming up in a few days, and then I’ll be pretty busy coming up with playoffs on the horizon, but I mean…What do you think?” He asked, drawing your attention away from his lips and your desperate yearnings. “Will you give me a second chance to prove myself? I’d really like to take you on an actual date, if you’d let me.”
You felt your heartbeat speed up. The excitement of the possibilities take a full hold on you before you even try to answer. Here was an oxymoron of a man. Cute, yet unbelievably sexy. He could convince you of anything with his big doe eyes, but his body was sinful. You couldn’t deny the magnetism you felt the first time you met him and it wasn’t any less now. He was confident and strong and seemed very aware of his own importance as one of the best Hockey Players in the sport. Why else would he have invited you to the game, except to show off a bit? And yet he talked in interviews like he wasn’t full of his own importance, and he seemed shy and unsure when talking to you, and you were very aware of your own nobody status, especially when faced with THE Jeon Jungkook. He was kind in the restaurant, being patient with responses you gave, listened attentively, and asked questions - like he really cared! But he wasn’t lacking in his own observations and shared just as much. He was a perfect blend of good qualities. And while you knew that the ugly qualities would show themselves eventually. I mean, no one is without fault, even this seemingly perfect paragon. But you found yourself more interested to discover them, than you were afraid of them.
You smiled sweetly, which caused him to smile in hope. He almost seemed breathless. You giggled at his seeming eagerness.
“What did you have in mind?”
Reblogging for my dear Yoongles on his birthday. I wrote this last year for his birthday when I had a wonderful dream about him.
Caught in the Rain
➸ 13+
➸ Summary: Being a college kid is a lot of stress, especially when you get deserted by your best friend and have to ask your crush to give you a ride in the rain…
➸ Word count: 2K
➸ Pairing: college student Min Yoongi x college student y/n
➸ Genre: So much fluff
➸ Warnings: like…one curse word, maybe?
➸ A/N: Two nights in a row I had this dream of Yoongi. He had something to say for his birthday, so for his birthday, I decided to put it on paper for you all. I have not edited it at all, so please be gentle with me until I’m able to go back through it. I didn’t want to miss his birthday…

You knew you shouldn’t have opened your big trap. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t be standing here in the cold, drenched with rain. But as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.
It was a regular Wednesday evening for you, a college student, desperately trying to juggle your 19 credit hours, as well as study time. As such, you were entirely focused in that moment on getting a few studying hours in before you inevitably had to get home and go to bed, only to start all over again, especially since you had a test tomorrow in Anatomy. Your best friend, Sarah, however, had different plans for how to spend her free evening and talked to you non-stop, while you stressed over your grades versus being a good friend.
Her boyfriend was acting suspect, and being a pretty big jerk when Sarah confronted him about a text message on his phone from a girl that looked like a request for a booty call. She hadn’t snooped, just seen his phone light up on the coffee table, while she was over “Netflix and chilling” with him one night. You were trying so hard to equally be a good friend, and a good student, but after mixing up the Parietal and Occipital bones in the skull for the 5th time in a row, you turned to Sarah and said “Honey, he is cheating on you. You need to break up with him. Cut ties. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
While the sentiment was certainly meant to help, it was said in a raised voice that instead communicated frustration, rather than understanding, and it sent a bulldozer straight at Sarah. Your brain took a little longer to catch up to what you had done, but Sarah didn’t have the same problem as she grabbed her bag and, with tears in her eyes, flew toward the stairs. When you woke up from your temporary daze, you started down the stairs after her, trying to apologize, but Sarah wasn’t hearing it. Down the stairs through the humanities building she went and out the front door into the rain and cold of night. You were a bit behind, so when you finally made it out into the pouring rain, she had already entered her car and drove away when you remembered she was your ride.
You stood under a portico, trying to shield your phone as you called Sarah repeatedly, to no avail. She refused to answer. The realization that the campus was mostly empty and it was 10pm on a Wednesday night suddenly struck you, and the tears started to fall as you kicked yourself at your stupidity.
Sarah always had been sensitive about her boyfriend. She should have broken up with him 10 times over, but you always dried her tears and ate ice cream with her listening to her problems, but never interfering. It would have continued to be that way, if not for that stupid test. Remembering the test had you running back up to the second floor to grab your bag and pack it the best you could with tears clouding your vision. The building was dead silent and most of the lights were off at this point. You hadn’t realized it had gotten so late. Somehow, being alone always intensified the awareness of silence, and this was no different.
You were shivering as you had gotten soaked to the bone in the rain, and were only wearing a hoodie over your tee shirt and jeans. You pulled your phone out again to call Sarah. She again didn’t answer. You tried Deanna, your neighbor, no answer. You tried Amy, your lab partner, no answer. You weren’t exactly the most social sophomore on campus, and unfortunately your family were all miles and miles away, unable to help, so why scare them with this?
You were frantically searching your brain for anyone you could call, while also contemplating trying Sarah’s boyfriend, the jerk, when you noticed a light on in the building next door. It was the library, and should have been your study spot, but there were generally too many people there, and you preferred the quiet of the Humanities building, where you could stretch out on a couch and comfortably absorb information. But right now, that building might be your saving grace. You scanned the lit window for a familiar face when you stumbled upon Min Yoongi.
THE Min Yoongi.
Keep reading
I am 3K words into the single nastiest smut I’ve ever written and they haven’t even started the good stuff yet.
Might delete it…? Trying to decide. I’m so picky about smut, I just don’t think this will live up to my standards.
Writing a JK fic right now that is a real trip. Jungkook is literally a mascot for a professional football team.

➸ Rated All (For part 1 at least)
➸ Summary: You have work to do, but a certain mascot keeps dropping in to brighten your day. OR how you fell for a professional football mascot.
➸ Word count: 7K
➸ Pairing: JK x reader
➸ Genre: Rom Com Meet Cute stuff, but will get spicy later
➸ Warnings: I don’t limit my language, and so my characters don’t either. Awkward OC. Takes place at a blood drive…?
➸ A/N: So this is kind of based on real life events, if they got flirty. LOL.
It was just your luck that all the parking spots on the street were already taken.
You weren’t one to mindlessly rove the aisles to find the closest spot to park. Usually, you just pulled into the first spot you came across and walked from there, with little regard for how far away it was. However, when you were going to the stadiums, it was either park on the street or you may as well park a million miles away for how long you had to foot it. And this wasn’t an ordinary day, anyway. Forget the fact that you were at the local football stadium, which was a rare event for you anyway (not that you didn’t like attending games, but gosh those tickets were expensive), this was a unique situation for many reasons.
Parking a million miles away, you turned off your car and could already hear the wind and feel it whipping your car. Checking your watch, you were right on time, which really meant you were 15 minutes late because of the walk you had ahead of you, so you decided to pull up your big girl britches, as your mom would say, and fling the door open.
Before you were even fully out of the car the obscenities were already flying and you didn’t have the energy or the interest to check to see if anyone was around to hear you. You were here in a work capacity, but you always had that toxic trait that extreme discomfort always overrode any other considerations in your brain.
The street parking was looking even better about now, as you flung open yet another door on your car to grab your overlarge satchel bag, the yard signs, and your backpack from the backseat. Fumbling as you normally do, you did your best to perform as though you had ten arms instead of two as you tried to hold your composure and look perfectly put together like the boss bitch you were. Unfortunately, it very quickly crumbled when you reached to grab your keys to lock your car and everything fell out of your arms.
“Great, y/n. Nothing like being bent over the dirty cement in a skirt with 90 mile per hour winds,” you grumbled to yourself. Completely on brand, you managed to drop everything 3 more times before you got fully situated to make your way to the door in your sensible heels.
For about the 50th time since you took this job, you wondered if you would have taken it had you understood what all it entailed. I mean, sure, you worked for the leading Children’s Hospital in the Tri-State Area, for the head of Marketing and Communications, in a field and for an organization that saved people’s lives, and not just any people, but babies! It was incredibly rewarding work and meant that you went to bed each night feeling accomplished and emotionally fulfilled. That was never the problem. It was more the side effects of being a clumsy, ridiculously awkward, annoying introvert and working as the personal assistant to the most glowing and un-awkward human alive. And you swore, the harder you tried to act normal, the weirder you would act and the more embarrassing you would be. Like Elyse Meyers, but not as charming.
Today was an important day though, because your boss was hosting a blood drive in partnership with the local sports teams for an informational initiative surrounding sickle cell patients. Your hospital was the smoking gun because children always spoke more profoundly to the public. You all were expecting hundreds of donations of blood before it even struck Noon.
By the time you made it to the building your fingers were numb and your knees were knocking, but you immediately started thawing upon entry, only to be mauled by your boss.
“Where have you been?” Before you could answer she was launching into more commentary as you sat your things down on the entry desk next to your teammate who obviously arrived before you and looked smug. “The editor of the Times is already here, as are all 4 main news affiliates. You should have been here before them. You know this.”
“I’m sorry, I had to run back to the office to get all the materials. Then, I hit traffic and once I got here all the front spots were gone and I had all of this to bring in,” you said, indicating the signs and tools for the check in table.
“Those aren’t in the ground yet?” Your boss practically yelled at you when her eyes landed on the signs.
“That was the next thing on my list of to dos!”
“Please, I’m begging you. Get it done immediately and get back in here. We have interviews and I need you taking photos for our Facebook and IG pages. Go!”
You rushed off to do your boss's bidding. You knew it would be hell to pay when you got there. Your teammate, the aforementioned smug-faced bi…brat, also known as Jane, had left behind the packet of materials the last time she was in the office and called you with zero time to spare to ask if you could stop by to get it because you lived closer to the office than she did. You couldn’t argue with the logic, though you wondered how much of an “accident” it truly was. You weren’t generally a grudge holder, but you were going to watch that one.
As Jane had been assigned front desk duties for today, she sat quietly gossiping with Event staff, while you were taking 3 signs out to put in the ground to indicate to donors where to enter.
The wind hadn’t calmed even slightly, but you only had enough time to partially thaw anyway, so what difference did it really make anyway? You found a good spot and started working the sign into the frozen ground to the best of your ability. Struggling, more like, as you also tried to hold the other two signs under your arm as you shoved the first with all your might into the ground. The cold metal burning through your skin like a brand, but you ignored the pain in favor of the goal.
You finally decided to throw the other two to the ground as you jumped up on the cross rungs on the first sign to try to use your own body weight to push it into the ground. No dice.
With another rough gust of wind, you finally got the first sign in the ground, just as the first two took flight from the gust and began running away from you across the street.
“No!” You shouted feebly, until a hand reached down and caught the two signs and lifted them toward you.
Staring down at you from a short distance, was a ridiculously tall silent visitor with the head of an animal and giant googly eyes.
“Oh, hi Wolfie,” you said in introduction to the man in the mascot costume. This particular mascot face was as familiar to you as the team he represented. As a local for your whole life, it was a welcome and calming face to see, even frozen in a fake smile. “Thanks for your help.”
You reached for the signs and as you took them he mimed shivering to indicate that you must be cold.
“Yeah, it’s a bit chilly, but I’ve got to get these in the ground before donors show up. Are you staying for the event?” You asked. Wolfie ignored the question. Instead, he took one of the signs back from you and started walking to the other side of the street as though to continue your work for you.
“Oh, that’s nice of you but you don’t have to do that!”
But there was no deterring him. You had to admit though, after determining the best place to put it, it took him less than a second to get it into the ground, as opposed to your own struggle to do the same.
“Wow. That was impressive.”
At that he rushed back over in his oversized shoes, with the wolf gloves on his hands to take the other sign from you and quickly march over to the other side of the sidewalk to input the third sign. He pointed to one spot and then another and then another spot again and then tipped his head in question in a way both hilarious and adorable and you showed him where to go though you objected to his help even as he was putting it in the ground. His antics had you giggling, and he seemed to enjoy it because he continued to act silly to make you laugh.
After he was done, he ushered you back toward the building with aplomb, and with a laugh you preceded him in. The staff and your teammate sitting inside seemed surprised to see you laughing and chatting away with a 7-foot-tall mascot, especially as he continued to stay silent but for the sound of his googly eyes shaking. The instant self-consciousness returned and before you even had time to mentally process it, your whole being had already transferred back to professional mode. Checking your watch and finding the nearest staircase, the anxiety of the moment returned and a To Do List repopulated in your brain.
With anxiety in every pore of your body you remembered your priorities and went diving in your bag for your phone and clipboard of photo consent forms and talking points, so you could get back to work.
Just before you left to take the escalator behind the front desk, you glanced back and saw Wolfie there, still smiling the fake mascot smile, but somehow you read deeper thoughts going on behind those googly eyes. He had helped you, graciously, kindly. He hadn’t needed to. He simply did. You always knew you liked that adorable wolf face, but now you knew the person behind it was a sweetie too.
You smile and wave and say, “see ya ‘round, Wolfie.” And then you head off to get more work done.
It is some hours later after interviews are over, donors are flooding in, photos have been taken, consent forms received from those photographed, that you are taking a quick break to get a bite to eat in the commons area. It is quiet at this time, since it isn’t anywhere near lunch time. You rarely ever eat during regular lunch hours anyway, so you feel right at home. You are watching a video on your phone about ancient aliens because you love conspiracy theory stuff even though you don’t believe any of it. You are eating a banana chip and humming lightly to yourself when you hear a crash in the kitchen/concession booth across from where you are sitting. You become aware that you aren’t alone and turn the volume down on your phone, but when you look up to see who it is, all you see is an empty room. That is until a familiar pair of googly eyes appear from above the counter to the concession booth.
You instantly laugh as he shakes his head making the googly eyes shake. The funniest part is knowing the man’s actual face is in the throat of the giant mascot head, meaning he is miming all of this without being able to see anything other than the back side of the kitchen counter. That thought alone makes you laugh harder, and his (actual) head clears the top.
In true professional mascot fashion, he plays to the laughter as he mimes one of his famous dances and rolls onto the counter. He then proceeds to fall off the counter in front of the kitchen and try to brush himself off and act cool. All of which has you in stitches, not least of which because you know it is all an act. He clearly carries himself like someone very coordinated and put together, who uses that performance gene to really play up his own physical comedy. You know this being someone who is not very coordinated OR very put together but has to actually try hard to look like you do. It is almost like a sixth sense to note the opposite trait in another person. Or maybe you are just able to pick up on his unspoken body language because you also know without doubt that he is smiling widely as you giggle at his display.
“How is your day going so far?” You ask, even knowing he won’t answer with words. He shows you the thumbs up and nods his head dramatically.
After helping you with the yard signs, you saw him often during the interviews and photo ops, because he’s the mascot, after all. He has to run around making everyone cheery and laugh and he was good at it. But every once in a while, he would look your way, and wave or do something silly to catch your attention and make you laugh. He even once distracted a group of reporters when you dropped your clipboard and scattered what felt like 100 pages of paper across the floor that you, embarrassed and ashamed, had to pick up and sort before your boss called you over for more photos. And he did that just to draw eyes away from you and let you wallow on the ground in peace.
“Gosh, you are positive,” you say in awe. “I can’t imagine it is very comfy inside that suit and you’ve been here as long as me…or longer, I guess. I don’t know exactly when you got here.”
He waves you off as if to say it’s no big deal.
“No, I’m serious! I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off and here you are enjoying yourself and being positive.”
He tips his head to his hand that rests on the table and just stares at you. It is at once unnerving, but also incredibly comfortable. A weird, unsettling combination.
“Well, anyway.” You smile widely in answer. “It’s a good reminder! And I appreciate it. I appreciated your kindness and positive energy this morning. It was a whirlwind and you helped make it less stressful.”
He stuck his hand out to give you a high five and you couldn’t help but laugh again before you enthusiastically smacked your hand against his.
As if to change the subject, he leaned across the table as if to see what was on your phone, without actually taking a peek, as if he was miming the question without actually intruding.
“Oh gosh, don’t tease me, but I’m watching Ancient Aliens. I love this show, it’s so weird and these guys really do their research, even though it is all hocus pocus…” you said as you continued to babble and showed him the phone, describing the latest episode and theories on the use of gold deposits to fuel ancient aircraft. He didn’t seem to mind, if anything he seemed quite comfortable listening to you babble, so you just kept going.
“Have you had lunch?” You ask him when you feel you’ve exhausted the subject and are probably annoying him like you do to everyone. He still makes no sound aside from the jiggle of his googly eyes, but he shrugs his shoulders in answer. “Just because you are in a mask doesn’t mean you don’t need to eat.” You pass him your uneaten cookie, “Here you can have my cookie.”
Something in your tone or demeanor seems to surprise him with that statement, as he nearly breaks character, turning his head and coughing. It’s the first indication of a voice from him and at least now you know it definitely is a male under there.
“If it makes you feel better,” you say in response to his cough, “I’ll look away so you don’t blow your cover.”
You laugh as you push the cookie across the table to him and cover your eyes. “Your secret is safe with me!”
But the silence that meets your laughter is followed by a pair of fuzzy gloves grabbing your hands to pull them away from your eyes and when you open them, you see his head tilted to the side in question. The warmth of his hands in his gloves combined with his quiet confidence and calming presence stops the giggles and you can’t look away from where you know his eyes are looking back at you. His actual eyes, not the googly eyes.
There is something in the silence like understanding, from both sides, that is charged with some unnamed energy that at once makes you nervous but equally makes you want to laugh, because, I mean, he’s a grown man in a wolf costume.
But is he a grown man? Maybe he’s a teenager or a college kid, or any level of immature man baby, you don’t know. You don’t even know what he looks like under there, but somehow it doesn’t even matter because the way he has treated you today has been spectacular.
It seemed like every time you saw him so far this morning, he had gone out of his way to brighten your day, and it had worked. So did it really matter what he looked like? Not really.
“Y/n, are you in here?” You heard your boss’s voice from the entry to the commons. Your head and Wolfie’s both swiveled around together to see your boss rushing toward you in haste.
“I’m sorry, I know you are on lunch break, but the players just arrived and Channel 8 wants an exclusive interview between Paul and the players. We need more marketing coverage for the website and socials, and Jane has already left for the day.” Honestly, how does that girl still have a job, you thought, but would never say out loud. Paul, meaning the CEO of the Hospital who had arrived only a few hours ago and who literally held your entire career in his hands, waited for no one. Lunch or not, it was time to get back to work, which meant leaving Wolfie once again.
You acknowledged your boss with a “I’m done anyway.” A lie. And proceeded to throw the rest of your uneaten food back into your bag. Wolfie gave you judgmental eyes through it all, which you could feel, though you wouldn’t be able to see it, even if you looked at him. But just before you left, he waved in front of your face and when you looked at him, he drew a smile with his fingers in front of his real face, breaking character for sure this time, and you smiled at the sentiment.
Smiling widely to reward him for his efforts, you grabbed your bag to leave. Resting your hand on his arm in thanks, you took your leave in the same silence he inhabited.
It was another hour or so before the talent and your C-Suite level boss left and you could finally breathe. Not only were you in the presence of your skip skip skip level boss, but you were also star struck from the players in attendance. A Hall of Famer that you grew up watching on TV as well as one of the hottest new players on the current team were in attendance and donating too! It was all quite overwhelming for you and your humble sensibilities.
You had also spent time talking to donors and hearing stories of how donations had impacted their own lives and it reminded you of why you loved what you did for a living, even as it overwhelmed you. Your boss had talked at length with you about the stats and impact of the work you all did today so far, and you could tell. It was amazing how each time a news station went live on TV you immediately felt the impact in the boost to walk-ins.
It was nearly 10 hours into the day and there had already been 4 pickups of donations when you and your boss were finally taking a load off at the front desk. You hadn’t quite kicked up your feet or anything, but you may as well have for how relaxed you both got. Your boss could be tough, but she was equally easy going when the times called for it. Slouching in your seat and closing your eyes for a while was not only encouraged at this point, she equally participated in it.
Event staff for the stadium made up the background music as your eyes were closed. Their quiet laughter soothed your mind as they discussed the autographs they got from the players who were on site. It was like a family barbecue rather than a job as they discussed different players they had met over the years and different funny anecdotes from each encounter. You couldn’t help it, but you were almost asleep after the long day, and the quiet chatter. It was like a lullaby to your exhausted mind.
“What the heck is he doing?” Your boss asked in a whisper, not necessarily to you, but close enough that your curiosity got the better of you.
As you opened your eyes, you saw her looking through the windows that looked into another entry space of the stadium where a group of people were looking around confused as if trying to find something in particular. But suddenly you saw your friend Wolfie running up to them, waving his arms and doing his signature dance moves. The group were clearly laughing and waving phones in the air in a way that meant they were asking for photos with him.
“Oh, Wolfie is so nice.” One of the staff said. “They do tours of the stadium, but Korey Ann was running late for her shift, so I think he is keeping them busy until she gets here.”
You couldn’t hide your fondness from your smile, nor did you want to.
“By the way, did you find his…um….gift from earlier?” The same staff asked, looking directly at you. Confused by the question, you looked around trying to find who they might be talking to but found only other faces looking directly at you and laughing.
“Check your photos on your phone.” Another staff shouted from across the lobby.
Confused, you pulled out your phone and unlocked it, and immediately saw exactly what they were referencing.
Your camera app was still open because you had been taking pictures all day, but in the preview in the bottom corner you didn’t see a thumbnail of a donor or your CEO or even one of the players who came to donate.
The picture was of Wolfie. Wolfie holding up two fingers like a peace sign in a typical selfie pose.
“Oh god,” you said as the room around you started laughing, even your boss. You couldn’t open your photos fast enough. What greeted you were probably hundreds of selfies of the Wolf mascot, in various locations in the stadium hall.
“You really shouldn’t leave your phone unlocked and unattended,” your boss said with a laugh.
“You knew?” You asked her. She only laughed in response. You thought back to the few times throughout the day that you placed your phone down whether to grab something, help someone, or do really anything that required more than one free hand and you immediately put all the dots together. You had long ago set your phone to have no timeout mode from inactivity, so if you sat it down without locking it, it would just remain open indefinitely. It was a setting you deliberately chose because you spent so much time reading on your phone and the timeout drove you insane. It was a setting you now instantly regretted.
Your phone was FULL of photos of the mascot. Each one was funnier than the last. Some photos were of him alone, others included staff of the stadium or the hospital; some were posed, some candid. No wonder everyone knew about it except you. The more you looked through the photos, the more incredulous you got. And yet, conversely and somehow equally, the more you looked the more impressed you got. How did he manage to get this many photos? Your phone wasn’t unattended THAT long. Not to mention, the difficulty of using the touch screen in a pair of thick wolf gloves!
You glanced into the adjacent entryway to see Wolfie silently miming a cackling laugh as he covered his mouth with his hand and raised his shoulders repeatedly in an over-dramatization of laughter. Clearly, he was witnessing your discovery of his little present.
You over-dramatized anger back by pouting and putting your hands on your hips aggressively. This only seemed to make him laugh harder, but this time much more naturally as his shoulders and posture relaxed back and he rolled onto the heels of his feet.
The room around you laughed as well and erupted into stories of how he narrowly missed getting caught by you on multiple occasions. You couldn’t take your eyes from the man in the Wolf suit, though. He was trying to mime to you to keep looking through the photos, but you were more interested in getting him to come over to answer for his crimes. His responding miming indicated he was a bit busy with tour groups. You couldn’t help but be even more endeared by it. Damn him.
Even as he was waving his hands around to show he was busy a little girl came up tapping him on the leg to get his attention. He instantly went into entertainment mode: making his googly eyes jiggle, doing his game day dance, and patting the little girl’s adorable cheeks with his fuzzy gloved hands.
You melted at the look on the little girl’s face, a look both nostalgic and magical, remembering your own personal feelings upon meeting mascots when you were a little kid. And Wolfie was perfect, just as he should be at that moment. He made the little girl laugh at just the right moments, and posed for endless photos with the little girl, letting her practically climb all over him as he sat on the ground to be at her level. Her parents scolded her for doing so, but he waved them off, clearly enjoying the adorable display.
You felt your (admittedly imaginary) irritation disintegrate, and you were left with only feelings of fondness and curiosity. You can’t believe you are even thinking it, but you think you have a crush on a man in a 7-foot Wolf costume.
Just as the thought enters your head, his eyes swivel to yours, but you aren’t looking at the googly eyes, you once again are drawn to where his true eyes are, hidden in the mesh at the neck of the Wolf costume. It snaps you out of your trance and you hop up. Cutting off the laughter of those around you, you act (emphasis on the word act) as though you are cool as a cucumber.
“Well, it is nearly quitting time, boss,” you say in a forced casual tone to your lounging boss, who looks back quizzically at you with tired eyes. “I’ll get the signs and forms from all the tables and the yard signs from outside. Should I grab anything else to bring back to the office? I’ll just stop there before I go home.”
“No, I think that should do it,” she answers as though she is asking a question, seeming confused at your sudden change. She goes to stand slowly, but you wave her off and tell her you’ve got it covered.
“You should head home.” You tell her. “You’ve been here since 5am.”
She nods in agreement and starts to slowly get out of the chair as she pulls together all her things and puts her coat on that was folded neatly on a shelf behind the desk.
“See you tomorrow?” She asks and you nod once quickly before she thanks all the event staff for their help and then proceeds out into the cold night air.
You decide to rush off to get the numerous remaining information materials you had scattered about in the building. Phlebotomy staff would truly clean up the drive, but all the marketing materials and additional promotions were all your responsibility. You flitted from table to table, trying not to think about the absolutely absurd butterflies in your stomach each time you thought about the man in the mascot costume.
How sad are you, y/n? You asked yourself. Has it been so long since you’ve been in a relationship that even a man you’ve never seen, nor spoken to outside of soliloquy can make you feel like this?
Another part of your brain raised the possibility that if he could make you feel like this without words or an actual FACE, then GOD, what a freaking MAN he could be.
Your pessimistic nature wouldn’t let that sit, though. You had learned in life that things were generally too good to be true, so instead you told yourself, louder - to your inner monologue, he could be a real uggo.
At this point, though, who were you kidding, ugly or the most gorgeous man alive, it didn’t really matter. You were smitten with googly eyes!
“What a fucking weirdo.” You whispered to yourself as you turned to grab the last of your materials, only to find Wolfie standing there. Silent as ever.
“Shit.” You said surprised by his sudden appearance. “You scared me.” You said as you tried to hide your blush and avoid his eyes, busying yourself with your tasks. You felt embarrassed by your thoughts, feeling transparent, like he could read you like a book with little effort. If you had looked up, you would have instantly noticed confusion in him, though you couldn’t see his face. You somehow had become attune to him. A fact that made him not just curious but fascinated with you.
It was weird. Jungkook had been a mascot for several years. He started when his college rock band went under and he needed a way to pay his bills. He was always an athletic guy and liked the idea of it when his roommate’s brother mentioned he had the right build for it and how much it paid.
Nowadays, Jungkook only performed as Wolfie when he decided to pick up an event on the weekdays since his career as a professional dancer had really launched. Despite his parents’ predictions, he had consistent jobs thanks to his skills and his good reputation. He never wanted to give up Wolfie, though. It was fun getting to be faceless and silly with absolutely no regrets. Anonymity has an odd power to liberate, and he never felt freer. Plus, he was addicted to the stars in people’s eyes when they saw him in the suit. Not just kids either. Adults were just grown-up kids too when faced with a mascot. It was a special kind of magic that he got to wield when no one could see his face.
Today was the first time in all these years that he regretted any of it. Of all the things he agreed to when he put on the costume, he never realized that the clause about protecting the character’s mystery by not revealing his face or voice at any time during his shift would be the hardest to fulfill on this particular day.
He had heard about the event and knew he would do anything to be there. The cause was one he was passionate about. He had been volunteering in the cancer ward of the Children’s hospital since he was a kid and his father used to bring him along to teach him “civic responsibility”. He liked going these days for story time to read or sing to the kids. So when he heard the event was for the hospital, he signed up immediately without even paying attention to how long of a day it would be.
A few hours was a long day in the costume, so originally he had been meant to leave in the early afternoon, but you had changed all his plans.
When he first saw you out in the cold and the wind, he had mostly been entertained and curious about you. He could not for the life of him figure out what you were doing as you struggled to wrestle the yard signs under one arm while forcing with sheer will to get the other in the frozen ground. Your outfit was so incredibly out of place in these conditions too, with your blazer and flowing skirt. Even your sensible bun knew that it wasn’t in the right place as it fought to escape the coif you had put it in. He had outright laughed at the vision of you. He was charmed immediately. Especially when you cursed loudly into the wind.
By the time he saw into your fathomless eyes, he was a goner.
So by 2, when he was supposed to go home, he decided to stay instead. It was a weird thing being in the hot heavy wolf costume for 10 hours, but at least he had the locker room to himself when he needed a break or to take a leak. He just knew, with complete certainty, that he absolutely could not leave without getting up the courage to talk to you. To REALLY talk to you. Not mime at you to make you smile that gorgeous winning smile you had. Or distract people so that you could get a moment's peace and he could make your day. Because he knew that if anyone deserved to have their day made, it was you.
He had watched you all day, and it had convinced him that he had figured you out. He watched you help donors with such care and kindness as you rarely sat down for the whole 10 hours of the drive. He watched you place yourself wherever you were needed, working hard and effectively, juggling multiple tasks with an air of professionalism he admired. He had even watched you make a fool of yourself on occasion with your clumsy adorable antics as your face went beet red. So he knew you were a good sort of person, and one who was damn good at your job. He had always been attracted to people who were good at what they did, so it was no surprise that his eyes were glued to you, and not just because you were pretty.
Because you were definitely pretty.
But the most important things he learned about you were when he was up close and personal with you. As a mascot, he was used to people treating him a certain way. Not in a rude sense, but when you had a cartoon face and googly eyes, people tended to talk around you rather than to you, like you were an object rather than a person within the costume. It was one thing when kids did it, but adults would do it too. It was a weird automatic knee jerk reaction type of thing. You weren’t like that though.
From the moment you met him, with your shining eyes and beautiful smile, you addressed him like a person. You asked him questions, even when you knew he couldn’t answer in so many words. You made considerations for him like worrying if he had eaten, offering him your cookie. Though, admittedly, that particular offer had him blushing at the dirty thoughts it conjured in his head thinking of other sweet things you might have to offer him.
Probably most profoundly though was how you looked him directly in the face when you spoke with him. You probably weren’t even aware that you were doing it or how unsettling and oddly sexy it was. All his years as a mascot, people always looked at the face of Wolfie: that giant foot-tall cloth head that sat upon Jungkook’s actual head like a hat.
But not you. No, you looked directly into that obscured disguised mesh neck of Wolfie that offered Jungkook’s view out into the world. You looked directly where his eyes were, to the point you made him feel almost naked to your gaze, like you could see him in his totality. Like Wolfie wasn’t there at all.
And all day long he had been drawn to you like a moth to the flame at the absolute magnetism of that steady, kind, understanding gaze.
Little did he know you were having the same problem as him. Feeling self-conscious, and inadequate. I mean, you were feeling silly for liking a guy you had never seen or heard speak but imagine being the guy in the suit right. Never in a million years would he imagine you would be crushing on him as much as he was on you.
But here you both were. Two fools in “like”.
You were almost done collecting your things and there was a certain energy to your movements that spoke of hesitation. Jungkook could feel his window of opportunity closing and he was nothing if not an action taker. So despite his nerves, and despite his feelings of inadequacy, he was ready to shoot his shot.
You both were in a more secluded area of the event hall that led to a narrow hallway to the suites and donors were mostly gone anyway. The only people left at the venue were event staff for the stadium and hospital staff cleaning up in the main area of the blood drive, so you were both effectively alone. The day was over, so he wouldn’t be breaching contract by speaking to you or removing his mask, though it was still fairly frowned upon to be in a public space revealing his identity while still in the wolf suit. It was a risk he was willing to take though because he knew he didn’t have time to go back to the locker room to change. If he did, you would be gone by the time he got back.
So he took a deep breath, and cleared his throat so he wouldn’t squeak or do something equally stupid after not using his voice for a full day. Your head immediately came to attention at the sound of his voice, and he knew it was now or never.
You watched in awe as Wolfie removed his giant Wolf head with a flourish to reveal a head of dark, wet hair. You had a moment only to process the thought that his hair must be wet from sweat from being in that suit all day. And then, the man attached to the head of hair looked up.
To say you were surprised would be an understatement. Looking back at you were the biggest brown eyes sparkling with what looked like galaxies within them. Beneath that was a straight nose with gentle curves on the end. Beside that were two soft high cheekbones that were currently standing out as the pretty mouth beneath those was smiling. It was a mouth full of the cutest teeth that seemed to want to escape his pretty curved lips that wrapped around them. It reminded you of a bunny somehow. You were struck by tanned skin and two beauty marks, one on the bridge of his nose and one just below his bottom lip. And you were frozen in time as you looked upon the prettiest male face you had ever laid eyes on.
Inappropriately and somehow perfectly in character, you followed the beat of silence with an awkward laugh at the completely irrational turn of events. Slapping your hand to your mouth in embarrassment instantly. You could already feel your cheeks blushing, but you rushed to explain so you wouldn’t offend him.
“I don’t know why I laughed just now, you just surprised me, I guess…?” You babbled as he opened his mouth as if to speak. But in true y/n fashion, you couldn’t leave well enough (or embarrassed enough) alone. “Like, wow. You have an actual face!”
“Yes, I do.” He rushed to get a word in edgewise, but you were really gone by now and couldn’t seem to stop the word diarrhea that had to escape.
“And what a face!”
Great, y/n, going for full embarrassment today. Lovely.
“Sorry. That was…I don’t know what that was,” you said as you felt like your entire body was going to erupt. What was wrong with you? Why couldn’t you shut up?
But he was moving closer, tucking the mask under his arm all the while and smiling bigger with each passing word of stupidity you uttered.
“I just mean that I’m surprised! Normally, you would think a guy who wears a full body costume for a living would have something to hide, but that is definitely not true of you!” Ever your own worst enemy you couldn’t help but notice his strong shoulders and forearms too as he took off the gloves and unzipped the front of the costume to get more comfortable. GOD he was hot. Maybe that was why you were so effectively making a fool of yourself.
But he didn’t seem to mind as he giggled and extended his hand toward you, revealing a hand full of tattoos.
“Are you shitting me? Hand tattoos?! Hot AND cool, how is that fair?-“
“I’m Jungkook,” he said with a laugh as he effectively shut you up. “I’m going to save you from yourself here and just offer that we save the rest of the ego boosts for our first date. What do you say?”
His hand was still extended to take your hand in introduction and somehow your brain couldn’t process words but moved your hand to slot into his by route memory alone as you sounded out the word: date.
“Yes, date,” he said to what you thought had only been a question in your head, but obviously was spoke out loud.
“What do you think? Will you give a guy in a Wolf costume a chance at a date with you?”
“I guess that depends.”
“Will you be wearing the suit on the date?”
“Which answer will get you to say yes?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Then, sadly, the suit will be taking that night off.”
You paused for a full beat, in complete disbelief at the turn of events of the last few minutes. An hour ago, you were embarrassed to say you had a crush on a man in a Wolf costume. Now you are being asked out on a date by 2023’s “Sexiest Man Alive” winner, as far as you were concerned. It was a little too much to handle, but then again…
“So are you free this weekend?” You asked in a moment of boldness. He just smiled and told you to open up your photos again and look at the first photo he took on your phone.
Turns out he had originally stolen your phone for a purpose besides just making a joke by filling your phone with selfies. The first photo he took was of him holding up a piece of paper with a phone number on it and in a rushed script below it, he had written:
“Would love to meet you face to face. Friday?”
You huffed out a laugh but didn’t answer in words, as you navigated out of your photo app. After a few soundless taps on your phone screen, a buzz sounded from somewhere within Jungkook’s outfit. When he pulled out his phone, he saw a text from an unidentified number on the screen.
“Friday sounds great. Drinks and Dinner?”
hello hello join me in fig and gilear feelingsville