Fighting Type - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Maybe just how we live without as many Pokemon alongside us.

2. Acceptance. I need people to understand that I don't have the same amount of mental energy as them, so I can't do things for too long.

3. Short and bright, I'd think.

4. Usually escapism into the things I'm interested in. Working on my characters, original and fanmade, and just what kind of people they are.

5. It's given me warmth in the winter, coolness in the summer, forms of entertainment, and, most importantly, a way to connect with people and hold onto hope that we humans can become kinder and wiser.

6. All forms of art? So, so much.

7. Technically no, but I have Unova in my blood even though I was born in America. And I plan on moving to a region when I have experience living on my own (alongside my future Pokemon)

8. Honestly, I don't have a specific genre. I like just about everything that makes me feel something good. The exceptions are music glorifying drugs, alchohol... those kinds of things.

9. Um... (coughIdon'thaveanyPokemonyetcough)

10. Nonexistent and never. XD

11. I guess it'd be how I can imagine possible reasons why someone is acting the way they are. Otherwise... pbbt. (Shrug)

12. When things get visually incredible in a battle with two strong Pokemon that show how close they are to their trainers. Like Pikachu's Ten Million Volt Thunderbolt clashing with Charizard's G-Max Wildfire in the anime. That's when I started getting choked up. XD

13. ...PBBBT (Shrug)

14. Technically not my Pokemon (yet, I hope), I was a liiitle shocked when I saw a SECOND WILD DRAMPA in the park just five minutes away. When I asked the original Drampa if he'd found a mate, he just gave me this hilariously blank stare. That's all I'm saying for now~. XD

15. The future: it's my life goal to help our people in general become just the tiniest bit kinder, more mature, less quick-to-judge, and more empathetic and understanding. Just a little bit, at least. As for truth or ideals... I think they're equally important. If you have ideals for a better future, you need to face the truth of what the world is today... even if it really hurts.

16. I'm high-functioning autistic and... well, I I think when I was a kid people thought I was crazy when I began breaking down in public school.

17. Iron shields. The best offense is the best defense.

18. I watch Sinnoh contests all the time! They can get me REALLY choked up with the creativity and when you see fanmade music videos of contests... it's just magical.

type asks ^v^

normal: what's smth that's normal to you that might be interesting to people in other regions?

grass: what do you need in order to grow?

fire: do you burn short and bright or long and steady?

water: what do you do for rest and recreation?

electric: talk abt how the power of technology has improved your life ^v^

bug: what does art mean to you?

flying: have you ever been to another region?

poison: what's your favorite genre of music?

rock: tell the story of a time one of your pokemon evolved!

ground: how are your leadership skills? how often do you need to use them?

psychic: what's a weird or unusual talent of yours?

fighting: what's your fave thing abt pokemon battles?

ice: what's the coolest thing abt you? 😎

ghost: talk abt a time one of your pokemon surprised you ^v^

dragon: past or future? truth or ideals?

dark: what's a misconception ppl have had abt you or your pokemon?

steel: sharp blades or iron shields? attack or defense?

fairy: do you do performances w your pokemon? if you don't, do you ever watch them?

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6 years ago
Basic:Type: Fairy/FightingSpecies: Swift Kick PokemonHeight: 6'2Weight: 260.5 LbsAbilities: Mother's

Basic: Type: Fairy/Fighting Species: Swift Kick Pokemon Height: 6'2 Weight: 260.5 lbs Abilities: Mother's Love*, Technician, Friend Guard(Hidden)*Attack is raised if a team member was hatched Breeding Group: Fairy, Humanshape Gender:  100% female

Base Stats: HP: 80 Attack: 130 Defense: 100 Sp. Attack: 90 Sp. Defense: 110 Speed: 80 Total: 590

Pokedex: Extremely protective over young Pokemon. Its stopped focusing on punching so it could develope it super-powered legs. Its Hi-Jump Kick can destroy almost any thing in it's path.

Evolution: Fully Evolved

Moves learnt by level up 1: Aura Sphere

1: Misty Terrain

1: Charm

1: True Tears*

5: Pound

10: Defense Curl

17: Baby-Doll Eyes

20: Vacuum Wave

20: Power-Up Punch

25: Draining Kiss

30: Sky Uppercut, Rolling Kick

34: Mat Block

40: Drain Punch

40: Jump Kick

46: Play Rough

50: Close Combat

Evolve: Hi-Jump Kick, Return

70: Knee Smash*2

80: Maiden's Dance*3 *- Fairy, Lowers Attack and Sp. Attack drastically

*2- Fighting, Pwr: 140, Acc: 80, PP: 5, Effect: Lower users defense by 1 stage and the foes defense by 2 stages

*3- Fairy, Raises Attack and Speed by 1 stage

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5 years ago
This Was A Request Frommy Facebookon What I Thought The Starters Would Be If They Were Given A Second

This was a request from my facebook on what I thought the starters would be if they were given a second typing(so expect the other 2 soon. Might even do the johto starters too :/) and,well lol they would've totally did fighting XD. I did consider Electric at one point but unless it was given another electric move other than Electro Ball it wouldn't happen. It also doesn't look too different because fighting type was its destiny. I'm pretty happy with what I did do,though,adding stripes on its torso to resemble a sports tee,pads on the elbows & knees,a ripped patch of fur on its legs that I didn't realize looked like a lighning bolt until afterwards XD,the bandaid on its head from Scorbunny lengthening into a tied ribbon,and a fur scrunchie around its ears when in battle mode.

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5 years ago
Last Of The 3 Johto Starters. I'm Also Using A New Signature. Let's Hope I Remember To Use It! XD Not

Last of the 3 Johto starters. I'm also using a new signature. Let's hope I remember to use it! XD Not too much of a difference but I added 2 more stripes on its front which is a very slight reference to emperor's sash they wear on their uniforms since some translations of Feraligatr's name have words that mean emperor. I also changed the underjaw and stripes to a more peachy color,combining both its original yellow color and orange which is the color for fighting types. I added cuts on the knuckles and changed the fin colors to match it and finally I shaded around the eye to resemble a black eye.

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5 years ago
Raboot + Machamp + PrimeapePrimaboot Is An Extremely Hot-tempered And Angry Pokemon. Its Fighting Styles

Raboot + Machamp + Primeape Primaboot is an extremely hot-tempered and angry pokemon. Its fighting styles are so extreme that it no longer has a championship belt. It practices its moves on mountaintops,completely isolating itself from people and pokemon.

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