Feanaro - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Something I noticed.

There are two characters in The Silmarillion that I'm aware of who are described as having a darkness in them before they actually even did anything.

There's Fëanáro, and Galadriel said it.

And there's Maeglin, and Itarillë said it.

... The thing is, both of them were also motherless - Fëanáro having never really known his, and Maeglin having lost his (and his father) through an incredibly tragic event.

I wonder if that "darkness" that Galadriel and Itarillë saw was simply trauma and not a darkness of character, but they were simply to inexperienced to tell the difference. (Itarillë might've also had the same thing, considering what happened to Elenwë.)

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6 months ago

Forget what I said. If he looses his father and little girl they're all even more screwed than before....

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4 years ago


Look, I know it says he wore them on his brow but I couldn't find a way to make that look good so he has a Very Fancy Necklace instead

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2 years ago

Overwhelming Love

 Overwhelming Love

Pairing = Fëanor x reader

Genre = General audiences

General ratings = fluff & angst

Content warnings = none

Reader’s gender = afab!reader, but no explicit gender (only pronoun used to describe reader is ‘you/your’)

Word count = 2,9k

Notes = second fic!! 🥳🥳🥳 I hope you enjoy it! Here are some words you should know before you read = málonya means ‘my friend’, lomba means blind, melinya means ‘my dear’, lissëhón means sweetheart, vanimelda is the highest word of praise for beauty (beautiful and beloved, elven-fair), ammë means mother and finally, yonya means ‘my son’

 Overwhelming Love

Fëanor had always felt insecure with the love people gave him. Since his mother died and his father remarried to have other children, he felt as if he wasn’t enough. Why would his father want other children if that wasn’t the case? And so, he outdid himself in everything he did to have his father’s attention. That was how he found his passion for writing and smithing.

One day, in the palace’s library, he felt for the first time that type of love he read so much about. You were browsing the shelves, Laurelin’s rays were caressing your skin gently, making you seem ethereal. For the first time in all of his life, Fëanor was speechless. Your beauty seemed to exceed that of Varda Elentári. Seeming to feel his eyes on you, you turned and looked in his gaze directly, before he abruptly tore his eyes away and faked reading. His cheeks were hot. You caught him looking at you like a creep! Of course you didn’t know that he was admiring your beauty, you didn’t know him!

Fëanor was torn out of his thoughts as he heard books being delicately put down on the table in front of him and a chair scraping against the floor. He snapped his head up and his eyes grew comically large as he saw you smiling at him. You spent a good hour reading with him, before leaving with a small ‘goodbye’. He couldn’t believe it. You had sat with him! Even if you hadn’t talked, you had supported his presence enough to stay seated with him for an hour.

The next few days passed in the same manner. Fëanor seated himself at his usual table and you arrived later, picking a few books before seating yourself in front of him. You gave him a shy smile and then you read in silence until you left after murmuring goodbye. Fëanor became used to this routine, so he was shocked when one day, in the middle of reading, you cleared your throat. He looked up at you and saw you shyly looking into his eyes.

“My name is (Y/N)”

He looked at you dumbly, before he realized he was supposed to introduce himself.

“I’m Fëanáro.” He said, awkwardly. He mentally beat himself, for that was his first impression of him to you. Awkward and not knowing how to converse. Normally, he didn’t have any difficulty talking, but you seemed to make his brain melt so that the only thought left was you.

“It’s nice to meet you, Fëanáro.”

You went back to your book, smiling gently and blushing. He was perplexed. After his mediocre introduction, you still didn’t mind his presence? You must be the incarnation of patience..

“What are you reading, if you don’t mind me asking?” He said, after searching for a long time for something intelligent to start a conversation with.

You looked up from your book, surprised, but also seemingly happy.

“Well, you see…”

That was the day Fëanor made his first friend. You were kind and patient, even with him. You listened as he rambled on and on about one of his discoveries or a topic he was passionate about. It seemed with each day, your beauty became more and more all-consuming. From the tip of your ears to your boots, Fëanor thought you were pretty. Your fëa was the cherry on top of the cake. You were so gentle and funny and respectful, he couldn’t imagine what ’perfect’ was if it wasn’t you.

One day, Fëanor saw you talking to another ellon at the ball his father threw for his coming of age. He didn’t understand why he felt so jealous. You had the right to pursue anyone you liked! So why did he covet your love like he did with his father’s? He ended up feeling angsty for a good amount of time, his jealousy making him snappy and insecure. What if this ellon didn’t like him and wanted you to stop being his friend? The rational part of his mind told him that you were probably only talking to him, flirting at most. You wouldn’t abandon your friendship for someone you weren’t in a relationship with.

He went outside, brooding in silence. A few minutes passed before he heard someone come his way. He looked out the corner of his eye, choking on air as he saw you. You looked concerned and he disliked himself for it, but he felt a strange sense of satisfaction at the fact that you left that ellon to go check up on him.

“Are you alright málonya?” You asked him, your brow furrowed in confusion and worry.

“I… am not..” he confessed hushedly.

“What is wrong then, Fëanáro?” You seemed to be truly concerned now, for he never admitted to being anything other than ‘perfectly fine’.

“I wish for something I probably cannot have..”

You looked deep into his eyes, seemingly searching his fëa. He turned his gaze away, afraid of your reaction if you were to find out.

“Fëanáro… tell me. Please..”

He felt the words of admission come out of his heart and up his throat, in his mouth, he only had to open it and he would be free-

“Why don’t you go back to that ellon you were talking with? You seemed happy with him.” He snapped instead, shame curling inside of him at his cowardice.

“Are you…jealous?” You quietly asked.

Fëanor flinched, not expecting you to see through his words, but then again, that was underestimating you, for you were the smartest elf Fëanor had ever come across. His silence seemed to be enough of an answer for you, because you took his chin in your hand and turned his head so that he was facing you.

“Oh, you lomba man..” you sighed, something like fondness taking over your features.

“I have loved you for a very long time, Curufinwë Fëanáro Finwëyón. You have a brilliant mind, you make me feel all fuzzy inside and meeting you at our spot is like coming home. I cannot tell you how many times I daydreamed about kissing your lips and holding your hand. You make me irrationally happy, Melinya. If you would have me, I would be yours..” you confessed, looking at his mouth towards the end of your last sentence.

He put his hands on your hips and tugged you towards him, kissing you passionately. To know that you felt the same way as he was a relief to Fëanor.

“I wish to court you properly, lissëhón. Can I?” He asked, breathless from your kiss.

Your enthusiastic nod and kiss is enough of an answer for him.


Your wedding was the biggest and most beautiful of the century. Everyone was in high spirits. It was fun to dance with you, but what was most wonderful was seeing your constant smile as you talked to guests.

Fëanor tore his gaze away from you as he saw your parents approaching. You were the exact copy of your mother, except for your smile. Your father had ginger hair and he had given you his smile. They were wonderful people and he was more than happy to have them as his in-laws.

He was teased by your father for his constant looking, but Fëanor couldn’t stop. You seemed to be radiating happiness as you walked towards him and your parents. It was incredible how Fëanor found himself falling deeper in love with you every day that passed.


The birth of your first son was a joyous occasion. Maitimo, you called him. Well-shaped one. You were absolutely right, for your child was beautiful. He had inherited his grandfather’s ginger hair and freckles, the eyes of his father and he had your ears, nose and lips. He was the joy of both your hearts.

The birth of your second son was an even more joyous occasion, for Maitimo was the one who had asked for a sibling. He bounced up and down, excited at the prospect of having a brother to play with. Makalaurë, you named him. Forging gold. Once again, you were dead on with the name, for little Makalaurë seemed to make songs more powerful than the Valar, spinning them from gold and leaving all hearts who had heard his singing aching for more. He had inherited his father’s hair and face and your eyes, nose and smile. He was magnificent.

The birth of your third son was followed by exclamations of joy and happiness. Makalaurë and Maitimo were ecstatic at the thought of another brother. Tyelkormo, you named him. Hasty-riser. He was a bundle of energy and woke you up at ungodly hours so that he could play. He was also quick to anger, filled with insecurities and quick to defend his loving family. He had Míriel’s hair, his father’s eyes and your ears, smile and nose. He was breathtaking.

The birth of your fourth son was a cacophony of delight. Everyone had waited long for this little one and he was finally here. Carnistir, you named him. Red face. It had surprised you all that your fourth son had a permanent blush on his face. It was however clear to all that it was adorable. Kisses were pressed on his cheeks constantly and hands caressed his hair. He had inherited the hair of his father and of his eyes while he had your smile and personality. He was calmer and more solitary, preferring to spend time with you than with other kids his age. He was your bliss.

The birth of your fifth son was filled with amusement. This little one looked so much like his father, it was comic. Atarinkë, you named him. Little father. It was more than fitting, for your fifth son attached himself to Fëanor and never let go. Everything his father did, Atarinkë had to do. He looked to Fëanor with awe in his little eyes and wanted to be held by him all the time. He loved his brothers and his parents more than anything in the world. You had no doubt you were heroes in his eyes. He was your euphoria.

The birth of the twins rocked the house. No one had really expected two babies when you had announced you were pregnant. Ambarussa you named them. Top-russet. It was fitting, for they both had the ginger hair of your beloved father. Your reasoning for giving them the same name was because they were born together and were fated to have one name. You still decided to give them separate names anyway. Minyarussa, you named the first one. The first. It was in relation to their birth order, for Minyarussa was the first one to see the light of Telperion. Umbarto, you named the second one. The fated. You had seen something, yet refused to tell Fëanor, which worried him, but at the same time, he didn’t want to push you. They were your rapture.


The rational part of his mind wailed in despair at what he had done. The Fear, however, was too strong. He had lost his father, he couldn’t lose his sons too, was what It whispered to him. And so, he bound himself and them to an oath. He was leaving Valinor to avenge his father and protect his sons from the Valar, they who hadn’t taken the menace that was Melkor seriously, they who had failed to protect them, they, who in a sense, were a part of the reason his father died. He would protect his sons, at all costs.

You weren’t in agreement with The Fear. You told him that this was madness, that he couldn’t do this, to abandon the oath and go back to how things were before. The rational part of his mind screamed at him to not do this, that you were right and that he would lose you if he didn’t heed your pleas. The Fear, however, was too strong. It killed the rational part of his mind with It’s fists and screamed at him to get away from this place. You didn’t come with him to Arda.


In his final moments, Fëanor thought back to what you had said and the rational part of his mind rose from the dead to tell him you were right.


Fëanor didn’t know how many years he spent in the Halls of Mandos. Time passed strangely there. Or more accurately, time had no meaning in these halls. When he was released after he had repented for his crimes, he learned that his sons were also free. He learned that Maedhros had married Fingon and that the former had adopted twins with Maglor. He had a second grandson, another one than little Celebrimbor, named Elrond.

You came to see him shortly after he was released. You both looked at each other, strangers again. He desperately wanted to go back in time and undo his mistakes. Oh, how he longed to wake up with you in his arms, to create you new jewelry and to brag with you about your sons’ accomplishments to other parents. He knew he had lost this privilege and that it was his fault. He knew he had lost you.

However, a glimmer of hope appeared in his chest as you slowly came forward, inches away from him. He raptly listened to what you had to say.

“I do not wish for us to separate our fëas, Fëanáro. What you did was cruel and pure madness, and I do not think I can ever forget what you put our sons through. However, our sons vouched for you. They explained to me that at the time of the oath, you weren’t yourself and that you weren’t okay mentally. I want you to heal, my love. Then we can see where we stand, as you are yourself again.”

“I promise I will heal, vanimelda. I promise.”


Fëanor kept his promise. He went to Lórien to work on his mind and fëa. It was an arduous journey and he sometimes wanted to give up. The rational part of his mind screamed each time he thought about that to not waste his only chance to win you back. His sons sometimes came to visit him. He apologized to all of them and to Celebrimbor. He was miraculously forgiven.

Fëanor had the pleasure to meet Elrond and his wife, Celebrían, along with their sons, Elladan and Elrohir. It was awkward at first, but slowly, they all warmed up to him. This gave him hope that one day, you could welcome him back into your arms.


The first time he met his mother in millenia, he cried. He fell into her arms and she hugged him to her chest, crying too. Torrents of tears fell down his cheeks, joy and hurt mixed together. He felt like Nienna had struck him down with grief as he could feel her lips kissing the crown of his head. Míriel rocked him back and forth, humming a tune he remembered was from his childhood.

When he had calmed down, he met his mother properly. They talked for days on end, taking back the time that was cruelly wrenched from them.

“Do you think she’ll ever take me back? Do you think she could love me again, ammë?”

His mother looked at him with love overflowing her eyes.

“Of course, yonya. Please let me meet her when you have won her back!”


His mother’s words carefully tucked to his chest, he made his way to you. His heart beat-no pounded in his chest and his stomach had a weird fluttery feeling inside of it. The greatest elf who ever lived, Curufinwë Fëanáro Finwëion, was nervous. He knew his sons would welcome him, but you, he had no idea. He hoped, oh how he hoped.

When he stood before you, Fëanor found himself speechless for the second time in his life. You were a beauty to behold, your magnificence unable to be described with words ; you were a feeling, someone to look at. One could not describe your beauty, they had to see it and to experience it.

“Hello, Fëanáro.”

Oh, how he loved how his name rolled off your tongue!

“Hello, (Y/N).”

He had no idea where to start. He had so much to say, yet so little words came to him. When you looked at him and gave him that little smile that made him fall in love, he knew everything would be alright.


Fëanor woke up, feeling for once at peace. He looked into his arms and found himself smiling, for you were there. The day before, after a long discussion filled with tears, you had accepted him back. That night, you had rekindled your fëas and it felt amazing to feel you again.

That day, Fëanor took you to meet his mother. It was a meeting that made his heart swell with the love he held for the two of you. He invited his sons along and his heart almost burst at the sight of his mother hugging her grandchildren. He looked at you and knew that the overwhelming love he held for you was right. He now knew peace, reunited with his family, even if he missed his father. Yes, this was indeed where he was supposed to be.

 Overwhelming Love


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1 year ago

Sex with Fëanor (Headcannons) - NSFW :

Sex With Fanor (Headcannons) - NSFW :

Fëanor would be the most generous sexual partner ever

No matter your genitals, he’ll make sure you end up not being able to walk the next morning

Making you overstimulated, make love to you well into the night, so he’s sure you will be able to spend the morning in bed with him

Even if you don’t have a pussy, he clearly has a breeding kink

« Want me to fill you up, hm? Be a good boy/be good for me, Vanimelda. »

Tears of pleasure would run down your face and you would receive soooo many compliments

« So pretty, just for me »

« Come on, love, I know you can have one more »

« Tired, handsome? »

Hickeys everywhere, on your tights, your neck, your chest, etc.

I headcanon him as someone who loves to eat out their partner, whether it’s your pussy or your asshole, or even give you a blowjob

He just loves seeing your fucked out face, the noises you make and he lives for your praise

Tell him he only can make you feel like this, that he’s the most handsome elf to ever walk on Arda, he eats it up and rewards you for it

He also loves hearing you tell him you’re his, and his only

When he’s about to cum for the who-knows-how-many-times, he’ll say

« My love, my joy, my heart, mine, can I? » while panting in your neck

You only need to say « Yours, my love, you can! » and he’s cumming, balls deep into you

What is also wonderful, is after the mind blowing sex, he has the best aftercare

He kisses you, massages you, brings you a drink/food if you want some, cuddles you, tells you over and over how much he loves you, etc.

All in all, he’s one of the best elves you could ever have sex with

Sex With Fanor (Headcannons) - NSFW :


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1 year ago

Dating Fëanor (Headcannons)

Dating Fanor (Headcannons)

Fëanor is an absolute sweetheart

He loves to do things for you, whether it be giving you a massage, make you food, relax with you in your chambers, etc

He will always be there for you, no matter the problem

He is the absolute best at comforting people (it comes with being a dad of seven)

Hugs, kisses, jokes, etc. You don’t even need to ask for, he’s offering!

He adores you and will do his best to make sure you know it

“You know I love you, right, meleth? You are a treasure, a precious gem, a wonder amongst the calm beauty of the world. I love you, I love you, I love you…”

Fëanor is big on words of affection and touch

If you don’t really like it when people touch you, then he’ll respect your boundaries

He’ll compensate by giving you lots and lots of gifts, as well as telling you he loves you more often

Fëanor adores to cuddle, it’s one of his favourite activities

Please cuddle with him he’ll never ask for it, he’s a little bit too prideful for that

Fëanor absolutely loves to make you jewelry or weaponry, it’s one of his favourite pass times

Necklaces, crowns, earrings, rings, daggers, swords, arrows and bows, you name it, he makes it

Fëanor is a bit insecure when it comes to love, so it means a lot when you tell him you love him

Of course, he logically knows you love him, no matter what your love language is, but his insecurity fucks with his logical side

Just a kiss with a whispered ‘I love you’ is enough to calm his insecurity

Fëanor is a master at teasing, especially if he’s taller than you

He’ll take something out of your hands and put it somewhere you can’t reach, laughing when you complain

“What? Don’t tell me you can’t reach that place, love. It’s not that high! Even Pityafinwë and Telufinwë can reach it!”

When you first started dating, he however carefully looked at his sons’ reactions to you when he presented you to them

It was very important to him that his sons liked, if not loved you

He relaxed when you incorporated the family without any problem

He was in a very good mood for a long while after that, because the people he loved the most had accepted you

His father had already given Fëanor his blessing for a marriage

All in all, Fëanor is a wonderful father and an amazing partner

Dating Fanor (Headcannons)



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1 year ago

Childhood Crush

 Childhood Crush

Pairing = Finrod x Mairafinwë (OC)

Genre = General audiences

General ratings = pure fluff <3

Content warnings = none

Word count = 1,9k

Notes = Hi, yes, hello 🫣 It has been a while, hasn’t it? Anyway, I found my inspiration back and I’ve finished this piece in time for day 5 of @tolkienocweek ! The prompt was ‘shipping’ so it was in theme and I thought ‘why not?’ Anyway, hope you enjoy!

 Childhood Crush

Finrod never lacked love. He was loved, and he loved back. He loved his father, his mother, his brothers, his sister, his grandfather, his uncle (uncles, sometimes, but he didn’t see Fëanáro much. He was still cool, in Finrod’s eyes. He always received little gifts from his uncle when he visited. It was a little secret between them, because for some reason, Fëanáro didn’t want Arafinwë to know. Finrod thought it funny, because Arafinwë was aware, but pretended he didn’t.) loved him back.

However, as he turned around five (in men years), he noticed something. His father kissed his mother and looked at her with Starry Eyes. His uncles all looked at his aunts like that too, Uncle Fëanáro with Aunt Nerdanel and Uncle Ñolofinwë with Aunt Anairë. He saw teenagers do that, too. And he didn’t understand. Why did they do that? It was so weird!

So he asked his mother and she replied something that didn’t make sense at the time. She said : “People kiss each other and look at each other with ‘Starry Eyes’ because they love each other, dear.” Finrod looked at her dubiously. What did she mean, ‘It’s because they love each other’! Finrod loved his brothers, but that didn’t mean he looked at them with Starry Eyes and kissed them on the mouth!

It was when he turned ten (in men years), that he understood what his mother had meant. He was with his family at a banquet organized by his grandfather Finwë. For once, miraculously everyone was getting along, and then, he saw her. Seated between a teenager Makalaurë and a small Turcafinwë, sat the most beautiful girl Finrod had ever seen. She had long silver hair, just like Lady Míriel (Finwë kept her portrait in his study) and gray eyes like Fëanáro. To be honest, she was the perfect replica of Lady Míriel, but with Finwë’s eyes.

Finrod felt his face get hot, before he averted his eyes. But then, he found his eyes drawn back to her. He couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Finrod didn’t understand at the time why he felt so drawn to her. She was just a normal girl! But that was where he was wrong, because she was the only daughter of Fëanáro. And it was well known that his children are everything but ‘normal’.

He stole glances at her, greedily looking at her eyes and hair and cheeks and smile and- everything. He looked at her everything and felt weird inside.His heart thumped loudly and his stomach felt like it was dancing. He wondered why he was feeling this way.. It was then that they made eye contact. Gray eyes meeting blue ones, holding each other, drowning in each other.

Later on, when Finrod grew restless of sitting and listening to the adults talk about boring things, he got up and went to the gardens. The cool night air was like a balm to his still hot cheeks. He looked towards Telperion, sighing as he felt tiredness come over him. Normally, he’d be in bed by now. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy he could stay up late, but he really wished they were back home. He missed the feeling of the ocean breeze on his skin and the salty air. At the same time, he felt overjoyed at seeing his grandfather and Tirion again. The city was wonderful and a delight to his eyes. Art was everywhere and people were kind.

He was startled out of his thoughts by the most beautiful voice he had ever heard (after Kanafinwë’s, of course, but not that he’d ever admit it).


Finrod whirled around, cheeks heating up as he saw her.

“H-Hi!” He replied, his eyes widening as she smiled at him.

“You’re my cousin Findaráto, right?” She asked, her eyes twinkling in the silvery light of Telperion.

“Uh, yes!” Finrod stuttered out, feeling nervous for.. some reason. She smiled at him, extending her hand.

“I’m Mairafinwë. Pleasure to meet you!” She said and he shook her hand. Mairafinwë… The name was exactly like her : beautiful, graceful, a joy to look at..


Since that night, Finrod found himself visiting Mairafinwë often : he had gained a friend. She was funny, witty, calm and talented. Their beautiful friendship blossomed and they became closer.

“Don’t move!” Mairafinwë tsked, frowning a bit at Finrod. He sighed, going back into his original position.

It had been two years since they had met and Mairafinwë had invited Finrod over at her father’s house. After talking for a few hours, she had proposed to sculpt him. Finrod, overjoyed, had agreed. Mairafinwë was good with her hands, he had seen the sculptures she made. Of course they were pretty, she learned from the best : her mother, Nerdanel. What he didn’t expect was that it would take so long to sculpt him.

He squirmed in his seat again, admiring Mairafinwë as she worked. The light that came in by the tall windows caressed her skin, making her look softer than normal. Her long silver hair was thrown up into a bun as she worked diligently, frowning in concentration. She kind of looked like Fëanáro when she was working : the same frown, the same twitch of the lips, the same analyzing eyes.

“Can we take a break?” Finrod said, sighing. Mairafinwë looked up and Finrod’s heart skipped a beat or two, his cheeks darkening. She sighed, putting down her tools.

“Alright, alright. We’ll take a break.” She said, smiling. She was as beautiful as always and Finrod found himself unable to look away from her.

When she took his hand and giggled as she dragged him outside, he thought he understood what his mother had meant all those years ago.


Finrod knew that Mairafinwë was older than him, of course. It wasn’t by that much, but it frustrated him to no end when people whispered that he looked like a lost puppy following her around. He was fifteen (in men years)! It wasn’t fair that people thought he wasn’t deserving of her!

Finrod had recognized that he liked Mairafinwë, maybe even loved her. He hadn’t done anything about it, yet. He was determined to court and woo her properly, but he didn’t have the right ideas at the time.

He almost had a heart attack when Nelyafinwë and Kanafinwë approached him with matching grins. They were usually the ones who were the most respectful and didn’t throw pranks, so to see them approaching him like that, he knew that something was going to happen.

Finrod wanted the ground to open up and swallow him when they told him that they knew he liked their sister. However, he perked right up and all his embarrassment was forgotten when they gave him a list of things Mairafinwë found romantic and liked to do that they had roped Turcafinwë into getting for them. He thanked them profusely, before having the scare of his life when their expressions turned grim.

“We support you courting our sister, Findaráto, but listen to my words and listen well.” Maedhros started.

“If we find out you broke her heart, for whatever reason it is, you will pay.” He said, a frown etched on his handsome face.

“Are we clear?” Maglor’s ethereal voice sounded stern.

“Yeah, of course!” Finrod said, a bit fearful. He almost had whiplash from how fast their demeanours changed as their expressions turned happy once more. Maedhros clapped him on the shoulder, smirking.

“Good luck.” He said before they left him with his thoughts.


Finrod had successfully started to court Mairafinwë. Dates had been arranged and he was happy, and so was she. The threshold of hand-holding had been passed and they spent more and more time together, almost attached at the hip.

Everything was going well. Too well.

That’s why Finrod wasn’t all that surprised when one day, returning from a date with Mairafinwë, his uncle Fëanáro approached him, saying he wanted to speak to him.

Seated in his uncle’s office, Finrod felt a bit fearful. He knew that his uncle was extremely protective of his children, everyone knew that. Fëanor looked at him pensively, saying nothing and making Finrod squirm under his intense gaze.

“Findaráto..” Fëanor started, making Finrod gulp as he tried to calm his heartbeat, his nervousness making his palm sweaty.

“Yes?” Finrod said, cursing in his head as his voice came out weak. His uncle gently smiled at him, making him calm down a little.

“Mairafinwë has told me that you have been courting for some time now.” Fëanor said, making Finrod nod in acquiescence.

“She loves you. Very much. It is.. clear that she has fallen head over heels for you. I want you to know, first and foremost, that I support this courting.” Fëanor said, tilting his head. Hearing those words made Finrod significantly calm down, his tense posture relaxing.

“Mairafinwë is someone who loves with all of her being. She is.. she is extremely like my mother in this way.” Fëanor whispered this part, his gaze turning longing for a second.

“I want to know if you love her. As in, you won’t want to leave her side in a century or two. You two are young, and there is plenty of time to grow and mature. These feelings you have for each other may change and that is alright. But I want to know now if you think it might happen.” His uncle said, making Finrod shake his head rapidly.

“No. I.. I love her. With all of my fëa. I think.. no, I know she is the one.” Finrod said, making his uncle’s lips twitch upwards. Fëanor hummed.

“In that case, I want you to know that I entrust my daughter’s heart to you. Be careful : it is delicate and bruises easily.” Finrod nodded seriously, relief washing over him as his uncle gave him his blessing to court Mairafinwë.

“However, I want you to know that if I find out you have not been treating her with the respect or adoration she deserves, or that you have made her sad, there will be consequences.” Fëanor said, a small smile on his lips to soften his words. Finrod nodded again.

That day, he left Fëanor’s mansion happy, for he had gotten his blessing.


It was a month later that Finrod kissed Mairafinwë for the first time. It was magical : something that made him feel whole in a sense and that made him giddy to think about. They laid underneath a tree on the grass, their fingers intertwined.

“I love you, Mairafinwë. I love you a lot. I… I wanted to know if you.. If you’d like to..” Finrod hadn’t thought about how he would ask her to become a couple. Well, he had, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. The words were all wrong in his mouth and his mind worked faster than ever to find the right words.

Mairafinwë gently put her hand on his cheek, her plump lips turning up into a smile.

“Take your time, Findaráto. I’m not going anywhere.” She softly said with that magnificent voice of hers.

“I-… would you like to.. to become a couple?” Finrod asked, almost wincing at his clumsy words. In his mind, he had imagined asking her poetically with a grand romantic gesture. Still, Mairafinwë smiled gently at him, her pretty eyes twinkling with happiness.

“I would love to.” She responded, making Finrod nearly bowl over with relief. He smiled at her and she smiled back. And he understood. He understood what his mother had meant.

When she kissed him, he felt his stomach dance and his cheeks become hot and thought : ‘How I love her..’

 Childhood Crush

End notes : I hope you enjoyed! I have one story and some headcannons in the work, so I should post more often! <3

@theladyvanya @koyunsoncizeri

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1 year ago



Pairing = none

Genre = general audiences

General ratings = family fluff

Content warnings = none

Word count = 805

Notes = Hope you enjoy! The prompt was ‘siblings’ from @tolkienfamilyweek day 2!


“What are you both doing?” Mairafinwë’s voice sounded out, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

Amrod and Amras froze as they looked at her like they had been caught doing something they shouldn’t, before looking at each other.

“Nothing.” Amras said, giving his older sister a suspicious-looking smile, while Amrod nodded somnely. Mairafinwë raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, before she looked at what the twins were trying to hide with their hands.

A bucket full of burdock seeds was there, making Mairafinwë frown.

“And what do you plan on doing with those?” She asked, crossing her arms as suspicion came over her.

Amrod and Amras looked at each other, communicating silently with each other thanks to micro-expressions made with the twitching of their ears, the tightening of their lips and the movement of their eyebrows. After a little while, they both looked back at Mairafinwë.

“We’ll tell you if you promise to help us.”

Mairafinwë’s eyebrows raised and she pursued her lips, searching the eyes of her baby brothers intently. After a while, curiosity won her over and she reluctantly nodded. Ambarussa both grinned at her, hushedly asking her to come closer. She kneeled carefully on the ground, leaning closer to the both of them.

“You see, Tyelko put a bunch of squirrels in our room a few weeks ago.” Amras started.

“They ate some of our clothes and shit everywhere.” Amrod said, brow furrowing as he recalled the state of their room after that particular incident.

“Tyelko found that extremely funny. We thought we might make him pay us back.” Amras finished, grinning excitedly at the thought of getting ‘revenge’ on their older brother.

Mairafinwë hummed, remembering the incident clearly, where she had had to play peacemaker, holding the twins back from jumping on a laughing Celegorm. She also remembered the anger that had taken over her the day Celegorm put a bunch of racoons in her bedchambers and they had wreaked havoc upon it. Mairafinwë knew the feeling of being held back by an older sibling (an exasperated Maedhros, who was tired of Celegorm’s antics and a slightly amused Maglor).

Even if Tyelkormo was punished by their father and mother each time, he never ceased to play pranks on them, Caranthir and sometimes Curufin (one look from Maedhros served to dissuade Celegorm from doing any kind of mischief to him and Maglor… well, Maglor had multiple tricks up his sleeve).

Mairafinwë looked at her baby brothers and smiled.

“Alright you two. I’ll help you. What’s the plan?” She asked, grinning, feeling a bit giddy.


A few moments later, they were in Celegorm’s room, carefully picking burdocks and placing them on his clothes, bedsheets, pillows, blankets and carpet, giggling like children all the while.

“… what are you all doing?” Caranthir’s voice sounded out from the entrance of Celegrom’s bedchambers, making Mairafinwë, Amrod and Amras freeze.

They turned towards Caranthir, Mairafinwë smiling sheepishly.

“… a trick?” She said, shrugging, making her younger brother raise his eyebrows, surprised at seeing her play into the twins’ mischief.

Caranthir looked at the three of them, then at the burdocks, before he seemed to recall every prank that Celegorm played on him, before slowly smiling. He left the room, a big smile on his face, as Mairafinwë, Amrod and Amras all giggled quietly, finishing up placing the burdocks before quietly leaving.


An hour later, as the three of them hung out in the library, they saw Caranthir pass by with a large chest. Amrod and Amras looked at each other, smelling mischief, before they called out.

“Carnistir? What are you doing?” Ambarussa asked, making their older brother turn to look at them. He smiled even as his cheeks were redder than usual due to exertion, his eyes twinkling.

“A ‘special’ delivery.” He responded, making his sister and youngest brothers look at each other before smiling.

“Can we help you?” Mairafinwë asked, getting up and dusting herself off.

“Of course. It would be greatly appreciated.” Caranthir said, grinning.

All three of them helped Carnistir transport the heavy chest to Celegorm’s bedchambers, chuckling quietly. Amrod and Amras let out gasps of delight when they opened the chest, a good hundred of frogs jumping out to hide in Tyelkormo’s room. Mairafinwë chuckled as they left, closing the door behind them.


When at dinner time everyone was seated at the table except for Celegorm (he was almost always late when he went out to hunt with Oromë), the conversation was interrupted by a loud shriek coming from the blond brother. Fëanor and Nerdanel looked taken aback, Curufin frowned in curiosity while Maedhros rolled his eyes and Maglor tilted his head.

Mairafinwë snorted as Amrod and Amras couldn’t help but laugh, Caranthir smiling deviously as he savored his revenge.

Shrieks and screams could be heard throughout the mansion, as well as laughs and exasperated sighs.


End notes : reblogs and comments are always immensely appreciated!

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